jonathanli777 · 3 years
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jonathanli777 · 3 years
My project in this semester will be based on the current status of the upcoming M+ Art Museum in Hong Kong, how the tension being built up, and why the Chinese artist Ai Weiwei’s work was removed from the opening exhibition by the Chinese government, the long ambition of the Chinese government has throughout the history. What I am interested in is the tension between Chinese artists and the government. Also some problems that the Chinese society has.
Last semester I have been paying attention to the corona-virus and lock-down, how covid-19 affects society, I don’t think I will continue this topic, it reminds me of the lock-down time, this is not a really good one, and there are many great works, I don't think there are any good topics that can be used as a basis. But I will still keep this idea around society, feelings and situations, and continue to follow this path in this semester.
I chose painting for this project simply because I think it is the best way for me to express my feelings, and I am interested in adding materials to the painting to create 3D or more textured images. I choose to work in a separate space, which is my apartment, so that I can work at night. That is my inspiration time. But I hope I can work in the studio next year. I have been researching the topic of "less is more"; I use blanks as a representative of the unknown future, but it is actually difficult to implement this technique.The second part of my research is around M+'s ambitions and Ai Weiwei's artist journey. I think this is the most interesting topic I have studied.
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jonathanli777 · 3 years
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jonathanli777 · 3 years
How to stall
1. Having all my work shown as a path toward the final.
2. putting the final in the corner with more tape around it.
3. on the wall with have light half dark
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jonathanli777 · 3 years
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Final work
For this final, I think shows the topic in a bit hidden way, which is how I want it to be, I really like how the blue tape come up, which is very surprised.
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jonathanli777 · 3 years
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jonathanli777 · 3 years
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Test work 5
I really like this one, it’s kind of hard to tell my topic, but I like how the image feel and all the contrast between colors. 
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jonathanli777 · 3 years
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Test work (fail
In this one I try to paint with ink and spray paint, but it’s kind of hard to control and didn’t come out as what I want it.
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jonathanli777 · 3 years
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Test work 3
tyring to paint with abstract feel, some did work out pretty good but not everything. I did feel kind of happy with how it turn out after.
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jonathanli777 · 3 years
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More cameras = More safe?
The survey published by the British technology research website Comparitech ranks the number of cameras monitored by every 1,000 people. Among the 10 most closely monitored cities in the world, China accounts for 8 cities. The remaining two cities are London (No. 6) and Atlanta (No. 10).
Comparitech pointed out that if China installs surveillance cameras at the current rate, it is expected that by 2020, every 2 citizens in China will be monitored by 1 camera on average.
Closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras have many uses, from crime prevention to traffic monitoring, and people can also use it to observe whether industrial activities have an impact on the human living environment. The digital age has promoted the popularization of closed-circuit television surveillance. Camera technology is becoming more and more perfect, and the price is getting cheaper. With the advancement of technology, it is now possible to remotely control the camera, and face recognition technology can identify the identity of every pedestrian passing by the CCTV camera.
The report pointed out that the interviewees had different attitudes towards closed-circuit surveillance. Some felt that it would make society safer, while others felt that it violated personal privacy and freedom of movement.
The report shows that Chongqing has the largest number of cameras in the world, with nearly 2.6 million, which is equivalent to 168.03 cameras for every 1,000 people. Shenzhen followed closely behind, with 159.09 cameras for every 1,000 people. Urumqi ranked 14th, with an average of 1,000 people being monitored by 12.4 cameras.
It is worth noting that Shenzhen plans to install another 16 million cameras in the next few years.
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jonathanli777 · 3 years
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Meridian TCM refers to the passage of qi and blood in the human body. Meridians can be divided into two types: heavy meridian and odd meridian. There are twelve stances, namely the three yin of hands and feet and the three yang of hands and feet. The eight meridians of the odd meridians, namely Du, Ren, Chong, Dai, Yinqiao, Yangqiao, Yinwei, and Yangwei, are collectively called the "eight meridians of the odd meridians", which have command, connection, and regulation of the twelve meridians. The twelve meridians are meridians derived from the twelve meridians. They are mainly used to strengthen the connection between the two meridians in and inside the twelve meridians, and also because they can reach certain organs and body parts that do not pass through the main meridian. , Can make up for the lack of seriousness.
