jojo-storys · 7 years
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With this picture I imagined a story about war. So that’s what I going to write about. You can freely Imagine the characters who you like in this story. And let me know what you guys think of the story.
It all started when I accidentally watched a documentary about poor children, in the middle of a war in Iraq. You know when there’s nothing interesting to watch on tv and you just start sapping? Yeah that’s how I encountered the documentary. I was so shocked about the bombings and the children in dirt, crying of fear and standing inside a destroyed building. It was so tear wrecking. The thought, that it could be my niece or my nephew or the annoying little brat next door, broke my heart. So I decided to do everything I could to help those in need.
Yeahhh… the thought was cute, but to actually do something…..I really didn’t know where to start. But one day, when I really wasn’t thinking about it much, I saw a poster, in the hallway of my medical school, about volunteering to go, with some docters as a assistant doctor, to Iraq, to help the wounded people.
Of course I gave it a long thought and when I told my parents, my mom wasn’t really happy about it. But I decided to stop doubting and just go. I packed my suitcase and said goodbye to my family and friends.
There I was….Waiting, at a open field, together with my senior doctors, colleague assistant doctors and some very handsome soldiers, waiting for the military airplane to come pick us up. The flied was scary. I was nervous and probably shitted my pants the whole way through. But there was this one special soldier, who sat next to me. He noticed that I started breathing uncontrollably, so he held my hand and whispered in my ear: “We’re almost there, don’t worry”. When he saw that I was breathing normally again, he tried to let go of my hand. But I wouldn’t let him! I grabbed his arm and clung on him as tight as I could, and closed my eyes.
When we finally were on the ground he scrapped his throat and said shyly: “We uhmmm…… We’re already here”. Immediately I let go of his arm and moved 2 meters away from him. “It’s okay he said smily.
It was too dangerous to stay at one place for too long. So we were guided fast to the base in armored cars. But still you could here the bombings and the shootings outside of the car. Finally we arrived at the secret underground base, but before we could take some rest, they explained to us what was happening and what our role was. I was so tired that I fell a sleep quickly, when we walked into our shared cabin.
Unfortunately we couldn’t sleep for to long because we were woken up 5 o'clock in the morning, by one of the soldiers. And not nicely at all but like: GET YOUR ASSES UP NOWWWW. IT’S TIME TO MOVE!!! He scared the shit out of me.. Asshole.
We were divided into groups of 1 doctor, 1 assistant doctor and 2 soldiers. It started and the only thing we could do was run and hide, run and hide, until we came across a damaged building with people inside. There was a mom holding a child who’s leg was missing. There was smoke and blood everywhere. I was so scared tears were running down my face, while the doctor was busy trying to stop the bleeding. "GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER”. The soldier screamed at me. It woke me up right away. I stopped crying, helped the doctor stitch the child’s leg up and put the bandage on. Then I looked if the mom and the other children were okay.
There was no time to catch our breath again because a explosion followed right up. It damaged the already awfully damaged building even more. Bricks fell on my leg. I saw blood, but couldn’t feel my leg at all. “Are you okay”. The soldier asked me. “I don’t know”. I said crying “Can’t feel my leg”. The doctor had his hands full, so he couldn’t even give a glance at my leg.
The situation became much worse. You could hear the shootings come closer. It was time to move! The soldier threw a smoke bomb and picked me up. Together with the less wounded children we ran to a saver place underground. There we stayed for days, weeks maybe, without food and with just 3 bottles of water! He tried to talk to me to keep me awake. It worked the first couple of days. But then I passed out…..Before I closed my eyes, I faintly heard him say my name. But how was that possible…. I never told him my name. Did I….
When I opened my eyes I was in the hospital laying on a bed. I couldn’t open them very widely because the light was so sharp. One of my hands was warm….Someone was holding it….“Y/N? Are you awake”? Someone said. Finally I got used to the light. So I looked next to me. To see the face of the person, who was holding my hand. It was the same soldier I met in the airplane. But something didn’t feel right….I sat up and saw that one of my legs was missing. I couldn’t believe it…..Tears were running down my face again. Suddenly the soldier hugged me. And I cried and cried, until I couldn’t cry anymore. When I calmed down I was still in his arms. “Who are you” I asked him. “Your soulmate” he replied…
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jojo-storys · 7 years
Heey my sweet readers. Sorry I haven't write something in a longgggg time. But because I'm doing a creative writing course, I've been giving some writings assignments. I will try to write each assignment so freely as I can. That way you can imagine your favorite kpop star, kdrama actor or some other star or actor. Maybe the boy you like in school. You name it. I hope you gonna like my stories, especially because it's going to be a little bit different than my usual stories. So let me know what you guys think and what I can improve. Thanks a lot for the patience and I promise to try and write more!
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jojo-storys · 8 years
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Chapter 6: only you in my eyes
When I woke up I was laying on his arm. His face looked so innocent like a baby. When I tried to touch his cheeks he openend his eyes. “Goodmorning”. He said.
HS: Did you sleep well?
He looked at me like I was someone precious to him. I felt like I was in heaven.
HS: I bet you did, ‘cause you were snoring like a bear.
Yep he’s back to his usual self. *sigh* . I enjoyed the 1 minute of preciousness while it lasted.
Y/N: Heol. You were the one who pulled me into your bed last night! HS: But that was what you wanted right? I mean why would you else come in a men’s room late at night. Y/N: I just tried to ask you if you had a extra blanket! Idiot! HS: -pats your head- You were cold huh? Y/N: Well duh. Mister obvious. Why else would I come to your room! HS: Did you see my face…-touches his chin- I mean.. Y/N: OMG. I so can’t deal with your arrogant head right now.😒 HS: Mian. Mian.😅Shall I make us some food? KJ: Yes! I’m in for that.
When we looked at where the voice was coming from, we saw Kang Joon standing in the doorway, shirtless! He looked so hot with his messy hair.
Y/N: -staring- *drool*🤤 HS: 😠What are you standing there for! KJ: I heard you guys arguing and then I heard the word food. So here I am.😶
One by one we all went to shower. Hyungshik was cooking something delicious. When I came out of the bathroom the house smelled so good.
After eating, the boys went to school and I decided to sit on the couch and watch some tv. But I was so bored that I actually fell asleep. In my dreams Hyungshik walked over to me. He touched my cheeks and held my head dearly. His lips kissed mine so passionately that it almost felt real. (He actually kissed me in my sleep). When I woke up I saw his face in front of mine. Very close. My face became red and body felt very hot. I thought that I was still dreaming, but then he putted his hand on my forehead and asked me if I was okay. Then I realized that I wasn’t dreaming and pushed him back. “What are you doing I said”.
