jonathanlingallery · 10 years
Go hard. Or go home. #theonlywaytotrain #liondance #notdragondance #fun @cylladda
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jonathanlingallery · 10 years
CYL Training: Go hard. Or go home. #liondance #notdragondance #howtofly @cylladda
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jonathanlingallery · 10 years
Go hard. Or go home. #theonlywaytotrain #lastset #liondance #notdragondance #fun @cylladda
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jonathanlingallery · 10 years
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Imperial Guardian Lions... When Buddhist travellers, probably out to trade, brought stories about lions to China, Chinese sculptors modeled statues of lions after the travelers' descriptions--and after native dogs, since no one in China had seen a lion with his or her own eyes. #imperial #guardian #lions #Chinatown
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jonathanlingallery · 10 years
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Even the dormant lion is fierce. Like a shark, it never sleeps. It's stern, unmoveable, unshakable. Always on watch. It's spirit is unfadable. by J.Lin #liondance #CYLLADDA #unfadable
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jonathanlingallery · 10 years
Me and my brother aka Team Lin at lion dance training today. Haha. This is how we bench. Lol. #doyouevenbench #liondance #training #ChineseYouthLeague (at Chinese Youth League of Australia)
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jonathanlingallery · 10 years
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#Acrylic #Painting #nofilter #art www.facebook.com/jonathanlingallery
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jonathanlingallery · 10 years
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Final Step: It's not officially complete until you sign and date it. #sign #date #theonlydatesiget #finished #art #apple www.facebook.com/jonatha lingallery
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jonathanlingallery · 10 years
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Step four: Two hours later, step back and be like... "how do you like dem apples?" :) Tip: Don't use black til the very end, and for highlights only!, otherwise your painting will look muddy and murky. Enjoy!!! www.facebook.com/jonathanlingallery #howdoyoulikedemapples #acrylic #apple #painting #stevejobs
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jonathanlingallery · 10 years
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Step 4: Patience... wait for the paints to dry. Being too eager and youll end up with holes in ur painting like mine. As you are adding new layers, use less and less water to dilute your acrylics -that way you dont wash off your underlayers. Oh and one more thing, once you have laid your cool colours then bring in raw sienna (a warm brown) for the warm side of the apple. #art #apple #patience #notquitethestressreliefiwaslookingfor www.facebook.com/jonathanlingallery
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jonathanlingallery · 10 years
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Step three: Keep it cool, and keep it wet ;). Thin wet layers of a cool blue and burnt umber(cool brown) and white for the background. Play around ;). Get a feeel for the colours and tones ;). Remember, this is just the foreplay. Haha. www.facebook.com/jonathanlingallery #acrylic #painting #art #apple
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jonathanlingallery · 10 years
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Step two: Draw a few lines that resembles an apple. www.facebook.com/jonathanlingallery #painting #drawing #shawtygotdemapplebottomjeans #newapplelogo
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jonathanlingallery · 10 years
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Follow me :) Step one. Paint the undercolour. Yellow! #undercolour #yellow #simpsons #acrylicpaint #art
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jonathanlingallery · 10 years
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Rawr. #tiger #tigerbalm #canttouchthis #art #watercolour #painting
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jonathanlingallery · 10 years
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#imagineasunset #nowpaintitwithwatercolour #art #watercolour #painting
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jonathanlingallery · 10 years
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Hooligans for years my dears! #HappyNewYear #Gettingoutdrankon #2015comeatme #BFFs
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jonathanlingallery · 10 years
On point !!
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