jouesrose · 3 years
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His eyes search her face for longer than intended until Henrik realizes the lingering silence between them. The hurt behind his eyes flashes for only a moment before his stony expression replaces it. Does it hurt more to hear what she thinks of him? Or is it worse knowing that she isn’t completely wrong? He cares not to address it either way. This is not about you. Still, the taut pull of his shoulders loosens almost imperceptibly, the only clear sign of her affront.
As she speaks, Henrik falls back into silence: shameful for a self-proclaimed wordsmith. Now alone on the chest at the end of their bed, he crosses his ankles and lets both of his palms rest flat at either side. “Then why tell me at all? If you didn’t want me to know, then why bother with it?”
Half of him, evidently the more sensible half, wants to pull him toward the door. The other part is content stewing in confusion and anger as he considers how to proceed. “Unfortunately, I don’t know how not to talk about it. I don’t know how to carry on the same, when things clearly aren’t. My love, I don’t know how to act like you are the same woman I married when I didn’t know this much about you until recently. I have tried to ignore it, believe me. But
 I can’t be the kind of husband―the kind of person―who ignores it. If that is what you need from me, I am not sure what there is to do.”
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truthfully, juliet had lost the previously well managed handle on her emotions since this secret had come to light. her usually regal and pleasant disposition had almost shattered completely. she felt angry and sick and sad everyday. the memories she had spent so long repressing were now all she thought about. it was her worst nightmare coming true, and there was simply no end in sight.
her lips part to apologize as the hurt in his eyes washes over her. this isn't his fault. she'll remind herself. it wasn't his fault that the weight of this all was so crushing. it wasn't his fault for wanting to know and wanting to care for her once he knew. she just had no idea what that felt like. the silence between husband and wife settles for a few thoughtful moments as she tries to piece all of what plagues her mind into words. “ it — it isn't that i didn't want you to know...” she stops speaking to alleviate the distance between them. hesitating for a moment, juliet sits in the empty space beside him.
“ i have spent so long trying to forget what happened to me. and for a while, i did. ” she sighs, “ but then, that morning at breakfast when you told me about the duke visiting i just... i panicked. i was so terrified of going back to that place but —— but, i was even more terrified of lying to you. ” sniffling gently, she'll quickly wipe her nose with her sleeve. “ i — i wasn't thinking about how you would react. i — i wasn't thinking about what being open about that would mean for me  — for us... i apologize for not thinking. i was just... i was so scared. ”
“ —— and i don't want you to be that type of husband or that type of person ! ” she’ll interject, reaching out and placing her trembling hands in his. “ i just don't know how to talk about it yet, especially with you. i'm just asking that you be patient with me, please ? ”
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jouesrose · 3 years
*three months later* hey again 😗
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jouesrose · 3 years
hey đŸ„Ž
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jouesrose · 3 years
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Loki frowned. He was going to have a nice hot bath after his punishment, and perhaps a class of wine. He stopped in his tracks as the familiar voice of Juliet called out to him. The God of Mischief turned the woman, as he tried not to show off any emotions toward her scolding. Did it sting that she was disappointed in him, yes. But she did not need to know that. He gave a light hearted smirk. “I thought it would be funny.” He shook his head. “And it was.” At least for him, all other parties involved seemed to think otherwise. But Loki always did enjoy getting into mischief. The truth was he craved attention. And he was a narcist, and he was scared of being alone. But those were things he even hesitated to admit to himself. Because he was alone. In every instance of his life, he was alone except for when he was causing trouble. “She would not have killed me. A loss of a little bit of hair is not equal to the life of a Prince of Asgard.”
