jinx165girl · 1 month
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Fischl ⚡ print
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jinx165girl · 5 months
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for @gaylunchbox 
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jinx165girl · 1 year
Nascent A/B/O AU (Ko-fi request)
hi i’d love an a/b/o au for nascent i’m absolutely in love with these characters and would love to see them in this universe pls pls pls
Once, Damian Wayne had cared about the topic of second genders.
Back when he did not just consider himself simply a son of his father. Back when being heir apparent and young emperor of the League of Shadows was his title, his life, and his purpose. Back when Damian was proud to have the blood of al Ghul running through his veins, when he was groomed from birth to grave to be the greatest assassin, the greatest leader, and eventual conqueror of this world and the next over. Back when the scent of blood was comfort and the easy grip of metal between his fingertips was the same as holding a fork, raising a gun to someone’s temple or slicing through bone and flesh like cutting weeds.
The idea of second genders was just a small addition to that grand scheme.
His mother was an alpha. His father was an alpha. His grandfather as well. Strong blood ran through their veins, dominant blood that was groomed and inherently bred to conquer and control. Alphas stood at the top of the hierarchy and living up to inherit this gene seemed only second nature on his quest toward the top. His mother had taught it to him, simple.
“Omegas are at the bottom,” Talia said. “They are weak and must be protected by nature. They are of little threat to you aside from the power their own instincts may have over you. You will train to combat this. To be above your natural instincts so as not to fall prey to an omega’s whims. Their best purpose is for breeding, but you must not cast them aside. Any threat is available in any shadow,  no matter how weak.”
Betas were the general population. The normal. Insignificant. Betas could try and fight but odds were they would never hold a candle to danger in his life. Other alphas, however, were his greatest concern. People genetically on level with his own status, but not level with his skill, his grit, his everything. He would make sure of that.
Damian attended his lessons, understood the properties, trained to hone in his own pheromones and senses, remained rigorous against the omegas his mother would bring into the temple to train him how to combat their own advances, remain calm and lucid even under the most powerful scents.
Damian presented young—at nine compared to the usual ten to twelve. His mother did not praise him, simply nodded, satisfied. Being born an alpha was the least he should be able to do. She’d kill him otherwise.
Second genders were simply a small addition to his life, they were nothing in the bigger picture, just as always.
And then his life changed.
“Justice, not vengeance.”
His life with his father changed him. His life with them changed him. These long, age-old beliefs of second genders were not…erased, but Damian learned to adapt and tweak the small bits his mother had instilled into him with an iron grip. Betas were still subpar, he still stood at the top of the food chain, and omegas were minute concerns.
Grayson was the only exception. Drake lived up perfectly to the beta ideal of not enough compared to his own skills. Grayson, however, had come across to him as nothing but pure alpha material and had still revealed himself to be nothing more than a humble beta. He was the anomaly, and he made Damian rethink his own earlier thoughts on what it meant to be a beta, to be anything in this world.
“Why weren’t you born an alpha?”
Grayson smiled, bright blue eyes shining.
“Does it matter?”
Todd was the only one of his predecessors to have presented as an alpha, but he was a dark, complicated stain and unwinding thread in the history of Robins that still brought a quiet look to his father’s face, and Damian usually preferred not to have much to do with him. Given the nature of that half-dead idiot, Alfred had said he was never one to care much about being an alpha or otherwise.
En route to becoming a hero, not quite washing the blood from his hands, never anything as easy as that, but on his way to trying to never have blood on his hands again—Damian was confronted with a force far more dangerous than anything he had ever faced before.
“Hiya! You’ve got pretty eyes—wanna play the piano with me?”
Pandora Jayes, stupid, strange, bright-eyed and horribly… cheerful, ten-years old, sweet smelling (he figured it was the nature of her home, a bakery) always… smiling, that strange, strange girl, and currently unpresented.
Pandora Jayes, after trial and error, after time, time, and time, after being with him, slipping her tiny fingers into cracks no one else should have fit into, politely leaving her shoes outside his chest before slipping into his heart—Pandora Jayes, his precious, precious friend.
