John Woernley
129 posts
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johnwoernley · 3 years ago
I am working on a concept for a platform something like social media an idea. It has everyone on it that trying to make money on your ideas. There making online courses even brief ones everyone has something they have knowledge on and paid to do. A value of the knowledge determined and are paid some way. It also has more mature things than most use on social media such something like phone to communicate instead of typing possibly and the online courses make are done with live videos and selling them and paid something for knowledge and important enough it determined who sees it like if have followers many could see it but instead they your followers and see everything only important is spread and any one could have said something should go viral like entertainment . It also has everything learned from social media in it. The object is to do things of value even get money for.
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johnwoernley · 4 years ago
There the wonder if only a small fraction of humans aren't crazy and actually in reality. Mentally ill may describe man some are impared by it some to point can't function but all man could be "ill" or "sick even"
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johnwoernley · 5 years ago
But what my gender sub gender a combination of what everyone else says plus what i say get I am male and sub gender medicated man claiming king of usa superpolygyn man with no children about average at it and been last 1/3 century with there some evidence its accurate
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johnwoernley · 5 years ago
There how i classified my subgenders but what could be added by everyone else to such as medicated and done right could everyone get there scientific classification very close anyways
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johnwoernley · 5 years ago
Could you describe every human briefly with what they say you say a combination of done right way
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johnwoernley · 5 years ago
On my idea 4 genders maybe subgenders may be able to briefly describe every human possibly
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johnwoernley · 5 years ago
My on my idea 4 genders subgenders say a female had cosmetic surgery 50 times to change appearance her gender female but subgenders possibly the plastic surgery in name
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johnwoernley · 5 years ago
The one I say there may be 4 genders male female hermaphrodite and other with possible sub genders is a scientific classification possibly be what you put on legal documents and things may be not depending if individual filling document out or how classified by science
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johnwoernley · 5 years ago
In gender I am a male but classified in subgenders be something like king superpolygaman fathered no children and some of those be embarrassing of classified better. Instead of large number of genders maybe 4 male female hermaphrodite and other. Just adding more maybe subgenders my thoughts on
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johnwoernley · 5 years ago
There could be a chance i have 64 current wives and 59 children. I may not be biological father any kids but if go what an marriage is in antiques some taken 2 different types of antique clocks put together in one clock with some new parts and now it what exists. If some of the children are mother and biological father a cross i not certain if got some of their new parts from me
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johnwoernley · 5 years ago
On my current 64 wives during history a window opens happens then closes doesn't happen with other men quite some time again when a window reopens. There is king Solomon in bible with large number of wives and other women but only one man in bible this way. There ones like gagnis khan large percentage of population descendents of one man then no more the original Mormons with extreme number of wives window closes Mormon can only have one wife again but very few. Covid 19 could be window has closed again happening with others
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johnwoernley · 5 years ago
If our satelite visited and the man in the moon not found does he have to be created then
There is human imagination. The one the man on the moon and its made out of blue cheese. Then visit the moon dont find the man on the moon and made out of moon rocks is it possible man got to attempt to make the man in the moon and he eats moon rocks. Is it possible a life form could make another life form with enough time out of what on a planet or moon and have the man in moon eats moon rocks and lives on what in the moon or entire ecostsem self substaining last a billion years and what if something like us we were artifical intellegence of it even. Didnt find the martians but man created some artificall intelligent robots want control of nuclear weapons even. Could you put those on mars work for us but exilled even there on own planet. The belief in santa claus he has become realer with internet and the technoligy
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johnwoernley · 5 years ago
I said this several years ago should be a go fund me site that someone needs 20 dollars or so be holidays or xmas or other needs for money or items and figuring how to fund. Then the santa claus st nick santa sam put in requests for mittens and things its a computer but now real
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johnwoernley · 5 years ago
There a chance if i am wearing 52 rings i have 52 women currently. See how wealthy i am if women worth hell lot more than money if you are children more and all live
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johnwoernley · 5 years ago
I can show you of something like money in a man but life more valuable if he got a woman in a skirt and babies children relatives you cant even give him money to take those away and for him to keep those sometime share even there about nothing he do to screw up
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johnwoernley · 5 years ago
I wouldnt recommend having people do much of anything there not something like everyone errs or makes errors but not something like their wife and babies wont eat if screwed up or family or family honor or something wont goof up at about all costs
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johnwoernley · 5 years ago
I wouldnt recomend going to things like an unmarried medical doctor who doesnt have his wife and children to support or something similar cant make one mistake much or his baby doesnt have food
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