A blog that intends to show my research, ideas and progression.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
17 - Concluding blog.
Overall, the project had taught a lot about resilience and perseverance. Through this i have throughly enjoyed create a piece i can showcase and be proud of. Although I was hesitant at the beginning when given the brief, as I wasn’t sure it was an area of work I specialised in. However, after developing my idea I became increasingly more confident in my work and the project as a whole. During the editing process, I found i struggled the most when cutting down the content, this was due to the fact I was happy with the footage i produced.
Filming the whole day and producing scenes that I was really happy with to then cut, was difficult. Nevertheless the final edit includes only the best and most engaging scenes. Even though this is something that I struggled with, by being strict with my editing has allowed me to take risks and enabled me to be confident with my work. This is a skill I have improved on throughout the project and as results of my project.
Inspiration from the project was drawn from researching into previous campaigns and runways. The overall style of the film was very important to me and I was very passionate about it therefore I took great enjoyment in styling the model. Another positive was the photoshoot during filming, the images came out really well and I was able to edit them to really good quality. Consequently this meant I could include all the images throughout my marketing report which made my project consistent.
As a student that hasn’t filmed before, filming day was making me nervous. Especially, not being familiar with all the settings of the camera. I embraced the challenge with my best efforts. Shots were filmed using a mixture of free hand and tri-pod techniques, most importantly shooting as many shots so that I had a variety to choose from when it came to the editing process. The success behind all my footage was through trial and error and naturally what I thought was best.
In conclusion, there were challenges I faced during the project, but the key was to be confident with my work. I have realised that to every problem that arises it is important to not stress myself out but to find a solution and work on it.
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Social media mock ups.
Brown, S (2018). Jil Sander instagram page mock up. [Photograph]. In possession of: the author.
Brown, S (2018). Jil Sander store mock up. [Photograph]. In possession of: the author.
Brown, S (2018). Jil Sander Instagram post mock up. [Photograph]. In possession of: the author.
Brown, S (2018). Jil Sander website mock up. [Photograph]. In possession of: the author.
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16 - Marketing Collateral.
I have also been working on creating social media mock-ups. This is to show an idea of how the film will be first previewed. The brands main website would be the first place the full film will be posted however leading up to the launch there will be a video teaser and photography on their Instagram page. As explained in my marketing report, the teaser will intend to create anticipation and create talk about the brand which will give it more press. I have also mentioned of a mailing list of loyal consumers that will get previews personally sent to them. Following the full video release on their website, the film will be aired through a projector in Jil Sander stores. In the next blog post I have included all three mock-ups that I made for you to get an idea of what it would look like, these are also included in my marketing report.
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15 - Second mid-week review.
The second mid-week review was similar to the first. Again, as a class we had to present our work. This time we had our films nearly finished ready to play and receive some critics. This was a chance to show a finished version of my film before hand-in.
Although I was happy with the edit, the feedback was good which led me to create some changes. Both Karen and Justin were happy with my film, it was the duration that was an issue. Again, there was a lot of ‘background noise’ that was unnecessary. After receiving this feedback, I sat and watched my film several times. Reluctant to cut, I knew it was necessary. There were scenes that were much darker, and orange compared to the rest of the film, by cutting these it made the film consistent throughout. In the end I cut several scenes that didn’t bring much to the film which made the film snappier and much more engaging. Both mid-week reviews were helpful and made me take risks with the film.
The film is now a total of 54 seconds which means it is now optimised for social media to adhere to their posting rules and restrictions. The new film duration also now fits in line with Jill Sander’s previous campaigns.
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Premier Pro - Editing comparison.
Brown, S (2018). Screenshot of Premier Pro editing. [screengrab]. In possession of: the author.
Brown, S (2018). Screenshot of Premier Pro editing 2. [screengrab]. In possession of: the author.
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14 - Editing my film.
As previously mentioned, I had practiced using Premier Pro during the practice film therefore when it came to edit my film I was familiar with some of the functions. After watching all the content, I uploaded all the footage into Premier Pro. Then began the long process of separating all the films into folders named; Good, Maybe and No. This was to look over everything I had filmed and know what was good and wanted to keep, what I wasn’t 100% sure of but there could be potential and no for all the films that were not good enough. This took a while as there was a lot of footage to go over. With every clip there was smaller in and out clips that I took out that I thought could be used. Which means within one clip, I could have edited three out and place in folders. Once I had completed this process, it was time to go through the Good and Maybe folder. This is when I started to put together a sequence using the in and out scenes I had choose, seeing what works in which order. Following my story-board to start with as the film had a narrative to follow.
The sequence that I originally put together was around 3 / 4 minutes long. This is what I used as a base and knew I would be cutting scenes out of this in order to make the film shorter. Going over and over the whole sequence getting rid of anything that as Justin would call ‘background noise’. Background noise is Anything that didn’t make it interesting or keep you engaged the whole time. This was tough, as all the work I had put into filming I loved all the scenes I had filmed. By the time I finally cut it down to 1 ½ minutes, I was happy with the content. The music I picked matched the sequence and flowed with the rhythm of the film. The only thing I had to cut was the intro of the song so that the beat began with the start of my film.