Keep reading
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jinx165girl · 2 years
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Did my best to translate some of the pages of holiday schedules (when not on missions) for Allen, Kanda, Lenalee, Lavi and Link from the new DGM guide log book! It’s really fun to read. The book contains a lot more character schedule, information and maps of the order so it’s definitely worth owning!
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jinx165girl · 2 years
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jinx165girl · 2 years
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can i just choke on my dying noises here?
Mana being so paranoid he is haunted even his dreams is bad enough, but Hoshino had the audacity to draw Allen’s near erasure and Mana’s nightmare the Exact. Same. Way. 
They both awaken in the wheat field, Neah’s inner world (and supposedly Mana’s as well, as the two of them make up a whole and Neah said “this imagine burned into the heart of the Millennium Earl”), they both stand in the exact. Same. Spot. The exact. Same. Panel arrangement. Facing the Campbell manor and Cornelia, they both call out to the one closest to them, wondering where everyone was. and then their blood run cold when they realise they’re dreaming and what that exactly means: ‘death’ is looming above them and it’s only a matter of time till their respective Grim Reaper catches up with them. 
And worst is? We all know Mana was caught. And this parallel, this premotion just further reminds us and promises: the clock is ticking and just like father and son, Allen’s own fate will catch up with him.
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jinx165girl · 3 years
If you wanted, I'd love to read something about a god and their favorite priest. Maybe other priests thinking they're a heretic, or thinking they're not pious enough. Or the god and the priest having a disagreement about ethics.
Your brothers pray to me for your salvation.
Daniel shivered at the god's voice - always somewhere between familiar and unfamiliar, ever-changing and ever-them all at once. He couldn't say for certain if the great one spoke aloud or in his head or both. All he knew was that when the god was there, the rest of the world fell away. Gods were like that. They did not share with anything.
"Don't hurt them," Daniel said. "They do not know what they ask."
They call you a sinner. A heretic. They think that the devil has claimed you.
"I know what they say. I'm blind, not deaf. I still ask you to spare them."
They say your name like it is a synonym for a problem, for some terrible unspeakable disappointment. I know you are angry too. I can taste it in you like poison that tries too hard to be sweet.
Daniel swallowed.
At first, the god had visited him only when he prayed, in the deepest recess of the temple. With time, though, the god could appear anywhere. In Daniel's dreams, or when he was tending the garden with the sunshine warming his skin, or sometimes the god would even speak with Daniel's mouth or move with his body.
The other priests always hated it when the god did that.
They wish to save you by cutting me from you like a cancerous limb. It is an insult. You are mine.
A god's favour was a dangerous thing in the wrong hands.
A careless vengeful whisper to a god could raze cities, if the god in question was inclined to be indulgent, and the god usually was when destruction and sacrifice was involved these days. Not enough to tip the scales, to suck dry the well of believers that gave them power, but enough to remind humans every so often that they were but temporary residents in somebody else's doll house.
A god's favour was a dangerous thing, because they did not suffer kindly those who would harm their favoured in any way.
A god's favour could swallow a human whole.
Their god was certainly a vengeful god, but Daniel could understand that. They shared the same fury. The difference was that Daniel buried his rage and the god did not believe in such things.
But the priests, after all, only whispered their untruths about Daniel. They preached their lies about the great one loudly like it was fact, so loudly that they never stopped once to listen in the temple silence. Their prayers were demand masked as entreaty. Their love was fickle, yet it did not occur that the god who made them might feel fickle also as the centuries slipped by.
To the other priests, the god's own voice was blasphemy.
Daniel removed his hands away from the temple floor and offered them into the darkness, to the velvet night that came before all things and had since been shunned.
The god took them.
You see me, and they hurt you.
The god's voice grew softer.
I could burn their eyes out for their blindness. Maybe then they will see. Maybe then they will not be so arrogant as to question my choices.
Daniel released another steadying breath, his heart pounding. "They will learn, with time. I am not asking you for their sake, i am asking you for mine. They will call you a demon and make you one with their convictions - I prefer you as you are."
Not good, exactly. But not bad either. Their god was a creature of balance, viciously protective, and hopelessly lonely. Screaming out in the dark not to be forgotten.
Daniel knew that feeling too.
