joannaderbot · 2 months
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joannaderbot · 3 months
(24) My current status
To bring my story to an end, a few aspects are left to clarify.
I put God higher than Jesus on the outside, but Jesus is the love of my life. If my heart had one of the two chambers larger, I would give it to Jesus.
My "ex" has lost his flavor for me long time ago. It's been 9 years since he left, and he still chases me for cash.
I am at peace and have no regrets about anything that happened to me. Even at the lowest point in 2015 I look at it as a divine calling or an appointment.
I am studying and will gradually return to the world after completing my mission. It is really up to my Father where He will put me.
Surrounded by a small circle of friends and my mum, my life goes on. A little rabbit keeps me company at home. I consider her to be a small gift sent by God as she was given to me at the very start of my ministry. She is an adorable little bundle of joy to me.
I feel safe and secure at home despite a small danger that I may loose it soon.
I hope my testimony blesses everyone.
God is also taking me to China to keep gathering His people. It is going to be another mammoth task but I love working for Him.
One thing I don’t do is: I do NOT MONETISE on any of my platforms. Jesus Christ was very clear about what is required. We are to return 10% back to God and not make a business out God’s Kingdom. I am equally passionate about these two principles.
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joannaderbot · 3 months
(23) God works through me
Having my life dedicated to service the Creator of our Universe, I received a number of important revelations or keys that unlock the secrets hidden in the Bible. I don't know whether they come from God or from Jesus but they are not my own interpretations.
How do I know they are not my own? It is because of two reasons.
The first reason is the timing and the form of when I receive them. I usually receive them the minute I wake up from sleeping. It is usually at night or early in the morning. They can be given as a dream or a sudden unusual thought coming to my mind after waking up. a lot of them come when I brush my hair also in the morning.
The other reason is they have, what I call, a HOLY THREAD. The holy thread is a subtle link connecting few dots of the Bible. They act like the synapses in our brain. They enable the message to progress "further up the stream", so to speak.
The fact that I literally separated myself from the world helps me to be a like a conduct for transmitting these revelations. Examples of the most important messages are to do with bringing Muslims back to God's Kingdom. God has given me the meaning of the two trees in the Garden of Eden. He also told me about the meaning behind the Mystery Babilon. From the most recent revelations, of particular importance was the meaning of the pillar of salt. He also gave me others, such as, the meaning behind the two breads, or wine, or flood, or books, or stoning a baby, etc... All these are allegories that needed to be unpacked at this time not any other.
God told me the meaning of the prophecy of Daniel form Daniel 12:12.
Sometimes, God tells me secrets that I must not yet reveal. They are to do with the songs written by Solomon.
Before I began to receive all these secrets and revelations, I have put an immense amount of work on Facebook. I disseminated not only the knowledge that I acquired from pastors and precursor or forefathers to Christianity, but I also designed various flexible ways of baptizing people "with water" without a physical act of submerging them in a pool of water. My earliest posts go as far as 2015. Prior to that date I have never used Facebook before. And I only use Facebook to service God. I don't send any private pictures or information about me that is irrelevant to God's Kingdom.
I also work on other social media platforms, but FB is my base. The direction to start using Facebook was received through a dream in 2015.
I feel honored to be used as a vehicle by our Creator. I disregard any criticism by my friends regarding what I do. My Father in Heaven is the only authority for me, and His words accompanied with Jesus's words, are the most important to me. I find pleasure in studying them.
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joannaderbot · 3 months
(22) My love for Jesus
My love for Jesus is incredibly strong.
I searched for Jesus from the day one of my conversion in 2015. Every movie that is on YouTube about Jesus would not escape from my hungry soul wanting to see what he would look like, or what did he say, or what did he do while walking on Earth.
The delight I found in the paintings of Akiana Karmarik was inexplicable because when I saw the famous Prince-of-Peace painted by her, it kind of reminded me of the face I saw in 2015 in my one and only vison of a man. "Could it be Jesus whom I saw back then?", I wondered.
In my early days, I often pictured myself hugging his feet while lifting my head up, when he was nailed on the cross.
I began to feel a very strong personal connection while watching one of the movies titled, "The life of Jesus". This movie on YouTube ended up being translated to many languages. I sent its link in DMs to all of my followers (about 5000). I watched this movie over and over again and never got enough of it. Every time I watched it, I cried. Even now, typing about it, makes my eyes watery. It's as if I was missing him as being someone I knew from the past. I don't know how many times I shared the link to this movie, but it would be in hundreds of times.
