okay it's been a long ass time since i put together a dnp-related rant on tumblr but today is worthy of it jesus christ
Phil has seen every single version of Dan starting with when he was 18 ;__; If we are reduced to tears for the bits and pieces of Dan we’ve had the privilege of seeing, imagine the emotions for someone who has truly seen it all. He’s been w Dan literally thru every stage; before/during/after law school, depression, working together, moving 3x w one another, etc. I can’t imagine how emotional it would be to watch someone’s ups + downs for 13 years and then come out triumphant with a beautiful stage show. Like.. Phil is really someone who has seen Dan through his entire adult life. The beginning of it, the present, right up until the end.
We get emotional making comparisons of WAD to 'Hello Internet' because it's really unique to have your development as a person just pasted all over the internet. But all we have ever known is Dan's internet persona. Sure, we get pieces of his personality and we have a gist of what he's like, but we don't know him the way Phil does. Their connection is unfathomable and Phil knows him in a way no one ever will. We've heard of Dan's perspective going through challenges, struggling with existential crises, dealing with depression, seeking therapy, etc. We've heard those anecdotes after they happened; Phil lived it with him. Which is why I think today is just that important to Phil.
Phil got to see 'Hello Internet' before it was even posted onto YouTube for the first time. Fuck, he gave Dan advice and encouraged him to post for the first time. He supported Dan from the start. He has seen everything that we haven't, and now that WAD has come to a close and it's on YouTube forever, it's all come full circle. From helping Dan with his first YouTube video to sitting with Dan to watch this beautiful stage show on that same channel, Phil has been there with and for him since the beginning.
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just read an article that called phil dan's "former flat-mate" and i'm laughing so hard. its the less extreme version of the "this is my ex-boyfriend-" "we're husbands" joke. buddy they built a house together.
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you're next to me in my life or whatever..
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Anyone else just really love Director Dan wearing his boyfriend’s jacket cause I’m still not over it…
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Most unhinged Dan and Phil moment:
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two peas in a pod
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February last year Dan brought back top Dan memes and it’s February again…
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countdown to phil’s 37th bday celebration [bonus round] - phil’s homes through the years [32/37]
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Okay, this might sound stupid, but I'm having a fun new dnp experience and wanted to share with the class.
On a purely intellectual level I obviously knew that Dan And Phil used to be (and arguably still are) A Thing but so far I've kind of just perceived them as our weird, gay internet dads that live in our equally strange and gay corner of the internet.
Now however, looking at how they've blown up on twitter these past few days I'm starting to truly realise...they are actually famous? (sorry for the f word usage but goddamnit THEY ARE.) People know them, they still have so much power and influence? It's a little bit mindblowing honestly.
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The slittening of @amazingphil by @danielhowell
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can we talk about how dan blew out the last candles while phil still had his eyes closed so he thought he had blown all of them out. can we talk about it. because i can't stop thinking about it.
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dan is so fucking soft and gentle towards phil in the most subtle ways. i think im gonna kill myself about it
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thinking about dan and phil and how nice it must be...."make coffee"...."toast the bread"..."our favourite pastry is back in stock"..."i feel lonely, call me?"..."facetime me?"
oh to exist with someone. oh to live alongside someone.
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dan calling phil a “little goblin freak” 😭
the little goblin freak in question:
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Dan is like your parent who drops a random lore bomb on you out of absolutely fucking nowhere
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Dan and Phil have started to become a part of the "mainstream culture" again. The main reason you know their apart of mainstream culture is not just bc mainstream online media accs are talking about them but the fact they just state "Dan and Phil" and everyone knows who it is they are refering to. No last names mentioned or the word youtuber Just "Dan and Phil". On top of that, they are once again seen as a "mainstream culture DUO" bc if one just said "Dan" or "Phil" people would be like who but say "Dan and Phil Dan" or "Dan and Phil Phil" they know who it is.
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