i'm josephine calloway, named after the great josephine baker. i, however, go by josie. i'm hoping to get a work published by the time i'm 30, but in the meantime, i work as a barista. cliche, i know.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Ahh… hatred, jealousy. All the hallmarks of a good best friendship. I accept. Okay, the least… I got sick in South Africa, but that’s hardly the fault of the country itself. I suppose India was a bit of a strange thing for me, if only because people assumed I’d speak the language of whatever region I was in at the minute, and I don’t speak Hindi or any of the regional languages there. It’s an odd feeling to be a fish out of water but look as though you belong there.
It’s the foundation of all of my long-lasting friendships - no, seriously, I do sort of hate every person I’m friends with back at home if only because they’re the fakest people you could ever meet. Whoever said anything about small towns having the most genuine people is sorely mistaken - aside from me, of course. I’ve been a big city gal waiting to move to a big city my entire life. And that 110% makes sense, honestly. I would hate for people to assume anything about me off the bat. I once heard of this actress, though, who simply took on the accent but then would go around India speaking English and telling everyone she'd prefer to speak English in order to help when she’d eventually move to the U.S. for school or something of the sort. Lying may be frowned upon, but whatever helps you feel a bit more comfortable works, right? If you don’t mind my asking, where are you from?
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I forgot that thing was turned into a movie. I tried to read the book… I think I made it to the beginning of Pray, so I really just got through Eat. Which made me hungry. Yes! Bright pink drinks… I’m sipping my way into oblivion. And you were smart with the e-reader, because I’m the lunatic who packed actual paper books in her luggage. Ridiculous, me.
Hot tub… that’s my next stop. After the skinny dipping, of course, because I’m absolutely here for you. I have plans to skinny dip every day, and having a partner is far more fun than doing it alone. How many bikinis are we talking? I’ve got two.
One day we’ll have to get drunk enough to watch the movie without any remorse. Who knows, we may learn a thing or two about Ms. Roberts. I don’t blame you, honestly. It was with a guilty conscience that I even bought the e-reader in the first place, but I knew that lugging books around would not be a good idea. Those babies are staying safe and sound at home. But how many books are we talking here?
How about we go down together? I’m sure it’d be more fun with two rather than one, but I don’t blame you for wanting to get your soak on. And if all of this place is as new as they say, you won’t even have to worry about what type of person enjoy those bubbles before you. I’m talking about five bikinis, one for every day of the week. The weekend is when we pull out the birthday suit.
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Thankfully, I did bring my laptop to upload these pics. I didn’t know if I could buy one here and sadly, I can’t order things online to be shipped here. Yeah, it’s amazing. Maybe they wanted one of us so bad and they knew we wouldn’t come without the other so they just gave in and invited us both. Or we’re just two lucky people. I wonder that too…how did they choose people, especially when not everyone is even from the same area. Do you think they’ve been stalking us?
I doubt anyone would go out of their way to stalk a lowly barista from Akron, Ohio. Even I wouldn’t stoop so low. Where are you from?
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It was just such an elegant description of everything. I enjoyed it. Yeah… I sort of stumbled into it. A friend had me taking photos for his website, and that involved a lot of traveling. Eventually, I was being asked to write the accompanying pieces. I’ve been… wow. All over the place, really. Probably easy to ask where I haven’t been. Deo… Modi. Nice to meet you.
Just so you know, I sort of hate you only ‘cause I’m immensely jealous of you, but also, let’s be best friends, yes? We can be a kickass writing-traveling duo. How about this: where was the place you liked visiting the least? That should narrow it down. I’m Josie, Josie Calloway. And it’s very nice to meet you, too, Deo.
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Perhaps it can be more Elizabeth Gilbert. Discovering yourself, Eat Pray Love-style. Though that novel was annoying too, wasn’t it? Or am I the only one who thought so? The goal is to be better, no doubt. The best there ever was at telling a summer story.
It was literally the first thing I did after I saw my room. Bags down, out to the pool, clothes off. I went for a quick swim and just enjoyed the moonlight. Both the island and the glorious night sky. I’m Jane, but that would have been an adventure for sure.
