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joyfulpeanutpirate · 2 months ago
Great Writers- and Me.
This being my first Tumblr post is a little scary. I actually, for what it's worth, don't know much about Tumblr. I just know it's a place I can write blogs, which I've been wanting to do for a while. Just have some where I can dump my thoughts, stress free. I suppose this is where I share a bit about myself. For one, I live in America, which is a shit pot to say the least.. but life's not bad. Just, hard. I love nature, collecting trinkets, writing, art, poetry, plants, aliens, my bed, and so much more. My favorite drink is Dr. Pepper or I suppose green tea, and my favorite color is burgundy. NOT MAROON. Ironic as someone who's colorblind I have to tell people that yes...they are different colors. I guess now I'll touch on the title for this blog. I love reading and writing. It's something I've been passionate about since I was little. When I was younger I was the kid who when they got writing assignments they'd get more paper to staple onto their original page, even back in kindergarten when creating our own gingerbread man stories. There's lots of things I remember vividly, my class assignment stretching across the class room floor because it was so long being one of them. For reading, I was competitive. I wanted to win, to read the most, and by 3rd grade I had a college reading level. Flash to now, I own so many books I feel like I'm drowning any time I pick one up. It still feels good though.. when my mom brags to her friends and our family that I'm reading this and that. I've read a lot of books, especially classical literature wise. Osamu Dazai, Edgar Allen Poe, Agatha Christi, John Steinbeck, Fyodor Dostoevsky, and so much more. With the modern day being the way it is, I don't see a future where my writing is remembered if I do publish anything. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't mean I will pursue a STEM career over my passions, I just wish someone would see what I can do and who I am. I want to be known, maybe not a great, but I want someone to read my work and feel seen.
Really seen.
With AI and it's progression, media consumption, and just the modern age... I feel hopeless. But, (yes I'm using but at the start of a sentence) I want whoever does read this to know, not to give up. It's never pointless to create. Even if it goes nowhere. For now though, it's late for me. So I bid goodnight, or goodbye, to you.
Book Rec; Out by Natsuo Kirino
Sincerely, Celia
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