jubealea · 4 days
hey, how are you rockin with farmer!price and his sweet little wife? 👀 summer 2024 = hot farmer/cowboy summer🤭
Farmer, lumberjack, rancher, hell, let's get it, nonnie! ❤️
Price is sure, steady, and nurturing like the ground he toils. He struck gold with you, hon, and he makes sure you know and understand that with every harvest he brings in. Everything he does is to provide and care for you like you provide and care for him.
He's built a damn good life with you, sweetheart. Like hell is he letting it go.
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jubealea · 4 days
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jubealea · 5 days
Gale deeply strikes me as a "randomly pulls his partner into little dances around the house" guy
Like, you're at home doing some little task or another, and he comes up behind you and hugs you. And you smile and turn around in his arms, and when you do he just pulls you into a casual waltz, humming a tune to follow, and smiling at the way you giggle. No particular reason. The mood just struck and he's a romantic and wanted to spend a minute just enjoying your company and making you smile. He'll finish by giving you a little twirl and a kiss and then let you continue with whatever you were doing, day that little bit brighter
I just imagine there would be a lot of small moments like that, living with him
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jubealea · 6 days
i love an "oh fuck" moment during smut.
picturing simon stopping his thrusts momentarily to hook his arms under your knees and press you open wider, using more of that hulking weight to bully his cock deeper into your weeping cunt.
it was already toe-curling, already mind-numbing and delicious but this new position and how absolutely soaked you are allows him to sink impossibly deeper. it's like lightning shooting through your entire body when he gives an experimental thrust, your eyes shooting open before rolling back into your skull as his cockhead rubs against some previously undiscovered sweet spot. it hurts, but in the best way possible; the pressure sensitive in a way you've never felt before.
"oh f-fuck.." you can barely gasp out, your hand reaching down to press against his pelvis. to stop him or urge him further, you don't know, but simon simply continues the slow roll of his hips, satisfied grumbles leaving him as he watches you grapple with the newfound sensation. "'s so deep..." you sob through clenched teeth and furrowed brows, and simon swears you've never looked more beautiful, taking his cock like the angel you are. like you were made for it.
that's when he really picks up the pace, hips slamming against your own, and you're making sounds you've never made before. it makes simon feral, the need to draw more of those unabashed sounds bone deep. it isn't long before you're cumming with a shriek of his name, and you don't even register the gush of liquid that comes with it. you don't register the gleam in simon's eye either as he leans down to press his lips to your ear, huffing out his praises all while never stopping the movement of his hips.
"sweet girl," he rumbles, suppressing a shiver when you keen in response, your orgasm having turned your brain to mush. "give me another."
you're in for a long night.
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jubealea · 6 days
men who knead your thighs and hip as you sit on their lap with their big hands as you slick their hair back and tell them about your day. who get so hard when you kiss their forehead and tell them you have to go shower. who don’t let you go and fuck you on the couch — deep, thoroughly, filled with love
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jubealea · 6 days
call it bad porno plot but blue collar simon coming to your house cuz you rang, saying you needed some plumbing done, and you, well, you didn’t expect this hulking mass of a man to come greet you with an accent so thick you can feel yourself getting wet :(
he calls you maam and missus—you say “just miss,” with a little cough because you’re not married, and he pauses and goes, “oh, is that so?” with this little pleased smile tugging at his lips.
he checks whatever’s going on in your kitchen sink and says it might take a while, and you can barely reply to him when he begins to shrug his jacket off, leaving him in this skin-tight black shirt that literally looks so beat up with overuse but unbelievably hot on him.
“reckon little ol’ me can have somethin’ to drink, maam?” he asks, crossing those thick arms over his chest, and you can barely rasp out your reply before you’re turning around to rummage around the fridge.
you don’t notice the way simon eyes you down, tracing your body and barely biting a pleased hum at the sight you make, all doll and pretty, so easy to read with your blown wide eyes staring up at him with such palpable desire.
you haven’t been fucked right, huh darling? probably never had a real man treat you well—fold you over the counter, make you squirt with only fingers, yeah?
well, he thinks, rolling his shoulders and grunting his thanks to you when you give him a glass of OJ, maybe i can be that man for you, isn’t that right petal?
(it takes a purposeful hit at the pipes for things to pick up—you came running back to the kitchen with a confused yelp, and the next he’s got you on your kitchen table, legs thrown over his shoulders, and his head buried in your cunt.)
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jubealea · 6 days
Simon 'I'm a bloody fuckin' gentleman' Riley
Simon who refuses to let you walk behind him. You're either in front or right beside him and never on the side closest to the street.
