plush piggie
298 posts
Chubby bangtan r the best bangtan!! ♡
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
jooniechubbs · 5 years ago
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feeling incredibly full right now 😩😩
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jooniechubbs · 5 years ago
this blog may b called joonipupz but this is a froogi jooniebug supporter only zone @__@
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jooniechubbs · 6 years ago
m so excited :D
2.5 k words into this fic! I’m aiming for 4k but who knows :) here’s a hint towards its plot: multiple feedees !
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jooniechubbs · 6 years ago
hi came back 2 remind u of ths
joon tiddies are superior but pls consider jimin with them THICC BREASTS and he loves to tease the other members with them, wearing low cut shirts so u can seem in all their jiggly n soft beauty, resting on top of his vewy soft tummy and theyd be so pretty >:(
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jooniechubbs · 6 years ago
do you think you can draw jungkook the biggest you can?
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uh. I tried lol. I don’t think I’m that good at going REALLY HUGE but am getting there :D
Thanks for requesting!
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jooniechubbs · 6 years ago
idk abt u but i am a namjoon is a soft baby enthusiast
soft namjoon stans will rise
namjoon is and always will be a soft baby
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jooniechubbs · 6 years ago
broke: a namjin fic with joon as the dom and jin as the sub
woke: a namjin fic with jin as the dom and joon as the sub
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jooniechubbs · 6 years ago
70 horrible questions ... Fuck it
01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents? 02: Who did you last say “I love you” to? 03: Do you regret anything? 04: Are you insecure? 05: What is your relationship status? 06: How do you want to die? 07: What did you last eat? 08: Played any sports? 09: Do you bite your nails? 10: When was your last physical fight? 11: Do you like someone? 12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours? 13: Do you hate anyone at the moment? 14: Do you miss someone? 15: Have any pets? 16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment? 17: Ever made out in the bathroom? 18: Are you scared of spiders? 19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? 20: Where was the last place you snogged someone? 21: What are your plans for this weekend? 22: Do you want to have kids? How many? 23: Do you have piercings? How many? 24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)? 25: Do you miss anyone from your past? 26: What are you craving right now? 27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart? 28: Have you ever been cheated on? 29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? 30: What’s irritating you right now? 31: Does somebody love you? 32: What is your favourite color? 33: Do you have trust issues? 34: Who/what was your last dream about? 35: Who was the last person you cried in front of? 36: Do you give out second chances too easily? 37: Is it easier to forgive or forget? 38: Is this year the best year of your life? 39: How old were you when you had your first kiss? 40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked? 51: Favourite food? 52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason? 53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? 54: Is cheating ever okay? 55: Are you mean? 56: How many people have you fist fought? 57: Do you believe in true love? 58: Favourite weather? 59: Do you like the snow? 60: Do you wanna get married? 61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? 62: What makes you happy? 63: Would you change your name? 64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? 65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? 66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? 67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? 68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? 69: Do you believe in soulmates? 70: Is there anyone you would die for?
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jooniechubbs · 6 years ago
puppy Tae is my favourite !!! m gona cry !!!
Puppy Taehyung 🐶
There’s like, this things going around abt puppy Taehyung and I’m so abt to draw him to what I think he’d look like 🐶
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jooniechubbs · 6 years ago
All of your supportive words and likes and reblogs really encouraged me to write more. This still took me a while but I hope whoever will read this enjoys it!
I’ve actually had this idea since the LY tour ended so you see how long it took me to write this out. I had a part of it written already but then never continued and when I looked back at it I didn’t really like it so I changed some things. Anyways, I’m done ranting now hehe
When Jungkook woke up in the early morning hours, he immediately knew he was sick. His head felt stuffed and heavy as it pounded steadily. It made everything a little hazy but he still clearly registered the ache in his bones and muscles.
It’s not like Jungkook wasn’t used to body pains after concerts, it’s a rather common thing actually. But this, this was different. The ache was much deeper and widespread, his entire body hurting. It was the type of pain that was caused by fever and sickness. Jungkook hated it.
His throat felt dry and sore and his nose was blocked, making it difficult to breath. Jungkook felt so cold and even after pulling the sheets up to his chin his body still shivered with feverish chills.
Jungkook let out a low whine as he shifted in an attempt to get more comfortable. His clothes and the blanket stuck to him because he was so sweaty, chafing and making his skin prickle horribly with each movement. The utter exhaustion wasn’t enough to numb the pain and make him fall asleep again so, instead, he sat up against the headboard of the hotel bed. The upright position increased the throbbing in his head and a groan escaped his abused throat, followed by a dry cough that just made it hurt even more.
He grabbed his phone to check the time and realised it was only 4am and he barely slept for two hours. The boys didn’t have to get up until later, the private plane scheduled to leave around 10pm that night.
It was impossible for Jungkook to find a comfortable position, every bone and muscle hurting and chills kept racking his body.
Time passed and the sun rose, illuminating the room slightly through the heavy curtains. At some point it became too hard for Jungkook to keep his burning eyes open so he closed them, losing all sense of orientation and time.
Just as Jungkook was finally about to drift off into a slumber again there was a knock on the door.
“Jungkook-ah?” The voice sounded muffled through the door and Jungkook was too out of it to recognize who it belonged to.
A small beep indicated that the person opened the door using a keycard. The sliver of light and noise entering the room startled Jungkook back into full consciousness.
“Jungkook-ah, are you still sleeping?”
This time Jungkook recognized Sejin’s voice immediately, all too familiar with it. The man has been their manager since debut and at some point he unwittingly undertook the role of a caring uncle-like figure for the seven boys.
Jungkook let out a pathetic little noise, a mix between a groan and a whimper when Sejin pulled the curtains open. Jungkook tried to shield his sensitive eyes with his arm and the blanket but when the manager tugged on them he was too weak to keep them in place. With a pained moan he squeezed his eyes shut tightly.
Sejin knew the boys in and out so he quickly caught on. “What’s wrong, Kook-ah? Does your head hurt?”
