Modern Website Design Trends Of 2017
Just like any other industry digital world also encounters changes every now and then. This could also be due to the need upgrade to higher standard or features that make the user’s experience even better than before.
In other words, there is no point of saturation when we talk about web designs and getting a website built is not at all a onetime investment. Maintenance and modifications in web designs often go hand in hand. And it is important for every web developer to realize the need to emphasis on this matter.
 Some Ongoing Web Design Trends Include:
 Playing it Smart
Though a good developer always aims to make the optimization speed of loading new pages quick, it is somehow not always possible to deal with acceptable delays that might put your audience’s interest on stake. So what a smart developer can do is provide your site with previews of the page. Just like in an Ecommerce website we have the option to preview the product details and image while being on the same page.
 Minute Interactions
Customers often look to save time when they are browsing or making purchases online. They certainly don’t like to go through multiple steps to complete an action. So adding small and useful icons that can serve the purpose of executing a function in one go are must for any site. A good example for the same is a button to share it with a friend, swiping right or left on the go and one click to put the item directly into the shopping cart.
 Such minute changes can make wonders to keep your customer retain his interest to be in a long term relationship with your company!
 Be Responsive
Responsiveness of websites to various gadgets including desktop, mobiles, tablets and a lot more is definitely the need for the hour. And this is one such website design content that is never going to go out of fashion.
 If you still have the same traditional website design then this is probably the right time to pull up your socks and ask the developer to design a responsive site for you. So that no matter which device your visitors are using, they view your site in proper format just as it is on desktop.
 Broad Focus
Earlier the main area of concern of many developers was to build an impressive landing page. However, it is not enough for modern day audience and you need to keep each page as impressive as the landing page.
 The aim is not to influx too much information on one page only and carves out appropriate amount for each page. This helps in keeping the viewer excited to dig more in your stuff. We at Johnwislon.co.uk are experts in delivering top notch web development services. If you are also looking to upgrade your existing website or get on board with a new one do get in touch and get best in the industry!
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John Wilson Solution offer Responsive Web Design Services in UK for all e-Commerce & Mobile friendly needs with its specialized creative design.
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Important Elements of a Responsive Website Design
The word responsive web design has been around for quite a while now. This has become a matter of concern for providers of website design services London ever since the dependence of users shifted from laptops or desktops to mobiles and other handy gadgets.
 It is not something under recognition and many websites have already taken this to their advantage to build more user-friendly and responsive web designs. However, for those who are not having much knowledge about this discussion, a responsive web design can be explained as an attempt to create a website compatible to multiple screen sizes and resolution varying from one device to another.
 In other words, the web designing services providers now have to build the designs that are flexible and change dynamically to width of a browser. Below are some crucial elements of a responsive website design:
 Flexible Grids
The layout of a website is dependent upon the grid and a fluctuating grid ensures that the site containments adjust automatically according to the size of the screen. It would not be wrong to call it as a foundation in building responsive website designs.
 If there is absence of such flexible grid, the columns and spacing won’t scale themselves as the screen size increases or decreases. And either the layout of the site will appear too small on your desktop screen or it will be too large for the screen of a cell phone. This is what makes the construction of responsive sites more time consuming and complex than the traditional ones.
 Adjustable Images And Text
This is another parameter of flexible grid, where the images and the text move along the grid fluctuations making it compatible to the device needs. This makes sure that the text does not appear to be broken and the images also adapt to various versions and even hides the text where there is lesser scope to allow the display of content that is of more relevance to a user.
 Media Queries
This is something most exciting about the responsive website designing. It allows the developers to think beyond just building sites compatible to various screen sizes and resolutions and create several layouts styles of a site using all same content.
 A company like johnwilson.co.uk completely understands such aspects and aims to deliver quality web designing and SEO services according to the requirements of the clients that too at a highly affordable price!
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What Role Does Brand Designing Play in Marketing Your Product
If you are aiming to build a business empire that can stand the test of time it is extremely important that you invest in creating a brand that can bring your customer and business together. A brand is simply not a logo or name. It is an amalgamation of your company's vision, mission and motto for long term success.
Big companies like e Coca-Cola or Nike spend millions for hiring the best brand design experts in London because they know that people attach a lot of importance to brands. They are ready to pay higher for branded stuff. All successful businessmen understand the true importance of a brand and work tirelessly to protect it.
Johnwilson.co.uk is a well-known brand design experts in London . They differ from other brand design experts in UK by virtue of sheer dedication for their work. If you are not too satisfied with the job done you can ask them to improvise the results again and again until they manage to satisfy you with the results.
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How to Avoid Common Web Design Mistakes?
We have come a long way since the monstrous size of a desktop which occupied a significant corner in our rooms back in the 90's. The desktop has given way more modern Laptops and soon Laptops shall be replaced with tabs or other types of handheld devices. In such a scenario being dynamic with responsive web design seems to be the only option left for a responsive web designing company in UK to reach their target audience.
Using Separate Website for Different Device
Creating multiple websites versions for your website is not only expensive but can also affect your ranking in a big way. Instead of competing with peers you might end up competing with the various versions of your own site.
Displaying Too Much Content
Using a 20 JS library for a website menu, sure look amazing on the desktop, but might as well take all eternity to load on a mobile screen. Optimise your website in such a manner that the user does not have to wait too long to avail all the information required.  Remember you do not have more than 10 seconds to capture your visitor's imagination. If you fail, your users would never come back.
Considering Only the Screen Size
While using any responsive web design services do not go by the screen size of the device. Every day something new is being launched and each new device as a different screen alignment, so it shall be wise to work on the design, instead of the device. One good approach is to start with the smallest device. Unless your product is relevant for the wearable device, start with mobile devices and gradually spread out. Continue this approach until you reach the maximum screen dimension of 2000 pixels.
Making Content Partially Available
In earlier days, it was commonly believed that a visitor only looked for the most searched after items while visiting the website from any small hand held device.  The mobile has now become a full-fledged replacement for any desktop computer. If you still believe in clinging on to old beliefs and thoughts, you might lose a large amount of customers who are looking for a full web version of the website on their mobile.
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Usability Testing Techniques That Can Actually Help
As an owner of a certain company or provider of certain services, people spend a lot of resources in researching and developing a product and asking people about their expectation and requirements. A website is often viewed as a tool to market the product and most people look for an  affordable web design company in UK to get the job done.  However, if the tool is faulty and does not provide the required results your investment in the product shall fail miserably since no one would know about it.
There are certain parameters on which the usability of a website can be tested. The first among them is efficiency  which measures the time taken by a user to get a job done. The second one is called recall which analysed the browsing experience and finally there is the Emotional response which seeks to understand the user's experience while being on the site.
In order to get  a proper idea about the usability, it is important that you create a real-life like scenario and take a note of all the emotions and experiences which the users face while performing the usability study. Several different types of pros are usually used including paper prototypes, post-test questionnaires to collect information and feedback. Some popular methods used for measuring usability includes usability lab studies, participatory design, interviews, ethnographic field studies, ethnographic field studies, usability benchmarking, focus groups, moderated remote usability studies, concept testing, unmoderated remote panel studies, card sorting, a/b testing and many more other methods.
While performing the usability test, it is important to keep a note of things that don't work so that they can be tested again and fixed or removed as per requirements.
Johnwilson.co.uk is an affordable web design company in UK, offering a wide range of web design and development solutions to clients all over the world. They use latest trends and technologies to customize the solutions as per client requirement across all domains.
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