Simon who opens your car door and closes it after you get in.
Simon who puts gas in the car and refuses to let you handle it, especially when it's cold.
Simon who will go outside at night if you need to get something before winding down.
Simon who won't let you carry anything heavy even if you can do so.
Simon who won't let you put together or fix anything around the house.
Simon who's your escort around town if need be.
Simon who's the first to whip out his wallet. Complain all you fuckin' want, luv, he takes care of his.
Simon who makes sure everything is taken care of before leaving for deployment.
Simon who makes sure to check in with you every time he can because he knows you worry about him.
Simon who does all that and more because he's a bloody fuckin' gentleman. Your bloody fuckin' gentleman.
Simon who hits you with this look when he finds out you paid the tab instead of using the loo like you said you were going to:
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jubealea · 7 days
Ghost doesn't put much stock into the whole virginity thing, doesn't understand why anyone would give a shit. Until it's you. Until you're shyly telling him you've never done this before, asking if he'll slow down while he's kissing down your neck. Then suddenly there's a hot stone dropping into hi stomach, a deep possessive thing that howls at the thought he's the only one to touch you like this, that he's the only man who's ever going to wet his dick in your sweet pussy. Then he's obsessed with it. His big hands grabbing at every inch of you, his mouth dragging along behind them, God he loves the way you squirm, the way you plead for him to go slower, the way you bite your lip when you want something you can't voice. He'll get those lips babbling in no time.
He'll take his time opening you up, making you come on his fingers and licking you clean afterwards. You're so sweet on his tongue, so fucking pretty in his ears. He just wants you to scream for him, to whine and beg for him to fuck you. He wants you to be crying before he ever tugs his cock from his trousers. Maybe you won't be as scared of its heavy length if you're seeing it with watery eyes. Plus if you're already crying he won't have to worry about making you cry when he finally notches his cock against your entrance. He's slow working his cock into you, but that doesn't stop the stretch from burning through your core. He's so thick, his fat cock bullying it's way into your inexperienced cunt. The stretch of it hurts, the heat of friction coursing through you as he grinds his cock inch by inch into your tight cunt.
You can't take it all laying on your back like this, but he already know that. Seeing the tears that glisten in your eyes, hearing you whimper how full you are, it's better than seating his cock fully inside you. Besides, there's plenty of time for him to work it all in, plenty of positions to try. He doesn't want to scare you off just because he got greedy. That doesn't mean he's gentle with you. He fucks you like you're a toy, growling in your ear that you're his and only his, that he's going to mold that pretty pussy of yours to fit his cock, that all you need is a little training, all while his hips piston into you. He fucks you hard and fast, and you scream when you can get the breath for it. His thumb rubs at your clit, drawing tight circles of pleasure over the sensitive bud, and your hips desperately attempt to follow along. It's all too much, too hard, too fast, feels too good. You're drooling by the end of it, your nails scratching across his shoulders just for something to hold onto as his tongue plunges into your mouth. It may not be romantic but God damn the multiple orgasms Ghost wrings from you before he fills you full of is come are certainly memorable.
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jubealea · 7 days
könig who makes you stroke his hair and call him your good, sweet man while he fucks all his frustration into your warm cunt. coming home from a long mission, fists that are freshly cleaned of another man’s blood rooted on the bed on either side of you while his hips snap into yours at an abusive pace, broad body forcing your legs apart and exposing you to him. the tip of his leaky, pulsing dick knocks into your cervix painfully while he huffs and whimpers at your saccharine sweet voice, itching to press his mouth to your bouncing titties.
part of him feels guilty for using you like this, bullying his dick into your small hole and jerking off inside your snug walls, the feeling only dying away once it’s replaced by your affirmations, your nails scratching lovingly at his scalp. he made a promise to himself to never bring his work home, that includes the roughness he has reserved for the field, but sometimes he loses himself, only focused on the feeling of you around him, the adrenaline still tinging at his bones. apologizes profusely as he pumps his third load in a row into your sore pussy, hips faltering before he’s pulling out from over sensitivity. cleans you up and scoops you into his arms, mumbling praises into your neck. you’re too good for him— wrapping your arms around him and pressing soft kisses to his jaw— so sweet and loving, even when he’s being so brutish. he just needs you to remind him how good he can be <3
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jubealea · 9 days
Sir Everett
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A continuation of this post. But I'm hoping this could be read on its own.
Summary: Curtis wins the right to marry you and you are happy to be his.
Word Count: ~2.1k
A/N: Reader is female. No other physical descriptors given.
Warnings: Implied violence, Loss of virginity, Smut. Please let me know if I missed any!