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they  wear  similar  expressions  as  their  paths  meet  in  the  middle  of  the  corridor.  the  princess  sighs  gently  unable  to  shake  her  softness  for  him  even  in  the  face  of  such  mischief.    “  loki...  ”    another  sigh.     “   no  it  was  not.  ”  juliet  counters   before   linking  their  arms   and   subtly  leading  him  away  from  his   potential   murder.    “  in  my  experience,  when  someone  finds  something  funny  they  laugh  ——  they  do  not  shout  profanities  and  break  furniture.   ”    she  couldn't  help  but  giggle  at  such  a  miscalculation,    “  aw  darling,  you  do  not know  women.  if  she  had  woken  up  bald  we'd  be  planning  your  funeral  services.  ” 
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jouesrose · 3 years
@heartlosttravelers​  because i think im funny
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lady  sif's  angered  screams  soon  become  muffled  as  juliet  closed  the  door.  the  princess  winces  sympathetically  as  she  stepped  into  the  empty  corridor.  the  lady  was  absolutely  vexed  and  she  couldn't  quite  blame  her.  catching  the  culprit  at  the  end  of  the  hallway,  she  starts  towards  them.    “  loki  !        ——      how  could  you  do  something  like  that  ?    that  is  absolutely  horrible.  ”  she  scolds,  “    you  know,  she  would  be  out  here  armed  and  ready  to  kill  you  if  i  hadn't  just  gone  and  spoke  with  her.    ”
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jouesrose · 3 years
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there’s     a     place     for     us    ,    somewhere.             written by kayla
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jouesrose · 3 years
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 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐘'𝐑𝐄 𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐆𝐎𝐍𝐍𝐀 𝐋𝐀𝐔𝐆𝐇 𝐀𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔 !    written by kayla.   promo by blythe.
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jouesrose · 3 years
*that one tik tok audio* i did it :) @prettyfelt
thinking of bringing back my marĂ­a from wss
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jouesrose · 3 years
thinking of bringing back my marĂ­a from wss
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jouesrose · 3 years
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jouesrose · 3 years
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Shifting his position to wrap his arms around her, Kit sighed heavily. “Don’t apologize, Juliet. You couldn’t help it.” 
Running his hand in gentle lines along her back, he started to hum softly. “It’s all right. I’m here. You’re safe. Nothing’s going to happen to you. Not if I have any say in it.” The king whispered, pulling back and gazing at her face. 
“Tell me what I can do to help. What do you need?”
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even with a frightened heart beating fiercely within her chest, a wave of calm washes over her as she is pulled into his embrace. her flushed cheeks seem to cool against the fabric of his shirt. with a deep breath, juliet returns the gesture trembling in his arms whilst holding him as tight as she could. inhaling shakily, she breathed in his safe and familiar scent as she tried to calm herself down.
even after he pulls away, she still kept his hand held firmly in hers.  “ can — can we sit ? j-just like this ? for a little while longer ? ” she asks. “ or at least until i fall back a-asleep ? ” 
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jouesrose · 3 years
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The way that she observes her surroundings is
 bizarre, but what else is to be expected from this strange woman that he has spent the better part of the last several hours with? After stepping in the room, he takes a seat at the far side of the couch, which is about as close as he can sit without disrupting the flow of her dress. A wedding dress, he remembers.
A tired smile colors his expression, and Henrik runs a hand over his face while considering where to start. Of course, her answers offer no more insight than before, and so it feels like they’re back at square one. Only now, there is a stranger sitting in the middle of his living room.
“She is, thank you.” Predictably, Elisabeth had handled the situation better than her father had. Though Juliet’s delusions of nobility no doubt aided in that area. Elisa wanted to believe.
“No,” Henrik says, lips curling up in amusement. “Not call out. I meant
 is there a number that I can call?” Something tells him that distinction isn’t exactly going to get him anywhere either, so he simply shakes his head before moving on. Neither Villeneuve nor Andalasia sounds familiar either, but that ground has already been covered. Anyway, it’s too late to get her any sort of transportation back home and the more pressing issue seems to be her aforementioned delusions. “Are you alright? Are you sure you didn’t hit your head? I have to say, you’ve been acting strange. Do you know where you are?”
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“ a...number? ” head tilts and brows furrow. this place continued to grow stranger and stranger by the minute. "i don't think i understand." perhaps that was the preferred method of communication in this strange ( the only word she can think of to describe where she is ) place. confusion and curiosity nearly catapults the princess into a line of her own questioning but she is thwarted by a swift change in subject.