Jesus is my role model. I wanted to follow all his commands. My love for Muslims came easy in the sense, because I justified my feelings for Muslims by pointing out to Jesus and making him to be "at fault" when people wondered about the sanity of my mind.
At some point in time, I applied for a job at Mercy Ships. This meant to me giving up my life and be permanently located away from the world, while doing just what he commanded to do, which is "loving one another". (I failed the job interview and didn't get accepted).
I would do everything and anything just to be by his side. My success in street evangelizing can only be attributed to the fact that I feel genuinely to have had his love for people in my soul.
After reading the Bible numerous times, I figured out that he could have been a man, and God is someone else. But I am still confused as to who Jesus really is. Apostle Paul's letters add a third person to this equation. I don't know. All I know is I want to be around Jesus.
After receiving a revelation that our hearts have two chambers - one for God and the other for Jesus, I thought to put Jesus in a larger chamber of my heart but both chambers of my heart are equal. This revelation entrenched me in separating Jesus from God but loving them meant to be equally strong.
There I was, connected to both of them and trying to worship only the Father, but feeling connected more powerfully to Jesus. Worshipping the Father was not in the form of bowing down to Him regularly with prayers on my lips, but instead hugging God in spirit, like a baby hugs his daddy. I used to stretch my hands in the morning after waking up saying, "Good morning, daddy!" It made sense considering I was born into God’s Kingdom in 2015 so feeling literally like a baby around His presence.
I perceive things very differently to other people but this is who I am.
I GIVE ALL THE GLORY TO GOD FOR HE IS WITH ME AND LEADS ME. His presence in my life is undeniable.
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joannaderbot · 3 months
(21) A gift of love for Muslims
One of the most fascinating phenomena, which became a pert of my life, is my love for Muslims. I don't know where it is coming from, whether it is God loving them through me, or if it had been buried somehow deeply in my soul, nevertheless the feeling is very strong.
How did it start? While I was preaching and pouring my written posts over my Facebook followers, I was also learning all about Christianity. I stumbled across a sermon talking about Jesus being mentioned in the book of Quran. So I thought, "Let's take a look what is in there, perhaps I missed some relevant information". I wanted to know all about Jesus because he is my God, my role model, my everything.
I began to dig into the Quran book. Very quickly I came across three verses calling for beheading people. I began to dig deeper into it. That is when I discovered what the Dome of the Rock was. I remembered the dream God gave me in 2015, and I realized that all women, who cover up their hair, belong to this bizarre religion. Feeling sorry for these girls and unable to do anything I applied the standard Christian technique of using words to manifest my desire to push away the Islamic deity who was in control over that religion. This was like me trying to "climb the moon with an axe in my hands".
I wrote a letter to "him" (Allah) and published it for everyone to see how I felt. Reprimanded by my friends for doing it, I didn't give up. I know this was a rather silly and primitive way to start but this is how I began my fully fetched fight to free these girls from sizzling under the black burqas, who live in the heat of the deserts.
After sending few posts and digging deep into the subject of Islam, it came to my attention that this is actually dangerous what I am doing. I thought, "Hold on, why would I need to be murdered for trying to help these girls?" Then I began unraveling all the reasons behind the whole concept of what Islam is all about.
Immediately I went into a shock. Everything was accelerating around me. God put me in a place with my eye now VERY WIDE OPENED. But I "held my horses" right away! It was not because I was petrified (or frightened). It was because I had put myself in the shoes of these guys who try to kill people for God. At this point, I was stunned to see that my love for God is equally strong and if He asked me to kill, I might not have hesitated for too long before doing what the terrorists are doing. The penny in my head DROPPED and hit me with understanding of what EXACTLY IS HAPPENING IN OUR WORLD. I had to confirm this revelation by studying and learning more about Islam, which wasn't easy due to lack of resources, and having to digest freshly acquired knowledge of the Bible didn't help. However, I gradually linked all the pieces together and discovered who Allah really is and who is hidden behind his name.
God helped me instantly in my studying. Suddenly my Christian friends found a forbidden book about Islam and some other typed materials that were extremely useful for me. While swallowing it all, my heart began to crumble under the realization how lost these people are. I began to truly love them and trying my very best endeavor to free them from the deception.
THIS IS THE HARDEST THING I HAVE EVER DONE IN MY ENTIRE LIFE. My life was now on an entirely different truck, and the desire to chase my ex simply evaporated.