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The tournament has been won and your heart soars as Sir Everett kneels before you to receive the winner's crown. You even kiss the top of his head as you place the crown, an appropriate signal to him that you are happy for his victory. His own heart flutters at your touch, he breathes easier at the thought that you are happy to be his.
As a lesser member of the royal family you were never given much privilege but what you did receive was a little more freedom. Free to study less traditional topics for royal women, free to have a say in your marriage options. You had been afraid of losing that freedom to marriage but with Sir Everett's victory, you were afraid no more. The cheers of the peasants echoed your own joy. He was their champion as well, after all.
The next few weeks were a flurry of activity. You weren't allowed to be alone with Sir Everett and you were restricted in topics of discussion when others were around. But what words you were able to exchange reaffirmed your wish to be his wife.
There was one oddity, though. Sir Everett said there would be two weddings. The one for the royals, the expected political wedding party. But there would be a second in his own lands, performed in the traditions of his people. Your wedding night would be celebrated after the second one. It was an unusual request but you had no reason to protest.
Everything went as expected for the royal wedding. You were relieved to be looking forward to your marriage. So few women had such a privilege. The entire ceremony your eyes never leave him. He is a man of few words but his face is ever expressive. You can read the sincerity in his features as he vows to always protect and defend you. He looks lovingly at you as you, in turn, vow to be faithful but there's a small tic when you make your promise to be obedient.
When you are allowed to kiss, you're feeling timid but Sir Everett gently pulls you so you're pressed to his chest and kisses you in an almost possessive manner. He prays that the kiss conveys his sincerity and want of you. It makes your knees weak and you lean into him for support that he happily provides.
The rest of the party goes as expected. Sir Everett is always touching you in some form or another. Usually holding your hand, other times touching your lower back, or your arm. He loves that you don't shy from his touch, that you don't wince or pull away from him. You are truly his angel and he hasn't been so happy in such a long time.
That night he takes you to your room but, remembering his request for a second wedding, you are not as nervous as you might be. Sir Everett, your husband, pulls you in for another kiss, more gentle and loving than your first with him. He holds you close and lets himself simply enjoy the feel of you in his arms.
“My Lord,” you whisper. “My Lord, we should rest for tomorrow's journey.”
He gently pulls away from you, “Curtis, sweet angel. When it is just the two of us or when we are in my lands, please call me by name.”
Your smile grows, “happily, Curtis.” His heart flutters at hearing his name fall from your lips. “But we should still rest.”
He nods, “with your permission I will sleep at the foot of your bed.”
“You would ask permission from your wife?”
His eyes are full of conviction when he replies, “you are my wife, not my property. Permission must still be asked for.”
“Must you sleep at the foot of the bed? Would you be willing to hold me through the night, that I may be more familiar with your touch?”
His breath hitches, “it would be my honor to hold you, sweet angel.”
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The journey to his lands is quick and uneventful. You're able to ride alongside him during the days and enjoy the feeling of being wrapped in his arms at night. True to his word, he did not do anything more than kisses and cuddles, waiting for the second wedding amongst his people.
You would forever be grateful to him for this, letting you become accustomed to his touch before the marriage was consummated. There had been too many stories of a newlywed husband simply taking his bride to bed and not caring for her comfort. Not caring about her tears of pain and fear. Some had even come to you soon after for your healing expertise. So to have your husband show such patience and care actually made you excited for the wedding night.
Your party gets to his lands early in the morning and his people are already working on getting everything ready for the ceremony and subsequent feast. Several of the ladies whisk you away, chuckling at how Curtis looks so lonely without you. He warned you this was likely to happen, that his most trusted people would take care of you and set you up with the dress and accessories for the ceremony.
Tanya, the woman in charge of everything, talks you through the steps of the hand-fasting ceremony, what will be expected of you, as well as some of the superstitions the locals have about things to do that will confirm a happy marriage. You make sure to pay attention and she seems to appreciate that you're following and asking questions. She also makes note of how friendly you are with everyone, confirming for herself that your reputation is well deserved.
While the first ceremony required you to wear the traditional white dress, evoking purity, the dress they gave you was green with flowers sewn into it, evoking fertility. Some of the flowers are freshly picked, others pressed and preserved. Tanya tells you it's important to have flowers from every season to symbolize your love being able to grow and survive in all conditions.
The vows are also very different from the first ceremony. As you and Curtis stand together, hands tied by intricate knots, you make the same promise to each other to love, honor, respect and care for one another. There is no mention of obedience or subservience.
