say hell yes
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i'm josh and sometimes i'm on the screen.
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josh-bye · 11 years ago
God, remind me never to complain about being busy around you. Or losing sleep. I always end up feeling bad 'cause you have it way way worse. How do you even manage? We never went to church much growing up, though, I mean, not more than anyone else. And lying about going to church is a little too evil. So, I can't really use that excuse. It's not productive, but it's still better than continuing sleeping in for hours on end like a zombie. Right? I gave up all hope with Flappy Bird, that game is a joke. What if there's an earthquake? You can't go making promises like that. You never know what will happen.
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I know- I used to never get sleep. One time, I finished filming Victorious at 3am and went home, had an hours sleep- then, I had to go back on set to film the video for Popular Song. I had to dye my hair black at 6am, and then we were shooting the video, round till 3 in the morning, again. My brain was literally fried, by the end of it. You could you that excuse too, if you like! They’re not a productive something- Flappy Bird literally destroyed my whole life, I don’t know who I am anymore. Hey, I don’t get distracted that easily. I’d make sure I’d catch you, I pinky promise.
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josh-bye · 11 years ago
Secretly a wizard? Can't believe you kept this from me. I mean, I know you're not supposed to tell muggles, but come on, it's me. Good point, but I still think having no magic abilities would hold me back. I would probably hide behind Harry like a little bitch the whole time. I'm sure this is only one of many problems twitter has caused.
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That’s very true. I mean I’m secretly a wizard anyway but if I wasn’t I’d have no chance in defending myself But you, you’re a different story! You survived the hunger games, I’m sure you’ll manage with Voldemort. Yes, yes, of course. I blame twitter for everything.
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josh-bye · 11 years ago
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josh-bye · 11 years ago
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josh-bye · 11 years ago
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josh-bye · 11 years ago
I guess it's hard if you're not easily amused, like I am.
Well this house is boring and so I have to do anything to amuse me.
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josh-bye · 11 years ago
I think I'd fail miserably in that aspect. But maybe I'll try it one day.
Surprisingly no I don’t.
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josh-bye · 11 years ago
Hi ho, hi ho.
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Off to work I go!
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josh-bye · 11 years ago
Well, it's not like you end up doing it. You just have... an interesting perception on what fun is.
And that means I’m a bad choice of judgment when it comes to life choices.
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josh-bye · 11 years ago
Yeah? You don't want to get up and leave half way through?
I’m an impatient person and I can do it.
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josh-bye · 11 years ago
It's a nice break from the weekdays where you know you haven't gotten enough sleep. That's a pretty good excuse actually, now people can;t blame you. Hey! Smart phone apps count as doing something too. No, heck no, I'm scared of those. It doesn't mean I don't trust you. But like, what if you get distracted or something and end up not catching me?
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I know right, I just love the feeling of waking up and feeling like, I’ve actually had a good night’s sleep- there’s nothing that beats it. Oh, I used to be a churchgoer when I was younger, I guess you can say, that I’m making up for loss of sleep time now. There’s a difference between you and me, though. I, will sleep in until I wake, and I’d then, get up and do something. You, however, will sleep in until you wake up, then not get your butt out of bed. Maybe, you trust me? We’re going to have to do one of those trust exercises, where one person falls backwards into the other’s arms.
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josh-bye · 11 years ago
I was thinking the same thing. But then you're bound to get dragged into his Voldemort drama, which I guess would be fun if you're a wizard yourself. But as a human, I can't do much to defend myself. Um, I don't know. Twitter's fault? This wouldn't have happened without Twitter.
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Well it’d be pretty great being friends with Harry Potter, though. I mean… he’s a wizard. Who doesn’t want to be friends with a wizard? Well if it’s not your fault, who’s fault is it?
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josh-bye · 11 years ago
These things seem like fun when you're drunk, but you found it tempting even when you were sober. 
Well it seems like fun.
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josh-bye · 11 years ago
You're going to give Anne a heart attack. In fairness, you would probably be one of the more successful porn stars out there. Not that I encourage this.
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My mum just text me to ask if the rumors about my leaving One Direction to be a pornstar are true… I told her they are. 
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josh-bye · 11 years ago
That's a strange thing to find so tempting.
Hmm i don’t know, it just sounded oh so tempting.
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josh-bye · 11 years ago
Cool, I don't know if I would have the patience for it myself. It truly is, it should be one of the basic human needs.
Yeah it does, well everyone’s different but I find it helps me focus and relax. Yeah that’s true, it’s a life saver.
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josh-bye · 11 years ago
Yep, I think that makes it pretty clear. That way you're not to be confused with Harry Potter or Harry Truman or any other Harry. It's not my fault. We started talking about food and I couldn't focus enough to make myself a better deal. I'm not very smart when I'm hungry and tired.
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Okay, there’s always a reason to have a Harry Styles around, better? Hehe, you should… but you didn’t. It’s your own fault Hutcherson!
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