Preaching to Muslims was painful at the beginning. I received many slaps on my face. But having one of my cheeks ‘bruised’ I gave the my other cheek so they could keep slapping and after a while I felt no more pain.
The love I have for Muslims is in me and is genuine. To this day, I fight for them with my words, and I pray to God for the supply of energy because the "fight" is really very draining on my soul.
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joannaderbot · 3 months
(20) Five profound COMMUNICATIONS received from God
During my early days/years of walking with God, I received four interesting vivid visions during the night. Originally, I didn't note the dates of their receipt but later began to pay attention to every detail.
In the first vision, God showed me the Dome of the Rock falling into a large pit (or a pothole) surrounded with dust coming from the fall. At the time I had no idea what I was looking at, but the golden dome and the blue square walls stayed in my memory until I saw this building in one of the video clips. I had to find out what this funny looking structure in Israel is all about.
The second vision was also very unusual. I saw a face and a strong torso of a person. He had beard and thick eyebrows. His chest was huge. Few years later, I saw his close resemblance in one of Akikane Karmarik's paintings that went missing in Australia.
One night I saw a big sign in front of me, each letter was about 30 cm tall. The sign read "WORK IN IRAN". I didn't have to check these words as I knew what they meant. Later on, but around the same period of time, two small writings appeared as well. They were "Janna Derbot - for Chinese People", and "Joanna Derbot - for occultists".
On the 18th June 2018, following my request to God to see Jesus, I received a vivid picture of a man's face with his arms stretched out on the cross. The face was so covered with blood mixed with particles of hair and some black bits that I couldn't recognize or compare it to anyone's face. Yes, it was a scary picture. I woke up to my own loud voice exclaiming, "My Jesus!!". This vision made me realize how much he actually suffered. The way Jesus is presented in churches doesn't show even close the amount of blood that was on him during the crucifixion.
On 30th March 2019 at 4:46 in the morning, I had an out of body experience. It was a one-off. Nothing like this repeated. I saw large lit with bright light sparks in a shape of diamonds falling on me while everything around me was pitch dark blue and I wandered how come these bits have light if there is no electricity connected or any light to be reflected against. I was at owe. Then away but above my head I saw an opening as if the ceiling in my bedroom was a part of Heaven. I then called "Father where are you?" I then began to lift up while my body was still in bed. My knees were blocking me to be fully detached so I had to 'return'. During this experience, I could hear music which few weeks later I found on my Pandora (or Spotify) station. The track played had a title "Yahweh". It was a truly amazing experience!
To date, God gave me over 350 dreams and visions. Some are stronger than others but nearly all of them I was able to interpret. I also learnt the dream language (based on the Bible) and continually provide free interpreter services to my close friends and family members.
All these types of experiences stay very vivid in my memory. My whole life seems like I am living in a dream. GOD IS VERY CLOSE TO ME.
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joannaderbot · 3 months
(19) Things I did for God, and things HE DID FOR ME
I dedicated to God years of my time. Being unable to find a job only helped the process. I began to follow all instructions from the Bible. I changed my worship form Sundays to Saturdays and celebrate only God’s ordained festivals. I stopped eating pork and complied with all other dietary requirements. I remitted tax on cash income received from working (as a part-time assistant) for a friend who was a bus driver. I returned 10% tithe back to God. I did some free weeding services for friends in their gardens. I also bought a harp and played music for Him. I made five extra non-cash offerings and other cash offerings to God. But the "craziest" thing was when I went on the streets and began evangelizing people on one-to-one basis. The desire to evangelize exploded in me from doing it monthly to attending the duty on a weekly basis. Not only this. I also began to write posts on FB and gradually increased my presence in other platforms and was making videos for God. The last thing was/is - I am writing MY STORY.
God was not only teaching and leading me on the highway. He also spoke to me few times with His audible voice and gave me supernatural healing. My depression disappeared instantly in 2015. Moreover, during the entire time since 2015, I had no need to see any doctor regarding sickness or illness. I simply don't get sick or ill anymore. God also gave me good friends. When I digested all books of the Bible and started reading the last book (The Book of Revelation) good news came from Artur's lawyers saying that I can permanently stay in the house, but all the rests of the assets need to belong to my "ex". There was a small shortfall which I had to remit to Artur and the split of our assets would be complete.