Your kiss at the end of the ceremony causes cheers to erupt from the crowd and the celebration begins. There's dancing, feasting, cheer and merriment in contrast to the whispers and plotting of your first ceremony. You are encouraged to eat and drink your fill, as opposed to your first ceremony where it was thought improper for a new bride to eat. The wedding is truly better than you could have ever dreamed.
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When you enter his rooms that night, you're shy but eager. Curtis asks permission before undressing you, making your heart flutter. He takes great pains to be gentle with you after you give him permission, helping you step out of the dress before taking the time to appreciate your beauty.
“My angelic wife,” he rasps. Heat rushes to your face and you try to cover yourself with your arms but he stops you. “Please, my love, please let me see you.” His voice is hoarse with need and it has you pressing your thighs together, seeking some kind of friction.
You keep your arms down and he guides you to the bed, laying you on your back. He plants kisses all over you, taking time to lavish attention on each of your nipples. You can feel your arousal growing and moan appreciatively at his affection. Your moans, in turn, set Curtis off and he lets himself get more intense, paying attention to your reactions.
His mouth is still on your breast as he moves a hand to your slit, groaning as he feels how wet you are. You gasp as he gathers up your slick and rubs your pearl. You've played with yourself before but his strong, calloused hands are somehow more satisfying. He makes circles with your clit and you feel the tension building in your core, along with a need to be filled that you've never felt before.
“Please, please,” you start begging, unsure of what exactly you're asking for. Curtis seems to know and moves his hand so that his wrist can still press against your pearl as he sticks moves one of his large fingers in and out of your glistening pussy. The sensations he's creating are new but not unpleasant. You find your legs instinctively spreading further apart, your back arches, and when the building coil finally snaps, you cry out Curtis's name and let yourself fall into the pleasure of your orgasm.
Curtis stills as you catch your breath, “how are you feeling?”
It takes a moment for his words to register. “That was heavenly,” you confess.
He nods at your response. “Promise me you will say something if I am hurting you.”
“It's supposed to hurt the first time, my husband.”
He moves to hover over you, hands on either side of your head. “Only selfish or naive men let it hurt the first time. I would do better for my wife.” His eyes soften as he takes in your confusion. “Please promise me, angel.”
“I promise, my husband,” you whisper.
He gives you a deep kiss before pulling away to undress. You've never seen naked man before and you bite your lip in anticipation and nervousness. As expected he is well muscled with many scars. Part of you wants to run your fingers through the hair on his chest. As you look lower you see his thick, fully erect manhood and your breathing becomes shallow in anticipation.
As he crawls back up the bed, he stops to apply his mouth to your clit, pushing his finger back inside you. You let out a truly lascivious moan and he adds a second finger, causing you to roll your hips. He gets you worked up again but before you can let go, he pulls his fingers out, making you whine at the loss. You watch as puts his fingers in his mouth and moans at the taste of you.
He kisses his way up your body, making you moan and roll your hips wantonly. He slides his erection along your slit, covering himself in your juices before he lines himself up with your entrance. “Remember to tell me if it hurts,” he reiterates before slowly pushing himself into you.
There is a mild burning, stretching sensation but not necessarily painful. In fact, it feels kind of good. Curtis kisses along your neck as he keeps pushing and you moan your encouragement. He's shaking with effort as forces himself to go slow and carefully, letting your body adjust to him.
When he's fully sheathed he takes a breath to steady himself. “Are you alright?” He searches your face for any signs of pain or discomfort.
“My lord, Curtis, it feels...different, but good.”
“May I move? Are you ready for that?”
Tears form at the corners of your eyes, gratitude causing the emotions of the day to overwhelm you.
“Yes, please, Curtis,” you croak. “Please move. Need you to move.”
Curtis carefully starts rolling his hips, entranced by your reactions to his every move. He swears he'll never get enough of you. Unsure of how much longer he'll last, he moves his hand between your bodies and plays with your clit again, making you clench around him even more. Ever mindful of your reactions he starts moving faster, stronger and is rewarded more of those beautiful noises only he will ever hear. Another orgasm hits you and start babbling incoherently, lost in the waves of pleasure. Curtis comes with a ragged groan, spilling his seed into you.
After a few minutes of cuddles, letting you both catch your breath and mentally process, he starts pulling out of you, making sure to pay attention to your reactions. The soft hiss you let out gets his attention but you quickly reassure him. When he's fully pulled out he immediately checks for blood, silently thankful when there's no evidence he's hurt you. You whimper softly as he cleans up the mess he's left between your legs and he makes sure to leave soft kisses wherever he can on your body.
He holds you tight as he did all those nights on the road and you feel so safe, loved and cherished that you fall asleep almost instantly.