HS: It looked like you had a fever. So I checked. But you look fine now. Y/N: That’s not what I meant. What are you doing here at home. HS: I was getting bored, so I came home to see your dorky face. Y/N: What about Kang Joon? -looking at the door- HS: 😠Why are you asking about him, when I’m sitting in front of your nose. And even if I’m not, you should only think about me. Y/N: What are you getting jealous for….No actually I understand. Kang Joon is pretty hot. Especially shirtless🤣 Hyungshik pushed me back on the couch. “I’ll make it so that you won’t wiggle your tail in front of other guys”. He whispered in my ear. His face came closer and closer, before his lips touched mine, I screamed: “stop”. My eyes became teary.
Y/N: Why are you doing this when were not even dating! You don’t even like me.
He backed out and let my hands go. HS: *sigh* Do I really have to spell it out for you?
I sat up with my knees against my chest. Dumbfounded with still tears in my eyes. “What do you mean”. I said.
HS: *sigh* I like you. Okay. Very much. Y/N: Liar. You’re so popular at school. You have lots of girls at your feet. -cries more-. HS: I’m not lying idiot. -hugs you- You’re the only one I look at. Y/N: -cries less- Since when? *pouting* HS: *smiles* I don’t know. But every time I look at your face I want to kiss it. -looks at you- Like now. -looks at your lips-
Hyungshik first touched my lips with his thump. Then gently kissed me. I closed my eyes and putted my arms around his neck. Deep in my heart I really wanted to hear those words. So I hoped that this wasn’t a dream. He kissed my lips for a long time, then he switched to my neck. It felt so good. His hands slipped under my shirt. And he tried to unhook my bra. “Wait”. I said.
HS: I can’t wait any longer…
He laid me back gently and pulled my shirt up. Then I felt his lips kissing my belly softly. He went up to my boobs and sucked my nipples. I tried to stop him, but he made me feel so weak.
When we both heard the door open, we both jumped. Quickly I covered myself with my blanket. Kang Joon was walking into the living room saying: “Yo”.
HS: Wwwwwhat the heck are you doing here.😳 KJ: School is over….wait. You’re both red. Am I interrupting something juicy again? Y/N: No! HS: Yes, you cockblocker! 😐 Y/N: Shut your mouth! HS: But it’s the truth. Y/N I’m going to shower. HS: Want me to accompany you?😏 Y/N: No thank you! HS: ☹️
Kang Joon walked over to Hyungshik and said: “Sorry man”. While patting his shoulder.
HS: Oh shut up!
When I came out of the bathroom, Hyungshik already made diner. It was delicious.😋
KJ: So want to go to the club? HS: Nope. We’ll pass. Y/N: Why are you deciding for me too. I’m not a kid. HS: I thought that you were tired. Why aren’t you in bed yet. Go. Y/N: I'm👏🏾Not👏🏾A👏🏾Kid. Fyi. HS: I don’t care. Shoooo. Y/N: Asshole😠
I got up and walked over to the couch to walk some tv.
KJ: I won’t be back till morning, so you guys can do your thing.😉 HS: Thanks man.😁
Kang Joon left and after Hyungshik was done with the dishes, he came to sit next to me on the couch. “Shooooo”. I said.
HS: *smiles* Shall we finish what we started? Y/N: Nope!😒 HS: Why not🙁 Y/N: Because you are a jerk. 😠 HS: But you fell for this jerk right?😏 Y/N: I never said that.😐 HS: Maybe I should confirm it then!
Hyungshik brought his face closer again to kiss me and this time, I did no try to stop him at all.
I will leave the rest to your imagination😉
This was the last chapter of only you in my eyes. I hope you enjoyed it. If you have a suggestions about someone you want to read about. Please let me know.
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jojo-storys · 8 years
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“Getting cocky are we” He whispered in my ear, when he had me pinched against the wall.
Y/N: -Pushes him off- “No you’re the one who’s getting cocky! Asshole”!😡 HS: Excuse me...😨 Y/N: HUH! -Arms crossed- “How dare you do this to me when you don’t even like me! Do you think you’re funny”?!😤 HS: *sigh* -Looks at you- Y/N: Well! Explain yourself!😡 HS: -Comes closer_Puts his hand next to your head_Looks at you_Brings his face closer_Whispers-: “I can do what I want if something belongs to me”. Y/N: Ohhhh! For real. -looks him in the eye_Pinches his cheeks with one hand- “For your information, I’m not a thing, I’m a person”. -Bitchslaps him_Arms crossed- “ Maybe you can do this with all the bitches who follow you around, but not with me. Got it”! Now Move! -Pushes him away_Goes back inside-.
Hyungsik stood a couple minutes more in front of my door, after I closed it. But what he didn’t know was that Kang Joon saw what happend while standing in their doorway.
KJ: -Whistled- “ She really hates you doesn’t she”.😂 HS: -Looks irritated- “ Shut up will you”!😠-Storms back inside-
While I was cooking I was thinking of all the things Hyungsik did to me. But without realising it, my food was burning. Quickly I got my pan of the stove, but then a big fire came suddenly from the stove, with a lot of smoke. Without hesitating I ran outside and knocked hard on the door of Kang Joon and Hyungsik. Kang Joon openend the door and asked me what was wrong, before I could answer he saw that there came smoke out of my apartment. “ Bro call the fire department. Balli (Quickly)”. He said. Hyungsik came running to the door to see what happend. “MWO”!(What!)😦. 
KJ: Dude what are you standing here for! Call the fire department. Balli jinja. Her house is on fire! HS: Arrassssseooo. -Looks for his phone in panick- “NAE JEONHOA EODDISEO” (WHERE IS MY PHONE). 😰 KJ: AISSSSHH JINJA. Take mine! HS: OH. -Takes his phone_Makes the call-
When Kang Joon saw that Hyungsik was calling, he quickly ran and got the fire extinguisher to extinguish the fire. But the suddenly I passed out. When I woke up again, I was in a hospital bed. Hyungsik was laying with his head on my bed, while holding my hand. I looked at his sleeping face. He looks so cute and innocent whenever he is sleeping.  When I tried to touch his hair, Kang Joon came running into my hospital room. “Y/N, you’re awake”! He said.
Y/N: Oh... KJ: Gwaenchanha (Are you okay)?! Y/N: Oh..
“DOCTTERRRRRRR” Kang Joon screamed while running out of the room.
Y/N: *sigh*
Hyungsik woke up from all the noise and looked confused around him. Then he looked at me and saw that I was awake.
HS: Oh. Ommo. You’re awake. Gwaenchanha? 
I took my hand back and said: “Nan gwaenchanha-yo (I’m fine)”.
HS: *sigh* You know how worried I was about you?! Y/N: “Molla (don’t know)”-turns head- HS: HAH! Arrasseoo. Jinja. -Looks irritated-
Kang Joon came with the doctor so that he could explain what happend to me. The doctor said that I passed out from the shock and that needed to rest a lot.
“How long was I out”? I asked the doctor. “You were out for 12 hours” The doctor said.
