johnsmith5836492 · 9 months
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bat wings 🍂🦇
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johnsmith5836492 · 9 months
I have … a tip.
If you’re writing something that involves an aspect of life that you have not experienced, you obviously have to do research on it. You have to find other examples of it in order to accurately incorporate it into your story realistically.
But don’t just look at professional write ups. Don’t stop at wikepedia or webMD. Look up first person accounts.
I wrote a fic once where a character has frequent seizures. Naturally, I was all over the wikipedia page for seizures, the related pages, other medical websites, etc.
But I also looked at Yahoo asks where people where asking more obscure questions, sometimes asked by people who were experiencing seizures, sometimes answered by people who have had seizures.
I looked to YouTube. Found a few individual videos of people detailing how their seizures usually played out. So found a few channels that were mostly dedicated to displaying the daily habits of someone who was epileptic.
I looked at blogs and articles written by people who have had seizures regularly for as long as they can remember. But I also read the frantic posts from people who were newly diagnosed or had only had one and were worried about another.
When I wrote that fic, I got a comment from someone saying that I had touched upon aspects of movement disorders that they had never seen portrayed in media and that they had found representation in my art that they just never had before. And I think it’s because of the details. The little things.
The wiki page for seizures tells you the technicalities of it all, the terminology. It tells you what can cause them and what the symptoms are. It tells you how to deal with them, how to prevent them.
But it doesn’t tell you how some people with seizures are wary of holding sharp objects or hot liquids. It doesn’t tell you how epileptics feel when they’ve just found out that they’re prone to fits. It doesn’t tell you how their friends and family react to the news.
This applies to any and all writing. And any and all subjects. Disabilities. Sexualities. Ethnicities. Cultures. Professions. Hobbies. Traumas. If you haven’t experienced something first hand, talk to people that have. Listen to people that have. Don’t stop at the scholarly sources. They don’t always have all that you need.
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johnsmith5836492 · 1 year
This post was written as a collaborative work of @oh-hi-welcome-to-my-soft-side and @sweetboynolan . Enjoy!
New Mommy, DMD - Part 1
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"What are my goggles for? You've got so many questions after I turned the happy gas on! Not so shy now, are you? Ok, open wide so I can get my fingers in there. Mmm. I seeee. You must have a very good Mommy, because I don't see one cavity in here. Alright, let me check your tongue way back in here... Oh! Was that moan for me? Naughty baby! I've had little boys mistake me for their mommy in the grocery store before, but I don't think you get that excuse here. Now, close your mouth and I'll test some muscular strength. Ok, suck on them, please."
"What's that sou...? Oh my goodness! Did my widdle patient get excited from my feengurs? Well it's a good thing your mommy had you diapered. It's ok, this isn't the first time its happened. That's why we keep the masks on, some big babies let go of a lot more."
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"Oh, right, you asked me a question. My goggles are for keeping your little squirties away from my pretty eye makeup when you get your good patient reward. You see, I wanted to look extra pretty when I checked my schedule and saw you were coming in today. Awww, I saw how wide your eyes got, and that bump your pee pee made in your soggy diapee too; you think I'm trying to impress YOU! What a sweet, silly, baby boy! No no no. Once I finish taking care of your teeth, I'm going to see if your pretty Mommy wants to get dinner with me. Wouldn't that be fun? With me dating your Mommy we could play dentist all the time, and, sometimes, I might even give you a dose of the happy gas when we strap you to your diapee changie table! Oh! Shhhh, no need to fuss Baby. Here, let me turn the gas a little higher. There, now, let's see how much you like being a mommy's boy. Lets get these tapes off. There we go, it's ok Cutie, just relax, I'm a pro. Let me just warm up the lotion, and a spare diapee. I've given out lots of good patient prizes on this chair, but I'll make this one extra nice.
The wheelchair was more of a carriage, but Mommy's face lit up when he was wheeled out of the working area. Her heels clicking as she meet the dentist halfway down the hall.
"Here you are Miss Tori, one very good patient, all clean and changed, and not a single cavity to be worried about! Looks like he needed a nap after such a big day, but I'm happy he's not fussing, because... well... Oh! No, reception will handle payment... No, no, I was really... err ahmmmm... do you... do you like Italian food?"
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johnsmith5836492 · 1 year
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johnsmith5836492 · 2 years
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johnsmith5836492 · 3 years
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johnsmith5836492 · 3 years
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johnsmith5836492 · 3 years
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johnsmith5836492 · 3 years
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johnsmith5836492 · 3 years
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johnsmith5836492 · 3 years
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johnsmith5836492 · 3 years
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johnsmith5836492 · 3 years
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johnsmith5836492 · 3 years
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johnsmith5836492 · 3 years
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johnsmith5836492 · 3 years
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johnsmith5836492 · 3 years
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