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Tagging @alicedopey; @icefrozendeadlyqueen; @ronearoundblindly
And @brandycranby, where can I pick up my bagels? 😆
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jubealea · 9 days
Simon will never admit Price is an idiot… to his face. But, when he sees you, the sweet thing formerly known as Mrs. Price, the word tastes bitter on his tongue.
He, and everyone else, knows you're still desperately in love with each other. The gentle smiles and longing eyes the two of you wear when the other isn't looking makes Simon sick, if he is being honest.
How could Price lose a woman like you? Simon asked himself that when he first met you and continued to do so for a long time after.
And when Simon finally manages to convince you to move on, he 'accidentally' sends a video of you moaning his name beneath him to Price. Just to show him what he lost
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jubealea · 9 days
I can't stop thinking about free use medic!reader. Earnest girl who joined up to help people, keep them healthy. Who becomes part of the 141 and comes to realize that though they're a united force, they're each so different, with their own strengths and personalities and quirks that she quickly grows to appreciate not just professionally but personally too. She likes Price, and Gaz, and Soap, and Ghost, and so she tries hard to keep her boys healthy. Patches them up, keeps an eye on their injuries even once they're healed so they won't act up, cause them undue pain. Makes sure they're eating right and resting between missions, not pushing too hard in training or drinking and smoking too too much. Okay, they don't love that part, but she's good at her job, and they do secretly like the attention, how she fusses over them, even if some of them pretend they don't. It's a different sort of care than they show each other, and it's nice to have that extra support, know someone's looking out for them beyond just their usefulness.
And, well, if their physical health is important, so is their emotional health. Lots of cortisol and adrenaline involved in their line of work, and not a lot of ways to burn it off. It only makes sense really that if she's sewing them up and rubbing out the tension in their muscles, she may as well bend over and let them use her holes for stress relief. That's what she joined for, after all; they need her, she's there, ready to take care of it. Anything to make sure her team can function to the best of their ability, of course.
And it works real well, letting them fuck her whenever they want. Their moods have improved, along with their training stats, almost across the board. Teamwork, too, and their medic has certainly had a hand in that seeing as they work together to work her over fairly regularly. They can't even remember a time when Task Force 141 didn't have their little medic with them.
And then hmm idk, mayhaps reader's IUD fails idk idk
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jubealea · 10 days
jeff sadecki thot (aka pathetic cmdr. graves), because why not!
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My toxic trait is knowing that I (you) can treat Jeff better than anyone in that godforsaken world. He could be giving heart eyes when you style his hair in the bathroom, trapping you against his chest as his hands hold the counter's edge. He's almost entranced, listening to you hum a tune or watching you squint your eyes as a way to focus.
Jeff could either be fighting back a boner or the painful urge to pull you into a literal bone-crushing hug when you embrace him, enjoying the way you rub your face in his sweater a little too much.
Jeff could be anticipating the irresistible sparkle in your eyes when he lets you have a taste of his cooking.
Jeff could have a dreamy look on his face when he listens to you talk about your day, a few pages of a novel you're reading, or if you speak another language, sway him with your accent/dialect, even if you say the most random of lines. His favourite kind is when it's after dinner when he has his head on your lap as you run your fingers through his hair.
Jeff could be looking forward to rainy days, where he would want nothing more than to make sure you stay warm in his arms. Pulling the covers up to your shoulders, letting you seek the warmth of his body.
Jeff could be biting down a cheeky smile whenever you have to crane your neck a little in order to look up at him.
Jeff could have his day saved just by being blessed with a kiss from you. He does not discriminate, so long it's your lips, he is a goner. (But if you tiptoe to kiss the tip of his nose? Knockout.)
God, he is pathetic. So pathetic that you just want to cover this man's face with lipstick-stained kisses. And please do exactly that. Cradle his head, and stare into his eyes before you smother him with your love. He will actually pass out.
No joke. He told me.
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jubealea · 11 days
We love them as good men. But when we turn them dark, what specific trait/thing about their dark version lures you in the most?
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First: 🫠🫠🫠
This is such a great question, although I’ll admit it’s really tough to narrow it down to one specific trait lol. I shall try my best thoe 😘
Steve: It’s the danger/intimidation factor. He’s so huge and strong and unapologetic in his desire for you that you don’t stand a chance against resisting him. And if you try, he’s gonna make you regret it in a pussy ruining way 😵‍💫
Andy: His possessive nature. I feel like it would be the shadow side of his provider/caretaker tendencies. Those turn to possession and maaaaybe even obsession. And I’m not mad about it 😌
Ari: The way he uses pleasure and intimacy against you to break you down. I view Ari as a very sexual person and he would worship you into exhaustion until you finally give in and admit you want him as much as he wants you 🫥
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jubealea · 11 days
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Part 2: explicit version of Captain Price and Commander Graves fighting for your affections, only this time they came to an agreement to please all parties involved, especially you.