Y/N: *sigh* Doctor: “ But the good news is that you can go home now. HS: JEONGMAL?!😮Thank goodness😊 Y/N: -Looks at him- Doctor: It looks like he’s happier that you are. *laughs* HS: 😳 Doctor: But when you’re home, take a lot of rest and more importantly, don’t stress out. Y/N: Ye, arrasseo-yo (yes I understand). 
Couple hours later I stood in front of my door. The houseboss was talking to a fireman. When they saw me, the fireman went back inside and the houseboss came talking to me. “Your whole kitchen is burned” She said.
Y/N: Mwo?! Houseboss: You were lucky that it was solved very quickly, it could’ve been worse. You can’t go into your house yet, because it’s possible that there are still dangerous substances roaming around.  Y/N: But how? I was just cooking. Houseboss: The fireman said that the stove is the bad man in this. It was a very old stove. And old stoves are quick to catch fire. Y/N: Okay, but can I still sleep in my house? Houseboss: No. The fire department still has to look into the possible dangerous substances. Can you stay elsewhere? Y/N: No. My parents live in Busan. Otttokkee😣 HS: She can stay with us. Y/N: -Looks at him- “Mwo”? Houseboss: Good! Y/N: Jamkkan( wait a minute). 
Everyone ignored me, and that’s how I ended up living with two guys.
When all the commotion was over I sat together with Hyungsik and Kang Joon on the couch watching tv. “Where can I sleep”? I asked. 
HS: We have two rooms. Both are in use. So you can sleep on the couch or on the floor. I wouldn’t care less. Y/N: How could you say that when I sick! HS: Easy. Guys, I don’t know about you, but I’m going to sleep in my warm and cozy bed now. Johun bam bonaeyo (Goodnight). Y/N: Asshole! HS: I heard that. Y/N: Good! Kang Joon?
I tried to look Kang Joon in the eyes with puppy eyes, but he already brought me a pillow and a blanket. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and ran back into his room. These things are not men. They’re dogs! Aigooo.
The night was very cold, so I went to Kang Joon’s room to ask for a extra blanket. But he was in a deep sleep. Then I went to Hyungsik’s room. When I saw that he wasn’t reacting either, I tried to walk out of his room slowly. But then he suddenly grabbed my arm, and pulled me into his bed. “Mwohanya (What are you doing)”? I screamed. 
HS: Ssssssh. You’re loud.
He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me very tightly from behind. I could feel his breath on my cheeks. He also threw legs over mine. I could feel his thing stabbing against my butt. I tried to wrestle myself out of his arms, but he was too strong. “Calm down”  he said.
HS: I’m trying to sleep, you know. Y/N: Then let me go.  HS: Silheoo (don’t want to)
I tried to wrestle myself out again, but when I grew tired of wrestling, I actually fell asleep in his arms.
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jojo-storys · 8 years
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After the incident I tried really hard to avoid Hyung Shik. But at school it wasn’t that easy. When I saw him walking in the hallway, I quickly turned the other way around or jumped into the toilet room if there was one nearby. I thought that I could survive through the day by doing this, but at lunch break Hyung Shik was sitting next to me all of a sudden. “Why are you avoiding me”? He asked.
Y/N: I’m not avoiding you. HS: Yes you are. Y/N: No I’m not! HS: Then look at me.
-Looks at him with irritation-
HS: Did it bother you? Y/N: -Looks away- Don’t know what you’re talking about. HS: -comes closer- Shall I…-Looks at your lips- Refresh your memory? -Looks at your eyes- *smirks* Y/N: -Looks at him again- No thank you!😠 HS: *smiles* Y/N: Can you leave me alone please?!😒
-Bell rangs-
Y/N: Saved by the bell they say. -runs away-
School hours were over and it was time to go home. Hyung Shik and Kang Joon were standing at the entry of the school. “Yo stranger. Want a ride home”? Kang Joon said.
Y/N: -Looks angry at Hyung Shik- No thank you. I’ll take the bus. -walks away- KJ: Hmmm. Let’s go on a date. Y/N: What? KJ: -Pulls your arm- Bro you can take the bus right? -runs away with you- HS: What the Heck!
I hadn’t spoken a word while driving and Kang Joon didn’t ask me anything either. After 30 minutes we arrived at a small and cozy café. It smelled so nice in there. While we sat down a waiter came to us and asked what we would like to order. Kang Joon ordered for both of us and I just dreamily looked around me. Our order came. For me it was a chocolate cake with hot coco and Kang Joon had a cheese cake with a cappuccino.
Y/N: Omg. How did you know that I liked chocolate? KJ: Every cute girl likes chocolate. *winks* Y/N: *smiles* KJ: So. Want to tell me why you were running away all day today? -takes a bite from his cake- Y/N: -chews on cake- Not really. KJ: Does it have to do with Hyung Shik? Y/N: Maybe KJ: -Looks at you- Y/N: He’s just such a asshole. I came to ask something about the bet and he… He just…. ughhhhh😒-stuffs mouth with cake-. KJ: Does that mean I won the bet? Y/N: Whatever. I don’t care about that stupid bet anyway. -stuffs more cake in mouth- KJ: *smiles* Y/N: -with cake in mouth- Why awe you smiwing? KJ: ‘Cause you’re cute. -comes closer-Takes chocolate from your face- puts chocolate in mouth- Y/N: *Blushes*
Kang Joon and I talked and laughed a little bit longer and then we decided to go home. When I saw that Kang Joon was walking with me to my apartment I said: “You don’t have to walk me home”.
KJ: I live here too, you know. Y/N: For real? Which number? KJ: Next to you. Y/N: But I thought that…. KJ: Yes. We share the apartment Y/N: Whoa.
Kang Joon waited for me to go inside. Before I closed the door I said to him: “Thank you for the date. It was fun” *smiles*.
KJ: Your welcome. Y/N: -Looks at him- KJ: Aren’t you going inside? Y/N: -Gives a kiss on the cheek- Bye. *smiles* -goes inside-.
HS: -While watching TV- Was your date fun? KJ: *laughs* It was amazing. She even kissed me. I think I’m falling for her for real. HS: -Looks irritated- KJ: *smirks* Aren’t you Jealose? HS: HAH! Why would I! 😒 KJ: *laughs* Liar.
When I went to throw my garbage away I noticed that Hyung Shik was standing in front of my door. “What do you want?!😠”. I said.
HS: Nothing I just….. -touches the back if his head- Can’t I stand in front of my own door? Y/N: Whatever dude! -walks to the container-
After I came back he asked: “Was your date fun”?
Y/N: Why do you care?!😠 HS: Noo…I just… Y/N: If you don’t have anything useful to say, can you please leave me the fuck alone! -Folding arms-
Hyung Shik came closer and pushed me back to the wall. He putted one hand next to my head and the other on my hip. Then he whispered in my ear: “Getting cocky are we”?
