For the Nguyen!
16 posts
Let's spread the awesomeness the world needs. FB and IG: jimboforthenguyen
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
jimbo-ftn-blog · 8 years ago
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jimbo-ftn-blog · 9 years ago
Cosplay Posing Reference Sheets
-*WJS Cosplay Photography Blog*-
I made a short post with samples of sketches/studies that cosplayers can use for posing references. I save sketches like these onto my phone to use on shoots when I want to show them a pose and for whatever reason I can’t demonstrate it for them. Sometimes I even take a look during a shoot for inspiration and modify them for whatever fits. If you save these onto your phone for yourself as a cosplayer, I wouldn’t try to memorize them outside of one or two. Mimicking can be very useful but getting too attached and thinking these are the “right” way to hit these poses are counterproductive. Have fun with them and see how you naturally end up coming up with your own unique poses!
Feminine #1: Broad
Artist Credit: Aomori
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Feminine #2: Broad
Artist Credit: Zero Resolution
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Feminine #3: Broad
Artist Credit: Kate Fox
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Feminine #4: Sitting
Artist Credit: Rika Dono
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Masculine #1: Broad
Artist Credit: Aomori
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Masculine #2: Broad
Artist Credit: Zero Revolution
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Masculine #3: Action
Artist Credit: Mavinga
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Artist Credit: Aomori
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And of course, you can also take inspiration from your anime series or a similar series.
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Yep, I even save kpop girlbands to my phone because the poses are really useful on the set sometimes. Hope these helped! If you liked this post, click here for an article on posing tips for cosplay photos.
Feel free to reblog, like my page on facebook or follow this tumblr. Check out the rest of my blog for way more articles on cosplay photography and posing.
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jimbo-ftn-blog · 9 years ago
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Victreebel, take care of those twerps! ... NO, NOT ME! PC: @dtjaaaam At Anime LA 2016. #cosplay #animelosangeles #animelosangeles2016 #ala2016 #ala12 #pokemon #pokemoncosplay #victreebel #teamrocket #james (at Ontario Convention Center)
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jimbo-ftn-blog · 9 years ago
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So glad I ran into this group at Comikaze Expo! There were several more that I met but not in this group shot. Made my time there super awesome! @stanleecomikaze #comikaze #comikaze2015 #mortalkombat #mortalkombatx #mortalkombatcosplay #cosplay #cosplayer #cosplaygroup (at Los Angeles Convention Center)
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jimbo-ftn-blog · 9 years ago
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Kung Jin from Mortal Kombat X. Stoked to have some really great shots by @heroicimaging at @stanleecomikaze! Can't wait for more shots to come in! #comikaze #comikaze2015 #comikazeexpo #cosplay #cosplayer #halloween2015 #mortalkombat #mortalkombatx #mortalkombatcosplay #kungjin
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jimbo-ftn-blog · 9 years ago
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With the cousin Kung Lao (@remark__). ... and... I KNOW, I WAS TRYING TO HOLD THE ARROW. Give me a break, haha! #comikazeexpo #mortalkombat #mkx #kunglao #kungjin (at Comikaze Expo)
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jimbo-ftn-blog · 9 years ago
A good resource for me.
Drill Tails
Two-Toned Wigs
Restoring Wigs and Detangling Wigs
Adding Hair/Extentions
“Cheater’s Guide to Pigtails”
Fluffy fringe/bangs
High bangs/Bang poof
Thickening Wigs
Curling Wigs
Remove Shine
General Care
Brushing Curly Wigs
Cutting Short Wigs/Hair (Video) [English] [Spanish]
More Wig Cutting [1] [2 (french)] [3]
Arda (Does promotional bulk order sales)
Lucaille (also available on EZCosplay.com)
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jimbo-ftn-blog · 9 years ago
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Any Naruto fans out there?! Had a bit of time to also work on my very first commission! Although rushed, I got some practice in making it! #naruto #narutoshippuuden #hidan #scythe #hidanscythe #makermonday #cosplay #propmaking
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jimbo-ftn-blog · 9 years ago
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#comikaze2015 is less than a week away, and I still have some more to finish. Can you guess who I will be?
#cosplay #mortalkombatx #mkx #mortalkombatcosplay
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jimbo-ftn-blog · 9 years ago
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Hello all! Welcome to my page! I go by jimboforthenguyen (Jimbo for the Nguyen, pronounced "win", a play on my last name). I have cosplayed since 2012 as I have been introduced into the world of comic/fandom/anime conventions. I have a lot of fun making things and going out there to share my fandoms with everyone out there. With making this page, I hope to further meet more people in the cosplay community and sharing my journeys with you all. Thank you for reading and enjoy! KOOLOO-LIMPAH! PC: @dtjaaaam at Anime LA 2015 #cosplay #cosplayer #legendofzelda #tingle #windwaker #animela #kooloolimpah (at ANIME LA - Los Angeles airport Marriott hotel)
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jimbo-ftn-blog · 9 years ago
Some good notes for next weekend!