He made sure to keep his voice low to not cause the maknae any more discomfort. Sejin got up to close the roll-up curtains halfway to block some of the light out as he waited for an answer. When he didn’t get one, he squatted down in front of the king size bed. The manager tenderly moved Jungkook’s messy bangs to place his big palm on the boy’s forehead, checking for a temperature. He made a small knowing noise as he pulled his hand back; definitely too warm.
“What’s wrong, Jungkook-ah? You have to tell me so I can help you.” Sejin prodded gently.
Sejin hated it when one of the boys got sick. It always got him into a conflict.
On one hand, he cared about them a lot so seeing them unwell but often still trying to push themselves was agonizing to watch. On the other hand, he couldn’t just cancel shows and photo shoots because one of them was sick.
Still, Sejin always tried his hardest to grant them as much rest as possible and pulled the sick member out of a schedule whenever possible.
Sometimes they attempted to hide the sickness or downplay it but nothing escaped the managers alert eyes. Jungkook was one of the members that liked to act like nothing was wrong, especially when their schedule was very busy. However, this time was different. They weren’t busy anymore. The tour just ended so the maknae wasn’t trying to hide his sickness. There was no point anyway. Not when he looked so obviously ill; pale and sweaty and feverish.
And even though Sejin still hated seeing Jungkook so unwell, he was glad that the tour was over and they had nothing scheduled for almost a whole week.
Jungkook’s voice was weak and rough when he finally answered. “I don’t feel good. Everything hurts, hyung-nim.”
Sejin hummed in acknowledgment. He already typed out a message to the medical staff. Since the day before was a concert day and also the final day of the European tour leg, everyone had the day off and Sejin felt bad for having to bother one of them but he needed someone to check up on the maknae of the group.
The other members had left earlier that morning to explore Paris, see the city and the sights and enjoy their day off. Sejin had decided to stay behind, however the other managers left with them. He didn’t even know Jungkook was still at the hotel until Hobeom texted him, telling him to come to a certain restaurant that evening together with the youngest for a celebratory dinner. For a second he thought about texting the boys but decided not to worry them unnecessarily and instead wait and see what the medical staff was going to say.
It didn’t take long for the head of the medical team to arrive; Sejin profusely apologising to them, which he just declined and assured him that it was alright.
Sejin stood at a distance, letting the man do his work at assessing Jungkook’s condition before he came over to him.
“He’s feeling pretty bad. He has a high fever and he seems to be a little dehydrated. I’m assuming it’s the flu but I suggest taking him to the hospital for a proper checkup.”
Sejin mulled over the mans words for a bit but when he glanced at the boy on the bed, looking so unwell, he made a quick decision. He texted the driver to get ready to take them to the nearest hospital ASAP and then went to help Jungkook freshen up a little bit. Sejin got him dressed in a warm hoodie but let him keep his sweatpants on. The manager put Jungkook’s shoes on for him when the maknae almost fell over when he tried to do it himself.
Jungkook had a hard time being upright and standing, his feeble legs barely managing to support his own weight. Sejin had a firm hand around his waist to assist him but Jungkook still stumbled over his feet every now and then. He felt dizzy and the pair had to stop a few times, so it took them a little longer to get to the lobby.
Luckily, the company booked the whole floor for them so they weren’t at risk of running into anyone unwanted. Throughout the tour everyone made sure to keep the groups residences top secret so there shouldn’t be any fans around the hotel either.
The driver met them in the lobby and escorted them to the van parked right in front of the entrance. It didn’t take them long to get to the hospital, neither did the waiting time in the ER because only 20 minutes after arriving they were set up in one of the cubicles, a doctor ready to see them. Sejin managed to communicate with the middle-aged woman in English, translating things to Jungkook.
“So what are his symptoms?” The doctor wanted to know.
Jungkook told Sejin about his headache and sore throat, the coughing and stuffed nose, as well as the chills and the fever. Sejin translated it to the doctor.
She typed it down on her tablet. “Since when is he like this? When did the first symptoms show up?”
“He was well last night. He actually was with the medical team before the show because he got injured about a week ago and if he had been sick already they would’ve informed everyone else and he wouldn’t have performed onstage. So I’m assuming it started some time tonight.” Sejin answered but turned to Jungkook to confirm it.
“Yes… early morning.” He mumbled, a dry cough escaping his throat as he pulled the thin sheets a little tighter around his shaking body.
The doctor hummed as she typed into her digital notepad again. Sejin tried to answer all of the questions as good as possible, Jungkook only adding some small things whenever Sejin needed him to.
After a moment she spoke up again. “It’s very common for the flu to happen suddenly and very intense. It’s possible that he went to bed feeling fine and then woke up with a high fever, feeling miserable.”
Sejin listened intently, glancing at Jungkook every few seconds. The maknae looked so exhausted, Sejin was afraid he could pass out any moment.
“So it’s safe to say that he’s got the flu?” The manager inquired.
The doctor looked up with her thin lips pursed. “We can take a rapid influenza diagnostic test, however, results are not very accurate and it’s really not needed. Based on the symptoms I’m seeing and you’ve told me about, it is very safe to say that he’s caught a severe bout of the flu.”
The manager was just about to ask about the treatment plan when the woman spoke up again.
“He’s also dehydrated so I’d like for him to stay for a few hours to start rehydrating treatment. I’ll send in a nurse to help with that after a quick physical exam.”
Sejin could only nod before she was getting some things ready. The doctor took Jungkook’s temperature, measured his blood pressure and pulse and used her stethoscope to listen to his breathing. Once she was done she excused herself and left them alone.
Sejin turned back towards Jungkook, just looking sadly at him for a bit before he settled into the chair next to the hospital bed. Sejin noticed how uncomfortable the boy looked but wasn’t sure whether it was from the sickness or the narrow, hard bed or maybe just both. Sejin sighed and carefully threaded his fingers through Jungkook’s soft hair.
Just as promised, a nurse entered the cubicle soon. She had a glass of what simply looked like juice in one hand and she closed the curtain with the other. She smiled brightly when she turned around and introduced herself.
The young woman tried talking to Jungkook to get his attention, telling him he needed to drink something and that he could sleep afterwards.
