joffi · 5 years
“The prosecution of migrants under Section 1325 has led to an entire hellscape of unexpected consequences, including the way that some pregnant or injured migrants are processed at local hospitals after being apprehended in the borderlands. As Rewire.News reported earlier this month, officers with Border Patrol have brought in newly apprehended injured and pregnant migrants for medical evaluations at Banner-University Medical Center in Phoenix, Arizona. Once the hospital visit has ended, health-care providers interviewed by Rewire.News have said immigration agents will “pressure” them to write a “cleared for detention letter.” Residents like Dr. Samantha Varner reported that because these patients are being brought to the hospital almost directly from the borderlands, Border Patrol agents inevitably ask for letters clearing them for detention. Why? Because they tried to enter the country in violation of Section 1325 and they’re going to be detained. Federal immigration authorities are essentially asking health-care providers to determine—and put into writing—that pregnant or injured migrants are healthy enough to be detained for the duration of the time it takes for their case to be adjudicated. Translation: indefinitely. At Banner, and potentially at other hospitals, these letters have become a point of contention between doctors, their hospitals, and federal immigration agencies. Sometimes these hospitals contract with federal agencies to offer migrants health care, which can complicate matters further for doctors who believe that providing such a letter is a violation of the oath they took to do no harm.”
— Four Ways Section 1325 Has Wreaked Havoc on Migrants’ Lives - Rewire.News
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joffi · 5 years
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Today, 26 June 2019 It's been a while. https://www.instagram.com/p/BzL4uEPprY2/?igshid=1xwjqmhzysqgy
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joffi · 5 years
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🌼 https://instagram.com/awakesociety 🌼
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joffi · 5 years
“The US was once the country of the future, and now it’s stumbling around drunk on nostalgia (to a fake past no less) like the paunchy middle-ages high school quarterback who can’t stop talking about the time he took us to State.”
— John Rogers
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joffi · 6 years
This is the anniversary of the invasion of Iraq. It marks one of the profoundest mistakes the United States has ever made in foreign affairs. Its effects still shape the world. Almost no one in America cares.
Which says about all you need to know.
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joffi · 6 years
via @ddalgi_o 😂❤️
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joffi · 6 years
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#gretta waits (at White Cloud, Michigan) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bng2KiylQYH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=3wnknuyyiolp
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joffi · 6 years
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for anyone that’s having a bad day, here are pictures of animals sniffing flowers
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joffi · 6 years
My sociology professor had a really good metaphor for privilege today. She didn’t talk about race or gender or orientation or class, she talked about being left-handed.
A left-handed person walks into most classrooms and immediately is made aware of their left-handedness - they have to sit in a left-handed seat, which restricts their choices of where to sit. If there are not enough left-handed seats, they will have to sit in a right-handed seat and be continuously aware of their left-handedness. (There are other examples like left-handed scissors or baseball mitts as well.)
Meanwhile, right-handed people have much more choice about where to sit, and almost never have to think about their right-handedness.
Does this mean right-handed people are bad? No.
Does it mean that we should replace all right-handed desks with left-handed desks? No.
But could we maybe use different desk styles that can accommodate everyone and makes it so nobody has limited options or constant awareness that they are different? Yes.
Now think of this as a metaphor. For social class. For race. For ethnicity. For gender. For orientation. For anything else that sets us apart.
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joffi · 6 years
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joffi · 6 years
a lot of women have hard childhoods too but u don’t see women committing violent crimes against men in large numbers every day. i literally cannot name a single woman who has tortured and raped a man off the top of my head but I can name countless men who’ve tortured and raped women and a lot of them never went to prison…this world hates women so much more than we are all comfortable admitting
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joffi · 7 years
digdigdig ・ ・ #gretta #doxie #doxiesofinstagram #dachshundsofinstagram (at White Cloud, Michigan)
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joffi · 7 years
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Woman Photographs Herself Receiving Strange Looks in Public
“I now reverse the gaze and record their reactions to me while I perform mundane tasks in public spaces. I seek out spaces that are visually interesting and geographically diverse. I try to place myself in compositions that contain feminine icons or advertisements. Otherwise, I position myself and the camera in a pool of people…and wait.
The images capture the gazer in a microsecond moment where they, for unknowable reasons, have a look on their face that questions my presence. Whether they are questioning my position in front of the lens or questioning my body size, the gazer appears to be visually troubled that I am in front of them.”
Photographer: Haley Morris-Cafiero
Project: Wait Watchers 
Thought this was actually really cool and I’d share it with you guys! Takes a lot to get up there and do something like this. Love it!
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joffi · 7 years
Make it so everywhere.
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You have to take a quiz before you’re allowed to leave a comment on the website NRKbeta. The Norwegian news site requires commenters to display a basic understanding of an article before they can give their opinion on it. The goal is to discourage uninformed “rant modes” and foster more positive, productive, and educated conversations among the readers. Source Source 2
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joffi · 7 years
“Diet and beauty culture thrive on guilt. Guilt over that delicious dessert. Guilt over that dress size. Guilt over those wrinkles. They teach you guilt and then they sell you the solution. Please, never feel guilty for existing. You are allowed to eat. You are allowed to take up space. You are allowed to age. You are allowed to exist in the body you have right now without spending all of your time, money and self worth to change it.”
— Megan Crabbe, Bodyposipanda (via monstersinmirrors)
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joffi · 7 years
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Ht David Mack
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joffi · 7 years
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For @newscientist #poison #airhorn #science
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