joyyyfullll · 1 day
who: joy & @johnmdarling where: echo isle public library
Now that she had some context behind the cute boy who sat behind the library desk, Joy was trying to be brave about actually speaking to him about something other than a book. She'd previously thought it odd to simply ask him about himself, but, now that she knew they had his brother in common, it was the perfect gateway into actually getting to know the librarian. She'd waited until after the line at the desk had cleared, giving her hair a once-over in the bathroom mirror and a silent pep-talk in the mirror before deciding it was about a good of a time as ever to both return her nearly overdue book, and to actually speak to John.
With a smile, Joy approached the desk, book in hand. "Returning this," she announced quietly, handing it over. "It was good, but not my favorite of the ones I've read lately. I can see why you liked it, though!" He probably expected that to be it, just a quick chat about the book he'd recommended for her, as that was usually the extent of these conversations. But, before he could tell her to have a good day, Joy had to drop the name of their mutual connection. "You know, I had no idea you were Michael's brother. He's one of my best friends, actually. He was just saying how you'd gotten a job here recently, and I was, like, oh, my goodness, I know that guy! Crazy, right? Welcome back to the island, by the way."
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joyyyfullll · 1 day
Joy nodded at the revelation, understanding now how and why she hadn't met his brother before. How was she to know about the family history of her crush, whose nametag at the front desk had simply said John? It was a fairly common name, too, one that hadn't raised any red flags when she'd decided she would pursue him. "So, he works here now? I need to start coming with you more often, so you can say hi to him, and he'll start to recognize me." Her eyes narrowed in the direction of the desk as she pondered on her plan. "If you're okay with that, of course. I don't want to make things weird. I had no idea, truly, when I said that that he was your brother," she added, placing the importance on her friendship with Michael first and foremost.
This was one of the first crushes she'd ever had, leaving Joy poorly versed in the realm of flirting. She had no idea how to sound cool, or nonchalant around John. Instead, she'd simply found her own excuses to talk to him, which had served her well enough so far, but she was running out of ideas beyond demanding book recommendations. "Okay, don't judge, but I don't really know how," she admitted, her voice lowering to an appropriate, library level. "How would he know I like him if I'm just talking to him like I do normally? And, how am I supposed to be normal when my heart races the entire time? At least, if I'm talking about a book, then I have a topic set--I don't have to come up with something to talk about, y'know?"
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At her loud and bubbly laugh, Michael was quick to join in the stranger that had hushed her, reaching over to smack Joy’s arm lightly and shaking his head. Not that he usually really cared about following library rules or worried about being too loud - but the last thing this conversation needed was for John to come over and interrupt it with a speech on library etiquette. “Yeah, he’s my brother,” he repeats, fighting back the smile that was trying to make its way on face at her reaction to this seemingly shocking information.
“Yeah, he left for school a few years ago. But when the borders opened up, he decided to come back,” he explained, nose scrunching up at the mention of John being a super dreamy library boy that Joy seemed to be going through such hoops to be noticed by. He got it, to some degree, wanting to do just about anything to impress the guy you liked, but it was hard to really understand when that guy in question this time was his older brother. “That seems like overkill when you could just go up and talk to him like a normal person. But hey, if that’s how you like to flirt, who am I to stop you?”
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joyyyfullll · 5 days
Joy didn't know what more she was expecting out of her roommate, knowing just what the reaction was going to be before she'd even asked the question. At the very least, she was happy to hear that it had gone fine from Davina herself, though she wasn't the one who Joy worried about most when it came to Avery's introductions. To know Davina's actual opinion on their new housemate was more so what Joy had come in search of, despite the common courtesy of having to ask whether it had gone well or not.
With a few nods of her head, Joy ingested the information, just happy that it had gone well between the two. "Okay, okay, but what did you think of her?" she asked, needing to cut straight to the point. "Raw, honest opinion. I know I don't ask for that much, but I really don't think she liked me, and now I'm the bundle of nerves." Though she wasn't anxious very often, Joy struggled with the idea of someone not liking her: the whole point of her presence was to vibrate positivity, something she hoped everyone would appreciate. "I mean, the decorations were good, right? Were they too much? I thought it was the perfect, happy medium, but then she came early and I was not prepared for that."