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jojo-storys · 8 years
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Nothing happend two weeks after the bet. Nothing! “What were they up to”. I asked myself.
We also got a week off of school so you would think that they would grab the opportunity and take me out on a date or something. Right?
Because I couldn’t figure it out myself. I decided to knock on his door and ask him myself.
-knocked on door-
-Door opens-
HS: What do you want?😒
Yep there he was. Standing in the doorway. Shirtless, with messy hair. Damn he’s hot I thought to myself.
Y/N: *drools* HS: *stares* Y/N: *drools* HS: *sight* What do you want! Y/N: *back to earth* Mian (sorry) I just wanted to ask you something. Can I come in? HS: Do what you want. -walks to living room- dropped himself on couch- Y/N: -closes door behind her- sits next to him on couch- HS: Spill it. Y/N: I just wanted to know if the bet still stands. HS: What?😕 Y/N: You know the bet you made with your friend two weeks ago. HS: What about it? Y/N: I just wondered if it still stands ‘cause nothing really happend. HS: *smirk* Did you want something to happen that badly? Didn’t know you were that lustful.😏 Y/N: Nooo. Noo I just…
All of a sudden Hyung Shik pushed me back on the couch. With his knee between my legs, one hand on my ass and the other on my cheek. “You could’ve asked if you wanted this so badly”. He wispered in my ear.
“Nooo. Stop” I said. I felt his tong licking my earlobe and nibbing it. I tried to push him of me as hard as I could but he was too strong for me. When I felt his lips kissing my neck I grew weaker. Everthing became blank.
His lips continued to softly kissing my neck and all of a sudden I felt him sucking and nibbing it too. It felt so good that I was moaning and biting my lip without noticing.
“Am I interupting something juicy again?” I heard a voice say. Immediatly I came back to reality and kicked Hyung Shik in the balls. “F*ck” He said.
Then I looked where the voice came from and saw Kang Joon standing in the doorway.
Y/N: N n n nooo. I…..Goodbye*in tears*
Quickly I ran to my own appartmant, closed the door behind me and let myself drop on the ground. My body felt hot as hell.
KJ: You made her cry you know. HS: She kinda asked for it. *licking and touching his lower lip*
Asshole. He didn’t have to go that far.😣I felt that my cheek was wet. Did I cried this whole time?
W/N: Sorry if I destroyed your image a little of Hyung Shik🙈. Let me know if I go too far with the smut or the cursing in my stories. I hope you’re enjoying reading: The one who loves me so far:)
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jojo-storys · 8 years
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"Auww. Damnit". He said While putting my stuff in my locker, someone walked into my door. The sound of the bang startled me. Quickly I closed my door and went to look if the person was okay. The guy who was laying on the ground was no one other than Hyung Shik himself. His head was bleeding. Without thinking I pulled him up and dragged him to the nursery room. I didn't even notice his friend. At the nursery room I told him to sit down and began to search for some alcohol, cleaning wipes and bandages. While I was cleaning his wound, he looked me in the eyes and smiled. My heart was pounding and my face became red. "If you look at me like that I can't focus" I said HS: " Why? You into me"? Y/N: " Noo! Ofcourse not". HS: " If you're trying to earn points you've to make more effort". I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. At the same time I felt his hands holding my sides and pulling me closer. It was getting hotter and hotter. My heart felt like it would burst out of my chest. Quickly I putted the bandage on his wound and pushed myself away from him. Then he walked towards me. I didn't know what to do, so I walked to the back. The moment I felt the wall I froze. His face came close again. " Wwwwhat do you want "? I stuttered. HS: "Do I know you from somewhere"? At that moment his friend came inside. "Am I interfering something juicy"? He asked. Y/N: "No you are not". I took advantage of the situation and ran out of the nursery room. Outside I took a breather and walked to my next classroom. All my lessons were finally over and it was time to go home. When I walked to my locker I saw Hyung Shik standing in front of it. "What do you want". I asked him with a poker face. HS: " You haven't answered my question yet". Y/N: "Which was"? HS: "Where do I know you from"? Y/N: "From our flat. I'm the new neighbor from next door remember"? HS: "No. I didn't mean that. Beside being my neighbor I know you from somewhere else". Y/N: "Don't know what you're talking about". Hyung Shik brought his face closer to mine again. "Bullshit". He said. Y/N: "Can you please stop bringing your face so close, you make me nervous". HS: " I'll consider it if you give me the right answer". Y/N: "Fine! We went to the same I school for 3 years and we were in the same class too". HS: "Were we close"? Y/N: "No"! HS: "Did we hate each other"? Y/N: "No. You weren't paying attention to me at all". HS: "If I wasn't paying attention, I wouldn't recognize your face. But I do". His sparkling eyes were looking right through me. My body became hot and my heart began to pound 10 times harder. I just wanted to stay in this moment foh evah. Then all of a sudden I felt a arm on my shoulder. With the same red face I looked at my right. And there he was. His friend. "What's up stranger"? He said with a smile. " Am I interrupting something juicy again"? He asked Hyung Shik. HS: "No dude, but do you two know each other"? KJ: *while looking at me* " Yeah but it's our secret right"? * wink* When I realized I was in the real world again I pushed him of me. "Relax girl". He said with a smile. Y/N: "He just gave me a ride one time to my flat. That's where I know him from". KJ: " Ssssssssshhht". HS: "What did she pay you with? Money or body"? Y/N: "I didn't pay him anything"!😳😣 HS: "So you gave her a free ride? KJ: "Yeah. What about it"? HS: "I thought you would never give girls free rides". KJ: "No. I'll never give free rides to ugly ducklings but she is cute". Y/N: "I thought I wasn't your type"? KJ: "No. You're not my type to rape. You cute". Y/N: "Excuse me?!😦 KJ: "You are cute". HS: "Dude😒Whatever let's go". When Hyung Shik walked away I tried to follow him, but then suddenly Kang Joon grabbed my arm and pushed me against the lockers. His face came closer. I thought he was going to kiss me so I turned my face to the side. Then he wispered in my ear "I'll definitely make you mine". I looked at him and said: "Well do I have a choice in this too"? KJ: "Yes of course you have but keep in mind that there are perks of being my girlfriend". Y/N: "Like what other then free rides"? KJ: "I can show you right now if you want" *smile* He looked at my lips and slowly his face came even closer. His hand reached my back. Before it was to late I turned my face to the side again and screamed: "I'M SORRY". 😣 He backed down a bit and looked at me. It was quiet, but I could still feel his presence. When I knew for certain it was save I opened my eyes and looked at him. "Do you still have feelings for him"? He said. YN: "I don't know. He is just my first love from High School. I'm seeing him again after years. So I still have to sort out my feelings". Kang Joon Backed out. He leaned against the wall opposite of me. KJ: "Alright then. But I'm still gonna make you fall for me. Give me 3 weeks". Y/N: *sigh*😒"Why me tho? I bet you have girls licking your shoes clean right now". KJ: " Yeah but my pride is hurt. How could you choose his face over mine. I mean look at me. *pointing at his face* HS: "I heard that". All of a sudden we see Hyung Shik standing in the hallway. KJ: "I could care less if you heard that. I still speak the truth. Again look at me". *pointing at his face* Y/N: 😑 HS: "Fine we let her decide who's more handsome in 3 weeks". KJ: "Yeah. But wait. You've the advantage over me so let's play it fair". HS: "Already feeling like you gonna lose in 3 weeks".😌 KJ: " No. You were her first crush in High School. So let's stretch it to 6 weeks". HS: *while looking at me* "Foh real"? Y/N: 😳 KJ: "Doesn't matter I'm still gonna win this". HS: "Confident are we." KJ: "Of course. Look at me. Y/N: "Wow wait. Do I have a choice in this too?! 😱I'm not the last cookie in a jar".😒 While being ignored they glared at each other like wild dogs. OTTOKEEEEE
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jojo-storys · 8 years
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Park Hyung Shik was getting kinda tired of me staring at him, without saying anything. He said: “who are you and what do you want?” 😠.
