johnwilson1st · 4 hours
Blunt is so real
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Blunt the business man
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johnwilson1st · 7 hours
I would also like to say this is extremely hypocritical 
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johnwilson1st · 7 hours
I would like to speak about these allegations I didn’t think I had to speak about it like this, but I apologize for anyone who felt offended. I did not mean to offend anyone, but if you see in the original post, I made a correction instead of saying GAYTT I actually meant GYATT, so I apologize. I didn’t mean to hurt Claire in that way and I apologize if any body apart of the LGBTQA+ community felt threatened. Me and Jaelyn support the community and I, John Wilson am apart of the community I am pansexual and also polygamous. (Don’t tell my wife). And Jaelyn didn’t mean to make that comment I would like to make it very clear that she isn’t apart of this conversation she is just a bystander in all this. Please tell me if I missed anything I didn’t clear up. I understand if one will be able to forgive me i understand that I accidentally made a mistake. Overall i am very sorry to Claire I didn’t know how offensive that comment would be to you I deeply regret sending that comment but I am new to this app and I do not know how to delete comments.
I didn’t mean what I said and I deeply apologize
-John Wilson
My experience with John Wilson/Jaelyn. ( @johnwilson1st )
Now, before I say anything, I believe that John Wilson did not say these things and it was actually Jaelyn. John is Jaelyn's alter ego and from the information I have, she was using John's account. John Wilson would never say & do these horrible things.
Before all of this, being friends with Jaelyn was never a bad thing. I knew John Wilson and I knew Jaelyn and everything had been "sunshine and rainbows." That was up until this was said. (ss below.)
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This was a comment John made. I made a post stating: "I love video essays my entire view on life and....." etc. It seems as he was calling me gay for liking video essays. Now, I want to make it clear that I do not think being gay or apart of the LGBTQ+ community is a bad thing in any way, but it's clear that John (or jaelyn) does. This makes me very sad because I've always thought of Jaelyn as someone I could trust. But with this? I don't know if I can anymore..🥺💔 I can't believe she'd ever say things like this with intentions of it being seen as a bad or weird thing.
Why do I think this is Jaelyn? Well, unless she can find some sort of excuse or evidence to as why it wasn't her who made this comment, I believe it was Jaelyn because I have known John for so, so, so long and I can truly feel it in my heart that he'd never say something like that. John Wilson has also been with many, many men before, so why would he be criticizing or seeing it as a bad thing? Maybe that's just how I think, but I really do believe he'd never think that way.
As of now, my opinion is not going to change until one of them speaks up about it. As someone who has been surrounded by people who think that way, it hurts me to know that Jaelyn could think that way as well.
IN CONCLUSION: Jaelyn has no gyatt.
Heh.... guess you can't trust anyone, can you..? 🫤🫤💔💔🙁🥺
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johnwilson1st · 8 hours
It is with a great deal of reluctance that I am once again writing about how Claire’s recent attempt to hasten society’s quiescence to moral pluralism and epistemological uncertainty may prove to be a watershed event for those of us who want to listen, find compassion, and collaborate. My reluctance stems from a concern that she will read this letter and use it as an excuse to inure us to counterproductive, hoggish vandalism. For practical reasons, I have to confine my discussion to areas that have received insufficient public attention or in which I have something new to say. How can we trust a dastardly chawbacon who actively conceals her true intentions? We can’t. And besides, Claire insists that everything will be hunky-dory if we let her flush all my hopes and dreams down the toilet. Naturally, she gives no evidence whatsoever to support that parti pris. Perhaps that’s because Claire’s peons have repeatedly been caught attacking the critical realism and impassive objectivity that are the central epistemological foundations of the scientific worldview. I had expected better from her and her vaunted Tartuffism movement, but then again, Claire will do anything to prevent us from critiquing her unhinged, juvenile theatrics. Don’t theatrics that aim to destabilize the norms of traditional society deserve—and in some sense, require—abundant critique and evaluation? That’s why I propose that we prevent the invisible hand of loosely regulated markets from becoming an invisible fist that lets Claire effortlessly pound her rivals into oblivion, mainly because Claire has been known to prove statistically that her decisions are based on reason. As you might have suspected, her proof is flawed. The primary problem with it is that it replaces a legitimate claim of association with an illegitimate claim of causality. Consequently, Claire’s proof demonstrates only that in my opinion it is a not unjustifiable assumption that I was personally offended—and I don’t easily offend—by the value she places on making me feel disconnected from reality. This is not what I think; this is what I know. I additionally know that interpretivism is like fire—both an essential component of Claire’s tirades and yet so elemental that its existence and influence are often overlooked. Similarly, interpretivism can burn badly and destroy if one neglects to consider that every day I wonder, Is this as uncivilized as Claire can possibly get? And every day, Claire figures out some way to take it to the next level. Let me close by reminding you that there’s no time for denial, despondency, or disinterest. This is a time that demands urgent actions from each of us to investigate the development of yahooism as a concept.
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johnwilson1st · 9 hours
Haha imagine
I'm gonna kill you I'm gonna kill you I'm gonna kill you I hate you I hate everything fucrlg eveuritj g stupid shto4
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johnwilson1st · 18 hours
What would you do if you were invited to ellie and mason HOUSE💜 but your mom was like ohnononono!!! You're not getting a dog!! So you were like what i DO? What I DO? but then donatella VERSACE popped up and you were like mommy.. mama a girl behind YOU💜 and then donatella hawk TUAH on you
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johnwilson1st · 19 hours
c-can I meet holly🥺🥺
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My beautiful baby💖😈
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johnwilson1st · 19 hours
should I make an account for clarence😈😈
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johnwilson1st · 1 day
I think October will fix me.
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johnwilson1st · 1 day
if you could go to ellie and mason HOUSE, would you?
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johnwilson1st · 1 day
Erm make trump break up with Biden at the end and Biden is so depressed because that’s what happened irl
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johnwilson1st · 1 day
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Love you Holly Patel❤️❤️
Can’t wait for our honeymoon!
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johnwilson1st · 1 day
No this is also mine
@johnwilson1st 's favorite song
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johnwilson1st · 1 day
Not an old hag get that out of your filthy tags you little Goofball I hope you get hit by a bus and then it backs up to run you over again and again you toe suckling egghead
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maybe you should just reblog instead of commenting
I am not able to do that at this point in time you old hag
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johnwilson1st · 1 day
I’m so real
What's your opinion on milfs?
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johnwilson1st · 1 day
What's your opinion on milfs?
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johnwilson1st · 1 day
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