“ can you believe it ? out of all the people i encountered since finding myself... here. elisa was the kindest ! ” her words are muffled into the yards of tulle that make up her gown as she pulled off two liberally sparkled boots. “ is there somewhere safe i can put these ?  the mice worked so hard on them i would hate for them to get ruined. ” spoken once again without a shred of irony.  
at his inquiry, juliet began to examine her own head for any tender spots though she stops rather abruptly, taking a bit of offense to this. “ yes, i am sure i didn't hit my head ! ” she huffs, her cheeks now flushed with a harmless almost cartoonish anger. “ i think i've earned every right to be acting strangely !  i was supposed to marry my one true love and then some dubious old woman pushed me down a well and now i'm here. ” her arms crossed and her anger lingers for a split second before exhaling into a apologetic heap. “ i apologize. that is no way to speak to my host. ” she sighs before pulling her hair out of its coiffure, and allowing long brown curls to fall down her back. “ it has been a long and strange day. ”
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jouesrose · 3 years
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Straightening up, the prince laughed brightly. He always felt his most relaxed with Adam, Frederick, and Juliet. He never had to pretend, or put forth a mask. He could just be himself without worrying about being degraded or made fun of. 
“Well, it’s been so long since your lovely smile has graced our humble little island.” Kit teased. “Can you blame me for forgetting how to act around you?”
How long had it been since he’d seen her? He couldn’t rightly remember
 But he was almost inclined to think it was when they were children. Adam came and went semi-frequently, and he’d definitely seen him more than the French princess. 
Tucking her hand more securely into his elbow, Kit turned and directed them back to the palace. “I’m sorry you were seasick. I’ll have some ginger tea made for you. That’ll settle your stomach nicely. Maybe once you’re feeling better, we can take a stroll in the garden, or go riding. You still like roses, right? Well, hopefully the little surprise in your room will be satisfactory.” 
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the french princess could not help the way his words painted a rosy blush upon her cheeks, “ it has been far too long but, i am happy to see you are still as charming as you have always been. ” she teases him right back. their lighthearted conversation makes her nostalgic for her youth. the way she and adam would run down the docks to greet their dear friend christian, ( or kit as he liked to be called. but, ever the proper young lady, juliet insisted upon calling him christian which he allowed as long as he could call her lulu in return. ) how they would spend hours in the sun, playing and teasing one another! she especially missed sneaking off to the secret garden to watch the roses bloom. oh, how she missed the rare pleasantries of childhood.
“ mmm ginger tea ! ”  tilting her face toward the warm sun, her eyes close and a smile illuminates her feature following a deep inhale. almost as if juliet could smell the warm drink wafting from the palace. “ that sounds lovely !  just the sound of it is making me feel better. ” with a content sigh, the princess turns back to the prince. her smile never leaving her lips as he continued, “ i've planned to stay for a least a fortnight. we have more than enough time to indulge in whichever activities you desire. ” she reassures him before resting her head upon his shoulder, relishing in being in his company after so long.  “ well, aren't you just the most charming host ? ”
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jouesrose · 3 years
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“No, no―if that were true, then maybe I would be trying to pick up the pieces because you haven’t been.” Again, he is overcome with silence. Only this time, it is easier to see his glaring insensitivity. “Juliet
” He starts, his voice softer this time. “It feels like a burden or you feel like a burden?” His apologetic gaze wanders back to her. How notable―it isn’t often that he has the decency to admit personal wrongdoing.
For all the happiness that he pictured their shared lives to be filled with, Henrik doesn’t even have enough fingers on his hand to count how many times his heart has been broken by realizations about her life. This is just another to add to the list. Sighing, he leans against the wall, tired shoulders falling against his frame. “You are not a burden, but what happened to you is, and please, I knew that your father was―” Oh, he has to stop himself before any unsavory opinions about the former king slip through his regal façade. Instead, a fit of bitter laughter replaces his potentially colorful language. “I only didn’t know to what extent. But Rose knew.” That last bit is almost an afterthought, but he can’t go without mentioning it.