Y/N: “ Ohhhh…. Yeah….Uhhhmmm… My name is Y/N and I’m your new neighbor. *extends hand*. Nice to meet you….. *Awkward smile*😅.
HS: *Takes hand* ” Yeahhh…. Nice to meet you too. * Takes hand back*.
Y/N: “ Alright then. I… I will go now. Goodbye.”
HS: “ Yeah. See ya.” *closes door*
After I shook the hand of all the other neighbors, I went inside my apartment again. Because I don’t have a couch yet, I let my body drop on the floor. Not because I was tired..but because I couldn’t believe it. I always wanted to meet Hyung Shik again, but who knew that I would meet him like that…He probably didn’t recognized me at all. Don’t know if I should be happy or sad. And ugggggghhhh….. Why did I stared at him like that. I’m such a idiot. Now he thinks I’m stupid. Good job Y/N.
Because I was pretty upset, I decided to call my best friend to tell her the story.
-On the phone-
BF: “ Hey gurl. What’s uppp” Y/N: “ Hey. Nothing much” BF: “So… How’s Seoul?” Y/N:“ Good, but listen. BF: ” Yeah?“ Y/N: ” Do you remember Hyung Shik from High School?“ BF: ” Hmmmm. Park Hyung Shik?“ Y/N: ” Yesss" BF: “ Why do you ask?” Y/N: “ So apparently, he lives in the same flat as me. But also right next to my door. BF: ” Are you foh real?“ Y/N: ” Yesss. I’m serious. And that’s not all. Today I rang his bell and but I didn’t know it was his house and he opened the door…. BF: “Logical” Y/N: “ Ugh. Listen. When he opened the door I was so in shock that I just stared at him.” BF: “ He probably was too..” Y/N: “ Listen.. Then he asked me who I was and what I wanted. So I told him my name and that I was his new neighbor from next door. Then I just shook his hand awkwardly and left. BF: ” Oh boy. You probably never gonna wash that hand again..“ Y/N: ” It’s not funny"😠 BF: “ Well do you have feelings for him?” Y/N: “ No. Of course not.😳 BF: "Then why are you so nervous about it? He probably didn’t even recognized you. So I wouldn’t make much out of it.” Y/N: “Yeah maybe you’re right"😔 BF: ” Feel better now?“ Y/N: ” No!“ BF: ” Well I gotta go. My mom is calling. Byeee" Y/N: “ Bye” *hangs up*
Tsssssh. That girl can be too honest sometimes. But I shouldn’t think much out of it….
-Next day-
Today is my first day at school and I’m so nervous.
My new homeroom teacher walked before me to show me my new class. Half hour later I stood in front of my new classmates and had to introduce myself: hi my name is Y/N. Please take care of me. *bows*
-Bell rangs- -Opens locker- -Put books inside locker- *BAAAAAMMMMMM*
While I was putting my stuff in my locker, someone bumped into my locker door. I heard two voices screaming.
“ Aaaaauuuwww damn it” I heard someone saying “Dude” The other voice said. Quickly I looked if the person was Okay.“
Y/N: "Are you O….. OMG"😱
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jojo-storys · 8 years
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Heey guys. I’m so sorry I’ve been a way for so long. I hope you guys didn’t forget me.😭 If so, I can thank myself for that.😣Anyway. I’m going to make it up to you. This fanfic is about meeting your first love again many years later. Hope you like it. I’ll try to post a chapter every week. Enjoooooooyyyyy
Did you ever meet your first love again after several years? You finally managed to get him out of your head…..But then, he pops up out of nowhere. And you get feelings for him again. Are you gonna fall for the same person you met in high school or did he become a different person? Read it in “Only you in my eyes”
“Did you pack everything Y/N?” My mom asked. “Yes mom."🙄 I said. Last year I decided to study arts at the cultural arts university in Seoul. I was saving money die hard to finally get to this moment. The moment I become independent. A week ago I started to pack my suitcase and my mom filled it with different kinds of food, so I won’t starve to dead without her. Now I’m standing with my bags in my hand and tears in my eyes, in the train station, to take the train right to Seoul. *sigh* -Did I make the right choice?- I asked myself. It so hard to break free of my parents tight hug, but I had to say my goodbyes fast, ‘cause my train was leaving. Quickly I gave them a last goodbye kiss and jumped in the train.
3 hours later. ” Attention, Attention travelers. The next stop will be Seoul station, Seoul station.
“I’m finally here. Now I need to get to my apartment fast before the movers arrive. Taking the bus saves a lot of money, but taking a taxi saves a lot of time………screw it I will take a taxi.”
Y/N: “Sir what will it cost from here to Jongro? ” Taxi driver: “ That will be 50,000 won.” Y/N: “ 50,000 WON? Seoul sure is expensive.😱
The bus was starting his engines. I tried to make it, but some idiot had to bump into me.😡
Y/N: ” Watch where you’re going asshole.“
Dude: ” I’m so sorry. But you could have left the asshole part out of it".
Y/N: “ Oh really, you think so? All my stuff are lying on the ground asshole. Are you blind?!”
Dude: “Oh right, sorry for that. But I’m kinda in a hurry so….”
Y/N: “ Whatever dude.”
First the strange guy ran away, but then he came back asking….
“Do you want a ride?”
I can’t believe I’m sitting in a car with a stranger now. But I kinda didn’t have a choice because I missed my bus AND it started to rain.
Dude: “So what’s your name?” Y/N: “You don’t need to know.” Dude: “Okay, bitchy much?” Y/N: “Not at all. After this we won’t see each other anyway sooo…” Dude: “How would you know that?” Y/N: “I just do.” Dude: “Can you at least tell me where I can take you?” Y/N: “Jongro please” Dude: “Jongro. Alright. A friend of mine lives there.