“No… No drink.” He mumbled in English, not knowing how to say it in French but still trying to get his point across. He held his hand out defensively, shaking it to deny the juice filled glass offered to him.
“Jungkook-ah, it’s not an offer. You need to drink. You’re dehydrated and we can’t leave until that’s fixed.” Sejin told him, his voice stern yet gentle.
“If he doesn’t drink, we’ll have to hydrate him with an intravenous solution.” The nurse explained to them. 
Jungkook didn’t understand much and admittedly it was scary to him; not knowing what was happening but he trusted his manager and was sure he’d take good care of him in his vulnerable state, not making him do anything he wouldn’t want to.
Sejin tried again, offering Jungkook the glass one more time, trying to coax him into drinking a few sips at least but it was futile.
Jungkook just wanted to sleep. Why didn’t they understand that? He was so exhausted, he just needed rest. His eyes felt so heavy and it was so hard to keep them open, especially with the bright lights aggravating his aching head, therefore he closed them. Every time he thought they’d finally let him rest, someone shook or prodded him. They were also saying things but his addled mind just couldn’t make out the words.
The manager noticed Jungkook’s sleepiness and he wished he could let him get some shuteye but that just wasn’t possible at that moment. He saw how the time between blinks kept getting longer and Jungkook’s eyelids seemed to get heavier and harder to open, so whenever he had them closed for too long Sejin gently shook his shoulder or ruffled his hair, any gentle gesture to keep him from falling asleep just yet.
The nurse had left earlier and when she returned she had a few things with her, probably whatever she needed for the IV.
She slowly explained what was about to happen but Jungkook was barely listening.
He didn’t even give more than a low grunt when the nurse set up the IV. She left after making sure it worked, with a promise to be back in about half an hour.
Sejin sat next to the hospital bed and finally Jungkook was allowed to get the rest he so much needed.
As exhausted as the maknae was, he couldn’t stay asleep for long and when he was awake it seemed impossible for him to get comfortable. He was fidgety and unusually whiny, little pitiful noises escaping him every few seconds.
Sejin tried to soothe him; tried to lightly massaging Jungkook’s head, tried to calm him with gentle whispers but no matter what he did, it didn’t get better.
The nurse came back like she promised, exchanged the IV bag and left again with a promise to send the doctor in so she could give Jungkook something against the pain.
Two hours passed before the middle-aged doctor came back, accompanied by the nurse. She got Jungkook to drink some of the juice before the nurse removed the IV and left.
Jungkook sat on the bed, back propped up with a pillow and Sejin stayed very close to him. 
“Alright, usually you don’t need anything but a lot of bed rest and plenty of fluids to recover from the flu. It’s possible to prescribe antiviral medication, though, it just possibly shortens the sickness for a marginal amount of time barely worth mentioning and the possible side effects would just make him feel worse. I suggest taking simple over-the-counter pain relievers to help with the aches and cough syrup for the coughing.” The doctor explained.
“Thank you very much. I do have a question, though.” Sejin spoke up. “We were meant to leave for Seoul tonight. Can he sit through such a long flight without possibly risking his health further?“ 
Sejin knew the boys and the staff were all tired and they all were looking forward to going back home so he needed to know if Jungkook could travel in his condition.
The doctor looked contemplative for a moment before she answered. "If you must fly, make sure he uses a decongestant as it’s possible to temporarily damage the eardrums due to pressure changes. If not necessary, I’d like to advise you not to take the flight as it just adds more stress to his already stressed-out system and can make his condition worse.”
Sejin nodded thoughtfully, mentally preparing to stay back with the maknae for a few more days, at least until his fever was going down and he felt a little better.
After making sure he understood everything correctly, Sejin let the driver know that they were finally being discharged. 
It was already afternoon when he assisted a shaky Jungkook out of the hospital and settled him into one of the comfortable backseats of the van. Sejin stayed in the back with him. The drive back to the hotel wasn’t very long but it was enough time for the manager to send out the same text to the whole staff, as well as the members, explaining the situation at hand.
Very quietly Jungkook spoke up, his voice hoarse. “Hyung-nim… I want to go home. I don’t want to stay here.”
Sejin immediately understood that he was referring to what the doctor had told them about the flight situation. And he wanted to refuse, he really did because Jungkook needed to rest, needed to get better soon and not risk getting worse.
But when the maknae looked up at him, his big eyes teary and glassy from the fever, he found himself unable to.
So he wrapped a gentle arm around Jungkook’s shoulders to pull him into his side and whispered. “Alright. If that’s what you want, that’s what we’ll do.”
The manager heard the quiet sigh of relief and felt like he did the right thing. He gave Jungkook a soft squeeze and told him to rest until they got to the hotel. The boy relaxed into his side almost instantly.
Sejin checked his phone again and it was basically bombarded with texts from the members and staff. He felt a little bad about it but he decided to answer his fellow managers first, informing them of the details about the situation.
Sejin didn’t like to but he had to rise Jungkook from his short nap when they arrived in front of the hotel. As much as he wanted the maknae to rest, the van wasn’t the right place for that.
Jungkook was a lot easier to wake up when he was sick, his sleep nowhere near as heavy as it usually was. 
The maknae was groggy and the journey back to his hotel room took a little too long for Sejin’s liking. He was worried to see the boy so winded when he was used to seeing him so energetic and full of stamina. Sejin was relieved when they finally reached the room and he could sit Jungkook down on the bed.
Jungkook clumsily took off his jacket and shoes and went straight back into bed. He squirmed and whined a little but it didn’t take very long for him to fall asleep, utterly exhausted.
Only once Sejin was sure Jungkook was comfortably asleep did he answer the member’s messages. They texted back immediately, informing him that they were on their way back already and that they’d be there soon.
Jungkook woke up slowly, his brain taking time to catch up with reality. 
Before anything else, though, he was once again cruelly made aware of the body aches the flu was causing him. His face scrunched up in discomfort. Jungkook’s head throbbed in time to his heartbeats and he felt hot and sweaty, the sheets clinging to him in a way that frustrated him so much he couldn’t help the hoarse whine escaping his lips. It set off a dry coughing fit that made his throat burn.
