js-favnanadoongi · 4 months
“i can fix him”
ok welcome to the construction crew
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js-favnanadoongi · 4 months
*~ 부숴 𝒊𝒏 𝒎𝒚 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒅 ~*
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js-favnanadoongi · 5 months
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gimme that beat !
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js-favnanadoongi · 8 months
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The eyes chico, they never lie.
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js-favnanadoongi · 10 months
I can’t fix him but I could fuck him.
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js-favnanadoongi · 10 months
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the fallen angel 🌑🥀⚰️⛓️
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js-favnanadoongi · 10 months
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who put him in these fuckass glasses.
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js-favnanadoongi · 10 months
“He’s a villain! You only like him because he’s hot.”
Okay and?
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js-favnanadoongi · 10 months
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js-favnanadoongi · 11 months
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js-favnanadoongi · 1 year
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js-favnanadoongi · 1 year
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Your head on my shoulder... hinting forever
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js-favnanadoongi · 1 year
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js-favnanadoongi · 1 year
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js-favnanadoongi · 1 year
3:36pm — gojo satoru;
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perhaps it's because gojo has never needed to drive, that makes him so bad at it.
you clutch the handle on the car door with a deathly grip as gojo manhandles the steering wheel, a cheerful tune on his lips. one elbow rested on an open window, the other casually caressing the wheel, his feet playing toesies with both the brake and the accelerator, you wonder if this was the end for you. at least he was wearing his sunglasses today.
what kind of confidence allows him to drive one handed, you wonder, but the thought is quickly rammed into the crevices of your mind as the car takes another sudden turn. you think you vaguely hear gojo hum a quick "oops, almost missed the exit!" but you'd rather believe he didn't.
you can't even focus on the scenery as it darts past the window, but it looks akin to something from a scifi film when an eager cast of space pilots jump a wormhole. except you’re neither an astronaut nor in space, you’re just an unfortunate soul stuck in a car driven by your best friend.
"that wasn't so bad." gojo chuckles, sparing getou and shoko a glance through the mirror.
"was that the grim reaper i saw around that past corner?" shoko asks, holding her cigarette with a shaky hand. you've never seen her tremble like that before.
"you saw it too?" getou groans, almost taking up the entire space in the backseat as he was previously relocated when gojo decided to take up the challenge of tackling an intersection. "my whole body is sweating. i don’t think i’ve ever sweated this hard in my life"
"don't get your gross germs in my car. and shoko, where did the cigarette come from? didn't i tell you no smoking inside?" gojo complains. his eyes flicker back on his best friend as he doesn’t receive an answer. "i'm being serious, getou, don't sweat on my car, i just got it today!"
"so why are you testing fate with every corner?" your words raise an octave as you look forward again, gojo's car swerving around another one incoming. "gojo, watch out!"
the driver’s face through the tinted window of the other car reflects your own as they barely skim the encounter. an angry voice pokes out from the window but the noise is lost as gojo drives on, completely unfazed.
a series of beeps chase after gojo’s car, and amidst the chaos, was that a siren? the right side of the car flies up as gojo rides over the curb before settling harshing back on the asphalt road. he glances over his shoulder and mutters: “who put a tree in the middle of the road?” under his breath.
your fingers dig into the car door. they hover over the handle, ready to flick it open and jump out.
"eyes on the road!" getou calls from the back.
"my parents told me it's impolite to not look the person you're talking to in the eye!" gojo all but sings.
"let me out." shoko says quietly, and when she's ignored she says it again. "gojo, let me out!"
"you're driving on the wrong side!” your shriek comes out unprepared. “move over the line!"
"it's a double line, that's illegal."
"are you serious? tell me you're not serious. hurry up and move, there's a car coming!"
“i think we’re being chased!”
"stop the car, i want out!"
"we're not even at the school yet, i can't stop now."
someone had to stop him.
"gojo!" you scream. "i want to stop by the convenience store, stop the damn car!"
he glances over at you and you really wish he didn't, because he has to spin the wheel a whole 360 and more to miss a parked car. "why didn't you say so? of course we can stop. now that you mention it, i'm craving icecream."
"i'll get you all the icecream you want if you could just pull over." getou offers from the back. glancing back, you see a thin sheen of sweat on his forehead.
"getou, your sweat." you sob and he hastily rubs it away.
"i'm sorry gojo, please don't keep driving because of this."
gojo huffs. "i already said i was stopping. why is everyone acting so weird today?"
the car revs, swerves and spins completely around, throwing you out of your seat. “i saw a store back this way.” the driver says.
getou dominos over on top of shoko who can no longer vocally complain as her throat was seized by fear. you look over at the maniac who caused this situation and realise it was him making the woop woop! noise. you had thought you were hallucinating.
gojo approaches the carpark, yet to everyone's dismay he doesn't slow. "trust me guys, i saw this move in a dream." when no one says anything, he decides its because he needs to clarify. "it was prophetic."
the car continues, accelerates even, as he beelines towards a single parking slot sandwiched between two other cars. there's no way, you think, but gojo was always about doing the impossible. was that shoko praying in the backseat? you didn’t realise she was religious.
just as you were sure you were going to crash, gojo spins the wheel, jerking the car around before reversing straight into the parking slot.
your head slams against the headrest painfully before being forcefully yanked upwards again. the momentum knocks the air out of your lungs and you gasp. distantly, you hear getou groan in pain and when you look back, you find shoko on the floor.
"so?" gojo turns to smile at you, brightly. "how was it?"
you smile back and throw up all over him.
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js-favnanadoongi · 1 year
They came back after few days
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js-favnanadoongi · 1 year
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