Dude: "For a girl you really have balls to get in a car with someone you don’t know.” Y/N: “Well yeah. You kinda owed me. And your not a rapist are you?” Dude: “Who knows.” Y/N: “Are youuu?! *getting scared* Dude: "Of course not. You’re not even my time.” Y/N: “ Don’t know if I should be relieved of angry. -asshole-"😒 Dude: "Btw, we’re almost there.”
30 minutes later we finally arrived in Jongro. I already saw the movers standing in the rain with my boxes.
Y/N: “You can stop behind that truck.” Dude: “Roger.”
After taking my stuff out of the car, the dude gave me a wink and drove away.
It started to rain even harder so I had to help the movers with my boxes fast, before they got soaked even more.
I’m kinda short so I couldn’t really see where I was walking and some dumbass had the nerve to bump into me. My boxes fell on the ground and he said:
“Watch where you’re going.”
Y/N: “Excuse me?! You’re the one who bumped into me?!
Dude 2: "Whatever.”
The guy ran away. What a day.
I finally managed to get all of my boxes in my apartment. I was beat😴. I took a nap for a few hours. Strangely I dreamed of the guy from the hall way. He kinda looked like my first love I met in Shin Gan High School. It couldn’t be him.
After my nap I decided to greet my neighbours. I rang the bell and a really tall guy opened the door. I looked at his face. The person who standing before me really looked like my first love.😨To make sure I checked his nameplate. It said: Park Hyung Shik. Then I looked back at his face. “Do you need something?” He said. I just stared at him. I couldn’t believe my eyes😦.
Next week chapter 1: “Do I know you?”
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jojo-storys · 9 years
Shall I write a fan fiction about Kai? Who is with me?
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jojo-storys · 9 years
Hellooooooooo. Sorry I’m so late. I was a little busy. But I have a question for you all. Do you want me to continue to the epilogue of Jackson or do you want me to write a new main story of a other member? 
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jojo-storys · 9 years
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Last chapter: "I love you"
After work was done, you all walked home togheter.
Bambam: “I don’t want to go home yet. 😔Let’s go to the movies”!😬
Yugyeom: “That’s a awesome idea”.😆
Jackson: “Sorry, Coco and I have diner plans”.😌
Coco: *looks suprised* “We do”?😮
Jackson: “Yes babe, we do, you probably forgot about it”.
Mark: “Or you just want Coco all to yourself”.😏
Coco: “You’re right, I thought so. Cute, isn’t” *smiles*.😋
Jackson: “Forget it. Lets go Coco”. *pulls your arm*
Jackson brought you to a fancy restaurant. “Why are we here”? You asked. Jackson replied: “Because I have to tell you something”. He smiled at you and lead you to your table. Because he said that, all kinds of thoughts came in your head: Is he going to propose? I’m to Young to get married. Should I say no? But that’s going to embarres him. Ottokeeeeeee!(what should I do!) Looking nervous you sat down on your seat. Jackson looked really happy while looking at the menu. You both ordered and while waiting Jackson finally began to speak.
Jackson: “This place is awesome right”?
Coco: “Yeah sure” *still looking nervous*.
Jackson: “Babe? Why do you look so nervous? Are you alright”?
Coco: *laughing* “What do you mean nervous? I’m fine. *serious face* "But….What do you want to tell me”?
Jackson: “Oh yeah wait a minute”. *gets on one knee*
Coco: “JACKSON WAIT. I love you, but I’m to young to get married!😱
Jackson: *ties shoe* "What are you talking about”?
Coco: “Sooo……You’re not going to propose”? *looks awkward*
Jackson: “Whatttttt! Noooo wayyyyy!
Coco: "Then why did you brought me here?!why did you say you had to tell me something”?!
Jackson: *get’s back on his seat* *looks at you* *starts laughing*😆"Babe you’re so funny, you know that. I just wanted to check out this place and I wanted to ask if want to meet my parents". *can’t stop laughing*😂
Coco: “Stop it! It’s not funny”! *pouts*😞
Jackson: *pinch cheeks* “Well do you”?
Coco: *slaps hands away* “Ofcourse I want to meet them. So, does meeting your parents mean, bringing our relationship to the next level”?😀
Jackson: “uhhhhhhhhhm….”*looks awkward*😣
Coco: *happily deep in thoughts* “What’s the next stage? Marriage? Children? We have to buy a house first though”.😀
Jackson: *pinches nose* “Aigooo, you can be so goofy sometimes”.
Coco: “I’m not goofy, I’m just really happy you want me to meet your parents”.*smiles*
Jackson: “Ofcourse I want you to, you’re my baby”. *kiss you*
A week later Jackson brought you to the same restaurant to meet his mother. Unfortunately, only his mom came. You were so excited to meet both of his parents, so you were kind of dissapointed. When Jackson saw your face, he knew exactly what you were thinking and whispered in your ear: “My dad is on a business trip, but my mom is really happy to meet you so cheer up okay”? * kissed you on the cheek* All your worries went away by that kiss and you could only smile happily.
miss Ping: “I’m very happy to meet you Coco” *smiles brightly*
Coco: “I feel the same way miss wang”.
Jackson tried to rescue you, because you had the wrong name. He whispered: “Her name is Ping, Zhou Ping”. *smiles at his mom*
Coco: “Ohhhh, miss Ping I’m so sorry. I thought your last name was Wang. I’m so sorry” *stands up* *bows deeply*
Miss Ping: *smiles* “It’s okey Coco, you can dit down now. You are one funny lady, you know that”?
Jackson: “Mom, you know how Manu times I told her that”. *laughs*
Miss Ping: *ignores Jackson* “I’m so happy that Jackson found such a lovely lady to take care of him, while I’m not around. I know Jackson can be a little goofy sometimes, but please don’t leave his side Coco”.
Jackson: “Mom”!
Coco: “I know all about that, miss Ping. But don’t you worry, I will never leave his side”. *smiles*
After funny conversations and good food, it was time to say goodbye. Jackson putted his mother in a cab and brought you home. When you got home you took a shower immediately. After the shower you saw that Jackson was sitting on your bed, looking at you. You putted your pjs on and sat next to him.
Coco: “Jackson what’s wrong”?
Jackson: *hugs you* “The moment I saw you laughing with my mom, I knew that you are the only one for me. I know can act a little weird sometimes, but please don’t ever leave me. I love you.
Before you could even anwser back, he kissed your lips so deeply that it made you breathless.
How you end the night with Jackson is up to you.