There were hands on him, sitting him up and stroking his back and once Jungkook calmed down he saw all the members were with him, either perched on the edge of the bed or right in front of it but never too far away.
“Hey, Kookoo.” Taehyung smiled softly at him. “Sejin messaged us and we came right back. How are you feeling now?”
The blanket shifted when Jungkook was sat up and he suddenly felt very cold instead of too warm. He leaned back into the pillows and pulled the blanket tightly around his body.
“I’m tired and achy…” Jungkook mumbled quietly. “Don’t feel so good.”
Namjoon gently patted his arm. “I bet you don’t, Kookie-yah.”
Jungkook pushed the sheets aside when he started to feel too hot again. He felt annoyed by how he felt too warm under the blankets but too cold without them.
The members seemed to notice and Jimin shifted the sheets so they only covered half of Jungkook’s body.
“Better?” The older asked hopefully.
Jungkook nodded, eyes half lidded due to tiredness. His nose was blocked so he had to breathe through his mouth, causing it to become dry and hurt his throat more.
As if Yoongi knew, he handed Jungkook a glass of water. “Here, drink something.”
Jungkook drank a few sips before he settled down again. He had his eyes closed already when he sleepily mumbled, “Wanna sleep.”
Seokjin lovingly ruffled the maknae’s hair but pulled back quickly. He felt very warm and sticky due to sweating.
“You’re all sweaty. I think you should take a shower, it would also help with your temperature.” The oldest pointed out.
Jungkook pouted. He didn’t like the idea of getting up and showering at all. The thought of the hard water raining down on his already over sensitive skin didn’t seem appealing to him, neither did standing up. Even laying down he felt how weak and exhausted he was, barely able to move his limbs.
Jungkook wanted to tell them he didn’t have the strength for a shower, that he didn’t feel well enough to even leave the bed. Because he wasn’t. Just the thought of having to get up tired him out and made him dizzy.
But he was afraid they wouldn’t listen to him either way. Or worse, they’d tell their managers and maybe they would make him stay back because if he couldn’t even shower, he definitely couldn’t take such a long flight.
“C'mon, Kook-ah. You’ll feel a little better afterwards and you can go back to bed as soon as you’re done.” Hoseok tried to negotiate.
“We’ll help you, baby.” Jimin offered affectionately.
Jungkook didn’t want help but he let Hoseok and Jimin aid him to the bathroom. He also let Jimin fill up the bathtub instead when they noticed just how unsteady the maknae was.
“Just yell if you need anything and we’ll help you.” Hoseok told him, reluctant to leave but Jungkook, stubborn as ever, refused their offers of helping him to wash himself.
The water was lukewarm and Jungkook didn’t like it at all but he also knew it was best for him so he pushed through and as quickly as possible soaped down his body and hair. He took several breaks, his arms feeling to weak to continue, so it took him a bit longer.
Jimin had come in again, leaving him fresh clothes and a big fluffy towel which he wrapped around himself once he was done.
Jungkook managed to put on his underwear with difficulty and he finally gave up on trying to do everything himself when he nearly fell over as he tried to put on his socks. He called for his hyung’s help and Jimin immediately burst through the door, as if he had been waiting for it.
“What’s it, Jungkookie?” Jimin was by his side in under a second.
“Hyung, can you help me get dressed?” Jungkook mumbled a little embarrassed but luckily the pink tint wasn’t visible due to the fever blush that was already coating his cheeks.
Jimin kneeled down in front of Jungkook. “Just hold onto my shoulders so you don’t fall over.”
He managed to get Jungkook dressed in fresh comfortable clothes. Jimin asked Hoseok to help him get the maknae back to bed again. It seemed like the bath drained all of the little energy Jungkook had left.
Hoseok could see how much he struggled just standing upright, so he held him firmly, Jimin doing the same on the other side.
Jimin noticed how the room looked a little emptier and realized that the others must’ve started packing Jungkook’s suitcases for him while they were in the bathroom. Jungkook was very neat so there probably wasn’t much to do anyway but the maknae was in no condition to do it himself.
After Hoseok tucked the maknae under the blankets he laid down behind him, spooning him. Namjoon sat down next to them, stroking the damp hair from Jungkook’s feverish forehead.
“See, it’s a little better now, isn’t it?”
Jungkook did feel less disgusting, yes, but the bath was horrible and he didn’t feel better overall. Still, he nodded slightly as he curled up and moved closer to Hoseok, seeking warmth. Jungkook’s head still pounded and he sniffled as he let his eyes fall shut.
“Jungkook-ah.” Yoongi’s deep voice stopped him from drifting off. “Drink some more. Then you can sleep.”
Jungkook groaned but let Hoseok help him sit up so he could have a few sips of water. When Yoongi was satisfied he took the glass and Hoseok pulled Jungkook back down.
It didn’t take long for Jungkook to doze off into a shallow slumber.
For the rest of the afternoon he kept drifting in and out of consciousness, never staying awake for too long, not falling into a deep sleep either. It was a fitful rest if it could be called resting at all because Jungkook still looked exhausted.
His muscles and joints weren’t hurting as much, he only recognized them as dull aches and the pounding in his head wasn’t as bad either when he was so out of it. The other members never left his side.
“I’ve never seen him this sick.” Seokjin muttered, running his fingers through Jungkook’s hair when he started to fidget in his sleep.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone this sick.” Jimin responded.
Jungkook started whimpering, small pitiful sounds, and it hurt their hearts. Taehyung laid down so he was facing the youngest and gently stroked his fever flushed cheek.
“Shh, we’re here. We’ll take care of you, Jungkookie.”
He didn’t know if Jungkook heard him but he calmed down, relaxing into the mattress.
“C'mon boys, I’ll stay here and watch him. You’ve been here all afternoon.” Sejin tried to convince the six members.
“But-” Taehyung interjected but Sejin spoke up again before he could continue. “I know you want to stay with him but it’s just for an hour or so. Go to the restaurant. You were looking forward to it.”
“We were looking forward to go there together. All of us.” Taehyung argued, a pout on his lips.
