jonasbridger · 4 days
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Mind you, I'm from a small town in Montana, so any alternative store practically doesn't exist, besides Hot topic and Spencer's in the mall. So even just the simplest alternative fashion like the pants I'm wearing is exciting.
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jonasbridger · 4 days
So, one update on how Seattle is going, I saw a furry.
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jonasbridger · 5 days
Omw to Washington
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jonasbridger · 10 days
I don't know why but it feels like an achievement to be born and raised in same state and in a town that's only an hour away from where the Unabomber was.
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jonasbridger · 15 days
It's my birthday, I turn 14...yay
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jonasbridger · 16 days
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My room
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jonasbridger · 19 days
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jonasbridger · 25 days
Everything I did these three days
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First half day, not much to tell really we got to the cabin it was late when we got there so all we really did was hang out there and talk.
First full day, we went down to a another town for food, then stopped at fishing hole , we then Went back to the cabin and hung out there and walked up this small creek that went through the town and by my uncle's cabin. We then went to this trail up near a falls (small) and hiked up there (the pictures) I caught a butterfly whilst climbing up the trail , it's pretty high up (as shown in one of the pictures) we Then drove back to the fishing hole , it was very close to the trail, just a little drive to get to it. We went back to the cabin and my aunt and uncle were at an auction just across the bridge in the town. We walked back to the cabin and let my uncles dog out, my father was grilling hot dogs the entire time. My aunt and uncle soon returned. Later that night we had a fire and we just talked. Second day (today), we got up early because they were have community breakfast at the senior center. It wasn't too bad. There was a rubber duck race also happening that day, and you can buy a duck to race so we did. We then went back to the cabin and hung out until the duck race started. We walked to the bridge and there was alot of others there for the race. The race happened. After the race happened we went to the area where they were giving out the prizes. My aunt ended up winning one. it was a painting. We then walk back to the cabin and started packing our stuff. When we were finished packing we decided to stop at the gas station we saw my other aunt there. She was there cuz of the band that was going to happen tonight. After the gas station we started heading home. I'm home now I'm helping get everything out of the car after that I'm going to try and reorganize my room or just organize it cuz it's kind of messy, not in the sense that there's trash everywhere but in the sense that I have so much stuff that it kind of makes it look messy
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jonasbridger · 27 days
Probably hurt
Hello I'm Jonas. This blog is mainly for documenting my life.
A little bit about me:
I like pokémon, eltingville club , Scott Pilgrim, weezer , Radiohead, sign crushes motorist, birthday, Alex g , TV girl , MSI, Strange Hill high, dbd, doom, postal, longboarding, primal, ark , Solo leveling and drawing.
I have trouble making friends irl and online, I'm very socially awkward. This is my third account I have two others.
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jonasbridger · 27 days
This weekend is a three day weekend for me. We're going up to my uncle's cabin I'm not really excited but I also am. There's not going to be any service up there. And as much as I love bugs. I still don't like when they're on me I still am especially iffy on spiders
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jonasbridger · 27 days
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This it was my old binder from last year. They force me to get a new one cuz it had writing all over it I just started writing on the new one.
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jonasbridger · 27 days
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This is my hamster. His name is smiggles , he's a dwarf hamster I think. I've had them for about 4-5 months now. I'm still very disappointed at the cage that I have for him, I wish I would have got a bigger cage but of course my parents don't think that my hamster needed a big cage. He's very shy he likes to hide a lot, he's never bit me. If I pick him up I usually use gloves just for precaution
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jonasbridger · 27 days
Also, last night I was longboarding and my foot went too far in front of the wheel , and I fucking flew off it and landed directly on my arm , I was screaming in pain in the parking lot for like 2 minutes till I got up and walked home
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jonasbridger · 27 days
Done with school. It's was kinda depressing. I have no friends, I'm stuck in one room half the day. I don't even get to eat in the cafeteria!
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jonasbridger · 27 days
3rd Day school. I'm stuck in the stupid room again. I'm going to see if I can at least eat my cafeteria with all the other kids since they didn't let me last year. I'm an 8th grader now. And they put me in lunch with all the 7th graders for some reason
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jonasbridger · 28 days
Hello I'm Jonas. This blog is mainly for documenting my life.
A little bit about me:
I like pokémon, eltingville club , Scott Pilgrim, weezer , Radiohead, sign crushes motorist, birthday, Alex g , TV girl , MSI, Strange Hill high, dbd, doom, postal, longboarding, primal, ark , Solo leveling , billy Joel , white snake, queen, Johnny Cash, Beatles, take care, god smack, kmfdm , beastie boys, beach boys, Linkin park , nirvana , sum 41 ,and drawing.
I have trouble making friends irl and online, I'm very socially awkward. This is my third account I have two others. You'll probably be able to find them.
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