“I shouldn’t even be allowed to hold him. Maybe you should take him.”
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Shailene Woodley | on The Tonight Show (2016)
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“Powers? No. Magic, yes.” Sylvia replied with a light laugh. “You would wish to see that?”
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“Wow, what other things can you do?” Johanna asked moving closer to the girl out of excitement. “I would adore seeing that. Bet yet, do it.”
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Jane Chapman in 1.04 ‘Push Comes to Shove’
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Lady Macbeth: Honey?
Macbeth: What?
Lady Macbeth: Where's your dagger?
Macbeth: what?
Macbeth: I, uh...put it away.
Lady Macbeth: Where?
Macbeth: Why do you need to know?
Lady Macbeth: You need it!
Macbeth: I don't want to kill Duncan.
Lady Macbeth: Uh-uh! Don't you think about running off doing no daring-do. We've been planning this murder for two months! The Scots are in danger!
Macbeth: My EVENING'S in danger!
Lady Macbeth: You tell me where that dagger is, man! we are talking about the greater good!
Macbeth: Greater good? I am your HUSBAND! I'm the greatest good you're ever gonna get!
Lady Macbeth: Kill Duncan.
Macbeth: Okay.
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“Of course I can. It is enchanted to liquefy the organs within seconds. I’ve yet to try it out.”
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“Enchanted? You have powers?” Johanna was very impressed by the girl in front of her. “Now that’s badass. It’s a shame you haven’t got to use it yet. It’s good news for me. Maybe I can witness someone organs liquefying before my eyes.”
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“It looks stunning. I bet you can cut into someone’s flesh as if it was a peach. Do tell me you’ve tried it out.”
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“Have you ever seen something so beautiful?”
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“Can I still put the blame on you, whether you take it or not?” He asked, brow raising as if he’d do it regardless of her opinion. “I don’t know, I might have to get my hair done.” He teased, enjoying the playful banter. “Johanna. How about a stab to the chest? That’s quick, right?”
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“It has little to no effect on my life.” She shrugged at the stranger. He could blame her for the sky falling for all she cared. Johanna let out a vague laugh. “You are pushing it now. Look, I can maybe do 12:00. I don't want you to die with ugly hair.” She added to the banter as if it was a real appointment. “Quick but boring. Where is the fun in that? If we are setting an appointment a quick and run seems unnecessary.”
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“Because you used it to your advantage.” Though Anthony would have done the same given time. “Could you pencil me in for 10:30 next week? The name is Anthony. Do I get to choose how you kill me?”
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“You have a point but I’m still not taking the blame.” She smiled faintly, a laugh on the tip of her tongue. “10:30? Can you do 11:00? I’ll bump you on the list.” She replied playfully. Though if someone had died by her hand she won’t mind at all. “Johanna. Do you have a special request? I’ll take it into concentration.”
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“Blame the design of the locks? Now you rather place the blame elsewhere, I see. That might be true, but only people with nothing else to will spend the time trying to pick a lock. Either way you are here and now what, you are going to kill me?”
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“Why would I take the blame for a flawed system?” Johanna replied in a nearly chipper voice. “I wouldn’t know.” She smirked devilishly. “Kill you? Well, as much as I would love to, I have a long waiting list. Give me your name, I’ll pencil you in.”
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“Unlocked huh? How do I not know you just didn’t pick it yourself?”
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“I might very well of. Don’t blame me. Blame the design of locks. Anyone with a brain can couple minutes can learn how to pick it. So much for keeping you safe, huh.”
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@westerxgaard // x
“Yeah, everything is fine. I just thought I should tell you something. I don’t want you to freak out or anything. Plus, dad can never know.” Johanna explained, hoping if she shared this it would bring them closer again. 
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Graham had holed himself away in his procured room in the palace for a while, working among his slowly growing hoard of hardware and software. Besides the technology and a select few personal items laying about, his suite was completely bare. The blank white walls and plain furniture never bothered him, and instead was a bit of a comfort.
He was currently working on a program he had been fiddling with for the past week or so when his attention was finally snapped up by the strangers voice. His expression barely shifted, but he couldn’t help but flinch slightly from the sudden appreance of another character in his space. Crossing his arms just shy of the keyboard as he quirked a brow, asking pointedly, “Well, isn’t it considered impolite not to knock first? What exactly did you expect to find in here?”
Johanna laughed seeing the stranger jump in his seat. She wasn’t even trying to be scary but didn’t mind at all that she was. When he told her she was impolite she scoffed softly under her breath. “I don’t aim for politeness, sorry.” It was an empty apology, of course. “I didn’t think anyone lived in here first glance. Pretty plain. Did you just move in or something?” She explained furthered her eyes scanning along the bare walls and untasteful furniture. 
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SHAILENE WOODLEY “I love getting older; it’s the most exciting thing. Every year I love myself a little more and dig life a little more. Sometimes you’re in highs and sometimes lows, but life is really, really good right now.”  
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“It’s not really smart to leave your door unlocked,” Johanna said uninvitedly stepping into the room.
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“I’ll come just before sunrise and bring her back,” She started whispering so the young blonde couldn’t hear. “I’ll go through the cellar door and won’t even wake you. Sounds good?” Johanna explained making her way into the main floor of Matthias house. “I miss times like this with you.” She had a genuine smile on her face when she spoke. Matthias meant a lot to her but had never known how to show it. With that, she on her way.
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