joturner-blog1 · 8 years
“That is true for most people. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see who means it and who doesn’t. The suspense might kill me.”
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“Everyone says that until their shitty ass dirty laundry is aired out. We all got shit to hide thank fucks us up, that’s just life at this school.”  
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joturner-blog1 · 8 years
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“It makes sense for her, anyways. If it weren’t for the strings of men I don’t know what she’d do. That’s nice that your parents have stayed married, though. Pretty rare now.”
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‘‘I guess that’s a point of view I had never been forced to see before, my parents have always been married, but I mean, it makes sense.’‘
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joturner-blog1 · 8 years
“See, the underlying assumption behind the whole “prestige and fame” bit there is that I actually care, which I don’t. So why would I learn to spell your name? Why would anyone ever change if the do-gooders like you are just going to keep funding our habits? Food for thought. That’s cute, still under the delusion of perfection, huh?”
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“Well, when you can’t bother to know the proper spelling of someone’s name, especially when that someone is an individual of my prestige and fame, you shouldn’t expect anything else. But, you’re welcome, Josephine. I’m glad you remember how charitable I am to the less fortunate, though it is a shame you refuse to change. If only you were like me, you wouldn’t have to bother with messing with perfection.”
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joturner-blog1 · 8 years
“I couldn’t care less about how people view me or what they think they know. The way I see it, they’re irrelevant. Maybe you should adopt the same attitude, save yourself some pain.”
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“You don’t seem to worried about it, seem like you got nothing to hide.” 
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joturner-blog1 · 8 years
“I’m not shitting on anyone, I have a feeling that’s not exactly sanitary. I’m just trying to emphasize the uncertainty of relying on other people. They’ll fail you.”
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“Well good for you, stop shitting on others who think there’s more to life.��
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joturner-blog1 · 8 years
“Wow, that must be a record. We’ve only been talking for five minutes and you’ve already doubted my intelligence. I’m impressed that you held out for so long, Fowler.” She rolled her eyes at him, “Well, from the bottom of my heart, thank you Mother Theresa. You might just be the most generous person I know. I guess people just never change, huh? What a shame.”
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“If you had any sort of intelligence you would know that it’s fowl. F-O-W-L, like a bird. But honestly, I don’t know how someone like you could survive without someone like me, and my generosity in stooping to have a conversation with you. It’s a shame that in spite of it all you still choose to be reprehensible.” 
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joturner-blog1 · 8 years
“Save it for someone who cares, Fowler. You know, it’s ironic that your last name has ‘foul’ in it, because that’s exactly what you are. I’ll humor you. Hmm... what to do, what to do. I actually think I’ll choose the latter and remain repulsive and pathetic. Wow, I’m so glad you helped me make this choice. What would I do without your guidance?”
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“Oh, Josephine, the first day of school is the start of a new chapter of your life. What plot will this one follow? Will you develop into a less repulsive person or remain just as pathetic as you are now?”
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joturner-blog1 · 8 years
“Charming as ever,” Jo rolled her eyes. “Wow, must have been paradise. A whole summer without seeing you and everyone else from this hellhole? You’d think it was wonderful, but it was still shitty. So it goes, I guess.”
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“Yeah, you do have a nice ass.” Luca chuckled, “You set yourself up for that one.” He said, “My summer? Pretty good actually, it was just like being here except no homework and no long day of classes. How was yours?”
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joturner-blog1 · 8 years
“In that case, it might be best to try and fly under the radar. Though that might not even work. If you’re religious, pray, I guess.”
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“Look I just want to make it through this last year of hell and get out with a diploma and as little mental scarring as possible. However that happens, I don’t care.”  
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joturner-blog1 · 8 years
“I’m not claiming to be underprivileged, I just care about being successful rather than feeling good or being in love with myself.”
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“Oh because you’re so underprivileged, get over yourself.”
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joturner-blog1 · 8 years
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joturner-blog1 · 8 years
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“I was actually on the phone, but if eavesdropping is your idea of a conversation I’m truly sorry for irritating you.”
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“Are you going to stop talking soon? You’re really irritating.”
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joturner-blog1 · 8 years
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“I don’t really remember asking, but thanks for the generous offer anyways.”
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“No, I don’t have any more cigarettes.     No you can’t borrow my lighter”
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joturner-blog1 · 8 years
“Honestly, if you were really looking for an intelligent woman, you wouldn’t be looking on an online dating site. Sorry, buddy, I’m onto you.”
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“Joined this online dating site out of sheer curiosity and so far, I’ve gotten thirty-four amateurish close-ups of breasts from various women. If only one of them could enthrall a man with her intelligence and charms… Well, that, or her willingness to recite an entire scientific article for him while he kisses her body senseless.”
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joturner-blog1 · 8 years
“That’s a nice little fantasy, Tony. And you know what? I’m feeling especially kind today so I won’t crush it for you.”
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‘‘‘I feel like we still have some common sense, like don’t show up to the first day of school smelling of alcohol.’‘
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joturner-blog1 · 8 years
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“Oh no, I completely agree. But see she wants the attention and the money, mostly. Prenups pay for our apartment, so I’m not complaining.”
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‘‘That’s kind of sad, and I know it sounds weird coming from me, but why bother to get through a wedding, or a relationship at all,  if you know it won’t last.’‘
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joturner-blog1 · 8 years
“Sweetheart, if you want to make it through the year without much shit going down, you certainly picked the wrong school. Either grow a thicker skin or prepare for hell.”
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“If I on not I buy it, it’s making this school year more stressful than it needs to be. It’s senior year, I just want to make it through the year without to much shit going down.”
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