jiananfeng · 10 years
That was the happiest moment of her life when she got lifted and placed on others lap. Her cheeks were full and her eyes fixed onto hers. "Mom, can we go out later, and play in your garden?" 
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"You know, I really like peonies and roses that you tend in the garden.. They look so fresh and glowing.." She talked more before cling onto Yuanji's shoulder. 
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  "Nanfeng.." it was a pretty name, yet she had heard something from Shi about people from the future, so maybe this really was her daughter.
Huiyu was still curious on who her father was so for now she’ll raise her, so will Jin when he comes back from war. “Come here..my daughter..” Huiyu had picked up Nanfeng setting her on her lap with a smile, even if she doesn’t know remembering having her she will raise her as her own.
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"I always wanted a little girl on my own.." yet she was happy to have step-daughters too but they were married except for two.
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jiananfeng · 10 years
Despite feeling overly cautious, little part within her urge to trust that guy instead. Even so, her physical wasn't ready for this. As they went down from the hill, she was not so sure but her eyes begins to see some sort of buildings. The longer they walk, they bigger the buildings. There was an isolated temple, mining camp, woodcutters camp and everything were a planned development. She couldn't help but felt like she remembered this place. A little.
Her thoughts and wonders almost forgetting the fear she had for the figure behind her; walking, making sure she stays like that. "..Luoyang? Is that the name of the city?" 
She asked. And before he could answer, her eyes already distracted at a patch of bushes, contrasted with beautiful pink Peony flower. She plucked one of it and looked at the male, wondering if that would make him mad.
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"Serve-..why?" She asked again. A nature of a child that would ask tons of questions. But she believed this man wouldn't make a verbal response too much.
He stepped back away from her and, ensuring she would not run again, he ascended the hill to stand atop at the peak, watching the mist settle over the forest and the city walls. There, he had a somewhat better view of the city before him.
Luoyang  basked in the early morning sun, its golden light dancing across the hip-gabled rooftops of dark houses, casting long shadows across the empty streets. It was a familiar sight, but Jia Chong was ill at ease; he wanted to know what prompted his daughter’s sudden appearance—or disappearance, for that matter—and with her lack of memory, he was unsure how he would get the information he wanted. However, keeping her seemed to be the only viable option, and so he would try.
He motioned Nanfeng forward as he withdrew back into the clustering trees, finding the path he had taken when he first found her. “We will go to Luoyang, and you will get settled there.” He turned over his shoulder, making certain she would follow him. “Let me know if there’s anything you need, and I will serve you.”
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jiananfeng · 10 years
Nanfeng open her eyes and stared up the taller man in confusion. She didn't say anything back but she does need to know the reason he's willing to help. "...?" So the man finally let her go and she gain her balance back, but feeling quite tired after the struggling. Her legs were far from wanting to take another chances to flee so her posture was quite bad at the moment.
Nanfeng don't feel this man lying at all. She would give it a try then. "...Fine..I'll come.." She murmured. She didn't want to venture further after screaming over a snake. Nanfeng couldn't handle anymore of that creature, and she knows it too well that there's a lot waiting for their victims deep in the mountains. She can't take the risk anymore.
Nanfeng looked up as the sun rises and she looked at him. "..Where are we going..?" She hold her own hand, still nervous whenever she need to face the man.
Reluctantly he obeyed, barely easing his grip; fear is a powerful weapon, but when used to much, it had catastrophic effects. Knowing this, Jia Chong tilted his head as a smile touched his mouth.
“Is that the extent of your perception?” he inquired with mock gravity. His expression had eased; the harshness of his sharp eyes relaxed, replaced with something akin to indulgence. A sort of lazy amusement. “I have no such intentions. On the contrary, I’m willing to help you.”
To avoid being misunderstood again, he released her from his hold and took a step back, allowing her to regain her composure. The mist had begun to clear as night turned to daybreak, the sky dappled with clouds passing over distant thorny peaks—in the north, the mountains; in the south, the imperial city. The early morning light persisted, illuminating everything in a rich, golden gleam. His gaze remained intent, watching for another attempt to flee as he crossed his arms over his chest. “If you’re anything like I think you are, you’ll need my assistance. All you need to do is come with me.”
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jiananfeng · 10 years
After listening to the man's wise statement, she lowered her hands which is still holding the handkerchief. Now it make sense, she totally forgot how flowers are just important. For the scent they have. But Nanfeng won't say no to his offer. Her eyes observed the man's movement as he gathered more of the roses.
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"I..I see.. I kind of realize, about the smell." She watched him before smiling widely. "Tea..? I would love too..! Eh? What are you saying? I enjoyed learning to do something with this handkerchief.. You should too." Nanfeng pouted lightly but doesn't really frowned.
