jigglekay · 8 months
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Proverbs 23:26 NLT 26 O my son, give me your heart.     May your eyes take delight in following my ways.
Matthew 5:8 NLT 8 God blesses those whose hearts are pure,     for they will see God.
Psalm 19:14 NLT 14 May the words of my mouth     and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you,     O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.
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jigglekay · 8 months
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jigglekay · 8 months
Free onlyfans
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jigglekay · 10 months
“Growth is painful. Change is painful.But nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don’t belong.”
— Mandy Hale
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jigglekay · 11 months
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Man is the Background
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jigglekay · 1 year
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jigglekay · 1 year
I wish I met more christians that were chill. Not luke-warm, but chill. That don't discriminate, don't gossip or are otherwise hateful, don't constantly remind people of what they are doing wrong. People that simply love others and put Christ first. That are on fire for the Lord but don't burn others. Ya know ?
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jigglekay · 1 year
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"Give us this day our daily bread." Matthew 6:11
We ask God to give us bread. We thus recognize our dependence on Him for it. It is difficult to offer this petition with real meaning, when we have plenty in our hands and no fear of need.
This prayer implies, also, that all the bread of the world is God's! "The earth is the Lord's, and the fullness thereof.
It is also a prayer only for just one day—with no thought of tomorrow. There is a deep lesson in this teaching. Life is not given to us by the year or the month—but by single days. This teaching makes the law of life very simple. We are not to live to get food—but are to live, first and last, as God's, and for God. We have nothing to do directly with the supplying of our own needs; that is God's matter, not ours.
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jigglekay · 2 years
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She’s everythingggg and moooreee
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jigglekay · 2 years
I am tired 😫
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jigglekay · 2 years
“God is a specialist. He is well able to work our failures into His plans… often the doorway to success is entered through the hallway of failure.”
J. Hudson Taylor
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jigglekay · 2 years
Severus: Rome’s first African Emperor | Sky HISTORY TV Channel
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jigglekay · 2 years
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jigglekay · 2 years
I think we often give so much carriage out we end up forgetting to be stronger for ourselves
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jigglekay · 2 years
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a life filled with peace, love + leisure.
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jigglekay · 2 years
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jigglekay · 2 years
I think life is a process. You wake up. Then you wake up some more. One self dies. Another is born. It's an evolution of consciousness. If you look at the way God created the world, it's always about a seed and a sprout and a flower. And then it goes back to seed. It's always about process and unfolding. We're on a journey of greater and greater consciousness, becoming more compassionate, more loving, and that is a lifelong spiralling process.
— Sue Monk Kidd.
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