Thanks for reading my story and thanks for all the support. 😁I’m so sorry for all the times I made you wait.😔 I will try harder in the future.☺️
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jojo-storys · 9 years
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Chapter 9: "You're offfically mine now" You decided to avoid Jackson as much as possible. Because you couldn't look him in the eye at all. At school, at your work. You didn't answer your phone and openend the door when he rang the bell. One day at school at breaktime, Jackson walked over to your table, you still avoide eye contact. Jackson: "Coco can we talk for a minute?" Coco: "About what?" Jackson: "Come with me." Before you could protest, Jackson pulled your arm and lead you to the empty girls looker room. Still not looking at him, you asked him what he wanted. He said: "First, look me in eye." You decided to look him in the eye and listen to him. Then he asked you: "Why are you avoiding me?" Coco: "I'm not avoiding you. *looking down again*😔 Jackson: "Yes you are. If you don't want to be my girlfriend, you can just tell me and we'll move on." Coco: "That's not it...." Jackson: "Then what is it....Just tell me Coco." You looked Jackson straight in the eye and finally told him how embarresed you are and how you still couldn't believe what happend yesterday was real. You told him how hard it is for you to tell him how much you liked him and that you still couldn't believe the fact that he really liked you. Jackson smiled after hearing all that and came closer to you. He hugged you tightly and whispered in your ear: "It wasn't a dream". Then kissed you very deeply. Because your knees was shaking you putted your arms around his neck. After a while he pulled his lips away and looked at you. He said: "You're officially mine now". You smiled from ear to ear. That's where your romantic relationship with Jackson started. You and Jackson were dating for 6 months now. One day you were from work and you wanted him to piggy back you home. Jackson didn't want to, so you asked JB to do it. Jackson wasn't that happy about and before even got on Jaebums back, he pulled you on his back. You saw how he pouted the whole way long and when you got back home, you said: "You can be really cute sometimes". Jackson: "I can't believe you asked JB to piggy back you home"*pout*.😟 Coco: "Well you didn't want to so..."*smirked*.😌 Jackson: "Why are you laughing, I'm still angry"*pout*. 😞 Coco: "Because you are so cute"*pinched his cheek*. Jackson: "I'm not cute".😐 Coco: "Yes you are"*still pinching his cheek*. Suddenly Jackson grabbed your wrists and pushed you to the wall. Then he started to kiss your neck and went up to your lips. You started to moan a little and your knees were shaking. For a second he pulled his lips away and looked you in the eye. He said: "Am I still cute?". Before you could anwser he kissed you again. You couldn't take it anymore so you pushed him back and said: "I.....I'll go and take shower". Jackson: "Want me to come with you"?*evil smile*😏 Coco: "No, you pervert"! "Come on" he said while touching your waist. Coco: "Stop it!" When you walked into your room Jackson pulled in bed. You said: "Jackson please, I only have my towel on". Jackson: "I don't mind."😏 He hugged even tighter. You gave up and laid your head on his chest.
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jojo-storys · 9 years
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Chapter 8: “Do you want to be my girl?”
So. You noticed that you all fell alsleep togheter on the couch. Because you had to go to the badroom really bad. But you couldn’t get up because someone was hugging you tightly, and when you tried to remove his hands, he hugged you even tighter. You had enough and pinched his nose. Jackson finally let go of you. After going to the badroom, you went to your own room to sleep some more. Couple hours later, you felt someone touching your hair gently and calling your name very softly. First you thought he was a angel and you said: “Are you an angel?” Jackson smiled and said: “Yes, I’m your angel.” You reconized the voice and screamed: “What are you doing here!”
Jackson: “Well this angel tried to wake up, because we have to go to school. *smile*”
Coco: “Tsss. Angel my butt.“😒
Another couple hours later you were in the classroom. All of a sudden Yugyeom tapped your shoulder. He said: “Can I ask you something?” You said: “Yes what’s up?”
Yugyeom: “What is your ideal guy?”
Coco: “My Ideal guy? Uhhhhm. He has to be smart, strong enough to protect me, uhmmm, funny, he has to have good dance skills, uhhhmmm, sweet, romantic and sexy. But why are you asking? Did Jackson made you say this? And be honest.”
Yugyeom: “Noooooo! I was just curious.”
Coco: “Why?”
Yugyeom: “Because…..Uhmm…..I like you *looking awkward*😅
Coco: “Ohhh really? Well, sorry you are too young for me. If you were just a little older I would consider it.
Yugyeom: “Thank goodness….I mean….That’s a bommer. But you know who would fit that image of your ideal guy? Jackson.”
Coco: “I knew it. He made you say that, didn’t he.”
Yugyeom: “Noooo! Jackson is strong, he is uhmmm funny and sweet and he smart…….In his own way.”😅
Coco: “Okey. You know what.*sigh* In my eyes he’s just playing me, and I’m sick of the guys who are playing with girls like it’s normal. Just to have a bit of fun. It makes me angry. He already told me that he will make me fall for him. But it won’t work with me. Just tell him that he can better stop, because I’m not that kind of a girl.
You turned your head around because you were done with this conversation. In breaktime you asked Jackson to come with you because you wanted to talk. You two were alone in the girls looker room. He closed the door and said: “What’s up.”
Coco: “I’ll get to the point immediatly. Just stop doing what you’re doing, because I’m not that kind of a girl!”
Jackson: “What are you talking about? Can you explain so that I can understand?”
Coco: “I’m not stupid! Stop playing with me and just leave me alone.
You tried to get out but he grabs your arm and pushed you slowly against the wall so that you can’t go anywhere.Then he said: “What makes you think that I playing?”
Coco: “Come on all the hugging and stuff. I’m not stupid!”
You noticed that tears were running over your cheek and you covered your face with your hands. Jackson pulled your hands away and looked you straight in the eye. He said: “Tell me. How can I make you realise that I’m for real?”
Coco: “STOP. LYING!”
You couldn’t stop the tears from coming. Jackson wiped the tears from your face and came closer. First it was a little peck on the lips, but then he kissed you deeper. You tried to push him away, but he wouldn’t let you. You gave up, and you couldn’t hold back your feelings either. It made you realise that you actually really liked Jackson all this time. After a really long kiss he pulled his lips away and looked you in the eye again. He said: “I really like you….A lot….Do you want to be my girl?”
You didn’t know what to say and just looked him in the eye. He let you go and before he left the looker room, he said: “You don’t have to anwser me now. I can wait”. With that he left the looker room. You were still there, trying to figure out what just happend and if it wasn’t a dream.
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jojo-storys · 9 years
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Chapter 7: “ I will make you fall for me”
Coco: “ Excuse me?! Are you for real?! Why would we? ”
Jackson: “ You said to me that if I want breakfast in the morning, I should get myself a girlfriend. ”
Coco: “ Yeah but, why me? There are alot of other girls in the school. ”
Jackson: “ Yeah, but they are not interesting. ”
Coco: “ But you say I am? ”
Jackson: “ Yeah, you are. ”
Coco: “ Okay. But you only get me mad, so I don’t see a reason for us to date. Okay, you can be funny and cute sometimes, but that’s it. I don’t like you. ”
Jackson: “ Why not. *pout* ”
Coco: “ Because, you’re impulsive. And sometimes you act like a child. ”
Jackson said with a serious look: “ I will make you fall for me. ” With that he walked away. I never saw Jackson so serious. It kinda gave me the chills. But I was so hungry that I couldnt think of anything else but food, so I went to the cafeteria to eat before it was to late.
