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Erica, USA. I speak fluent sarcasm and sass. Fairy chim-chim gives me life, JM & JK the ray of sunshine in my life.
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jimint1013-blog · 7 years ago
when people start getting close to your friends
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jimint1013-blog · 7 years ago
When agust D is added to the superstar BTS song list, that's the end for us slow bitches 🌚
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jimint1013-blog · 7 years ago
Ugly sobbing in a corner
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jimint1013-blog · 7 years ago
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Because I high/low-key likes Kim namjoon a lot thus Ryan + Koya merchandise and Mang right there ☺☺☺ Right here in Seoul, South Korea @ 2017.12.27 (Wednesday).
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jimint1013-blog · 7 years ago
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© Moonbreeze | Do not edit or remove logo.
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jimint1013-blog · 7 years ago
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Namjoon fansite (MOST WANTED ; twitter @kimnamjooncom ) uploaded a photo of her post - it, she lowkey made Jungkook signed some sort of letter of guarantee to make sure JK upload a selca by October 8, 2017 (which JK did! he uploaded a selca of himself and Tae) the letter reads: I, the undersigned, Jeon Jungkook realised that I did not upload any selca since Aug 3, 2017. and I promise (until October 8, 2017), will upload a selca to twitter for ARMYs. 2017.10.8 Jeon Jungkook pic photo credit to : @kimnamjooncom @ Twitter ; @bts_twt @ Twitter )
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jimint1013-blog · 7 years ago
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© HOPEYES | Do not edit.
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jimint1013-blog · 7 years ago
BTS 4th army zip magazine unit interview: V + Jungkook
Q1: what was your first impression of each other? Jungkook: V hyung, he looks like a free spirited person, we were not close to each other at first and I’m really shy to talk to him, hyung can just take off his shirt and change to another on the spot like right here, but I just can’t, I have to walk away and change somewhere else. V: is it my turn to answer now? It’s my bad *laughs* Jungkook: ah~ I should say no more. Q2: About your strong and weak points. V: (Jungkook) he can sing, he can dance and he is young, Jungkook’s weak points? he’s got none. Jungkook: V hyung he’s just got too many weak points *laughs* V: I swear I’m not hurt, I AM NOT!  Jungkook: and V hyung is really good looking too! Q3: both of you like to play video games together, who is the better gamer here? V / Jungkook: (answers at the same time) OF COURSE IT’S ME! Jungkook: I will let you win this time because I won twice. V: ..... no offense but I’m the more skillful one here *laughs*. when we were in Mexico and playing games during that time, the connection is much slower there like there’s a 2 seconds delay?  it’s no fun at all that’s why I stopped playing afterwards *laughs*. Jungkook: aigoo hyung..you sure got a lot of excuses *laughs* V: it’s not a 1 on 1 player game  but a team match instead, that’s why I..... Jungkook: that’s my first time playing and using a game character I never used before but still...I won the game, and this is what we called “skills”, haha. Q4: so it’s Jungkook leading with 2 points and V with 1 point now? V / Jungkook: (answers at the same time) yes. Jungkook: but during most of the time, we are on the same team. Q5: and who is the better gamer in team games? V: of course I am the better one here, you have to recognize this. Jungkook: I don’t think so, this hyung... *laughs* V: aigoo, our jungkookie so cute *pinches cheeks* Q6: other than games, what other aspects you think you are better than each other. Jungkook: just...everything. *laughs* V: everything except abs / muscles. Q7: V revealed in “kkul fm” said that he is scared of jungkook’s muscle but still...Jungkook still likes to disturb him, has anything changed? V: Jungkook’s been controlling the whole group now. He used to only disturbs only me but now he even try to hit other members *laughs*. Jungkook: this is a misunderstanding,since when did I hit the hyungs? Q8: (question to Jungkook) but why all your hyungs said the same thing? Jungkook: I guess they just want to be funny or make fun of me? *laughs* V: SEE! AGAIN! he is at it again! Q9: (question to V) but why don’t you straight-up with Jungkook and tell him “don’t hit me in the face” ? V: I guess my courage just went down the drain? *laughs* you just lost all the courage to say anything when you see his face, it’s just scary. Jungkook:  NO NO! THIS IS NOT TRUE! V hyung you must be joking right? *laughs* Q10: last but not least, “V / Jungkook to me is…”? V: I’m Jungkook’s punching bag? *laughs* Jungkook: V hyung to me is...best friend who are like a brother to me. V: Jungkook to me is...just a BTS member. *laughs* TRANS: jimint1013 DO NOT TAKE OUT OR REPOST WITHOUT CREDIT