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From the moment she had her first conversation with the new housemate, she had known that she would be hearing from Joy sooner rather than later about how it might have gone. So it’s not a surprise when she spots the blonde happily entering the kitchen, nor is it a shock when she plops herself down into the seat right beside Davina. And though he knew exactly what the other girl wanted, she continued scrolling and acting as if she had barely even registered anyone else was there. It’s not until Joy’s face covers her screen that she finally gives in and acknowledges her. Sighing heavily and dramatically, she sets the phone down on the table and simply raises an eyebrow in the blonde’s direction until she finally cracks and continues on the little speech Davina knew had been just waiting under the surface.
“It went fine,” she answers simply, not really sure what all more needed to be said. It was a basic introduction, really, had barely lasted more than five minutes before Davina had to leave for work - so there truly wasn’t much that she really could give to Joy other than that. “She was like practically vibrating with nerves, but she didn’t seem like a complete weirdo. So I guess that’s the best we can really ask for, right? Let’s just hope she actually keeps up with rent - that’s all we really need her for anyway. Oh, and taking out the trash. We could totally just toss that entire chore off on her, I bet.” It might sound a bit harsh, but actually coming from her it was almost a glowing review.
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joyyyfullll · 6 days
Joy looked from aforementioned librarian, back to Michael, and between the two once more before letting out a laugh so loud that someone at the table behind them immediately gave her an aggressive hush for. With her hand flying to cup her mouth, Joy continued to chuckle silently, the idea that she had developed a crush on one of her closest friend's brothers too hilarious for her to fathom. But, if she remembered correctly, this brother of his was supposed to be off the island. So, she could hardly feel bad that this was the first mention of their relation amidst the development of her massive crush on him.
"He's your brother?" she repeated, just to be sure she was hearing him correctly. Because, unfortunately this did change things. Joy couldn't simply go after this very cute librarian of hers without her friend's explicit permission--that was just one of the basic rules of friendship. "No, I didn't know that, wasn't he, like, abroad, or something? You have a brother, I know that, but no, I did not know it was super dreamy library boy whom I frequently visit for book recommendations, then go home and find the summaries online so I can come back and have another excuse to speak to him." That behavior had only occurred a handful of times now, but it might have needed to immediately stop, depending on Michael's response.
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The sound of a bag thudding to the ground and Joy’s voice was a welcome escape from the singular paragraph on microcell biology that he had been not so successfully attempting to read for the past at least ten minutes. Looking up at his friend, a bright smile grows on his lips as he eagerly closes the textbook, not even bothering to pretend like he was going to continue with his studies. “Usual spot was taken,” he explained with the raise of a shoulder in a shrug. He lets her go on about her dilemma with this spin class she has to take over, already pretty sure exactly what advice he plans to give her before she even finishes, but her next comment has him doing a bit of a double take and already forgetting all about the explicit music she seems so against.
Glancing back over at the checkout desk the said librarian was sitting at, it takes Michael a moment to truly understand what exactly is happening. “You mean John?” he asks, pointing a finger over at the boy, needing absolute clarity that it is indeed him that Joy is talking about. “You do know he’s my brother, right?” Though how she was supposed to know that, he actually isn’t sure, but it still just feels so weird to have someone actually calling John cute. Not that he thinks his brother to be ugly or anything - he’s just never had a friend try hitting on or flirting with either of his siblings before. Unless you counted whatever it was Peter used to try doing with Wendy, but he doesn’t like to think of that anymore.
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joyyyfullll · 7 days
who: joy & @michaelndarling where: echo isle public library
It had been in the university library that Joy had met one of her now closest friends, a boy who had been studying alone a few too many days for her liking. After insisting they become study buddies, Joy and Michael Darling had formed a friendship that lasted beyond graduation, for which she was thankful. It was nice to have someone outside of her roommates to hang out with, even if she did have to venture back to the library every so often just to spend time with him. Joy didn't mind the quiet ambience: it was nice to simply stroll through the stacks sometimes in search of a book for pleasure, or a self-help one that would give her some good quotes to use during one of her speeches.
"You're not in your usual spot," Joy pointed out in a whisper as she found her friend at a table, dropping her bag a touch too loud on the seat beside her. "I need to program this spin class that I'm taking over tomorrow. This girl is sick, and she usually has music way more explicit than I usually use, so that's what her riders are going to expect, so, I have no idea what to do," she complained as she slid out her laptop. "Also, have you seen the new librarian? He must be someone who just graduated, or something. The guy with the glasses. So cute, right?"
