jonthegiraffe · 2 months
Virtual Sketchbook Assignment 5/ Final assignment
I got the idea from a dream that I had around the time I beat the videogame Elden RIng. In Elden Ring, There is a horrific character called Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy. He gave his body up to a serpent god to chase immortality. He, in my opinion, is insane.
In my dream, he smashed through a wall and had the intent to attack me.
For my materials, I used 30x22 cold-pressed paper, ink and a pencil. Since what I drew and inked was unpleasant to look at and quite bizarre I decided to add flowers and a juxtaposition. Depending on who looks at it they might find it even more bizarre. Here are some pictures on my progress of the art.
Pre-preliminary sketch
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The size of the room looked wrong and decided to change it in the next preliminary sketch
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In this preliminary sketch, I thought it was more appropriate and the size of the room is more what I had in mind.
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This page was for what more what I wanted it to look like in terms of detail and what it was going to look like on individual things. I am not sure if I will turn it in painted because it might not look acceptable.
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Last photo is the inked version.
This is the process that I went through. I will paint and if it does not turn out right then the inked version will be the final product
The things I like about the art: I like how fun it was to make. It took a while but I liked the flowers and I liked putting my dream into an art project. I also like the chandeliers.
Things I don't like: Almost everything else. The composition has almost no reasoning I think. There is too much to look at. It is quite a bizarre piece of art. Some people might say that the juxtaposition is nonsensical of Rykard (ugly) and the flowers (pretty) does not make sense. It would make more sense if there were not any flowers.
final note: I burnt out of making the painting. There is not enough time to finish the inked version will be the last. I will finish the painting later.
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jonthegiraffe · 2 months
Virtual sketchbook 4
Sagging Joy
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How did Jackson Pollock go from studying with Thomas Hart Benton and using abstract imagery in his paintings to removing all imagery in his famous “drip” paintings?
Answer: John Pollock was possibly influenced by his interest in native american art which seems to be more abstract and also his interest in surrealism. He also rejected Benton's art style of American Regionalism and juxtaposed it with his drip paintings. The ideas behind his painting to me is absolute freedom just like the idea of the American dream. You can also see a transition from his artwork. At first, he made artworks that were of mythology then transitioned to more abstract paintings like when he did his first solo show, that were described as “archaic”. John Pollock was influenced and pulled to the drip paintings by other influences that were Navajo, Native American and, surrealist art and made his own art style as a result.
This is incase you cannot read my handwriting.
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jonthegiraffe · 3 months
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Virtual sketchbook 3 
In this essay, I will be discussing the Perseus and Andromeda oil painting by Guiseppe Cesari. It was made between 1620-1630, and 29 1/4 x 21 3/8 inches. I picked this oil painting because I found the monster to have an amusing aesthetic and the painting’s unique composition. I also picked it because I recognized the story the painting is based on.  
The composition is asymmetrically balanced. On one side, it’s a nude Andromeda who is in front of a stone background that also serves as her platform. Light is contrasted and plays an important part in this painting. The stones are cast in shadow suggesting she is in a dire situation. Andromeda is cast in light suggesting she is a paragon of beauty. The other half of the composition is cast in the light where most of the conflict is happening. Perseus rides an albino horse holding Medusa's head engulfed in most of the light. Ceto, the sea beast is a brown monster with an almost dog-like appearance.   
The proportions have stark differences. Andromeda looks the largest because she is in the foreground with realistic anatomical features. Perseus and his horse also have realistic musculature. Ceto (The monster on the bottom left) has proportions that are shorter though he is wider and more muscular. The rhythm is almost diagonal. Your eyes are directed toward Andromeda then Perseus because you follow where she is looking. The monster is the last thing you see in the painting.  
In terms of variety, there are darker, lighter colors with fewer warmer colors other than the tree. Strangely, there is also unity because of the binary lighting and colors. 
This artwork makes me feel almost a sense of relief and hope that Andromeda would survive her encounter with Ceto. I know that if I were in her situation, I would feel overjoyed that I might come out of that predicament unscathed. 
The Italian artist, Guisseppe Cesari also called Cavalière d'Arpiño was knighted and offered patronage by Pope Clement VIII. (Bruce, 95). Guisseppe was also an incredibly popular artist in early 17th- century Rome. (Ringling Museum, plaque) He was a Mannerist painter. (ArtUK) His art does look like a similar style of Michelangelo and Raphael. For example, if you look at the Creation of Adam, the art style looks very identical, like the realistic musculature of Adam and Perseus. I think what the artist was trying to say is that you should have hope. In the 17th century, life was more difficult. I think his message was to try and have hope you can achieve satisfaction and relief from toil and danger.  
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jonthegiraffe · 4 months
Virtual Sketchbook 2 assignment
Unity- Unity is to have identical shared traits with a thing. For example, in my room, my wall is a warm color throughout but that's it. There are not two colors but one.
Variety- It is to have different traits from other things. For example, in a dirty laundry bin, there will be a variety of different types of apparel like pants, socks, and shirts. Each of them also has a variety of colors and patterns on them.
Balance- It can be achieved through symmetry or asymmetry according to the book though personally, I find it to be more synonymous with symmetry rather than asymmetry. For something to be symmetrical, it must have matching sides. For example, A classical guitar has matching sides. Asymmetry is unequal sides or forms. An example of this could be the painting, The Great Wave of Kanagawa.