The silence stretched between them, and then they felt the press of the god's lips upon their brow, or something similar. Something that mimicked humanity because it was the only way they could talk.
I will not hurt them. Not yet. But if they lay one hand on you...
The temple would run red with blood.
The priesthood had no idea how many times Daniel had saved their stupid lives.
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jinx165girl · 3 years
Hi! I love your work more than words can allow me to express. Do you think you could do a snippet where a cynical female protagonist confesses to her romantic interest that she believes no one can ever fall in love with her because they're simply too caught up with the mere idea of her? I would love to see your take on it. Have a great day!
"I just don't think anyone will ever love me."
"I don't mean that in a self-pitying way!" she added, hastily. "It's just that everyone is simply too caught up in the mere idea of me, and what they want. It's not really me they're in love with, is it?”
Her friend stared at her for a moment.
"That is…the biggest bullshit I've ever heard."
It stopped her short. "Excuse me?"
"So, what..." her friend's eyes narrowed. "You're capable of seeing to the bone and marrow of everyone, and never have any idea of them in your head that you might possibly be projecting, but heavens forbid they know anything of you? You alone have the sight. Everyone else is just dumb."
"That's not what I meant.”
“What did you mean?”
“People come with a preconceived idea of who I am. They can only ever love that idea of me. And I have a preconceived idea who they are! And what they like, symbolise to me. It’s not, like, I magically see everything clearly. I don’t know. Maybe what you want is security, maybe it’s being loved, maybe it’s a white picket fence and 2.5 kids. Either way, it’s not to do with them.”
“So you hang out with me because you like the idea of me?”
“I mean, basically. I’m not saying it never works out – sometimes people’s preconceived ideas line up, more or less. Mostly they don’t and people end up disappointed.”
“You’ve clearly never been in love with anyone.”
Her brow furrowed. “Excuse you.”
“Loving someone,” her friend said, slowly, “is a process. It’s, I think you just said the most pretentious and cynical thing ever because you have an issue with believing anyone could actually like you as a person, but I still love you despite that.”
“Did you just say you loved me?”
“Like, I’m sorry that you think everyone is ultimately out for themselves. I don’t!” They threw their hands into the air in frustration. “We don’t just love perfect ideas of people, and then never communicate with any sincerity. Honestly I think it’s actually really…I don’t know, bad faith! To hear someone say, ‘I love you’ and automatically discount their emotions because they don’t match up with your ideas of yourself. I’m sure some people do probably like an idea of you. But that’s not love. That’s a goddamn crush. They’re different things!”
By the end, her friend was out of breath, panting, red-faced.
The protagonist stared; wide-eyed, not sure she’d ever heard her friend go off like that. Picking up speed like an avalanche.
“Okay,” she said. “But just because you feel that way, doesn’t make you right either. The fact that you trust people to say what they mean doesn’t mean I’m wrong not to.”
“Yeah, but I’m not writing off love and the entire human species, am I?” They drained their coffee, and stood up. Agitated. “Also, yeah. I did say I loved you. But I guess you don’t think that’s possible, right? And now you’re probably going to take me storming off as a sign of my idea of you crumbling, or something.”
“You love me?”
“It’s not. It’s the fact that you’re annoying me. People are allowed to be annoyed with people they love. It’s not a sin and it doesn’t make the experience of loving you fake!”
They swept out of the coffee shop in a flurry of coat, bag, and the jingle at the door.
The protagonist stared after them.
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jinx165girl · 3 years
Hello!! I love your writing ❤ would you write a piece about a hero turned villain and how much it hurt their partner? Thank you!! I hope your food tastes better today and you smell the scent of the forest
"You left me," the sidekick said. They stood opposite the once-hero, their body shaking with adrenaline and fury and fear. Still, they held their ground.
The words stopped the villain short.
"You've told me all of the reasons," the once sidekick continued, through gritted teeth and blurry vision, "why you switched sides. You've given me the whole damn monologue about how the side you once fought for is all wrong and terrible and how you've seen the light." They took a step closer, fists clenched. "If that's true, give me one good reason why you left me behind."
"Would you have come with me if I asked?"
"That's not the point. You didn't even try."