She walked beside him and her violet eyes glances from the corner slightly towards him. "..You know..Your brothers are quite busy with military commands in the castle.. Im always avoiding their presence around." She confessed.
"I think that’s a part of the beauty of a flower… the fact that it will one day, wither, only to come back again as something even more beautiful in the spring." He pointed out, and looked down at the handkerchief and the way it was folded. It really looked like a rose, but he just offered a wide smile, and shook his head. "Artificial will last forever, but it will never smell the same."
He took a few steps out, and went to clip a few more of the roses, all to gather the petals into a small pouch. “I’m running low on rosepetals, but I have enough to show you what I mean. Will you care to join me for a cup of tea? I’m sure you would enjoy it better than if I were to make it out of that handkerchief of yours.” He lightly joked, and kept an air of command, though he still was only a prince.
Never did he wish to be in a higher position, and never did he want to climb the ranks like his elder brothers and his father had done. No, he was content where he was, and would always be content with a lower position.
Oh, how fate could be cruel to a good man…
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jiananfeng · 10 years
Aah, it was no longer a deny. He is absolutely beautiful. A calm man with an exquisite feature. She wanted to squeal already. A blush tinted on her face yet envy conquer a part of her feelings despite loving the man’s traits.
Nanfeng made a small relief hinted with small laugh when the others complimented her guessing. Do gold and silver suit her better? Oh, she didn’t knew that..Maybe Nanfeng should tell her tailors to make a few robe based on the colors, that if they can. 
Her eyes fixed to the bushes with flowers and blinked her eyes for a little bit. “..You know.. Woman has their own beauty. Flower too, has one.They withered the moment we plucked them off from their nature state. I don’t think a woman need any of this. Artificial is okay, I guess?” She smiled when she pulled out her handkerchief and carefully forming a rose with the fabric and showed it to him. “It won’t wither~”
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"It’s not the first time I’ve been thought of as such. It isn’t insulting in the slightest to me. Just a observation from afar that turned out to be wrong. That’s all." Tolerance was something he was quite familiar with, and he used it daily, whether it was listening to the concerns of the people, or dealing with the paperwork, he certainly had a high level of tolerance.
"It was. Congratulations."
Now his mind turned back to the matter at hand, and to her question. “Red suits you well, but I feel as if gold or silver would suit you better. Alas, flowers do not come in gold or silver.” He pointed out, and looked back at the bush.
"No? Then, pray tell, what should flowers be picked for?" Truly, he was curious for her answer, more just to see what type of person she was. Most didn’t have an issue with picking flowers, yet she did. He wanted to know why.
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jiananfeng · 10 years
Small as a little girl she is, the struggling force she emitted just could stand for a few minutes after the grip. After that, she was exhausted from doing so, her muscles are tired and she is short of breath. Nanfeng felt like her failure going to shame herself, so she looked down to the ground with anguish tinted her eyes while hands still holding his arms, in hope he will release her from the tight grip soon.
She wondered where this man wanted to bring him. To a prison? Slave camp? It's either that. Nothing comes good from a hostile threat like this. His words makes her loses all of her strength afterward. Her eyes widened, completely feeling insecure of how curtailing he is.
She whimpered and begged."..Ugh." Nanfeng felt the cold air infiltrated her skin when the sunlight warmth disappeared for a moment. "..Wait.. Where are you going to take me. I am not going to prison, I am not going to be a slave, isn't it? Please..Don't make me do that.."  
Jia Chong lessened his grip, though his hands remained fastened where they were. Hindsight made a mockery of him as his child tried her feeble resistance against him; he was stronger, able to quell her and keep her underneath him, but still she quaked in his grasp. As desperate as she was for escape, he was determined to make her see the truth about them—about her mother—but when she realizes…
Facing her, his eyes came to a rest on her lips. His thoughts flickered with a discomforting frequency, and finding her here filled him with a sense of dread. He couldn’t begin to fathom what this would implicate, though knew that, one day, she will no longer tolerate his presence. She will hate me.
From that day forth, her life was in her own hands. Until then, she was his.
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“You have potential for being quite useful. I want to gauge that potential and see your true worth myself.” His lips were pressed into a thin line, corners upturned, but there was no amusement in his eyes. A thin wisp of cloud closed over the rising sun, blotting out the minimal light, leaving them in a fleeting darkness. “I’m not giving you a choice. I’m all you have here, after all.”
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jiananfeng · 10 years
She looked up at his hat. "You have an incredible..unique looking hat..  Can I touch it..?" Nanfeng smiles brightly.