Sejin smiled sadly at them. “I know. I know. But you deserve this dinner. And we’ll pick you up in about an hour and go to the airport right after.”
That back and forth had been going on for a good ten minutes already. 
When they had arrived in Paris, the staff reserved a few tables at a fancy restaurant for the members and themselves to celebrate the end of the European tour leg. They had all been excited once they found out about it, always happy to go out with the whole crew and letting them now how thankful they were for their hard work. But now they didn’t want to leave Jungkook’s side, the youngest too sick to attend the dinner.
Eventually the members agreed, though. They didn’t want to be rude and turn down the staff’s invite but they demanded constant updates from Sejin, who would stay behind to look out for Jungkook.
It was about an hour and a half later that the manager got a text, informing him that the driver was in front of the hotel. They would pick up the other members, as well as two other managers, Hobeom and Jigaemae, and then drive straight to the airport. 
The company had spent a pretty penny on the boys and granted them a private Jet for their journey back to Seoul. Sejin was more than happy about that; it meant that they’d be able to skip the whole standing-in-line-and-being-in-a-crowded-airport part and go straight to the boarding-the-plane part. It also meant, there would be less stress and he therefore hoped that Jungkook’s condition wouldn’t get worse. He made sure to give him the decongestants as well as regular painkillers before guiding him out of the hotel.
Jungkook had slept for most of the afternoon and evening but exhaustion still lingered in his every bone. He felt dizzy and unsteady as soon as he was upright and Sejin had to support him the whole way from his room to the car.
“You should stop working out, you’re getting pretty heavy.” Sejin grunted teasingly.
“…Sorry.” Jungkook’s voice was so airy, it was hard to hear.
Sejin sighed and tightened the arm he had wrapped around Jungkook’s waist.
The maknae settled into the seat and tried to relax. He closed his eyes, thick jacket wrapped tightly around him as the warm air inside the van did little to cease the shivers racking his body. Jungkook peeked out the window for a little bit, the city flashing by but his head hurt too much to concentrate on anything really. 
By the time they stopped in front of the restaurant, Jungkook was too out of it to notice his members climbing in and settling down around him. Subconsciously, he did hear the soft voices, felt the warm touches but he didn’t react to any of them, just let them lull him into a short nap.
The black face mask and the hood covering his hair obscured the view of his pinched expression when someone shook him awake. Jungkook felt horrible, no matter how much he slept or how much medicine he took.
“C'mon, Jungkook-ah, wake up. We’re at the airport.” Sejin’s voice cut through his tired confusion.
Jungkook sat up, blinking blearily as he tried to take in his surroundings. He was still in the van but they were parked and the door was open. He could see his hyungs standing right in front of the car door and realized he was the only one left inside.
Jungkook struggled to get out but managed with Sejin’s help. Hoseok was immediately at his side, rubbing his back but then their manager spoke up.
“Guys, walk. We’ll be right behind you but go get on the plane first.” Sejin told the members sternly and Jungkook saw them walking ahead reluctantly.
Hobeom and Jigaemae escorted the boys to the steps leading into the aircraft and followed right after. In the meantime, Sejin gently guided the maknae towards the same entry, one strong hand on the small on his back, the other holding Jungkook’s upper arm to keep him from stumbling and hitting the rough ground.
“Slowly. One step at a time.” Sejin reminded him when they started climbing the steps. “You’re doing good. That’s it.”
Jungkook didn’t feel like he was doing good.
He felt like he was going to collapse, his legs weak and shaky and his lungs burning as he panted shallowly. He removed the mask covering his nose and mouth halfway through in hopes of breathing easier.
“We’re almost there. You can sit down in a second.” Worry was clear in the managers voice but Jungkook didn’t answer, only gripping onto the railing harder as he took the last few steps.
Sejin basically dragged Jungkook into the body of the Jet, Taehyung jumping up immediately to point him at a seat they apparently reserved for the youngest. Once the manager sat him down he understood why. It was a single seat and the only one you could move the backrest of. It was still a little while until takeoff so Sejin let Taehyung recline the seat, gently reminding them all that they would have to move it back into a sitting position for when the journey started.
Namjoon spread a soft blanket over Jungkook’s body and the maknae was very grateful, hoping that the soft smile he was trying to give him actually looked like one and not like a grimace.
Jungkook must’ve fallen asleep again because someone was shaking his shoulder gently to wake him up. He couldn’t have slept for very long, the plane was almost ready when they had entered it.
“We’re taking off, Kook-ah. You have to sit up for a bit.”
And as if to prove Namjoon’s words the loud noise of the engine resounded and the plane jerked as it started to move.
Namjoon put Jungkook’s backrest into an upright position and Jungkook shifted to sit more comfortably. He failed to close the seatbelt with his shaky fingers so Namjoon closed the clasp for him and pulled it a little tighter, securing the maknae in his seat.
Jungkook thanked him quietly and the leader gave him a soft dimpled smile.
“There’s a bed in the back. You can lay down there once we’re safely in the air.” Namjoon ruffled the maknae’s hair before he sat back into his own seat across from Jungkook’s.
Usually, Jungkook didn’t mind the takeoff or landing but this time he wanted it to be done with already so he could lay back down. He was so tired, he felt like he could sleep for a whole week straight but at the same time he wasn’t sure if he would be able to sleep at all.
Luckily for him, they soon were in the air, the seatbelt lights going out. Jimin was at his side within seconds.
“Jungkookie, let’s go lay down.” He prompted and helped Jungkook out of the seat. He opened the door separating the small bedroom from the rest of the airplane.
Jimin pulled the blanket back from the bed and motioned for Jungkook to lay down. The younger didn’t hesitate, the bed looked so comfortable.
“I’ll be right back Kookie.” Jimin pulled the sheets over Jungkook before he left him alone.
A few moments later the older returned, his arms full of all kinds of things. He dropped everything on the bed before sorting it. He put some water bottles and tissues on the small nightstand, then some packs of what seemed to be different kinds of medicine and pain relievers. Lastly, Jimin picked up the thermometer and kneeled down on the bed next to Jungkook.