Emphasis and subordination- Emphasis refers to a focal point. It is something that draws your attention. For example, if you are looking at a portrait, usually the face is the focal point. Subordination is the act of categorizing less interesting areas of the painting. In The Last Supper, the background is of lesser importance than the main figures
Directional force- It is the paths of the art piece that direct your eye to certain parts of the painting.  In a real-life example, you might look at the end of a long street. The directional force is going to go through the end of the road.
Repetition- is a set frequency of visual elements in a painting. An example of this could be identical houses in a neighborhood
Rhythm: A way to create repetition is rhythm and to have repeated variations of things and also the visual flow of an art piece like The Starry Night by Van Gogh.
Scale- the size of a thing compared to another thing. For example, the size of myself compared to a kitten.
Proportion- The size of any of parts to a whole. For example, the size of a person's eyes compared to their face.
The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo Buonarroti on 3.8 in the book
Focal point: The focal point is the space between the space of Gods and Adams forefingers.
Implied lines: The arms of Gods and Adams.
Color contrast: The body of God including the red cloth that's around Him and the  body of Adam including the green grass that he sits on are all warm colors which are contrasting the cool colors in the background.
The last question is a tough one. I think The colors I would have are definitely green and orange. Green to me represents life and health and orange represents happiness. I think I would also add red because I am at that part of my life where there is definitely more stress than usual.
4. Spoilers for The Dark Tower by Stephen King
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This is a painting I made with gouache. Now I know I said spoilers but Roland reaching the dark tower is the whole premise of the book series. Of course, he was going to make it. I am really passionate about stories and the characters. Roland showed bravery, resilience, and stoicism but also had some fun during his journey however slight it might have been. The best way to describe the story in a few words would be an interdimensional cowboy odyssey. I also found it to be heartwarming how he paid respect to all the people who helped and it definitely gave me goosebumps and put a huge smile on my face due to the power of the words. He also has the kindness to help other people.
This is another painting I made for the assignment
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This is Ellie Williams from the Last of Us video game series. I know technically I did not have to put another painting but I just wanted to talk about it. Ellie shows also a lot of resilience in the games like Roland though she does end up with PTSD but still finds the strength to keep finding the strength to locate the source of her pain.
List of logos around my room
Swiss army knife logo
Playstations logo
Alisa Chung/squid art logo
Switch logo
Apple logo
Lego logo
Logitech logo
Steam logo
I know about these logos because they have been around me for all or at least a large portion of my life. It also has to do with the fact that some of these logos are related to my hobbies which is also why I am familiar with them like PlayStation. How do I understand the value of these logos? It is from the viewpoint of the customer that the value is most prominent. A good logo can differentiate you in a marketplace like a mall. For example, Apple has a simple yet effective logo because of the status of the brand of technology they have.
The reply I made to another student. Note: I made the reply to a student in another group because I was the first person in my group to make a post on the night the assignment was due so I just replied to a student in another group because I had other homework to do and forgot about it.
Hello Aiden. I noticed you added an interactive logo whereas I only discussed business or studio logos which I thought was very interesting for you to do. I have not ever used Spotify but I mostly have used YouTube for music because it is free but not free if you're out of the house using up data. YouTube is the logo I am most familiar with though I noticed over long periods, the logos changed. For example. The YouTube logo used to be a Television for the app.
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jonthegiraffe · 4 months
Photography/Film/Digital/Design assignment.
List of logos around my room
Swiss army knife logo
Playstations logo
Alisa Chung/squid art logo
Switch logo
Apple logo
Lego logo
Logitech logo
Steam logo
I know about these logos because they have been around me for all or at least a large portion of my life. It also has to do with the fact that some of these logos are related to my hobbies which is also why I am familiar with them like PlayStation. How do I understand the value of these logos? It is from the viewpoint of the customer that the value is most prominent. A good logo can differentiate you in a marketplace like a mall. For example, Apple is a simple yet effective logo because of the status of the brand of technology they have.
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jonthegiraffe · 4 months
Virtual sketchbook 1 assignment
1. One little-known fact about me is I love to work out and do art in my free time though I am in no way talented or have done art for very long. 
A) The artist's name is Kehinde Wiley and focuses on detailed portraits with usually floral backgrounds of black men and women.
B) He was commissioned to make a portrait of former President Barack Obama. 
C) I could not find out why the Portrait of Tyesha Flemons was made or who she is but I did find out that it is an oil painting and is at the Stephen Friedman Gallery.
D) Kehinde Wiley was put into after-school art classes when he was a child. This is because his mom wanted him to stay off the streets. 
E) In his artwork, he tries to replicate the old masters which were European artists before the 1800s.
3. It has changed the way I look at it since I now know some background information. The first time I looked at it I thought it was just some random portrait of a famous black woman. Turns out his art is more about colored people as a whole. I think since he gives a piece of extraordinary art by someone who is not famous it gives more of a look at more common people who are not celebrities with some exceptions like former president Barack Obama.
(My sources)
https://kehindewiley.com/Links to an external site. 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kehinde_WileyLinks to an external site.
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This is a variation of The Great Wave off Kanagawa. the medium that was used was ink. In the original, there is an array of colors so some of it must be colored ink as well instead of just black. It serves the purpose of giving my room more personality. I do think it is very beautiful due to the colors, the detail, and the composition itself.
I am a 22-year-old white man and I work out, play video games, and do art for fun. I do not currently work anywhere as of the moment because I just got laid off. What makes me uniquely me is that I really care for wildlife and love to do art mostly because of the process and feeling of doing it, and I have a deep sense of dedication to the people I care about. When I look at art, I think I can sense the detail, For example, When I look at The Great Wave of Kanagawa, If you look closely, you can tell the men are about to brace for impact.
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