Before my "ex" returned, God gave me an instruction through landing my finger on a text (at random) on one of the pages of the Bible. The text read "subdivide the land". God knew that the relationship would never work between me and my ex. And to my stubborn mind, I had to experience it myself the hard way. After Artur returned, nothing worked! I cooked, I baked, I bought him presents, I wanted to go bike riding, I paid for most of the bills. Artur was silent, locked in his bedroom, rejected my food and ended up building his own house on that subdivided land.
SOMETIMES WE WANT SOMETHING WHICH IS AGAINST GOD's WILL. HE STILL GIVES IT TO US BUT IT DOESN"T WORK. I needed to learn how to trust God more. This might have been the hardest but at least I was certain that God is real, and I found Him.
My test on the EXISTANCE OF GOD was completed.
But then something even more fascinating happened.
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joannaderbot · 3 months
(18) Walking with God
God communicates with us all the time. But we need to be baptized with His Holy Spirit before we can hear what He is saying to us.
Before God began to restore everything in my life, I went on a 'highway' with Him. What do I mean? I was learning His language while He was speaking to me through various other ways. It felt like driving a car on a busy motorway for the first time and learning what the street signs meant.
God communicates with us through different forms, such as dreams, visions, messages through other people, and animals. The predominant format is however words. God loves playing with our names. For example, my maiden native surname is "SETNA". The word means in English "a 100th". The meaning of the 100 is "completion", or "creating a fullness". In other words, my surname tells me that I will complete some sort of a fullness in my life. The Bible is full of names that have meaning hidden behind them.
Another interesting fact is that our life events often represent or become prophecies for the future. We need to be mindful of this phenomenon in God's Kingdom. The Bible is full of examples of this type.
God also gives us gits, such as the gift of His Holy Spirit, the gift of Prophecy, the gift of Husband/Wife.... etc.
While I was studying His Book and learning all about Him, God began to speak to me through dreams and visions. The first 6 months were "super-crazy" in a good sense.
In 2018, God kept His part of the deal and returned my husband (my ex) back home while telling me that I need to subdivide my land.
WHEN GOD PROMISES SOMETHING, HE NEVER FAILS (provided we are serious and faithful to Him).
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joannaderbot · 3 months
(17) I made an interesting 'error'.
When I received Christ into my heart and saw a brand-new world opening in front of my eyes, I "upgraded" my request to God. I didn't just want Artur returned, I wanted Artur returned and be like me (i.e. "born-again") filled with the spirit.
I saw undeniable benefits in the basis of such reunion and was grounded in thought that our remarriage would never work without knowing THE WAY. I strived to get Artur to be where I was.
Was this my error, or was God telling me something? Was it my own desire or was God telling me something? I don't know but when I think about it today, my new request made to God was like A BRICK WALL standing between me and Artur. It is like that house of the policeman (i.e. Serafin) separating us on the Victory Street, where lived and met Artur for the first time.
I think, this 'error' was a crossroad that separated us beyond the point of return. Considering how my life was turning, I also think that this wasn't an error.
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joannaderbot · 3 months
(16) My search for God began slowly
My vow to God initially didn't work despite the success I had with my previous vow to Him. I think, I ill structured it this time. I demanded that God makes Artur return, which was God's part to the 'deal', and my part was to follow a certain ritual during mass on Sundays. But God is clever. I had to demonstrate first that my part gets fulfilled to show that I was trustworthy and fully committed to the deal. “Fair enough”, I thought.
On one occasion Artur tried to briefly talk to me but I was too upset. I lost trust in him but at the same time I was still a disrespectful woman who had no idea how to properly love a husband. He then divorced me in 2017. I didn't attend the court session to avoid any fight. I had only sent my divorcee the gathered hard evidence proving that he is not without any fault. God is my witness, and my judge. I placed the court hearing in God's hands, wondering today, what was Artur's testimony in front of the court.
My depression was still severe, manifesting with bumps popping out and blood vessels bursting. I lost 13 kilos in one month due to inability to eat. I had to start my life from scratch as Artur took all our friends with him and attempted to sell all of our properties. I had no job, no friends, only my mom to comfort me. I missed Artur like crazy, even broke through the security to his apartment block once desperately banging my hands to the door where he stayed.
God gave me new friends. Somehow, I recalled an address to my old friends, whom I knew in 1991, ALL of whom happened to be had moved to the same suburb. Miraculously they also happened to be true Christians.