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jimint1013-blog · 7 years ago
BTS 4th army zip magazine “Rolling Paper Time”
To Rap Monster Jungkook: to Rap Mon-hyung who is sleeping besides me right now, I think you are really good looking. Jin: Mon-ah, did you know that I took care of all your belongings when we are in-flight? I bet you didn’t know this right?  You might drop things here and there or forgot about where your belongings are but you are still the cool leader / dongsaeng I know. V: hyung, please stop being so clumsy! stop breaking things! J-Hope: my friend! Namjoon! Rap Mon! when are we going out to have fried chicken again? Suga: our leader Rap Mon, namjoon ah, thank you for being our leader. Jimin: hyung, please stop losing your phone, you are not going to buy a new one again are you? Rap Mon, #1 the coolest on earth when on stage, and also #1 clumsy off stage *laughs* To Suga V: our Suga-hyung please stay healthy and don’t get hurt, world’s best angel Min Yoongi! Jungkook: Suga-hyung! we should go out to have lamb skewers soon! but first thing, it’s time we need to be active go to the gym and lose weight. Jin: Yoongi-ah, you are forever my roommate. Even if we get married in the future, can we stay together in the same house too? J-Hope: hyung! thank you for the birthday gift you got me, promise I will buy one for you when it’s your birthday. Jimin: hyung, I really like it when you smile. Rap Monster: hyung, you really look like a grandpa nowadays,please be more active don’t just sleep! To Jin Rap Monster: although you sometimes act like you have that mental age of 2.6, you are still the hyung I love and respect. V: can I please have the “debut Jin” back? not this Jin-hyung who throws dad jokes everywhere *laughs* Jimin: thank you– JM ; you are the funniest among us– JM ; you like to crack dad jokes– JM ; and sometimes pretend to be clumsy–JM but really, thank you, thank you for everything you’ve done. J-Hope: our beloved Jin-hyung, I really like you hyung! but please act like your age? Suga: Please act like your age, hyung! Jungkook: I really like how you always brings a smile on our face, Jin-hyung hwaiting! To J-Hope Jimin: To Hobi-hyung who looks 200% cool on stage, my roommate, sometimes who act like an adult and sometimes like a playful teenager, who always go on a shopping spree with me, who always taking care of the members, who is noisy 24/7, please stay healthy and don’t get hurt. Jungkook: Hobi-hyung who is always bright and cheerful, I’m learning from hyung to compose songs from now on. Rap Monster: like a horse, like a pro on stage, with really good fashion sense, who is working hard on composing songs, our center Jung Hoseok. The “Seok” I admire the most? Kim Ji-Seok (south korean actor). Jin: Hope-ah, you are like the guide in my life, you teach me how to perfect my dance moves, but it’s really scary when you cold me, I’m sorry  ಥ_ಥ V: I really like when you smile, and your cheerful personality. thank you hyung, and I love you. To Jimin Jin: Jimin-ah, you are truly an angel and for that, I wrote an acrostic poem just for you.  박: 박씨가문(the Park family) ;  지: 지인짜 멋있는 친구야 (a really cool friend) ;  민:  민윤기 (Min Yoongi). Suga: Jimin’s biggest charming point is when he works hard, lets stay together forever and I received the gift you bought me, thank you. J-Hope: our Jimin! the coolest and handsome Jimin! please clean all the clothes you piled up in the room when we get back to the dorm later. V: please stop doing aegyo because it’s not cute at all. but then why I still find it very cute whenever I see you do aegyo? Rap Monster: although you can be very annoying sometimes, you are sexy but minus your short height *laughs* , looks really cool when you dance and is working hard as always, our chim chim. Jungkook: why don’t you ever call me “hyung”? just joking haha. Jimin-hyung who always shines bright, manggae-tteok forever! To V Suga: be it video games or music, you can do it really well, hwaiting! Jin: whatever video games you are playing, can’t you just turn down the volume a little bit? Jimin: Taehyung my best friend, can you just stop playing video games for a while? Please stop before I throw your computer away. Rap Monster: it gets really noisy when you are playing video games but I bet you didn’t know this. You may be really oblivious and didn’t realize whats going on around you, but you are still the cute and lovable Kim Taehyung I know. Jungkook: Hyung, please stop playing video games, you might get hurt and die if you play too much! J-Hope: you know I always love you, our Taehyungie~ please stop playing games and come practice with me. To Jungkook V: Jungkook ah, I’m the hyung, the real hyung here. our Jungkookie, lets play with me. Rap Monster: can be very dense sometimes, very good looking like came straight out of manga, with 10/10 passion, have big eyes and is muscular, loves wearing white t-shirts a lot, #1 for lower down our group’s average age, Jeon Jungkook. The “guk/kook” I like the most?  