Though with two possesive men lusting after you, it's unlikely for said agreement to last..
CW: NSFW content, Afab reader, explicit language, possessiveness, jealousy, angry sex, oral sex.
Part 1 here.
Song recommendation
Notes: I'm not a writer! These two make me absolutely insane.
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Both of them being so entirely different from one another was what made it so difficult for you to direct your desire to solely one.
Price was your Captain, he knew you through and through, your feelings and thoughts were his top priority, his lust was accompanied by his heart and genuine infatuation.
Graves, on the other hand, was a wildfire. Burning everything in his way just to get his hands on you, no matter the consequences.
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➳ Graves would be the first to come to you after the agreement, ignoring Price's request to talk to you first as to have a more discreet discussion. His eagerness wouldn't even let him explain things properly, only muttering a
"Fine, you want us both? You'll have us both." Before smashing his lips onto yours with such force that would make you hit your back against the wall. His hands would be everywhere, roaming from your thighs to your breasts like a starved man.
"My greedy, little slut. Let's see if you can take what you've been asking for." And so with one swift move, you'd find yourself chest pressed against the wall, his erection readily felt between the globes of your ass and through the thick layer of his jeans, making you quiver instinctively.
➳ Price would approach you with caution, explaining to you that you wouldn't have to do this. You wouldn't have to risk the strong bond the two of you have for this. His wariness would wash away the second he'd see the hickeys trailing from your pulse to your neckline. You'd have never seen such a shade of possessiveness colour someone's eyes so dark.
"He did this? Come here." He would pull you on his lap, straddling his muscular thighs as his hand would wrap around your throat, leaving sloppy kisses all over it.
"Remember that you are mine first, Y/N." The heat of Price's clothed cock would be getting even more intense, pressed against your throbbing core, leaking, rubbing insistently with every torturous roll of your hips against him, his tone ouzing of authority and dominance.
➳ Graves would throw snickered remarks at Price with every given chance, especially if your Captain would catch him coming out of your room at the temporary base.
"I don't think she'll be able to take more tonight, Price. I've tired her out enough."
➳ Price would try his hardest not to visit you after Graves, taking your wellbeing into account. That would last minutes until the realisation that you'd go to sleep with his scent all over you and he'd find himself knocking on your door late at night to cleanse that asshole out of your system.
➳ Graves' favourite position would be anything in front of a mirror. Cowgirl, doggystyle, you name it. It wouldn't take long for you to realise that this man gets off of degrading and corrupting you to the core.
What better way to do it than having you stare at your own reflection, mascara running down your face as he'd pound into you merciless, one hand wrapped around your neck and jaw to keep you from darting your gaze elsewhere and the other either fondling your breasts or your clit like a madman.
"What would your Captain say if he saw you like this, hm? If he saw me fucking you the way you deserve to be fucked. Bet he never gets to have you like this. Such a good little whore for me." His mouth would be pure filth against the shell of your ear, every word spitted out with a rough thrust and the promise of many red marks on your rear and thighs.
➳ Price's favourite position would be missionary, classic, and powerful, just like him. He'd wrap your legs around his torso in order to fuck into you as deep as he could, so you'd feel every inch of him filling you up as his hands would hold yours firmly against the mattress.
"Keep looking at me doll, fuck, you take me so well." His grunts and gravelly timbre would be enough to send you over the edge, his lips everywhere on your face.
He would bring your own fingers to your mouth to have you suck on them while maintaining eye contact before instructing you to rub your clit so he'd have the freedom of his hands to cup your breasts and massage your nipples, pinching them and fondling them to have you see stars.
"You're being so good for me. That's my girl." His intensity and desire to claim you would spar out of control towards the end, his arms would grab onto the headboard, banging it hard against the wall as to burry himself even deeper, his thrust picking up the pace to send you into a euphoric trance.
➳ If Graves felt jealousy taking over him whenever another man would be near you before, nothing would compare to the anger clouding his mind after getting to taste you. He would give his Shadows 'the talk'.
"Don't talk to her, I don't even want your fucking eyes lingering on her for more than a second." Having to share you with Price would be so torturing for his ego that would make him paranoid. Even your fellow 141 members would have the privilege of earning quite a few death stares for interacting with you. He wouldn't dare to voice it to them though.