The villain's head tilted, observing the sidekick, now newly minted a hero, as if they were seeing them for the first time.
"You didn't try," the once sidekick said, "because ultimately you didn't care. Not about me." They could feel their voice growing louder, but couldn't stop it. "You say the league is broken? Well, you left me to be broken. So yeah, I'd say you can stop acting like you have some kind of moral high ground, and are anything other than scum! I would have died for you." By the end, it was nearly a scream. The sidekick had to stop to pant for breath.
The villain's raised a brow. "You could join me now, if that's what you want."
"No bloody thanks."
"I didn't think so. You would never have joined me anyway," the villain said. "They have you too tight in their claws."
"Convenient for you to think so. Justifies it, doesn't it?"
The villain smiled, then, and it was awful. "I'm sorry. Did you want me to tell you that you alone were worth something on the side of the good? That you were special and all this is secretly to protect you? That all of the blood and the sweat you sacrificed meant something? It never does."
It was the sidekick's turn to stop, as if the villain had smacked them.
"All of those years, with you clinging to my coat-tails..." The villain moved once more, closing the gap between them, abruptly fast, and the sidekick skittered back at the twisted expression on their face. "You were obsessed with me, like they all were. Like they all are. Forever wanting, wanting, wanting something from me. Following me around, begging for my attention. Even now. Always needing reassurance!" Their voice was poison. "Well you're doing a great job coming here, sweetie! You're going to do an even better job dying. I'm so proud of you."
"Screw you." It came out choked. "We were friends. A team."
"Oh, honey." The villain laughed. "I was never the one who asked you to die for me, now was I? I never asked to be given some over-powered teenager to mentor. They shoved you on me in a last desperate ditch effort to humanise me, and control me, and give me a reason to stay. You were a perfect little trap they set for me." They caught the sidekick by the throat, and the smile wasn't even pretending to be a smile anymore. "So, tell me. Why would I have ever taken you with me?"
"Because that was them. It wasn't me!"
"You're here on their orders, are you not? Ready to step out of my shadows and make a name for yourself killing me?"
The sidekick caught hold of the villain's wrists, staring at them. Their heart pounded, and ached, and they really didn't know what they'd expected coming here...
Everyone had warned them not to even bother.
I’m here because I loved you. The hero didn’t say it. 
"You really," they peeled the villain's hand away from their neck, and watched the villain's eyes widen with surprise. "Are the absolute worst sometimes."
They were fighting properly after that.
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jinx165girl · 3 years
If you wanted, I'd love to read something about a god and their favorite priest. Maybe other priests thinking they're a heretic, or thinking they're not pious enough. Or the god and the priest having a disagreement about ethics.
Your brothers pray to me for your salvation.
Daniel shivered at the god's voice - always somewhere between familiar and unfamiliar, ever-changing and ever-them all at once. He couldn't say for certain if the great one spoke aloud or in his head or both. All he knew was that when the god was there, the rest of the world fell away. Gods were like that. They did not share with anything.
"Don't hurt them," Daniel said. "They do not know what they ask."
They call you a sinner. A heretic. They think that the devil has claimed you.
"I know what they say. I'm blind, not deaf. I still ask you to spare them."
They say your name like it is a synonym for a problem, for some terrible unspeakable disappointment. I know you are angry too. I can taste it in you like poison that tries too hard to be sweet.
Daniel swallowed.
At first, the god had visited him only when he prayed, in the deepest recess of the temple. With time, though, the god could appear anywhere. In Daniel's dreams, or when he was tending the garden with the sunshine warming his skin, or sometimes the god would even speak with Daniel's mouth or move with his body.
The other priests always hated it when the god did that.
They wish to save you by cutting me from you like a cancerous limb. It is an insult. You are mine.
A god's favour was a dangerous thing in the wrong hands.
A careless vengeful whisper to a god could raze cities, if the god in question was inclined to be indulgent, and the god usually was when destruction and sacrifice was involved these days. Not enough to tip the scales, to suck dry the well of believers that gave them power, but enough to remind humans every so often that they were but temporary residents in somebody else's doll house.
A god's favour was a dangerous thing, because they did not suffer kindly those who would harm their favoured in any way.
