journalismg3 · 10 years
Several wireless communications are in struggle, says The Federal Communications Commission. Its origin is still to be analyzed and some sources talk about gravitational forces to be the origin of the problem, but this has to be confirmed yet. Sat televisions, mobile devices, wireless connections and internet services are being affected. There are resemblances about these problems all abroad the US, Germany, France the UK and Japan as communications´ authorities have confirmed.
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journalismg3 · 10 years
Europe preparing for possible collision Fátima Valero The European Council has declared in an online statement that prime ministers from all the member countries have departed to Brusselles. In an improvised NATO meeting of urgency they will arrange a plan for possible military actions in case the asteroid clashes the Earth. Expect new updates in the next hours, as the european governments announce the action plan.
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journalismg3 · 10 years
Barack Obama was inaugurated as the 44th President of the United States —becoming the first African American to serve in that office —on January 20, 2009. The son of a white American mother and a black Kenyan father, Obama grew up in Hawaii. Leaving the state to attend college, he earned degrees from Columbia University and Harvard Law School. Obama worked as a community organizer in Chicago, where he met and married Michelle LaVaughn Robinson in 1992. Their two daughters, Malia Ann and Natasha (Sasha) were born in 1998 and 2001, respectively. Obama was elected to the Illinois state senate in 1996 and served there for eight years. In 2004, he was elected by a record majority to the U.S. Senate from Illinois and, in February 2007, announced his candidacy for President. After winning a closely-fought contest against New York Senator and former First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton for the Democratic nomination, Obama handily defeated Senator John McCain of Arizona, the Republican nominee for President, in the general election. When President Obama took office, he faced very significant challenges. The economy was officially in a recession, and the outgoing administration of George W. Bush had begun to implement a controversial "bail-out" package to try to help struggling financial institutions. In foreign affairs, the United States still had troops deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan, and warfare had broken out between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip, illustrating the ongoing instability of the Middle East. During his first term, President Obama was able to work with Congress to improve the U.S. economy, pass health-care reform, and withdraw U.S. troops from Iraq. Still the President spent significant time and political effort negotiating, for the most part unsuccessfully, with Congressional Republicans about taxes, budgets, and the deficit. After winning reelection in 2012, Obama began his second term focused on immigration reform and gun control. However, much of the Capital's attention was focused on "sequestration," the automatic spending cuts that went into effect on March 1, 2013. Although the initial impact of sequestration was limited, Obama warned about its long-term effects on the economy. Agreement between the President and Congressional Republicans to craft a budget plan to end sequestration seemed unlikely to materialize quickly.
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journalismg3 · 10 years
Mané Grigorian reporting from Washington, DC (Alert) A security alert has been sent out by NASA officials stating an unidentified object is approaching the Earth´s orbit at an extremely high speed. A number of sources confirm that Air Force One has departed with president Obama. Vice president Biden is at Washington and his office has sent out an alert for citizens to stay at home. Government of US has sent a picture of Barack Obama at Air Force One with a message of the president: "We cannot broadcast any signal due to the worldwide connection problems we are experiencing, but there are a few things I want to share with you: I'm flying to Yellowkinfe, Canada, where our information report that the UFO will touch Earth's surface. "Touch", not "impact", because we have strong signals to believe that we are not facing a meteor's menace, but maybe a tripullated-kind-of ship. Maybe we are facing our first contact with someone from beyond our planet, and I feel I must be there. Vice President Biden is in the White House leading the Army national operations for any supply aid needed. I will give you more information as soon as I can. Today might be a day we will never forget¨ Immediately after Obam´s message A source from the White House then confirmed: plane is Air Force One. "Air Force One is down, Air Force One is down, repeat", calls the radio signal from the two F14 Tomcat that were scouting it. "A kind of invisible wave crossed the sky, a huge turbulence, the plains were falling... I'm talking as falling from parachute. Oh dear, oh God. Air Force One is over. It's burning there, wreak and fire. For sure no survivors there" Then the message suddenly stopped, source revealed. There is no connection amongst the dispatcher and Air Force One