된장국! (soybean paste soup) Jimin: please stop growing up so fast, you are still our baby. Suga: Jungkook-ah, it seems like you are learning how to compose songs, hwaiting, don’t give up! J-Hope: Jungkook-ah, lower down your speaker’s volume please! I can even hear even when I’m in my room, you muscle-pig~ Jin: JK! what’s with you and the speakers? lets go out and play with me will you? TRANS: jimint1013 DO NOT TAKE OUT OR REPOST WITHOUT CREDIT
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jimint1013-blog · 7 years ago
BTS 4th army zip magazine unit interview: J-Hope + Jimin
Q1: what was your impression of each other? J-Hope: It was me who went to pick Jimin up when he first came to Seoul from Busan. Jimin: my first impression of hobi-hyung was really good. He is like the next-door brother who will listen to my problems and worries. Q2: about your strengths and weaknesses. J-Hope: Jimin looks like he knows everything and very well-mannered but then when he is upset about something, he will really down and kinda depressed. Jimin: Hobi-hyung...he’s got a lot of good points, first off...I really like his bright personality he always lift and keep our group’s spirits up. and hobi-hyung’s weakness? he gets tired easily. *laughs* J-Hope: oh...this is something that I can agree with, I get tired easily and when I am tired, I don’t talk much. Q3: there are this saying among ARMYs that Jimin takes good care of J-Hope and thus earning him the nickname “Jimin-mom”. J-Hope: really? maybe it’s because we share the same room and we talk to each other a lot. Jimin: maybe it’s because we know each other well? Q4: looks like J-Hope really love to pat Jimin’s head. J-Hope: ME? doing this to Jimin? Jimin: I guess Hobi-hyung likes to see me get mad *laughs* J-Hope: yes right, I like to see Jimin gets angry that’s why I like to play with him *laughs* Q5: since the both of you share the same room, how do you divide the house chores like who cleans the room or vacuum the floor. J-Hope: I did! because I like to keep our room clean. Jimin: I tried to help too but...I don’t really know what I should do *laughs* a6:nd Hobi-hyung nags a lot when I didn’t keep the room clean like he always asks me “Jimin-ah, did you throw all the rubbish away?” Q6: how much will you rate each other for being roommates. J-Hope: I will Jimin a 95! 5 points deducted for not organizing his stuffs well *laughs* Jimin: of course I will give Hobi-hyun a perfect 100! Hyung is the best roommate one can ever have. Q7: what will you name your room? J-Hope: Hope Room! Jimin: I like this name too *laughs* Q8: last but not least, “J-Hope / Jimin to me is...”? J-Hope: Jimin my cute little puppy  ( ˘ ³˘)♥ Jimin: Hobi-hyung is a very reliable hyung, you can depend on him like you don’t have to worry about other things. J-Hope: our Jiminnie iis so cute I just wanna squish his face ahhhhh! TRANS: jimint1013 DO NOT TAKE OUT OR REPOST WITHOUT CREDIT
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jimint1013-blog · 7 years ago
BTS 4th army zip magazine unit interview: Jin + J-Hope
Q1: what was your first impression of each other? J-Hope: I looked like a beggar back then because all I wear is simple tank tops and it’s quite embarrassing. Jin: Fashionista? the first time I saw Hobi, he walking around in the dorm wearing this orange color tank top but I think he dresses really well. Q2: about your strengths and weaknesses. J-Hope: Jin-hyung has really bright personality like me *laughs*. He might be the eldest hyung but he doesn’t put on airs, we really love our Jin-hyung but then I wonder sometimes why this hyung doesn’t act like he is the eldest, haha. Jin: Hobi’s strength eh? he got really large nostrils!! J-Hope: ah hyunggggg….why are you like that! Jin: and he say phrases like “My Hope” or “My Angel” too much he should stop, kekekekeke. Q3: how is it like when you are with each other? Jin: I can slow down my pace and enjoy the simple wonders of life with Hobi by my side. J-Hope: Jin-hyung is my “sunshine +1″. Q4: (question for J-Hope) heard that you helped Jin with his solo performance for BTS Home Party. (T/N: refers to Jin’s unit performance performing Suga’s Nevermind) J-Hope: hyung made some mistakes