jinglesperii · 4 years
“ my tv is broken, and i can not be alone with my thoughts. “ (Rosetta)
“you can always stay here,” peri said, moving out of the way to let rosetta inside the apartment she shared with tink. “if you wanna use our tv, you can,” she said softly, making her way into the kitchen so that she could get rosetta something to drink. “would you like tea? coffee? hot chocolate?” she rummaged through the cupboards, taking a few options out before looking back at the girl again. “oh...are you cold? i know it can be cold here...i have blankets and sweaters to share.” @missrcsetta
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jinglesperii · 4 years
“ what the fuckity-fuck is that? “ -- tink
“jingles, it’s just blizzy,” peri said as the small gecko popped out from under her blanket. “i think he was a little cold, so he decided to cuddle up.” she thought tink would expect this by now; blizzy was always getting into places he shouldn’t or quite literally laying on top of peri’s head. there was no in-between. peri took the gecko into her hands and held him close. “there. now he’s snug and you can sit next to me and share my blanket without being worried about him crawling on you.” @missbxll
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jinglesperii · 4 years
sometimes peri felt bad for keeping the apartment so cold. in her defense she didn't feel what tink tended to, so it was hard for her to know what too cold was, but still. if it was too warm peri practically got sick and so chilly at best it is. seeing her twin bundled up was adorable, she had to admit, and when her standard boredom proclamation came peri just laughed. "then let's go do something. you hungry? we can bake something."
coming out of her bedroom with a blanket wrapped around her shoulders, tink floated over towards the couch and then dropped down onto it with a small thud. “peri,” she called out in a bit of a whine, curling up in a ball as she tightened her throw around herself. the chill in their apartment was something she’d grown used to since moving in with peri but that didn’t mean she was completely immune to it. “i’m bored.” it was a childish complaint, but one that the blonde made often to her sister and friends. @jinglesperii​
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jinglesperii · 4 years
Peri didn’t know anyone else to go to for studying time than Dessa. She was a bit more level-headed than her sister and she was smart too. Not that the rest of the girls weren’t smart, Dessa just tended to be more scholarly out of the rest of them. And Peri could get sidetracked enough to waste hours upon hours not studying, so she figured going to someone focused was good on her for once. “Dessa?” she said quietly, knocking on her friends door. “I’m here for our study session? If you’re too busy now I can go....I appreciate it either way.”
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jinglesperii · 4 years
peri didn’t ask for much, but every now and then she tried to drag a friend out to go ice skating. doing it alone was something that peri was used to, but having a friend with her was always a nice bonus. convincing fawn to go with her was easier than she thought it would be and the moment their skates were laced, she was gliding around the ice over and over, almost forgetting to wait up for fawn. “jingles! sorry. are you ready to go?”
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jinglesperii · 4 years
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jinglesperii · 4 years
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|| Get to know PERI WINTERS who’s TWENTY years old and a SOPHOMORE in college majoring in BIOLOGY. She is from CORONA and is often times mistaken for OLIVIA HOLT while others say she reminds them of PERIWINKLE from DISNEY FAIRIES. ||
peri likes to think she had a pretty content childhood. her father being a librarian meant he always had the best stories to tell and peri loved nothing more than listening and making up stories with him. she didn’t mind being homeschooled because she thought her father was brilliant. he wanted to keep her safe and she couldn’t argue about that.
ever since peri was a child she wanted to be a figure skater, gliding along the ice like a queen, being a part of the olympics someday. she had always been drawn to the cold and liked being in the cold because it didn’t feel frosty and unforgiving like it did for other people. that and the fact that she had been able to create frost from her fingertips since she was young. her father was afraid of her gift being shown to the world, so he made her a deal; she could skate as long as she was homeschooled. and that was okay.
she didn’t have too many friends past other skaters and a few kids in the neighborhood. she was shy, and she was so used to doing things on her own that she just....kind of kept to it. she always felt like she was more of the wallflower type than the type to be the one front lining the crowds. the only time she let herself really shine was when she skated.
everything changed by collage. peri was so nervous switching to public education, but she wanted to have a degree in her pocket just in case her skating dreams went nowhere. it was at that orientation that she met teresa and honestly, she was grateful she did. looking at teresa was like looking into a mirror and seeing who you were and who you could be. she was wonderful, confident, and the fire to her ice. it was so surreal to see herself looking back at her but with an entirely different personality, mannerisms, and well, everything!
she was glad that teresa wanted to find the truth out just as much as peri did after meeting her. she didn’t sleep a wink after their first interaction, only looking forward to their next one. and after digging for the truth and finding out they were separated at birth, peri felt like she had found her missing puzzle piece.
with teresa, or tink as she preferred, came a bunch of other people. peri went from doing her own thing, to being surrounded by a group of people who loved and respected her. it was a lot, it was loud, and it was perfect. peri became the quiet mediator between them at times, while others she was screaming along to their favorite songs with them. to have been blessed with a sister and lifelong friends is something peri will always be grateful for.
she is majoring in biology, but she is still hoping that her dream of the olympics comes true. she practices every morning before classes and has a playlist of songs that she performs routines she has made up to.
while she is not as fiery as tink, peri can also have a bit of a temper when it comes to the people she loves. she will defend them by any means necessary, especially tink. to peri, even if tink does wrong she knows he had a good reason for it. and even though she will do her best to keep tink out of trouble, she knows that is logically not possible.
she has a hoodie or cardigan for every day of the week. she is always cold to the touch even thought she never really feels cold herself. still, she tries to be mindful and isn’t the most physically affectionate person because of this.
she loves telling stories, but she prefers writing them down instead of being the one who narrates them. her father inspires her every day to create her own stories and when she is flustered or not able to make it to the ice to calm herself down, she writes in a journal she keeps on her at all times.
her favorite color is periwinkle.
like her sister, peri likes to collect things that most people abandon. she likes to give tink new things she finds to see if tink can make some use of it.
she is obsessed with butterflies. she has two butterfly tattoos; one of her wrist and one on her ankle. she even tries to resemble them in her costumes for figure skating.
same sign as tink yeah yeah
soft winter bby
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jinglesperii · 4 years
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we’re … sisters !
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jinglesperii · 4 years
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Tandy Bowen in 1x09
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jinglesperii · 4 years
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🧚🏻‍♀️✨ PERIWINKLE ✨🧚🏻‍♀️
“You collect lost things?”
“I call them found things”
“Secret of The Wings” (2012)
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jinglesperii · 4 years
tag dump.
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