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joyyyfullll · 7 days
If it were up to her, Joy would've physically pulled her roommate out of her bed and gotten her downstairs to greet their new addition. But, as she'd learned over blood, sweat, tears, and time, things weren't entirely her decision in their house. If Vanessa wanted to stay upstairs and be a sourpuss to herself, so be it. "No, no, I promise, it will be good! They'd be happy to meet you," Joy insisted, trying her best to sway her roommate from spiraling downward like she'd seen countless times before. "Also, so true, actually. But, now that we have one pet, do you think she'd be open to a second? Like, how much more mess could one other animal cause? I've always wanted a cat--like, a true kitten, and maybe now she could be convinced," she wondered aloud. She already knew what kind of answer Vanessa was going to give: one that was noncommittal and less than enthusiastic, but Joy was used to it by now. Regardless, trying to get her on her side for a second pet in the house hadn't been the primary reason Joy had ventured up to her roommate's secluded corner of the house. "Anyway, you should totally come meet her, if you're feeling up to it. Or, at least, in the morning, if you had a long day. Did you have a bad session?"
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"Oh, they're here..." It wasn't an unwelcome change in her life, Vanessa knew very well that there was going to be a new roommate, she had agreed to the arrangement and everything. In fact she hoped a new friend could be made. Still, change was change and it was going to be different having someone new around. There was so much suddenly having to acclimate to, she had to keep her glooming abilities to a minimum as to not disturb Avery so soon that they would even consider leaving and think of only herself to blame. And even by the very fact that she had to keep herself from going down a shame spiral, there was a lot of pressure that she couldn't exactly be herself. This thought process alone was something she could tell Joy wouldn't enjoy, nor would she probably indulge in so she tried to refocus her thoughts onto making sure neither Joy or Avery would have to endure. "Well first, I think the lack of pets thing until now might've been because Davina refused to clean up after animals. And second," she sighed, knowing she was about to disappoint the blonde. "I dunno, I've had a long day and I'm not exactly sure interacting would be good."
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joyyyfullll · 18 days
who: joy & @disgustdavina where: their house
The most opinionated person Joy knew just so happened to be one who she lived with, and though there were times Davina's opinion wasn't one she particularly wanted to hear, she was eager to hear now just what she thought of their new housemate. Unlike her check-in with Vanessa, in which she had to check whether she'd actually left her room to meet Avery, Joy knew Davina would've gone out of her way to meet them and get a first impression. It was at dinner that night that she finally got to see her, as Davina sat at the kitchen table scrolling through her phone, not even flinching as Joy took a seat beside her at the table.
"Soooo," she cooed, ducking her head in the sightline of Davina's phone. "I thought I heard you talking to our new arrival, and I just wanted to make sure it went well!" Joy leaned back patiently, resting her chin on folded hands while she waited for a response. That was, until impatience had gotten the best of her, and Joy couldn't help herself, "I hope she likes us. I mean, I know not everyone's accustomed to my level of decor, but I don't think it was too much, right? Like, you've seen me go way harder for an occasion, and this was a big one."
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joyyyfullll · 18 days
Her new roommate had a strange aura about them--it wasn't the same energy that Vanessa had, or Davina either, but a more tightly-wound demeanor that Joy simply wanted them to feel like they could unravel. She knew it was overwhelming, stepping into a new space, but Avery seemed more reluctant than Joy had been expecting, especially when she'd done so much to get the place ready. "No, it's okay! I like your punctuality." With a grin, she gave her roommate a nod of her head, glad she could tell who she was just from her first impression. "That's me, and then we have Vanessa and Davina, who are. ... around here somewhere. They were too busy to help me with decorations, but I typically tend to have more enthusiasm around celebrations, anyway, so, I'm used to it. I have a whole questionnaire for each of them, and me, I made them fill out ready in your room, with their basic likes and dislikes, y'know, just for fun! And, if you wouldn't mind filling out one of your own so we can get to know you, too, that would be amazing, but, obviously whenever you get the time," Joy babbled. She peered behind Avery's shoulder, seeing the full car on the street. "Do you need help unloading anything? I'm all yours for the afternoon, whatever you need. As long as you don't mind that the decorations will be finished later!"
