jimihaze · 6 years
are you an empath?
You are unusually good at guessing how someone feels
You’re sensitive to other people’s moods
People find it easy to confide in you
You instinctively know what people want or need
You might feel someone’s emotions even if they’re not near you
You might feel other people’s physical sensations in your own body
Feeling emotionally or physically overwhelmed in crowds
Feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders
Feeling emotionally drained when you have to touch a lot of people
Feeling like you need to help everyone by carrying their emotional pain
Random mood swings (angry, sad, scared, etc.) that have nothing to do with your life events
Hard time falling asleep or procrastinate going to bed
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jimihaze · 7 years
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Ancient Egyptians were using 20-sided die as early as 200 BCE. Source
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jimihaze · 8 years
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During the 15-hour Senate filibuster on gun control, there were 38 shootings that killed 12 people and injured 36 more across America. 
That roughly translates to one shooting per every 23 minutes.
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jimihaze · 8 years
Nothing is going to change. Americans love their guns more than they love people and after Sandy Hook we decided that killing over 20 children was acceptable and not outrageous enough to make reasonable restrictions on guns. This is America, a country that has been around for 200 years, a superpower, a 1st world nation, and one of the wealthiest countries on the planet and we refuse to protect our own people. We respect guns more than we respect the lives of people. 
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jimihaze · 8 years
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jimihaze · 8 years
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jimihaze · 8 years
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got him
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jimihaze · 8 years
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The Khasis are a tribe in India that grow their own bridges. For generations they have passed down the art of tree-root manipulation, forming centuries-old ‘living bridges’ out of the powerful roots  of the Ficus elastica trees. Source Source 2 Source 3
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Photo:  anselmrogers-wiki cc /  amusingplanet
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Photo: amusingplanet / anselmrogers-wiki cc
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Photo: amusingplanet
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jimihaze · 9 years
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jimihaze · 9 years
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jimihaze · 9 years
So I work at a dispensary and one of the guys I work with has dreds. I think he’s a great coworker, very knowledge, very good with customers. Today a guest left a bad review on our site saying that his dreds were racist since he’s white.
I walked in to a group of my coworkers laughing at that and they all thought it was ridiculous but I stood there for a second and I said, “guys, I think we’re all a little too white to be determining what’s offensive to other people.”
Like, I don’t mean to attack/be unsupportive of my coworker since I personally think he rocks the dreds. I just meant to say that I can see where it may be offensive, like dude, you’re a white boy from Maine, but whatever, do your thing.
I wish I could explain to my coworkers that we don’t get to decide what’s racist/offensive and have them understand.
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jimihaze · 9 years
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Broad City titles by Mark Perry
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jimihaze · 9 years
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just some guys having a good time
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jimihaze · 9 years
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If you’re thin, tall, left-handed, funny, politically liberal, have a cat, have taken music lessons, have used recreational drugs, drink alcohol regularly, worry a lot, learned to read early, and are the oldest child in your family, studies show you’re probably a lot smarter than the average person. Source
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jimihaze · 9 years
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Commission for my guildmate, Godric!
If you’re interested for commissions either send a mail here or pm me in-game at Motts Applesauce (Motty.9821)+++
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jimihaze · 9 years
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jimihaze · 9 years
GW2 Class Cocktails
I was tickled pink when I saw Rubi and the others drinking one of my cocktail creations on the HoT live stream. Maybe you’d want to share my yummy drinks on the community creation blog? If there’s interest, I can make even more GW2-inspired drinks!
Here’s the link to all 18 recipes - http://imgur.com/gallery/ATSMz
[Submitted by Malachi D]
We would love to see more! ~RB
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