Surprisingly enough, I have never read the book, nor have I seen the movie with good ol’ Julia Roberts. But I do have quite the long list of books on my e-reader that I plan on getting through while sipping my weight in alcoholic drinks that taste nothing like alcohol - bring on all the bright pink drinks with little umbrellas, my friend. You can bet your sweet butt that I’ll be the one with that story.
It wouldn’t be deemed Moonlight Island if it didn’t have the best view once the sun set. It should’ve been the first thing I’ve done once I got here, but the hot tub was calling my name. It was all, “Josie, Josie, please soak in me,” and who am I not to oblige? I bought the best bikinis the Internet and my nearly maxed out credit card had to offer, but nothing beats my birthday suit. It’s my pleasure, Jane.
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If the rest of your writing is anything like this reply, I’m sure you’ll go far. I work as a writer… travel writing pretty much exclusively. But I can’t say it was a calling for me as it clearly is for you. If this is all a plot to steal our organs, I can only hope that someone will happen upon my lifeless body and find the memory card I’ll have painstakingly hidden full of at least a rough draft of my write up on this place. Publish it in my absence.
You flatter me all too much. Travel writing, I’m jealous. Where have you traveled to? Did you just happen upon writing as a profession? I think I should have your name before I publish this, unless you’d want to go under a pseudonym or prefer Anonymous.
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This is a grand adventure, isn’t it? If you’re a writer, do you think you’ll get a book out of this lost summer, or were you just being introspective about the moment?
If you’re still looking for a partner, I’ve been skinnydipping once already, but I’d love to go again.
More so introspective, but I wouldn’t mind gathering as much inspiration as I can. I can join the likes of those that have written about memorable summer flings and come out with a feel-good hit for those that want something a bit more chill. It isn’t Gillian Flynn, but I hope it’d be better than Nicholas Sparks.
Already? Dang, girl, you do not play around. I admire you already. I haven’t had anyone take me up on my offer just yet, so that would be a hard yes from me. I’m Josie, by the way. I figure you should at least tell someone your name before you get entirely naked in front of them - though that would be sort of thrilling, wouldn’t it?
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Are you a writer too? I have the same philosophy toward it, which is pretty much the entire reason I came to this place. Even if I’m a little suspicious of the luck that brought me here.
That I am, handsome. I’ve been a writer since I could understand the very concept of writing. The only thing is, there’s not much living you can do while in the middle of Small Town, USA, where the most interesting thing to ever happen to me was that I got two potato chip bags when I had only paid for one from the vending machine. It was the highlight of my week. So, even if this trips ends up being some ploy to steal our organs and sell them to the black market, I’d welcome the unpredictability of it all.
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I photograph anyone and anything. My camera has already been in use a lot and I’ve only been to orientation and then the walk to my room. It’s just so beautiful here. That sounds like an amazing way to make a living though. My boyfriend doesn’t have to miss me. By some crazy coincidence, he was also invited. It’s amazing. I doubt I would have come if he didn’t come.
You’ll need a new memory card before the end of the week at the rate you’re going. I’d hope the store nearby sells them, otherwise you’re shit out of luck. You two are here together? I wonder how you managed to swing that, seeing as it seems this entire invitation process was completely random. I swear they just picked us all out of nowhere. Like, I wonder what the requirements were to be chosen for this sort of thing.
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Exactly how we should live it. I intend to take as many pictures as I can. I don’t want to forget a moment of this incredible experience. I’m still in shock that a moment like this even came around. That’s one way to begin the trip. I think I’ll pass though. The thought of a bunch of people that aren’t my boyfriend seeing me naked seems weird to me. Not you doing it being weird, me personally.
Oh, you photograph? Is it usually of scenery or more so people? I once saw someone who made a living off of only photographing dogs and only dogs, and I have to tell you, she’s living the life. Fair enough, I’m sure your boyfriend must miss your bod while you’re here and not where he is.
#( chat: barry. )#//i'm replying w gifs#even though u can't#bc i love her#and i wanna look @ her face
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I remember I once heard in a movie a quote that has since stuck with me: “A writer is the sum of his experiences.” I wholly intend on experiencing everything this place has to offer while I’m here since this is the type of opportunity that we’ll likely never get again within our lifetimes, unless we walk around with four-leafed clovers and rabbit’s feet tucked in our coat pockets, hoping we’re struck with this sort of luck again.
With that in mind, who’s going to join me for some skinny dipping?
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