when free-styling and I’m kind of disappointed *laughs*. Jin: Hobi really helped me a lot and even before I went on stage he even told me “hyung, you can do this, just relax and enjoy.” J-Hope: Jin-hyung is my guest for “Hope On The Street” next time I need to teach him more *laughs* Jin: likewise, Hobi will be my guest on “Eat Jin” I will feed him lots of carrots because he is “J-Horse”. Q5: (question to Jin) when do you think J-Hope is the scariest? Jin: when he asks me “hyung, what are you doing?” Q6: (question for Jin) How is it like when you learn dance moves from J-Hope? Jin: I prefer Hobi to be my dance teacher unlike Jungkook who always asks me “hyung, try to move your body like this” or “hyung, why can’t you do this?” (Jungkook: *suddenly appears and interrupts* HYUNG I HEARD THAT!!) Q7: Lastly, what do you mean to each other? J-Hope: Jin-hyung, forever my beloved eldest hyung. Jin: J-hope is my sunshine horse. J-Hope: ah hyungggg, not again!! Jin: why what’s wrong with the horse??? Horses are cute! TRANS: jimint1013 DO NOT TAKE OUT OR REPOST WITHOUT CREDIT
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jimint1013-blog · 7 years ago
BTS 4th army zip magazine unit interview: Suga + Rap Monster + J-Hope (Rapper Line)
Q1: you all have been together for a very long time, sure there’s a lot of interesting stories you can share. Suga: when it was just the three of us living in the dorm, Jung Hoseok bought so many clothes and I was like “what’s wrong with this kid?” J-Hope: right, I bought too many clothes at that time. Q2: is it ture that the three of you composed “A Supplementary Story: You Never Walk Alone” ? J-Hope: YES! we composed this song together. Rap Monster: I spent nights in my studio thinking how should I write this out and there’s actually two different versions for this song. Q3: Heard that you guys actually planned to have all ARMYs to stand up and sing along with you all for “BTS Cypher 4″ during Wings Tour concert, so how is the response from your fans? Rap Monster: kind of nervous actually but sadly we didn’t manage to do this. Suga: we were supposed to do this on the first day of the concert but after discussing with our company, we decided not to for safety reasons. J-Hope: worried that our ARMYs might get hurt so we decided not to do this. Q4: about including Cypher in your albums. Suga: no matter how many Cyphers I wrote, there’s always this pressure I can’t get rid of. J-Hope: we just want to write really good songs and thus the mounting pressure we feel. Rap Monster: Cypher 1 focuses more on our rapping skills and the same goes for Cypher 2 and then we thought “lets do something fun” for Cypher 4, we should start working on Cypher 5 now I guess. TRANS: jimint1013 DO NOT TAKE OUT OR REPOST WITHOUT CREDIT
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jimint1013-blog · 7 years ago
BTS 4th army zip magazine unit interview: Jin + Rap Monster
Q1: what was your first impression of each other? Jin: a dancer. Rap Monster: so handsome. Q2: about your strengths and weaknesses. Jin: Namjoon has very really long legs which I envy very much. Rap Monster: Jin-hyung’s legs are short *laughs* Q3: Between the both of you, who dances better? Jin: Namjoon. Rap Monster: really? but I think Jin-hyung is better, he sure can dance. Q4: which BTS song do you think have the most intense and difficult dance routine? Rap Monster: the most intense and difficult dance? hmm...”Danger”? or is it “Fire”? Jin: I think it’s “Danger” . Q5: this relationship between a leader who is younger and the eldest hyung in this group, wouldn’t it be kind of awkward? Rap Monster / Jin: we don’t think so. Jin: Namjoon and I often go out for noodles and we go to all those hipster cafes. Q6: (question for Jin) when do you think Rap Monster can be the scariest? Jin: when we have dance pratice. He flails his arms a lot I don’t even know why, I might get hit right in the face anytime, this is dangerous and scary. *laughs* Rap Montster: it’s scary I know, I think so. Q7: Lastly, what do you mean to each other? Jin: You (Rap Monster) are my left leg. Rap Monster: then Jin-hyung your are my right leg together we make a great pair of legs. TRANS: jimint1013 DO NOT TAKE OUT OR REPOST WITHOUT CREDIT
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jimint1013-blog · 7 years ago
RM + Suga unit name as suggested by yoongi = saep∗ (슈가 +  랩 in korean) ∗(S)uga + R(ap) Monster. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) , which sounds so much like “sap” in english -- from BTS membership kit 4th army zip magazine
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jimint1013-blog · 7 years ago
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Y'all just wait min yoongi gonna train Holly to be a successful business tycoon or a genius.