In September 2015 I surrendered my life to Jesus in the commonly accepted step called "born-again". These old friends walked me to Jesus and recommended to fight for the house and find another partner to get remarried. I categorically dismissed their advice BECAUSE I WANTED TO TEST GOD AND HAVE ARTUR RETURNED TO ME. This was the deal I had with God.
I took the Bible into my hands and began to read it carefully this time, paying attention to all God's words and instructions. I didn't make a distinction between Jesus and God back then.
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joannaderbot · 3 months
(15) The idea about testing God
I didn't give up on Artur easily despite the warning about the “no return”.
When I was in the hospital with my heart shredded, all sorts of strange phenomena took place back then, but I will only list what is the most important.
One night, while laying in bed, for the second time in my life I made a vow to God. I said, "God, if you return to me what Satan had stollen, I will take the holy communion till the rest of my life".
When I came back from the hospital, I still didn't see Artur returning back to me. This is when I decided to go on full search to see if God is real.
My strategy was to learn first what EXACTLY is it that He (God) requires of us humans to be doing. Then I would do all these requirements to the dot, even if they didn't make sense and made me look like I would be a "crazy woman". I compressed all the 'shame' and went on a fully blown search for God. I thought to myself, "God is either real or He doesn't exist at all. Truth can only be ONE".
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joannaderbot · 3 months
(14) How did the truth about Artur come out
My perception of God's power was evidenced throughout my life, but I was unaware that this was actually God watching over me. His Spirit was over (around) me, not inside me.
The day when Artur left me, during my lonely walk on the beach, I noticed a small wagtail behaving strangely. He (the bird) wouldn't let me walk back towards my car to return home. I was under an impression the bird was giving me some kind of a warning not to return back to Artur.
One day, I received a pile of documents incorrectly addressed to me by Artur's accountant preparing his Tax Return. When I opened the parcel, I saw all the bank statements showing description of items of all his expenditure. God showed me where exactly Artur travelled, what he did there, and with how many people (as some costs of travel were identical).
Another day, I 'recalled' a password that opened Artur's emails, and I found out where exactly he relocated and how much was he paying for rent, because his rental agent emailed a notice of the rental property inspection. So, the secret, which Artur tried to hide, was out!
When I returned from a psychiatric hospitalization due to my suicide attempt, I 'accidentally' found his telephone bill in my inbox with listed mobile numbers. After scrutinizing the bill, I noticed that one number showed up every day for longer duration than the others. God suddenly opened the full picture who exactly Artur was with.
In other words, God was speaking to me through gradually unveiling these bits of the puzzle. He was saying to me "Here is where your husband is, who he is with, what he is doing, so don't go back to him!".
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joannaderbot · 3 months
(13) Life on Kingsley
Our final destination was a small house purchased on Kingsley. This is where I live now.
Following our reconciliation in late 2014, Artur began to behave strange. He made huge deals out of small things. I wasn't allowed to take a photo of him while travelling overseas. His intimidating behavior was unbearable.
One day, I was at work. I rang him to check how he was, and he dropped a bombshell, "I don't know if I still love you". When I heard this, I literally left my dream job right then and there and never came back.
This didn't help but postponed the inevitable. Few days later he said he wants to leave me to see if he still loves me. I said jokingly, "Sure, if you leave, I will find someone else". His behavior worsened by giving me a silent treatment. I noted he began to take his phone to the bathroom with him, but this didn't ring any bells for me.
One afternoon I went to the beach on my own and when I came back, he was gone, and all his stuff was gone with him. My heart began to crumble but I thought in two weeks he would be back. He came back three years later.
During the three years my heart was torn, shredded and broken into pieces.
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joannaderbot · 3 months
(12) 7 years following my 40th birthday.
When we returned back from Palm Cove to Perth, God blessed us even more. Finding a good job was easy, my eyesight got repaired, I got a brand-new set of teeth, and to top it all off, Artur bought me a fancy sports-car (not very suitable at my age though!).
But the evil didn't sleep during these 7 years and had a go at me few more times. After learning my previous lesson, I stood far from every type of a black hole.
A young boy (from work) thought his great looks could get him to have a dinner with me. He began to fantasize about me and kept sending me emails. I didn't give in. I even deducted time spent on replying to his email from my chargeable hours, as I was being paid per hour back then.
Then I was accused of being involved in a large financial fraud that was taking place in Botswana. About USD700,000 got stolen. The company looked for someone to take the blame. While being interrogated by KPMG, I told them that I felt responsible, but I didn't steal anything. Was I responsible? Absolutely not.
