john-against-incest · 7 years
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@kyuutier is a coward and a gross one too but we already knew that so 
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john-against-incest · 7 years
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Im late to the party but you all are fucking gross
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john-against-incest · 7 years
I Do Not Trust Anyone Who Says ‘Let People Ship What They Want’ I Simply Do Not Trust Them And With Good Reason
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john-against-incest · 7 years
When people ask me why I care about cultural appropriation:
Because Kardashians will take cornrows 
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And turn it into this.
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Or take what is a racist caricature of a Black Bodies,
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And turn it into this while be praised for it.
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Or when Black women get mocked for their lips and Skin:
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But Kylie Jenner can be praised for doing this:
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Or when White people and celebrities can do this:
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But women like this are seen as ugly (even in their own communities) or a called terrorists by others:
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Things like that causes things like this:
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Ok tell me how it doesn’t matter again?
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john-against-incest · 7 years
“wahhh i don’t wanna support love simon because it’s written by a straight person” how about support it for the interracial love story, the fact that Keiynan Lonsdale is LGBT and playing an LGBT character, and for the fact that LGBT teens deserve a  healthy sappy love story about kids in high school coming out and finding love.  
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john-against-incest · 7 years
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She Came Prepared The Daily Politics presenter was chatting to Charlotte and Henrietta about banning unhealthy food in schools.
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john-against-incest · 7 years
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this user would like people to get rid of the toxic notion that hypnosis is “evil” because actually it can safely be both useful and entertaining
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john-against-incest · 7 years
Why do you keep putting anti incest stuff in the Jake/Jane tag? It's not incest
You’re technically ok but youre on thin fuckin ice
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john-against-incest · 7 years
Is it just me or is anyone else uncomfortable with how much attention pgp's stuff gets? Like their comics get passed around a lot, and while I think they're usually well-intentioned, I take issue with someone who drew rape & child porn and then did some heavy victim-blaming's stuff getting so many notes.
YEAH, I feel the same way. I saw a post of theirs that was about the Ru Paul transphobia controversy and I was like… great post! Too bad you’re not a trans woman and also drew rape and incest! Lmao!
here’s their rape comic btw - victim blaiming he did after posting the comic - a sequel to their rape comic that was pretty fucking bad - an ask of them directly saying that it’s ok if minors send him porn 
 there’s more receipts like of them drawing porn of their parentstuck kid ocs and parents having sex but :P this is just all from that pgpcalloutblog
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john-against-incest · 7 years
parentstuck!karkat: whats wrong
his daughter, anus: i made a guy angry so he raped me while telling me he hates me and im horrible
kakcart: oh wow that reminds me of when you and your other dad, dabe, first met. haha we didnt get along well :) sometimes we argued. :) maybe you shouldnt have made him angry :)
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john-against-incest · 7 years
*guy who’s 18 years and 1 day old is dating girl who’s 17 years and 355 days old*
tumblr: He is a pedophile. He is no different than a 40 yo man who fucks 9-year-olds. He should be given 900 years in prison.
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john-against-incest · 7 years
Map: love looking at kids and they’re so cute it makes me feel so nice and their lil butts aaa
Any normal human being: yo thats fucked up dude cut it out
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john-against-incest · 7 years
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Im late to the party but you all are fucking gross
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