“Open up Jungkook-ah.” Jimin told him with a gentle tap to the underside of Jungkook’s chin.
Jungkook followed his hyung’s instructions and held the thermometer under his tongue where Jimin had placed it until it beeped. Jimin frowned at the device and got up with a small sigh.
“Does anything hurt, Jungkookie?” The older asked, glancing at the array of medicine he brought with him.
“My head and throat hurt and my whole body feels sore, hyung.” Jungkook’s voice was scratchy and hoarse when he spoke, as if it wanted to emphasize what he said.
Jimin handed Jungkook two pills along with an open water bottle, telling him to take those and maybe try and drink some more of the water. Jungkook was sweating so much, they were worried he’d end up dehydrated again and feeling worse because of it.
Jungkook settled back into the pillows when he was done and let his heavy eyes slip shut. He could hear Jimin moving around a bit more before he felt something cool on his forehead. Jungkook’s eyes snapped open again in surprise.
“It’s just a fever patch, your temperature is a little high. Try to rest, ahgi.” Jimin reassured, pushing Jungkook’s bangs back gently.
Jimin stayed with Jungkook until he was sure he was fast asleep. He lovingly stroked the maknae’s cheek, whispering a quiet “I love you” before he returned back to the other members.
“He’s sleeping now. His temperature was 39.9° when I took it so I gave him fever reducers and painkillers. I also put a fever patch on his forehead so hopefully that’ll help.” Jimin told the others as he sat back down next to Taehyung.
“Yeah… hopefully that’ll help.” They murmured their agreements but still looked sad for their sick maknae.
Jungkook felt like he only slept for a short time when he woke up again, though he couldn’t be sure. 
His throat felt dry and he let his tongue swipe over his chapped lips. When he swallowed Jungkook found that his nose was almost completely blocked and his throat was still sore. He let out a few weak coughs.
“Jungkook-ah? You awake?” Someone asked close to him and Jungkook recognized the voice as Yoongi’s.
Jungkook groaned miserably but nodded.
“Hmm, did you sleep well? You’ve been asleep for a few hours.” Yoongi hummed and threaded his fingers through Jungkook’s hair, lightly massaging his scalp.
Jungkook leaned into the touch, he was still sleepy.
“Yeah, I think I did.” He murmured quietly.
Yoongi chuckled. “Let’s try and sleep some more, though. You still look tired and I came here so I could take a nap. Everyone else is sleeping as well.”
Jungkook curled into Yoongi’s side and burried his head in his shoulder. The older could feel the heat radiating from him and it worried him that Jungkook still felt so warm.
They tried to fall asleep again but Jungkook soon started to fidget.
He felt so warm, he needed to get the blanket off of him. He kicked his legs and untangled his arms to shove it away. Jungkook turned around with a groan, he felt so uncomfortable.
Before Yoongi could ask him what was wrong Jungkook started to toss again, this time curling up right beside the older’s body. He blindly grabbed for the blanket again and whined when he couldn’t reach it.
Yoongi realized what was going on and pulled the blanket over Jungkook so it covered him up to his waist. Then he wrapped his arms around the maknae, holding him close.
“Are you having hot and cold flushes?” Yoongi murmured close to Jungkook’s ear.
The younger shivered and whimpered. He nodded his head against Yoongi’s chest, already trying to get his legs out of the blanket again as his body felt like it was heating up, a thin sheet of sweat coating his skin.
The flushes continued for a while and Yoongi tried his best to assist the youngest as best as he could, even though it was a little frustrating to continuously move the sheets around.
Jungkook didn’t fall asleep again and neither did Yoongi. After a while they could hear quiet words coming from the other side of the door, obviously the others woke up as well.
“Do you want to sit with everyone and maybe try and eat some of the snacks?” Yoongi suggested when it became obvious that neither of them would get any more sleep.
Jungkook contemplated the idea for a second before nodding in agreement.
Yoongi helped the younger get up and opened the door for him. Everyone’s eyes were on them when they exited the room but they had soft smiles on their faces when they saw the maknae. Jungkook’s hair was messy and a little damp at the ends from sweating, his body was comfortably burried in one of his big oversized sweaters and his doe eyes had some of their usual spark back in them. All in all, as sick and pale as he was, he still looked adorable.
“Jungkookie-yah, come sit here. Sit with hyung!” Seokjin demanded, patting the seat next to him that was currently occupied by his RJ plushie. The oldest quickly threw the alpaca into the seat across from him so Jungkook could take the offered seat.
The maknae sat down heavily and pulled his legs up to his chest. He gently laid his cheek on his knees, sniffing a little to try and breathe easier.
“You listen so well, Jungkook-ah.” Seokjin praised teasingly and he was glad to see the small upturn of Jungkook’s lip.
“Only to you, hyung.” Jungkook played along. He sounded nasally and his voice was rough but it was nice to see him being playful.
The others quietly laughed when Seokjin pulled Jungkook close and patted his head lovingly.
“Let’s eat everyone!” Hoseok happily cheered and only then did Jungkook notice the plates full of sandwiches, sushi and fruits and other snacks on the table.
He wasn’t particularly hungry but he thought he should try something anyway so Jungkook grabbed one of the strawberries, nibbling on it until it was gone. They all ate rather silently and it was a little weird because all seven of them together usually was a loud affair. They’d fight over who gets the bigger pieces and who would get the last one but when they saw that Jungkook was just eating the strawberries and some of the rice they all silently agreed that they would let him have however much he wanted. They were glad he was eating at all.
The boy’s sat together for a while longer, until they were full and all of the food was gone. They continued talking and joking around.
Jungkook stopped listening after a while, his eyelids becoming heavy and the times between blinks becoming longer as he struggled to keep his eyes open.
Seokjin took notice of that and gently pulled him into his side. “Are you tired Jungkook-ah?”
The younger nodded, his eyes now closed. He took in a deep breath but it turned into a coughing fit, leaving him breathless once he was done. Seokjin rubbed his back up and down, hoping it was a soothing motion that would calm the younger down.
“Do you want to lay back down?” Seokjin asked.