Towards the end of the 7 years, I got an ultimate reward for all my hard work - a dream job as a Finance Manager at an internationally placed business. I was respected and felt like my life is at last in good working order. I loved my job, even the working hours gradually came down.
At that time, Artur and I indulged on short luxurious holidays in Bali's top expensive resorts, few times per year. There, in 2014, I reveled to him my observation of what sin is. He got upset but after about a month the relationship between us returned to normal (so I thought!).
The next year, 2015, was when I really began my journey with God. I was born again to live in His Holy Kingdom, and I stay there to this day, and I don't intend to move away from it.
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joannaderbot · 3 months
(11) I am not a saint.
When I found out about how my dad hurt Artur, I did something weird. My dad bought me a set of expensive headphones so I could use it for listening to music or to speak to my parents over the Skype. We used to be in close contact online back then. This was his birthday present for my 40th. As my parents were retired and did not have any spare cash, this kind of expenditure was a huge deal for them. And I appreciated that.
However, as a revenge for hurting Artur, I disposed of the headphones in my anger.
To this date this act doesn't gel on me very well.
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joannaderbot · 3 months
(10) Life on The Ramble Street
Life on The Ramble was great. We were blessed abundantly. Our new house was on a hill equipped with a large concrete swimming pool, marble bench, pillars, Spanish chandeliers etc... We owed two cars, an 18-feet boat to go deep sea fishing, and later purchased two small apartments in Palm Cove. We also had a pet, German Shepherd, who brought us joy.
When I was 40 years of age my life got into a spiral of unusual events. Late in 2006 our dog had to be put down, then early in 2007 my parents visited us. This is when I learnt about what my dad did to Artur on the day of our permanent departure (back in 1988) which explained his unusual hostile rather behavior.
Additionally, I was sexually insulted on a carpark which ended up with me nearly being sucked up by the power of the sin of adultery. Moreover, we sold our house and moved for a few months to Palm Cove, which is about 4000 km away, on the other coast of Australia. Over there I ended up bedridden for three months due to a sudden back pain due to a perturbing disk in my spine. All these events took place in one year!
The Bible says, we will all be tested one day. That day for me was the year 2007.
The person who insulted me was a Muslim. I worked for his company. I didn't report the insult to the police. There were no witnesses and I ended up feeling sorry for the guy, and we became friends. His company struggled financially. At no point in time, I had an affair with him, but I tasted the sin. I didn't feel guilty. I loved Artur.
I learned many lessons from these events. The power of sin is undeniably strong and people who are weak will no doubt fall into the traps. They will be sucked in. It's like standing next to a black hole and having nothing to hold onto. The gravitational force of the black hole will drag them fast. They will fall. But I fought this power with my own strength. I was not baptized by the power of the Holy Spirit. I only knew that Jesus would forgive me for tasting the sin. But as we all know, Jesus died only once for us, so a word of caution here. We may not be forgiven if we taste sin again few years later. Jesus said, "Go and sin no more". So, I won the battle with the sin, and I know I was forgiven.
Another eye opener was regarding my dad and my husband.
7 years later, when I revealed these events to Artur, he also was tested.
How God dealt with Artur is not my business. But how Artur dealt with me must have touched God because my blood cried out to God so loud that God stepped into my life. In other words, it felt like God said to me "I will sort out this mess through you, and because you are strong, I will use you for my purposes".
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joannaderbot · 3 months
(9) Migration to Australia
Having been miraculously granted the permanent residency visa in 1991, we moved to Perth in Western Australia. Astonished and in disbelief, we landed during a cold wintery morning surrounded by heavy gusty wind, bending trees and occasional showers. A brand-new chapter of our life began.
Yes, I read the full Bible, as I promised to God. But I only read it without absolutely any understanding what I was reading!
While learning English in the fastest possible way, we both went to Colledge. Artur went to do his Building Studies, and I went to study Business Administration.
This allowed us to get employed and buy a small house in Greenwood. While working full time I also did a full-time curse at Uni, (Bachelor of Business). God gave me lots of energy.
Artur obtained a building license and was allowed to build houses.
God didn't bless us with children though. We bought a German Shepperd which brough even more joy into our life. We were happy. The only issue was I was working long hours.
Life was peaceful and noneventful until we moved to a bigger house on The Rumble Street.
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