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∗∗ 🌪️ ∗∗
When she entered Avery was hit with the all too familiar overwhelming sensation. Everything was prepared for her when she'd only just worked up the courage to walk in after practicing her greeting at the door. Still, they forced out a smile in the hopes that their new roommate couldn't see the chaos that raged behind their eyes. Melman was there which provided someone for Avery to cling to amongst their new home of strangers. The first encounter had already proved to be someone who was all too excited to welcome her when they'd only just mustered up the first greeting. "Wow, this is, wow," was all they were able to get out at first, bringing Melman closer to their chest. "Sorry, yeah, I'm early. I don't like being late to things." That was the tip of the iceberg when the truth was she arrived everywhere far too early in case there was trouble parking or fear of being late. That proved to be a problem when she'd be sitting in her car for an hour waiting for Envy to arrive. "He's the best, you will get to know him. He makes his daily rounds," she said feeling a more comfortable smile overtake the other once the topic switched to that of her furry companion. That was something she could talk about all day if anyone actually let her. However, with her new roommate, they were beginning to think it would be difficult to get a word in, unsure of how to jump social rope with someone so chatty. "Thanks, I shouldn't have too much," Avery started to glance back at her car which was stuffed fill before she was engulfed in a hug. After a second of standing there awkwardly not knowing what to do with her hands, she readjusted Melman to give the girl a gentle hug in return. "You must be... Joy, right?" At least if her name matched her personality.
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joyyyfullll · 28 days
who: joy & @cryingnessa where: their house
Joy didn't at all mind spearheading the Avery move-in efforts, which didn't really have to include much beyond a simple clean up, but she really did want to go above and beyond for their new roommate. That part wasn't hard, not at all--Joy would take any excuse to decorate the house she could get. Getting her other existing roommates, though, to participate in her level of excitement was the real challenge. It was fine when Avery hadn't arrived yet for Davina to think her decorations were kind of lame and for Vanessa to be presumably holed up in her room, but now that their new arrival was finally in the house, Joy took it upon herself to give Vanessa's door a light knock. "Hey," she greeted in a soft, singsong voice, "just me, checking in." Joy cracked the door to pop her head in, hoping she wasn't interrupting a therapy session or something important. "Avery's here, I don't know if you got a chance to say hello yet, but, let me tell you, her rabbit is probably the cutest thing I've ever seen. Like, why have we never had a pet before now? Anyway, if you haven't, maybe you'd just wanna make a quick little appearance downstairs?" Joy suggested, raising a hopeful brow.
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joyyyfullll · 29 days
Joy had been cautiously optimistic about welcoming someone new into their home. The group hadn't had any sort of shift in its makeup in practically a decade, and though Joy hadn't really wanted anything to change, here they were. It was always better to embrace change than to fear it, so she'd prepared the house as best as she could for their new roommate, hoping they'd like it. Joy hadn't meant to go overboard, but the dozen balloons she'd picked up, table strewn with confetti, and banner in the kitchen suggested she'd lost sight of her original plan. "Oh! Oh, my goodness, you're early!" she exclaimed, dropping the last streamer from her grasp in surprise as she had attempted to put the finishing touches on the living room. "So sorry I didn't get to finish before you got here, I wasn't expecting you for another hour! But, totally okay. It's lovely to meet you, and--Melman? He's even cuter than the photos! We're so excited to have you both here. At least, I am. The other two are ... somewhere, around here, I think. But, let me help you with your bags, it's the least I can do. I'll give you the grand tour on the way to your room!" Joy promised excitedly, hardly able to contain herself as she threw herself forward into a hug.
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who: @joyyyfullll where: their house
This was the big day they had been waiting for: move-in day. Their bags were cautiously being packed for the last week and now was time for them to be cracked open. Avery had gone over a list of ice-breakers before driving over to her new residence, not wanting to come off as awkward right away even if it might've been true. They wanted to make a good first impression with their new roommates and part of that included being able to hold a normal conversation. She'd come in with a smile on and her most prized possession in her arms, ready to face whatever was behind that door as long as she had Melman. "Alright here we go, it's gonna be fine, we got this. Don't be nervous Mel, they're going to love you," she assured her rabbit who hadn't made a peep inside his carrier. It was never uncommon for her to project her feelings onto her furry friend, finding him to be an extension of herself. They put their key into the lock for the first time and pushed open the door to find their first encounter front and center in the living room. "Hi there, sorry to barge in but ha, guess I shouldn't be when I live here now." A joke that didn't land quite as well as she wanted but offered up a smile instead. "I'm Avery and this is Melman, we're jazzed to be here."