Moving onto colour correction, most of my shots were blue and the white balance was off this would have been caused by the exposure of my camera being off. Therefore, I had to adjust the white balance on the basic correction settings. This improved the quality of the film and made it look natural. You can see the comparison on the next blog post that displays a before and after screen grab from Premier Pro. After adjusting the white balance, I tested different colour correction on the actual footage which you can see has got that sun kissed/ California feel. I was extremely pleased with the results of my editing and it’s a skill I know hold for future projects.
Looking at the most recent campaign shot by Wim Wenders, each trailer ends with the Jil Sander logo and underneath is the name of the project and his name. As I was the director and cinematographer of the film I decided to give the project a name and include my name with it. Discussing this with Alex, we both thought it would be personal touch to the campaign and consistent with the brands last project. Adding text was simple due to having practiced adding logos and text in the practice film that I had produced at the beginning of this project.
The overall process of editing was challenging as there was a lot of factors that had to be changed. Alex was incredibly helpful during the journey and I feel like I have learnt a lot throughout the process. My film is now ready to show to Karen and Justin in the second mid-week review.
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References for Case Study blog post.
Salpini, C. (2017). Millennials, Gen Z to account for 45% of luxury market. [Online]. Available from: https://www.retaildive.com/news/millennials-gen-z-to-account-for-45-of-luxury-market/506858/
Business Insider. (2018). Gucci leads the 10 hottest fashion brands in the world. [Online]. Available from: https://www.scmp.com/magazines/style/fashion-beauty/article/2156486/gucci-leads-10-hottest-fashion-brands-world
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13 - Case Study - GUCCI.
Whilst researching online successful marketing by luxury brands, I came across an article that stated how luxury brands are pushing to appeal to millennial and g-zen consumers. More than one source stated that ‘by 2025 millennials and g-zen will account for 45%of the global personal luxury market’(Salpini, 2017). These statistics are interesting and important, as for my chosen brand whose target demographic is not a young consumer could affect its succession in the future.
This does not mean that I want to change my brands target consumer, this just opened my eyes to appealing to more than one target market. Which if successful could affect the brand in a positive way. Boosting engagement from more consumers and generating more sales. I chose to research into Gucci, I chose this brand as they are one of the most renowned luxury brands that have successful marketing campaigns (Business Insider, 2018). The case study ‘How has Gucci targeted a millennial audience?’ displays different campaigns and why they are successful. This is attached and handed in alongside my marketing report. The overall aim of creating a case study was to show an example of a successful brand analysing why. As well as looking at how this could impact my brand.
By researching into Gucci, it has led me to propose how appealing to a younger consumer as well as their current could be successful for the brand. Creating such a campaign means in the future the brand will generate more sales from a wide spectrum of consumers. The more sales a brand generates the more successful a brand becomes.
Constructing this case study, I can evidence my points on how appealing to more than one target market it creates more buzz about a company, increasing popularity and most importantly generating more sales for the company.
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Chart & Shot list.
Chart taken from: https://www.photographytalk.com/beginner-photography-tips/7604-aperture-shutter-speed-and-iso-the-exposure-triangle-explained

Brown, S. (2018). Shot list. [Photograph]. In possession of: the author.
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12 - The day of filming.
I had planned a rough idea of times and locations. With me on the day, I had a printed checklist of what the schedule would look like. (Find image attached on blog).
On the day I had the model with me; Melina Bryant, the make-up artist; Hollie Bliss and a friend who assisted me; George Bliss. I also had my friend Molly Oven on set to help out and give her opinion. All three are close friends of mine and are all super talented.
The day begun by all meeting at the first location which was Hollie and George’s beautiful home. Over a cup of tea, we all caught up and spoke of the plan for the day. I showed them all the rough plan I had written out on a piece of paper which they all understood.
Whilst Hollie did Melina’s make-up. The rest of us started to set up the bedroom, making the room look spotless and tidy. We added a vase of flowers and other props. Opening the blinds to let the natural light in. Then I put the camera on the tripod and did a few practice shots so that the camera settings matched the lighting in the room. By that time, Melina was ready to go. As stated in my post about music, whilst filming all these scenes all the potential songs were playing. By the end of the bedroom scene we all most preferred Boardwalk Bumps and therefore that became the song in the film.
I ensured that I filmed multiple shots per scene so that I would have a variety of film to choose from when it came to the editing process. Even if I thought I had shot the perfect scene, I wanted to film a few more as I wouldn’t be able to 100% tell on the small screen of the camera.
