“here’s a playlist we made for you!”
spotify, there is 508 likes on this playlist, why are you lying to me?
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except no one reads it because i am shit at finishing things i start …
write like no one will ever read it, and then when you're done , make everyone read it.
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rn being pansexual feels like it means: fill the room with only males and i will fall in love. fill the room with only females, i will fall in love more than once. nb, gender fluid, trans, any other gender along the spectrum, my pansexual ass is READY TO LOVE SOMEONE
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i am obsessed wtf
you are a majestic man louis tomlinson
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ok but why do people put unreleased songs from artists in the podcast format on spotify 😭😭😭 like it makes it so much harder to queue, why are you doing this to me??
(yes maybe it’s not allowed but anyway)
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tell me a soft memory :)
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am i the only one who loves unnecessarily complicated nicknames??
e.g. i had a crush on this rando guy, let’s call him… kevin. anyway, kevin had a nice smile. so i was like “hmm, smile.. smile = little miss happy” (like those cartoon books i used to read as a kid). “little miss happy = lmh which sounds like ‘lima’ which is a bean. damn. his code name is beans now.”
wish i hadn’t wasted such a good code name on him though. he was a jerk in the end :/
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