A god's favour could swallow a human whole.
Their god was certainly a vengeful god, but Daniel could understand that. They shared the same fury. The difference was that Daniel buried his rage and the god did not believe in such things.
But the priests, after all, only whispered their untruths about Daniel. They preached their lies about the great one loudly like it was fact, so loudly that they never stopped once to listen in the temple silence. Their prayers were demand masked as entreaty. Their love was fickle, yet it did not occur that the god who made them might feel fickle also as the centuries slipped by.
To the other priests, the god's own voice was blasphemy.
Daniel removed his hands away from the temple floor and offered them into the darkness, to the velvet night that came before all things and had since been shunned.
The god took them.
You see me, and they hurt you.
The god's voice grew softer.
I could burn their eyes out for their blindness. Maybe then they will see. Maybe then they will not be so arrogant as to question my choices.
Daniel released another steadying breath, his heart pounding. "They will learn, with time. I am not asking you for their sake, i am asking you for mine. They will call you a demon and make you one with their convictions - I prefer you as you are."
Not good, exactly. But not bad either. Their god was a creature of balance, viciously protective, and hopelessly lonely. Screaming out in the dark not to be forgotten.
Daniel knew that feeling too.
The silence stretched between them, and then they felt the press of the god's lips upon their brow, or something similar. Something that mimicked humanity because it was the only way they could talk.
I will not hurt them. Not yet. But if they lay one hand on you...
The temple would run red with blood.
The priesthood had no idea how many times Daniel had saved their stupid lives.
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jinx165girl · 3 years
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Hunger (11 pages) RE8: lady dimitrescu x maiden
this one is set when the maiden’s been around a few weeks/months in the castle and Alcina hadn’t really wanted to spook her any further since she’d been so….convenient so far but the maiden surprises her a little further :3c
big thanks to the patreon support this month and last that’s let me have time to focus on this project, supporters have access to the thumbs, .clip & .psd file and a few prelim sketches!
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jinx165girl · 3 years
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maybe a little ooc but let Moreau stand up for himself and have some self love for once
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jinx165girl · 3 years
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Hiimdaisy redraw
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jinx165girl · 3 years
Part 10 FINALE
Of the Hotel Arc Childinnit AU
( part 1 // part 2 // part 3 // part 4 // part 5 // part 6 // part 7 // part 8 // part 9 )
Final part guys! Whew, what a ride. Anyway, let’s get on with it :3
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((Sam, probably: growing boys need their sleep
Tommy: You’re the one to talk. Didn’t you stay up til 5 am yesterday working on your new red stone project—
Sam: Ahem. Emphasis on growing—))
**Big Innit Hotel Image Credit to Epicleaf822
Also his tutorial constructing the Big Innit Hotel here (check them out!)**
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((About the blood vines)) Um, yea no shi—
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Oh gawd no…
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Sam starts his embarrassing dad arc by telling dad jokes to Tommy 24/7.
And of course, everyone teases Tommy about the whole thing afterwards, much to his embarrassment lol.
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Aw man, I can’t believe it’s finally finished! After months working on this AU (and some few obstacles along the way) I never thought it would finally get to this point. Thank you guys for the support, encouragement, and the lovely comments that you all give down in the notes/tags/reblogs etc. I may not respond to all of them, but I see most of them and I appreciate you guys for that as they helped motivate me over these months ☺️♥️.
Thank you for sticking around, and special thanks to those who donated to my Kofi such as:
LadyCatland, Jen, sin/hermitshepherds, Peppermint_Tea, OokamiTenshi, and Jasmine Buchanan
Y’all are extraordinary ♥️❤️♥️
Also I lied. Remember when I said something about a surprise in the part 9? Technically this is the last part, but imma post extra scenes that didn’t make it in this AU including a glimpse of an epilogue (that I’m prbly not gonna continue cuz I have other stuff to work on—). I’ll post the extras shortly after this one 😉
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jinx165girl · 3 years
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a quick lady dimitrescu sketch based on this outfit :3c
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jinx165girl · 3 years
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jinx165girl · 3 years
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Gingko Patterns and Crystal Droplets
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