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A very basic how-to guide to make your casual con pics a bit snazzier!
By Angelic Daze Cosplay (angelicdaze.tumblr.com)
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jimbo-ftn-blog · 9 years ago
Two more weeks to finish before Comikaze Expo! It's starting to get real.
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kung jin mirror match, anonymous request.
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jimbo-ftn-blog · 9 years ago
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Emily Kaldwin, Cat Cosplay.
We’ve loved this outfit since witnessing it in the Dishonored 2 trailer. It recently was disrupting our productivity on other projects we were thinking about how to convert it so much. So we relented.
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jimbo-ftn-blog · 10 years ago
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Magic power prop ideas for cosplay!
First 2 sets of photos: PETG thermoplastic heat-shaped. LED berry lights. Diffused light with tracing paper and sanding the plastic. Tutorial: http://www.therpf.com/f9/magic-power-prop-tutorial-233092/ 3rd set: Heat-shaped PETG strips to form a half-sphere structure to support organza, all attached together by tape. The most vivid sheen swirls in the bottom left photo were created by a torch. Last photo: Comparison of 2 different types of organza fabric. Type on the left was used in the 3rd set of photos, I later found a better organza with a more vivid sheen (it was labelled ‘dance organza’).
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jimbo-ftn-blog · 10 years ago
The moment when I found two other Tingles simultaneously at Anime Expo 2015.
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Triple Tingle
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jimbo-ftn-blog · 10 years ago
Things no one tells you about getting into cosplay.
There will always be someone that you feel is better than you. Always. Learn to accept that.
What takes you two days now will, with practice, take you two hours later. Keep at it.
There will be people who tell you that you’re too fat, or thin, or black, or white to cosplay a character. For every one of them, there are 10 who love your cosplay. Don’t listen to the hate.
Keep the first cosplay you ever make. Or at least photos. It will remind you of how far you’ve come later.
Always map out how much fabric you need and buy a yard more.
When you see a $0.99 pattern sale, buy as many as you can. You never know when they’ll come in handy. (It’s also fun to see the crazy high price under “you saved” when you buy 30 $20 patterns for 99 cents each).
When you go to a convention in the first costume you ever make yourself, there will be a 100% chance of a more experienced cosplayer in the same cosplay. And you will want to throw yours away. Don’t do it.
Muslin is your friend. It’s $1 a yard and it’ll help you figure out if the pattern your using will fit before you cut into your $10 a yard fabric.
There is nothing wrong with starting simple and starting small. Know your skill level when you start. Stay relatively inside it and you will be less frustrated and more proud of your work.
A little later, pick cosplays that have aspects you know how to do and aspects you don’t know how to do. Look up tutorials and try new things.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help, but make sure you try to help yourself first. Keep bookmarks of online tutorial and guide resources. 
Don’t be afraid to start over from scratch. If you don’t like what the end product looks like don’t let the hours you spent on it force you to keep it. Rip seams. Re-do hems. Go out and buy more fabric. All the work will be worth it for a cosplay you’re proud of.
Have cosplayers you look up to, but do not try to become them. Become you.
Invest in good materials. Starting with cheap products like $5 scissors means you will have to replace them much more frequently as your experience tells you that they aren’t good enough and you need better. Get better from the start.
Don’t be afraid to cosplay alone.
Get a sewing machine with at least 5 different types of stitches on it. You may not know how to use them now but as you learn you will want them available to you.
There will always be someone who gets more attention than you for the same cosplay. Don’t let that make you bitter. Likewise, don’t let it make you power hungry.
Don’t let notes on tumblr of favorites on deviantart dictate the quality of your cosplay.
Set goals and work to achieve them, like “5 new cosplays this year” or “win something in a costume contest.”
Finally, there will come a day when you become great at cosplay. You will make all your own cosplays and even win some contests. You work hard on all your costumes and you put great effort and skill into making them detailed and perfect. And you will look at someone in a poorly made costume and a ratty wig and something deep, deep inside you, in a place you didn’t know existed, will twinge with elitism. You will not know where it comes from and you will not know how or when it got there. But fight it back. Remember where you started. Because one day that cosplayer may become great too. And they’ll have looked up to you like you looked up to others. Be a role model. Be the cosplayer you would have liked to know when you were starting out. Give back.
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