When Jungkook nodded again, the older stood up and held out a hand to him. With a gentle hand on his back Seokjin guided him back to the bed in the back. He fluffed the pillows for the sick maknae and tucked him in.
“Do you need anything? Something to drink? Are you in pain?” Seokjin worried, wanting to be helpful to his maknae.
Jungkook pressed the side of his face into the pillow with a soft moan. “Mmh, head and throat hurt.”
The stuff Jimin had brought in earlier was still scattered around the nightstand so Seokjin looked through it, trying to find something that would help the younger.
He ended up giving him a lozenge that would soothe his throat and calm down the coughing, as well as a tablet that would help with the headache.
Seokjin stayed with Jungkook, combing his fingers through his hair, occasionally brushing his forehead. He was glad to find that the younger didn’t feel as warm anymore.
“Sleep well, Jungkook-ah.” Seokjin murmured quietly as he left the room when he was sure Jungkook was asleep.
When Jungkook became aware that he was waking up he tried to resist. He didn’t want to wake up. He never felt much better when he did. Why couldn’t his body just stay asleep until he felt better? Sleep was all he really needed after all.
The more Jungkook tried to force himself asleep again, the less it worked and finally he had to admit to himself that he was awake and he wouldn’t fall asleep again.
He could feel someone laying next to him so he moved, his whole body pressing into the other person’s side.
“Kookie?” Taehyung’s deep voice asked close to his ear, “How are you? Are you feeling a little better?”
Jungkook didn’t feel better at all. His head was still pounding and his throat was so sore it was hard to swallow, it was as if he never took anything to help with the pain. The terrible body aches were back as well, focused on his back and legs, his knees feeling like they were being shattered. Jungkook felt so miserable and he hated it.
He turned his head to cough into the pillow, groaning when it aggravated the ache in his throat.
Taehyung sighed and rubbed Jungkook’s back. “You always try to act like a hyung but situations like this remind me that you’re the baby of the group.”
Jungkook turned his head to look at his hyung and sure enough there was a soft smile on his face, though worry still evident on his features. Taehyung reached out his hand and placed it on the maknae’s forehead. He felt very warm and his clothes and skin were wet from sweat because of the fever. The older made a displeased noise.
“You feel so warm.” He told him and turned around to grab the thermometer.
Taehyung did expect the fever to be high, however, he was shocked when he saw that the number was close to 40°. He glanced at the thermometer and back at Jungkook, then he scrambled out of bed, telling the younger that he’d be right back.
He did come back quickly, Hoseok with him. They both had worried expressions on their faces.
Hoseok sat down on the bed, the mattress dipping. He moved the bangs from Jungkook’s forehead and placed his hand on it. Jungkook closed his eyes, leaning into the touch.
“Poor Jungkookie. You’re feeling so bad, don’t you?” The older sighed.
“Hyung, I think he can take another.” Taehyung spoke up suddenly. He had been reading the signature of the medicine to make sure it was safe to give Jungkook more medicine without accidentally causing an overdose or something.
They gave him one of the pills and a bottle of water to help swallow it down. Hoseok made sure he was comfortable; fluffing the pillows again, untangling the sheets Jungkook accidentally messed up in his sleep and then placed another one of the fever patches on his forehead, hoping it would help bring down his temperature.
Hoseok and Taehyung stayed with him, laying on either side of him. They brought the iPad and put on a movie to try and distract Jungkook, taking his mind off of the aches and pains.
Jungkook had no idea how much time had passed so he was surprised when Namjoon came in, telling them they needed to sit down because they were about to land at Incheon International Airport. He felt relieved that he would finally be able to leave the plane and that he would be back home within an hour or so and got to rest in familiar surroundings.
It was evening, around 6pm, when they touched down. Unfortunately for them, Incheon Internation Airport did not have a private exit they could leave from without being seen. That meant, they had to fight through the busy airport, surely a bunch of fans and reporters waiting for them.
Namjoon stayed right by Jungkook’s side the entire time, his hand on the small of his back to guide him along the way. Manager Sejin was on his other side, hovering protectively around the two members, several more security guards surrounding them.
They were the last ones in the row, the other members walking ahead of them, all of them surrounded by security personnel as well. They could hear loud screams and cameras clicking as soon as they entered the building.
Jungkook had his hood far over his face so it covered his eyes, the rest of his face hidden by a mask they made him wear before he left the plane. He couldn’t see much except for his feet stumbling along as he tried to keep up with Namjoon and everyone else. Walking was so hard for his weak, feverish body and the only thing keeping him going was his hyung guiding him through the crowd. He felt dizzy and disoriented, solely relying on Namjoon and Sejin to get him out safely.
It seemed like the fans and reporters were especially excited to finally see them again after their long overseas tour. They kept pushing to get closer to the members and if it hadn’t been for Sejin and Namjoon, Jungkook probably would’ve ended up on the floor several times already.
Walking through such a rowdy mass of people was never fun, not even when they were all alright and even though the boys were visibly annoyed by it, those people never stopped. The members never said anything though, just tried to ignore it and get to their destination in one piece.
“Stop pushing!” Namjoon’s loud voice roared, startling Jungkook. He looked up to see his hyung glaring at the people to their right. Namjoon’s voice sounded booming to Jungkook but most of the people around them didn’t seem affected at all as they just continued to push forward.
At some point they couldn’t continue walking, people blocking their path while they took pictures and videos. Jungkook pulled the hood further down his face and ducked his head, hoping that, along with the mask, it would hide him enough. Namjoon pulled him closer, hugging him as the security tried to create a way for them to pass through. It was terrible and breathing got harder for Jungkook. He wanted to get out already. He wanted to be back home at the dorm he shared with his hyungs. He wanted them to take care of him and make him feel better. He didn’t want to be at the airport in the middle of a raucous horde at all.
Jungkook barely registered it when he was guided into the car waiting for them. His breathing was too fast and labored and his vision was blurry. He felt overwhelmed.
“-kook-ah? Hey, Jungkookie.”
He slowly became aware of his surroundings, the soft voice talking to him and the gentle hands cupping his cheeks. Jungkook looked up and saw Namjoon looking at him worriedly.