After school I went straight to Park Jin Youngs office, becaue he asked me to come. I knocked on is door and he said: “ Who’s there? ”
Coco: “ It’s me. ”
Park Jin Young: “ Oh Coco, come in. ”
Coco: “ You wanted to talk to me about something? ”
To make a long story short. Park Jin Young asked me to be the assistant manager instead of dance trainer. Because It was going really well with the dancing. I agreed that they approved really fast. So one thing let to another and there I was, at the photoshooting of got7 as their assistant manager.
Junior: “ Coco can you get me some water please? ”
Coco: “ Yeah sure. “
Yugeom: “ Coco can you get me coffee? “
Coco: “ I’m on my way. “
Bambam: “ Coco can I get a massage please?
Coco: “ FINE! Let me first get some water and coffee, then I will give you a massage, okey? Geez. “
When you tried to get some coffee Jackson stops you and looked at you then he said to the guys: “ Leave coco alone please. Even though she is our assistant manager we should give her some slack. Get your own coffee and water! *pout* “
You couldn’t help but laugh for a moment. Then you said: “ It’s okey, really. This is what a assistent manager has to do right? “
Younjae: “ That’s right, and we appreciate your help. “
Jackson: “NO! You just sit here on the couch and let them do it theirselfs!”
Mark: “Jackson are you jealous? “
Jackson: “ No, I’m not. ”
After Jackson said that he putted you on the couch and laid his on your lap. You said: “What are you doing?”
Jackson: “Let me rest for a moment.”
Bambam: “What about my massage.”
Jackson: “Let Yugyeom do it.”
Yugyeom: “Why me!” Jackson: “You’re the youngest.”
Yugyeom: “Nooooooooo. I don’t want to.”
When you tried to get up Jackson hugged you tightly so that you couldn’t. You said: “Jackson, please I have to get back to work.”
Jackson: Just…..For…..One moment. Zzzzzzzzz.”😴
Mark: “Jackson wants Coco all for himself. *shakes head*”😔
Bambam: “You’re right! My massage *pout*”
A half hour later it was time for the photoshoot to begin. You tried to wake up Jackson slowly. Zzzzzzzzzz. Jackson still didn’t wake up. You had enough and just pinched his cheek very hard.
Jackson: AUW! Was that needed! *rubbing his cheek*😣
Coco: Yeah. The photoshoot is starting. Get up.
After the photoshoot you stood ready with water and towels for everybody. And you went all home together. They invited you to a film night to celebrate that the photoshoot went well. When you were ready to head out with some popcorn, you heard the bell. You openend the door and the members of got7 came in.
Jackson: “Why are you opening the door so easily, what if it was a robber.”
Coco: *sigh* Then I would call you for help okey?”
Jackson: *blushes*
Coco: “But what are you doing here?”
Bambam: “We brought Soju, chicken and popcorn to watch the movie here.”😁
You stand there dazed went they all jump on the couch and make themselfs comfortable. When you are back to earth you tried to get them out of your house.
Younjae: “Ssssssst. The movie is starting.”
When you saw that it couldn’t do anything about it, you gave up and just joined them to watch the movie together.
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jojo-storys · 9 years
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Chapter 6: " you look beatiful today" I got ready for school because I didnt want to be late. Outside the members of got7 were waiting for me. I said: " What are you doing here? " JB: " We all have to go to school, don't we? *smile* " Coco: " Yeah, sure, but I can walk by myself you know. " Jackson: " What will you do if something happends to you while walking to school. " I gave a angry glare to Jackson and didn't anwser him back." Are you still mad? " He asked. I still didn't anwser him. Yugeom came to me and putted his arm on my shoulder. He said: " You should think of us as you knights. " Coco: " Oh really? Do you want to make dream knights reality or something? " JB looked at me and laughed. He said: " Something like that. " I don't know if I saw it right but Jackson looked kind of sad. Maybe it was just my imagination. Finally we arrived at school. We had to hurry because class was starting. The bell ring because it was breaktime and I was already heading to the cafeteria with the guys. I was in a hurry because I was so hunrgy. Suddenly I heard someone calling my name, so I turned around. There was Jackson, leaning against the first floor staircase handrail. He said with a smile: " You look beautiful today. " And then he winked at me. I really didn't know what was happening to me. I was dazed. Everyone was staring and screaming: " ooooooooh ". Mark said: " OOOOOH. Coco are you dating? * smile * " Coco: " NO. WE ARE NOT! " I don't why he is saying that. I was so embarrassed that I ran away. I didn't want to go to the cafeteria anymore, so I went outside to get some air. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. I screamed and slapped the hand away. Then I turned around to see who it was. I didn't expect to see his face so I just stared at him. He said: " Heey. " I came back to earth and said: " How could you just say that to me. I mean... Why would youu... I mean..... WHY! " Jackson: " You were so angry at me this morning and I don't like it if someone is angry at me, so I wanted to make you smile and I thought that girls like to hear that they I pretty. That's why I told you that you were beautiful.... Not that I don't really think you're beautiful, 'cause you are. *smile* " Coco: " Uuuhhh. You know. You could just have said sorry to me in person. Why would you scream: your beautiful. And let the whole school think that we are dating! Doesn't make sense to me. " Jackson: " Maybe... we should date. "
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jojo-storys · 9 years
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Chapter 5: I will remember that. When Jackson let me go for a little moment I kicked him out of my bed. Hard. He woke up and screamed:" AUW! Mark what did you do that for?!" I said: Look again and see where you are morron! Jackson was still so sleepy. He rubbed his eyes. It was really cute though, but I had to focus because I was still mad. Jackson: " That really hurted. " *pout* " Coco what are you doing here? " Coco: " Look again and see where you are idiot! You are not in your dorm, you are in my apartment! " Jackson: " Really? How did I come here? " Coco: " How should I know! You knocked on my door in the middle of night, jumped in my bed and when I tried to kick you out you hugged me tightly! So you tell me! " Jackson: " Really? I slept really good though. " Coco: " Oh, good for you. Now get out! " Jackson: " Hold on. Can't you make me breakfast? "😕 Coco: " What did you say?! You're acting like everything you did was normal! Now that I'm still playing nice. Get out! " Jackson: " If you were playing nice, you would make me breakfast though. " Coco: " Excuse me?!😤 The steam came out of my ears and I slapped him on his shoulder. He said: " Okay, okay. I'm out. " Coco: If you want breakfast in the morning, you should get yourself a girlfriend! With a evil grin he said: " I will remember that " 😏 and walked away. I really have a bad feeling about this. I closed the door and made breakfast for myself.
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