We began filming around 10 am and finished filming the first location at around 1pm. Before breaking for lunch, we filmed the road scenes I wanted. Melina sticking her tongue out at a couple and climbing onto a car. These scenes didn’t take long, and I got enough footage. The lighting was really nice and bright, once changing the settings on the camera by adjusting the aperture, ISO and shutter speed the quality of the film was really nice. As I am not a professional photographer, I printed out a chart to help me during filming in case I struggled. I have attached the chart I found online to my blog. I found that this as well as a hand-written chart Alex helped me make helped me a lot during filming. Especially because I changed location throughout the day which meant the lighting changed. Me and my crew then grabbed lunch and had an hour break. Pleased as most of the footage was complete and there was only one location left. Around 3pm George, Melina and I made our way down to the cliff tops in Bournemouth. After adjusting the camera to the lighting, we began shooting. Most of the shots down at the cliffs and down the beach was not planned and were shot natural. The lighting was very beautiful therefore I made sure as much footage was filmed here. This location was also used for the photoshoot.
Overall, the day was successful, and my crew were really there for me. I was really grateful as a whole day of filming can be extremely tiring. Monday morning, I came into university early and looked through all my footage. The hard work really payed off and I was really pleased with all the footage.
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11 - Model & Make-Up Artist.
I chose Melina to be my model as she has an incredibly striking look. Great face features and sharp cheek bones. As soon as we got the brief and knowing the idea I had behind this campaign I knew I wanted her to be featured. Besides being breath-takingly beautiful, Melina is currently studying a Drama degree at Winchester University and therefore perfect to have her model/ act within the film I was producing.
I chose Hollie to be my make-up artist as she is an incredible make-up artist. She knew exactly what I wanted for Melina and did an amazing job. The make-up was flawless, and I was really pleased. Hollie who has recently become a free-lance make-up artist was more than happy to help me and also helped her with her own portfolio of work.
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10 - Photoshoot.
During filming, I also wanted to capture some images of my model. Therefore, I planned to include time to do a photoshoot when filming down the beach. Around 3 o’clock the lighting was perfect; the images came out better than expected therefore I was really pleased with the results. Since last year I have taken on the hobby of photography and saw this as an opportunity to also build my portfolio for photography. I have also been working on improving my Lightroom skills and so the process of editing these images improved my ability of the programme. Prior to these images being edited there was large stains on the shoes, using photoshop I learnt how to edit these out to make the shoes look clean to the best of my ability. Still not perfect, however much better than they were beforehand. (Both before and after images are included in the blog). The jacket that you can see the model wearing is meant to be a copy of the recent collection of Jil Sander SS19, I also added an image so that you can see the similarity (In the previous post of inspiration of the collection). I wanted the aesthetics to be as close to the recent collection as possible in order for this to be as real as it can be. These images will be included within my marketing report in order for the whole project to be consistent.
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Editing process comparison.
Brown, S. (2018). Model on rocks. [Photograph]. In possession of: the author.
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Editing process comparison.
Brown, S. (2018). Model on rocks. [Photograph]. In possession of: the author.
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9 - Mid-week review.
Mid – week review, as a class each of us had to present our work to Justin and Karen. This was an opportunity to showcase my work so far and get as much feedback as possible. I began by explaining my idea behind the film and what I wanted to achieve during filming day. After explaining my idea and explaining my shot list, I played them both and the class my choices of music. Everyone most preferred Boardwalk Bumps however I still insisted that I will play the different songs during filming in order to see what really works best in my opinion.
After this, I briefly went over my marketing report and the layout which both Justin and Karen said was good. They both commented that I clearly had done a lot of research on the brand and was very familiar with the brand. They were both happy with my progress.
After this, I also received an email with prediction grades and progress so far. I got an average of 72 which stands in the ‘very good’ column. Receiving such good feedback has motivated me even more to push for the best grade possible.
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Styling inspiration for film and photoshoot.
Taken from: https://trendwalk.net/2018/05/28/jil-sander-pre-summer-2019-learning-to-love-luke-and-lucie/
Halliday, S. (2018). Jil Sander, Pre-Summer 2019 Collection. [online]. Available from: https://trendwalk.net/2018/05/28/jil-sander-pre-summer-2019-learning-to-love-luke-and-lucie/
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Picking music has been a struggle. Searching endlessly on YouTube for inspiration different beats and rhythms. As stated before both the model and the clothes are meant to be represented in a minimal, innocent, natural and pure way. Even though the film intends the model to behave slightly different and give off a playful attitude, the idea is that she can get away with it whilst wearing beautiful apparel by Jil Sander. Therefore, I want the music to be a chilled instrumental. I have settled on a couple of choice, I plan to play each of them during filming to see which works best as well as to get opinions of those who will be with me on the day.
The choices are: Boardwalk Bumps. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZPPRmM93bo
A t c a f é https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9u8zFVjX1g&fbclid=IwAR1G8ZTw4HKrp_n3aNLj_1Ft2DTKTgoWovf76qXa0967-CYPQT7reziN5zs
Masayoshi Takanaka – An Insatiable High LP 1977 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9cuxrkZeai8&fbclid=IwAR2hB5UlG4nQFcQqDRH_I0M41g7MObNdrmD9rGW87Cp5ckFZUuM2PsYxNAc
Walter Wanderley – Rainforest (1966) Full Album. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWdNiGS1Qtw&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR1HnK_gXvFntp_VhKFTDjcR0UBBkPAMJNdMYyZr769XqytQ2xhhCHpRk9c
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