“No! That is hardly what I meant.” One hand comes to rest behind his back while the other rubs against his eyes. “No, not at all coping. Quite the opposite, but just because something is easy doesn’t mean that it’s the right thing to do. It’s usually the opposite, which is how I know that avoiding what happened can’t be the answer, and
 I just want to help.”
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“ right... yes, of course. ”  a tense pause.  “ because you — you have to save me ! you have to salvage whatever is left of your perfect wife or people will see and people will talk. ”  her cheeks seem to boil with anger. “ that is all you care about, is it not ? what people will say about you, what people will think of you ! ” she stops herself. a stricken and apologetic expression frozen upon her features, “ henrik... ”  a long moment hangs between his question and her answer. she attempts to collect herself in the silence. her throat burns as tears form in her eyes. her lips form a hard, thin line a suitable cage to keep sobs from spilling out. “ both. ”  she responds. “ but also you knowing feels like one, too. ”
after another, longer pause, juliet creates a great distance between them. she crosses to the other side of the room, stopping at the chair tucked beneath her vanity. she cringes upon meeting her broken visage in the mirror. “ don’t you understand ? ” she asks softly, her back still turned to him. “ i am a burden. that is why this happened, i-i couldn’t provide my father anything. i wasn’t a son. i was too quiet, i was too skinny. i was never a princess in his eyes. all i was... was pretty. and that was useful...” she looks away from her reflection; feeling a disconnect between pretty and what she truly saw.
“ henrik, i do not care ! ” she turns back to him now. “ i don't care if it's the right thing or not. i don’t wish to think about this any more than i did before. you aren’t helping by treating me as if i am precious china moments away from shattering.” juliet sighs deeply. a gesture that seems to age her. “ it only makes it worse. ”
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jouesrose · 3 years
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for no particular reason / @jouesrose​​
“Might you be looking for a certain Queen, I believe I last saw Her Majesty heading in the direction of the ballroom.”
Henrik could only laugh. When it comes to matters of his heart (and in that regard what matters are there, really, aside from Juliet?), the young king knows that his feelings are on display for all to see. He is finally in a place to accept that―to welcome it even. “Quite perceptive,” he says, nodding at the pair of castle workers as they turn back to their work. “Thank you.” And he is off.
From outside the grand doors, the ballroom sounds empty. Then again, the cleanup following the prior evening’s event should have finished up earlier that morning, so that much comes as no surprise. Henrik pushes through the doors anyway, coming to a pause just inside of the room. His eyes scan the newly revealed expanse, settling on the familiar form leaning against one of the pillars that lines the wall of windows. Contentment gives way to the tender smile uplifting his lips, and he approaches her.
Maybe it is the relief after the ball or maybe just the effect of having an afternoon to himself after a long three month’s worth of planning. Whatever it is, a wave of nostalgia washes over him. The music is in his mind, you see: a ghost of the orchestral ballads performed last night, and before Juliet has a chance to turn around, Henrik bows in reverence. “My love,” he says, extending one hand while the other stays behind his back. “May I have this dance?”
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as enchanting as the previous evening had been, there was nothing the queen coveted more than a quiet ballroom. the quiet after the storm, if you will. it made her nostalgic for her early teens in france, where the walls would buzz for hours after the balls her brother took pride in hosting.
having taken herself straight to bed after the festivities, juliet finds this feeling in the early afternoon. even with the ball only a night behind them, the young queen still felt nostalgic for the night; the dances she shared with henrik, their guests — she even danced with rose ! the music and the joy of the night hung around her in a pleasant aura. wandering into the ballroom, she had dismissed the few strangling workers and took the time to complete what tasks they had left. a furrowed brow focus is given to tying back a curtain preventing her from  noticing the king had entered the space.
it isn’t until he speaks, ( and her heart melts, as it so often did at the sound of his voice ) that she turns, allowing the two ends of the newly knotted curtain tie to to slip gently from her grasp. a smile illuminates her features once their eyes meet, “ but there isn’t any music playing. ”
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jouesrose · 3 years
i got an ipad so now i can do replies from bed
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jouesrose · 3 years
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                                         𝙊𝙔 !          nannied by kayla.
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