➳ Price would feel his heart ache whenever he'd see you laugh with Graves. Sex was a natural need, an action that would end the second he'd walk out the door, but the thought of you developing feelings for the other man? That would push him over the edge.
"Back to your Shadows, Graves." The way he would speak to the arrogant Commander would make you think that he'd be about to commit murder and you'd be a liar if you were to say that you didn't like your Captain claiming you in such manner.
Of course Graves would ignore him, sending him a look of pure intent as he'd put a hand on your shoulder without breaking eye contact.
"Get back to your fucking team, Commander or I swear to God, I'll send you there face first." His body would conceal yours behind him, showing the other man where your place was before watching Graves roll his eyes and take a few steps back to take another look at you "I'll see you later, sweetheart."
He wouldn't see you though because when he'd try to enter your room later that night, the door would be locked and your obscene whimpers so vocal behind it like they were meant for anyone close by to hear.
"Say it. Tell me who you belong to, soldier." Price would let his title take over, his possessiveness leading you face down on the pillow, fingers firmly tangled with your hair before tugging your entire body upwards like you weighted nothing to press your back against his chest.
"I'm yours, Captain." He'd have you say it again, and again.
➳ Ah, Graves and his tremendous ego. How dare he leave marks on your soft skin? Only your Commander gets to do that. Of course he'd be under the impression that Price would never give it to you the way you wanted, his arrogance would be cut short the minute he saw handprints on your hips.
"My good mood is ruined now, Y/N. You have to make it up to me, don't you think?" He'd mutter the words with venom, undoing his belt with one hand and his gaze never leaving yours.
"On your knees. Now." His demeanour would be intimidating, cold like you were only meant to be used and solely by him. He'd use his belt to restraint your wrists behind your back as your knees hit the cold floor before sliding down what was concealing his erected length that was now only inches away from your mouth.
"Let's see how well you can use that mouth of yours." With your hands behind your back, your body would start to tremble as you'd try your best to fit every inch of naked skin in your mouth, tears coating your cheek to the sensation of him hitting the back of your throat.
"God, you look so pathetic like that, baby. So desperate to take all of me." He'd tug on your hair, his grip firm as to not let you slip him out of the warmth of your mouth, slowly fucking into it with his blue eyes piercing into yours.
➳ Price, on the other hand, would set you down on his wooden desk right in front of him, panties long forgotten on the floor as his grip would tighten on your thighs to keep them open. He would take a few seconds to take in the sight, your soaked cunt wetting up even more by the second, leading your slick to coat your folds so mouthwatering and all for him to taste.
"Use your words, doll. Tell me exactly what you want me to do to you." He wouldn't move an inch unless you'd describe to him exactly where you wanted him, hearing all those improper words coming out of your beautiful mouth would fuel his desire even more, lapping onto your clit the same way he'd kiss you, intensely, so you'd feel all the fire burning him alive for you.
"Don't hold back, love, let me hear every fucking sound." His long girthy fingers would fuck into you slowly, agonizing, matching the pace of his tongue flickering every inch of you and the way his beard would graze against your skin, would promise you feeling his touch for days afterwards.
➳ Graves would soon regret this proposition when he'd walk in the armory to find you on Price's lap, sliding up and down his cock torturously slow, your Captain's hands gripping on your hips to guide you on his length in a pace that would allow you to feel every inch of him inside.
The sight would pull him to walk further inside, making his presence clear by clearing his throat and leaning against the wall opposite of you.
"Don't mind me here, I'll take over once Captain here manages finish the job." His tone would be challenging, disrespectful towards the older man fucking into you so intimately. You'd think that Price would take you elsewhere to continue, but no. The second Graves' insulting tone would register in his brain, he'd go feral.
"Suit yourself, Commander." He'd spit out the other man's title like he was talking to a nobody, focusing on slamming your skin down on his length repeatedly as his lips would find occupation on your breasts, sucking the skin to leave purple shaded marks.
Your obscene moans filling the room with Price's name falling out of your lips like desperate calls for salvation would be enough indication that he was managing you just fine. Not to Graves, though, who would be fuming like a volcano about to erupt.
After you'd come down from the overwhelming high and ecstacy John put you through, Graves would walk over to you shamelessly. He'd help you to stand up from the cold bench to your feet, only to swiftly scoop you up so he'd wrap your legs around him and press you up against the nearest wall.
"Now watch here, Price. Maybe you'll learn a thing or two."
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jubealea · 12 days
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Captain Price and Commander Graves fighting for your attention would consist of:
(Reader is part of TF141 and only has a professional relationship with both. On the outside at least.)