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jimint1013-blog · 7 years ago
BTS 4th army zip magazine: relationship between members
Jin: 1. Jimin: world’s funniest hyung 2. Jungkook: forever my friend 3. V: Seokjin-hyung’s laugh and the glass squeak. 4. Suga: the youngest 5. Rap Monster: our eldest hyung. 6. J-Hope: ??? Rap Monster: 1. Jin: the one who always forgot and leave his personal belongings behind. 2. Jimin: dumb and dumber 3. Suga: our leader. 4. J-Hope: best friend and beers. 5. Jungkook: our principle / discipline teacher #1 6. V: looks 200% tough but he is actually a big softie inside Suga:  1. Jimin: grandmother 2. Rap Monster: a rebel at heart. 3. Jungkook:  our principle / discipline teacher #2 4. J-Hope: Business 5. Jin: roommates for life! 6. V: sweet J-Hope: 1. Suga: brothers for life!! 2. Rap Monster: like finally we can drink beers together. 3. Jungkook: *Toy Original* 4. Jimin: ....... 5. V: Horse 6. Jin: my dance teacher #1 Jimin: 1. Rap Monster: diet pro. 2. Jungkook: limited edition toy 3. Jin: world’s best eye smile for manggae tteok 4. J-Hope: Toy #3 5. V: ???????? 6. Suga: korean style mochi. V (Taehyung): 1. Jungkook: used toy 2. Jimin: ...^^... 3. J-Hope: Toy #1 4. Suga: my secret weapon 5. Rap Monster: such a cutie 6. Jin: air conditioner lover Jungkook: 1. Jin: my companion puppy 2. Suga: Kangaroo 3. Rap Monster: maknae who is good at everything 4. J-Hope: Toy #2 5. Jimin:  (*´ο`*)=3  *sighs* 6. V: my cutie TRANS: jimint1013 DO NOT TAKE OUT OR REPOST WITHOUT CREDIT
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jimint1013-blog · 7 years ago
BTS 4th army zip magazine unit interview: Jin + Rap Monster + V
Q1: Do you all know what makes you gather here? Jin: we are the good looking ones. V: we are the only 3 Kims in BTS (last name). Rap Monster: oh really? Jin: and that makes us the 삼각김밥 (triangle kimbap) but I don’t really like triangle kimbap. Rap Monster: Me too. V: I like Spam mayo. Q2:  Any idea what will you name this unit? Jin: Kim Kim Kim? or 3 Kims V: Gwangsan and the kids Q3: an acrostic poem using “삼김” (3 Kims) Rap Monster:  삼:  삼각김밥 (triangle kimbap) ;  김: 김태형 주세요 (Kim Taehyung please). V:  삼:  삼각김밥은 (triangle kimbap is...) ;  김이 왜 있어요? (why there’s seaweed?) Q4: If you were to have a collaboration stage, how will you divide your roles? V: don’t think I’m going to dance. Jin: of course I have to be the left leg. Rap Monster: I will be the right leg then. V: I’m the body or adam’s apple. TRANS: jimint1013 DO NOT TAKE OUT OR REPOST WITHOUT CREDIT
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