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joyyyfullll · 2 months
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#Anxiety is me
INSIDE OUT 2 (2024)
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joyyyfullll · 2 months
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INSIDE OUT 2 (2024)
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joyyyfullll · 2 months
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Why are you crying? Because I’m upset!
WEDNESDAY ADDAMS & ENID SINCLAIR Wednesday S01E01: Wednesday’s Child Is Full of Woe
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joyyyfullll · 2 months
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ENID SINCLAIR + wearing colours in the lesbian pride flag
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joyyyfullll · 2 months
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Name: Joy Anderson Age: Twenty-two Occupation: Fitness instructor/Motivational speaker Sexuality: Bisexual Pronouns: She/Her Currently Playing: Bejeweled by Taylor Swift Big Three:  Sagittarius sun, Leo moon, Sagittarius rising
Joy had always been described as happy. As a baby, she never cried, and as a child, she never complained, nor fussed. The terrible twos were pretty obsolete for someone like Joy, who kept a straight temper when other children couldn’t. Her parents had thought it remarkable, how lucky they’d gotten with their only child.
It was hard for Joy to find some sort of niche for herself to fit into, because she pretty much liked anything, and everything, she’d ever tried. She wasn’t one to give up on anything, following through with almost every hobby she picked up. Though she wasn’t the greatest at them all, she was consistent, and that was what mattered most to her. No matter how weak the product might’ve looked, it was the effort that counted. The only stipulation she could think of when it came to her interests was that she enjoyed the more peaceful, creative outlets she’d tried—some of the more physical ones, like competitive sports, weren’t her speed. Players and parents were a bit too angry for her liking, and Joy was better as a cheerleader than a member of any team.
It was only once Joy saw how her positivity began to affect others did she suspect that she had something special in her. Everyone talk she ever gave seemed to really work in a way that no coach’s could. Even when a team was terribly down, it was Joy who seemed to bring their spirits up. Once her childhood friends began to experience similar tinglings, the pieces seemed to fall together—their emotions could affect people around them in a way no one else’s had.
Joy loves her friends more than anything in the world, and she means that, seriously. There is so much love in her heart for them. That is a serious preface to the fact that sometimes they do drive her a bit crazy. Joy knows that it’s not inherently their faults, that whatever kind of magic they have inside of them is what keeps her friends in perpetual state of discomfort with the world, but it can be taxing. She can’t understand why they can’t just see the bright side of things, the way she can, especially when she seems to motivate everyone else so easily!
Right now, Joy works only two jobs—at her peak, she had four. She is a chronic yes girl, who will take any and every opportunity that comes her way to help someone out. Her current jobs include motivational speaking and fitness training, which is basically the former with a lot of sweat. Joy wouldn’t trade her current positions for the world: she loves being a source of motivation for people, whether in their personal or physical lives. Though she studied education in college, she’s not in any real rush to get into a classroom, as that would probably take up any free time she currently has for odd jobs that her friends or coworkers might ask of her.
Though she’s trying to be excited about the border opening, Joy doesn’t really handle change very well. She feels like she finally has a handle on things, and she doesn’t want anything in her life to shift, especially when it involves her friends-turned-roommates. Fear has already left the building, practically running for the hills the moment any rumblings of the border opening came about, and now, the house has to find a new roommate to take his place. Not only is her living dynamic about to shift, but Joy knows about the dangers that are out there for people like her and her closest friends. Though they haven’t exactly called her the house leader, Joy has basically assumed the role, and she’s trying to stay positive while also feeling the need to protect Davina and Vanessa.
Her favorite color is yellow, obviously. However, any bright, neon hues will also fall into her personal color palette. It has been said that the brightness of her room could cause headaches.
Joy does not believe in the notion of being sad. There is so much to be grateful for in her life, that she doesn’t see a reason to dwell on the bad stuff for too long. Finding the light at the end of any tunnel is kind of her specialty.
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joyyyfullll · 2 months
tag dumpy
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