Explicit part 2 here
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➳ Price having to hastily leave the room whenever Graves would so blatantly hit on you by either complimenting your shooting skills or devouring you whole with his gaze so he wouldn't remove Grave's head from his neck.
➳ Graves daydreaming about Price getting blown off whenever you'd call him 'Captain' or look at him with those puppy eyes awaiting for a command and Price staring at your lips for way too long.
➳ Price purposely pairing you up with him so you wouldn't have to be the one to go with Graves and his Shadows (plus a lot of whining from Soap cause he'd always have to do the dirty job.)
➳ Gaz would have to physically remove Price from the meeting room when Graves wouldn't agree on moving forward with the mission unless he had you on the team.
➳ Graves insisting loudly on you joining the Shadow Company after this mission cause he'd be a much better boss and he'd take such a good care of you under his command, a thousand filthy words hiding behind that everlasting smirk on his face.
➳ Price trying to hide his smile whenever you'd tell Graves to fuck off cause your team, especially your boss are just fine and you're good where you are.
➳ Price taking advantage of how comfortable and safe you feel with him with gentle touches, even better if Graves would be there to watch, touching your shoulder, fixing something on your uniform, lingering his fingertips a bit too long whenever handing you something.
➳ Graves biting back by making you laugh, telling you the stupidest jokes quietly enough so no one else would hear just to watch your cold exterior towards him crumble, earning a giggle from your lips before you replace it with your usual annoyed expression towards him.
➳ Price ordering you to do little things outside of the mission just to prove how obedient and eager you are to follow his every command with your usual, playful "Yes, Captain" or "Right away, sir" with a tone that revealed your obvious favoritism and Price having to excuse himself way too early for 'bed' cause that's all he could think about.
➳ Graves feeling so jealous he would unfortunately take it out on his Shadows, wishing you were calling him your Commander instead. One time, it accidentally fell from your lips while you had to pair up with them and Price wasn't present, and he almost finished in his pants.
➳ Price accidentally letting his calm composure slip and mumbling a soft "Don't leave." Wanting to add a silent 'me' at the end but then quickly realising how frustrating it was that Graves proposal got under his skin even though he knows how loyal to him you are. "Don't leave the task force, Y/L/N. We need you here."
➳ Graves following you outside in the beautiful quiet of the night, only the stars and the cool breeze accompanying you as you both sat in silence on the ground. He would let his guard down a bit, telling you all about the starry night sky back in his hometown in the US and how you'd love to see it, indirectly asking you to.
➳ Price bringing you coffee late in the armory while you'd be cleaning your weapon, sitting down next to you with his warm tea in hand. Just your presence would be enough to calm the thousand waves crushing in his mind.
➳ Graves would definitely become a stalker accidentally, trying to catch you alone cause whenever you'd be around your task force or Price, you wouldn't pay him much attention. "Running away from me, soldier?" He'd corner you against a surface, gaze intimidating like a predator about to devour his prey.
If you were to reply with his title like "Why would you think that, Commander?" He'd probably forget where the two of you were and press you up against the nearest wall.
➳ Price would notice you easing up for Graves and would take matters into his own hands, asking you straight away if there was something going on between the two of you and telling you how unprofessional it was, jealousy so very visible on his face.
"Are you jealous, Captain?" Your tone playful and unserious like always. He'd finally do something bolder, frustration catching up to him like a wildfire. "What if I am, Y/N?" He'd throw his cigar on the floor, eyes never leaving yours before closing in so the remaining smoke would hit your face along with the realisation.
"Do something about it then." And so he would.
➳ Graves would intentionally let slip something about yourself that you have told him on your little private midnight walks in front of Price, to let him know that the coldness you display is in fact only for show and that he knows more about you on a personal level.
➳ Price would have to take a step outside before doing something he'd regret, cursing the universe and Shepherd for bringing this asshole into his path to steal you away from him before his racing thoughts would get interrupted by the very person he despised the most.
"We're both grown men here, Price. Oh, and you know what they say. Sharing is caring."
What Graves would imply made him look even more dangerous in Price's eyes. Either let the better man win your affections or have them both share you so you wouldn't have to choose, even at the same time:).
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jubealea · 13 days
I wanna wake the 141 boys up by peppering their faces with so so many kisses 🥺
Price groans softly, then chuckles and hugs you close to him, pressing a kiss to your head while whispering a soft good morning.
ghost acts like he's still asleep, not wanting you to stop with your kisses until he eventually breaks and cracks a grin.
soap is a giggling mess, fully embracing the little kisses and reveling in your attention before giving you a proper kiss.
gaz chuckles when he first wakes up, but when he's awake enough he starts peppering your face back with kisses, uno reverse
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