“Are you with us? Are you okay?” He asked lowly as if he was trying not to startle the maknae.
Jungkook swallowed hard and nodded. “Yeah…” He let out a deep breath, pulling the mask under his chin to try and breathe a little easier, “Thank you, hyung.”
Namjoon gave him a dimpled smile and removed his hands from Jungkook’s cheeks. 
“We’ll be home soon and then you can get all the rest you need.” He pulled the younger towards him so he could rest his head on his shoulder.
Jungkook’s body and mind felt so heavy, it was easy to drift off into a slumber until they reached the dorm.
The others didn’t want to wake him up yet, so Seokjin pulled the maknae on his back and carried him inside. He laid him down on the couch when they entered their home, the others dropping all of their luggage around the living room. Jungkook stirred and opened his eyes blearily.
He tiredly took in his surroundings, feeling safe and comfortable at home, surrounded by all of his hyungs. It was nice.
The older members made him take a shower as he was in desperate need of one with all of the sweating and traveling he had been doing. This time he let Hoseok help him, letting him shampoo his hair and wash his back for him.
Two hours later he was comfortably tucked into his own bed, all six of his hyungs with him as they told him goodnight’s and get well soon’s.
“Sleep well Kookie and feel better soon.” Jimin told him, kissing his warm forehead gently. None of them left him until he was asleep, all of them promising to take good care of him until he was well again.
Hopefully this wasn’t too long and boring ㅠㅠ
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jooniechubbs · 6 years ago
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Cheeky buddies
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jooniechubbs · 6 years ago
Reblog if your respect for BTS goes beyond posts on social media and you wouldn’t do things like mob them or camp outside their hotel and other sorts of invasive behavior
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jooniechubbs · 6 years ago
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jooniechubbs · 6 years ago
how about namgi for the fic?
hope u like soft feederism bc this is Soft soft. and namjoon is Soft soft
namjoon admittedly had a soft belly. he was no jimin or jungkook, who had dedicated themselves times before to getting abs. his body wasn’t like theirs; naturally, he always was softer. muscles made him look thicker, not leaner.
namjoon knew that for him, having some softness to his belly was healthy. and over time, he had grown fond of it, much like taehyung.
they had a long break, something they all desperately needed. with long breaks came proper meals that yoongi or seokjin cooked up. namjoon was able to eat until he was full (or sometimes overeat) every night.
it didn’t take long for namjoon to notice his belly getting a bit more softer from the change in diet. he could see the faint outline of his now slightly protruding belly in some of his more form fitting shirts and his belly hung out a bit over his jeans.
his cheeks looked softer and rounder, making his dimple even deeper. jimin had squeezed one of his cheeks out of nowhere one day and ran off giggling, so namjoon figured the new softness was a good thing.
yoongi, the man behind most of the food, noticed it too.
“your tummy got softer,” yoongi commented. he was currently cuddled in namjoon’s lap in namjoon’s room, a movie playing on the tv. yoongi had taken the opportunity to rub namjoon’s belly and found a new softness to it.
namjoon nodded. “hyung makes really tasty food.”
yoongi smiled, rubbing namjoon’s belly softly. “maybe i’ll make you a special meal someday, just for you.”
namjoon hummed, mind already wandering off to what yoongi might make for him.
“would you like that, joonie ah?”
“i would love that, hyung. and so would my belly.”
yoongi rolled his eyes fondly, pinching namjoon’s tummy.
a few days later, he kept good on his promise.
he had some stew and pork with kimchi and rice and other side dishes. he proudly set them all in front of a wide eyed namjoon, fondness seeping over him at seeing namjoon look so happy over food.
namjoon picked up his chopsticks and dug into the meat. “you’re the best cook ever, i swear,” namjoon groaned around the food.
yoongi pretended to brush it off, though they both knew the comment only fueled his ego.
he ate a bit of his own serving, chatting with namjoon. namjoon easily made his way through the rice and pork and moved onto the stew. by then yoongi was content with how much he ate himself, instead deciding to watch namjoon.
namjoon felt warm, his belly more than full and the stew warming it up. he wanted to finish all of what yoongi had made for him, despite the light ache of fullness that was beginning to tug at his belly.
the stew was too good to miss out on, however. before he knew it, it was gone, resting in his belly with the rest of the meal yoongi had prepared.
namjoon burped, then sighed. “i’m full.” he smiled sheepishly, cheeks puffy and dimples deep.
yoongi couldn’t stop himself from leaning over and pressing a kiss to namjoon’s nose. “did you enjoy it?”
namjoon eagerly nodded. “i told you, you’re the best cook i’ve ever met. it was perfect.” he burped again, a dull ache spreading across his belly.
yoongi smiled, reaching down to pat namjoon’s stuffed tummy. “i like seeing you full and happy.”
namjoon hummed, then winced as he felt his stomach grumble. “i-i think i might have overdone it a little.”
yoongi shook his head fondly, pressing another kiss to namjoon’s nose and watching as his cheeks turned pink. “hyung will take care of you, don’t worry.”
namjoon had no doubt that yoongi would. he let his hyung guide him to yoongi’s bedroom where he settled on the bed, sighing as he leaned his head back against the pillows and rubbed his stomach.
yoongi crawled onto the bed to settle next to him, observing the younger’s stuffed tummy. it was visibly bloated past his pants, the outline obvious against the shirt. it looked round and soft and full.
yoongi didn’t hesitate to begin rubbing namjoon’s stomach. he watched with amusement as namjoon’s eyes began to droop, the food coma settling in.
“so cute,” yoongi hummed, patting namjoon’s tummy. “my soft baby.”
namjoon smiled sleepily, eyes closed. “your soft baby.”
yoongi kissed namjoon’s cheek and cuddled up to the younger, a hand resting on his tummy.
namjoon always was on the softer side. yet he never minded it, especially not with the love it was receiving from his hyungs.
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jooniechubbs · 6 years ago
broke: a namjin fic with joon as the dom and jin as the sub
woke: a namjin fic with jin as the dom and joon as the sub
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jooniechubbs · 6 years ago
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round, chubby baby 💕
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jooniechubbs · 6 years ago
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