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journalismg3 · 10 years
Despite these strong hurricans are attempting to whip the Atlantic Coast, this area presents a low-activity range recently. The Atlantic hurricane season of last year was the first season since 1994 to feature no major hurricanes, and the first since 1968 to feature no storms of at least Category 2 intensity. Thus it seems there will be a considerable increase in the severity of the hurrincans affecting this area. The 2013 Atlantic hurricane season began on June 1 and ended on November 30, dates that conventionally delimit the period during each year when most tropical cyclones form in the Atlantic Ocean. The first storm of the season, Andrea, developed on June 5, while the final cyclone, an unnamed subtropical storm, dissipated on December 7. Throughout the year, only two storms – Humberto and Ingrid – reached hurricane intensity; this was the lowest seasonal total since 1982. Although 15 tropical cyclones developed, several were weak or remained at sea resulting in impact from the season being relatively minimal. Tropical Storm Andrea in early June killed four after making landfall in Florida and moving up the East Coast of US. In early July, Tropical Storm Chantal moved through the Leeward Islands, causing one fatality, but minimal damage overall. Tropical storms Dorian and Erin, and Hurricane Humberto, all brought squally weather but limited impact to the Cape Verde Islands. Particularly hit was Mexico, where tropical storms Barry, Fernand, Tropical Depression Eight, and Hurricane Ingrid all made landfall. Ingrid especially brought severe impacts, with at least 23 deaths and $1.5 billion USD in damage.
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journalismg3 · 10 years
NASA Global Temp. Anomalies: 1880 to 2012 (by noxy63)
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journalismg3 · 10 years
Alicia Sansalvador informing: A series of hurricanes are hitting the Atlantic Coast of the United States. Three hurricanes with 4 - 5 strength out of a scale of 5, reports the National Hurricane Center from US. The hurricanes are moving through the area of the Caribbean Sea, one going over Mexico; another one is going against the wind flow making it stronger. The biggest one is around three hundred miles from New York City. The US Government and authorities are dealing with the situation with the West Coast hurricane red-code protocol. Specialists and professionals on the topic are posting in social networks the gravitational activity, the state of the hurricanes and what is going on in the areas closest to them. However, changes in the gravitational forces are being reported global. Including cyclones and hurricanes, ten of them are taking shape in Asia, the Northern Sea of Europe and India.
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journalismg3 · 10 years
This is a depiction of the area affected by the hurricane merely hours before its outbreak, take by the Space Shuttle. Scientists are still in shock over the pace at which the hurricane evolved, while many others seem to be starting to appear in other areas at this very moment. According to the Board of Science of the USA, the hurricane could be the cause of the subsequent fail on communications over the last few hours. For more insight, follow our Twitter account.
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journalismg3 · 10 years
Our reporter Mané Grigorian sends us this inform from Houston, TX (USA) NASA has just sent out a security alert of a non identified object has been spotted approaching Earth at a very high speed. NASA officials say the route seems to be constant and is heading straight towards the orbit of our planet. The size of the current object is one of similar perimeters to that of the KNR-52m which was the meteor that crossed by Earth last year. The speed has been calculated to nearly half of the KNR-52´s and the debris remains unidentified. Two data experts believe there is no risk of deep impact but this will depend on further analysis for the composition of the object. There is no predicted radius announced of how much the object may affect once it reaches the orbit.
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journalismg3 · 10 years
According to experts, the unknown entity, detected by all scientific telescopes accross the globe right now, has already deviated from its original orbit and is approaching Earth at a non-threatening speed on terms of a potential natural catastrope. However, the element is still to be approached by probes as its composition is at the moment totally unfamiliar for experts.
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journalismg3 · 10 years
Image credit: NASA/Robert P. Moreno Jr.
BREAKING NEWS: American agency NASA reports an unidentified entity approaching Earth at a slower speed than the latest meteorite that orbited Earth earlier this year. More information provided by our reporters soon to follow.
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