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jonathanli777 · 3 years
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马远(Yuan Ma)
White space is a painting method that is difficult to really use. Artists all over the world like to use it to express some special feelings, but in China, it is often used in Chinese landscape paintings to express a greater artistic conception. Unlike other types of painting, it has a powerful and full philosophical connotation behind it
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jonathanli777 · 3 years
Less is more
Blank space is an art and an attitude to life
Blank, as the name, is to leave a corresponding blank in the work. White space can be used in many places, such as painting and calligraphy, such as articles, such as music, such as architecture, such as photography.
Wherever it is used, there is something wonderful about the white space, but white space is also a more difficult technique. If used well, it will give the work an artistic conception and fascinating. If it is not used well, it will have a counterproductive effect.
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jonathanli777 · 3 years
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Straight, 2008-2012
The 90 tons of steel bars destroyed in the 2008 Sichuan earthquake are an important part of Chinese artist Ai Weiwei's work "Straight." The 150 steel bars used were recovered from the school that collapsed due to the earthquake and then carefully straightened by hand. Therefore, Straight was created by Ai to commemorate the tragic event that ended the lives of more than 5,000 school children. Therefore, it evokes a real sense of loss and sadness.
This is also a work about the use of cheap materials by construction companies that led to the death of countless children. These rusty steel bars really gave me the most real intuitive feelings. The scenes of the children at the last second, the moment when the fragile building collapsed and The black-hearted businessman spent money with blood in his hand.
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jonathanli777 · 3 years
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This is one of Ai Weiwei's most controversial works. At the same time, because this work is directly involved in politics, he was directly blocked and arrested by China.
I don't think this is a very sensible work, but at the same time I think it is also a personality that an artist should have. He was very brave; he challenged the entire Chinese government by one person and angered many Chinese people at the time, but I think this is a challenge to national beliefs, so I don't like his works, and this is the only work I don't like.
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jonathanli777 · 3 years
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Remembering. 2009
This work is inspird by the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008.
The 5.12 Wenchuan earthquake caused 69,227 deaths, 17,923 missing, 374,643 injured to varying degrees, 19,903,300 people were homeless, and the total affected population reached 46.256 million.
This is one of the biggest earthquakes that has ever occurred, but Ai Weiwei did this work not only to commemorate the death, he also showed how construction companies stole money to build these dilapidated buildings for the school.
 The words he showed with these schoolbags were "She lived happily in this world for seven years".
This work makes me think about how artists influence and talk about problems in our society. This is what I think is the great thing about art.
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jonathanli777 · 3 years
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Ai weiwei
Dropping a Han Dynasty Urn, 1995
Why did Ai Weiwei break this million-dollar Han Dynasty vase?
Ai Weiwei’s desire to court controversy
Dropping a Han Dynasty Urn as an artwork is brilliant and a work of total ingenuity, but in between the lines, it says a lot about the artist: his desire to court controversy. The return of Ai Weiwei to China after living in New York City for more than a decade in 1981–1993 marked the beginning of a new form of art, dedicating some of his works to the themes of transformation and destruction.
He embarked on collecting ancient vessels to convert them into contemporary art pieces. Some people viewed this act as a way of collaborating with the ancient artists’ work, but some argued that it misappropriated the artists’ work without their approval. This act provoked emotions since the urns were considered a form of consumer culture and heritage preservation, especially since he dropped it intentionally.
The meaning of Dropping a Han Dynasty Urn
It can churn your stomach to see such a precious artifact destroyed, but the work paid off in both cultural and symbolic value. The story behind the artwork is as fascinating as the dropping itself. You see, it enraged most antique collectors, but Ai was out to remind them about the evils of the Mao regime.
It was a crystal-clear depiction of what the Communist regime was doing to the elites. Ai countered the outrage from people by describing what General Mao used to tell them:
The only way of building a new world is by destroying the old one.
My feelings
This one of the work that made Ai Wei Wei famous and been known by the artist world, I think it is also one of the best work from him, but has a Chinese I have a more deeper feeling after knowing what the meaning behind the work. I wlways know there is bad about everything and know what is bad about communist, but what is good is so much bigger then the bad. From looking at China now, it also shows how much power it can create when anation has its beliefs, So I have a different opinion with what he thinks of China.
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