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Masamune Date had think be slience for the moment at the question and then he spoke up
"I lost my eye due to an illness…"
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jiananfeng · 10 years
"Mm mweehehehe.." The little girl swings her feet a little while munching on the bun with her small mouth. She looked up when the older asked for her name. Her violet eyes questioned the reason she asks. Does she even remember her. "Mom, it's me.. Nanfeng.."
"Okay, sit still okay?" she smiled softly at her leaving her room to the kitchen and make some like she said.
After a few minutes she had came back with her food. “Little one? Here’s your food and i have some sweets and drinks with it too..” she said setting it down on the table.
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jiananfeng · 10 years
She was surprised in delight when she came with a plate of sweets and drinks before squealed lightly. "There is sweets and drink too." Nanfeng looked up at her. "Come eat with me." She demanded before pulling her to sit down.
"Okay, sit still okay?" she smiled softly at her leaving her room to the kitchen and make some like she said.
After a few minutes she had came back with her food. “Little one? Here’s your food and i have some sweets and drinks with it too..” she said setting it down on the table.
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jiananfeng · 10 years
"That's horrible.." She responded before staring at the black patch that sealed the eyes. "It's still hurt?"
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Masamune Date had think be slience for the moment at the question and then he spoke up
"I lost my eye due to an illness…"
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jiananfeng · 10 years
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"I am sorry.. I should acknowledge that 'maiden' title is quite insulting." The girl answered with guilty tainted her curious face. But this man seems very forgiving, she perceives him as a tolerant guy just after few seconds of their conversations.
"Really? Oooohh.. " Nanfeng bowed to him and smiled. "So my guess was right." The title does give people a privileges. The privilege to live a clean and healthy life, to stay in the castle, becoming royalties, doing less dirty and heavy job..She ever dream to be one like them one day.
The flower was tucked in her hair and the purple orbs took a glance on it before softly touches the petals. "I don't know, you think so?" She smiled happily, for someone to match a flower with a girl, it makes any female flattered. "Though, I don't think flowers should be plucked to make women look pretty." Nanfeng looked up at him.
"I seem to be getting that thought quite a bit now." He laughed. If it wasn’t his appearance, then it was a comment on his cleanliness and adherence to order, or his virtues, though none of them seemed to be bad. He truly didn’t mind, nor did he care.
"One of, my lady. My nephew named me the Prince of Runan. It’s not a big title, but… it works for what is needed." He explained simply, and turned away from her for just a moment, all to pluck one of the blooming roses from the bush and carefully dethorn it. Afterwards, he set it in her hair.
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"There… it suits you, don’t you think?"
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jiananfeng · 10 years
"I wrote a wrong note." She lowered her head down in embarrassment before looked again at him. "..What happened to your other eye?" She asked again.
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Masamune would insulted like any other person but however she was an child that don’t know much better so he decided to remain calm
"Just who teached how to speak that way to strangers?…"
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jiananfeng · 10 years
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"You are... Who are you...?" She asked in a little voice of her. 
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jiananfeng · 10 years
dauntless-retaliate this-sworn-lullaby oshudragon
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"Hey, you..Yes, you. Be my servant." She greeted them. Wait, is that a proper greet...? She is not so sure. She pulled a paper to take a look back on the guide to a proper meeting. 
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jiananfeng · 10 years
She was so happy when she walk while holding hands with her 'mom'. It is probably the first time her mother would listen to her nagging.
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"...Mmm.. Meat bun sounds good. The one with red pork meat and egg!" She explained it in detail before wiggle her feet lightly.
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  The woman was still confused looking at the girl is this really her child? She doesn’t see no resemble to Sima Shi, Huiyu had picked her up carrying her back home. “Okay, um.. what do you wanna eat?” she said setting the girl down in her room.
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jiananfeng · 10 years
"..G-Good day."
Knowing this man is actually more polite than she is. Oh, she can't blame herself for this. She is too young to learn everything.
Now, the man was even more beautiful when she is close to him in distance. A perfect black silky hair, a long eyelashes shadowed the thousands of mystery hidden in that beautiful irises of his, a porcelain fair skin. Whuah! If Nanfeng is born male or a woman of an older age; SHE WOULD KEEP HIM.
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"Oh, I thought you were a pretty maiden so I came by to look closer.." Nanfeng answered honestly before she realized, he looked like Master Sima Yi. "..Are you..The prince..?"
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  "Good day, my lady."
He didn’t seem to even realise that she was mesmerised or anything, but rather kept to his sort of stroll through the gardens, and kept to himself for the most part, except for an extended hand on occasion used to snip a few rose buds, though he kept many of them on the bush.
"May I ask what it is that brought you wandering this way?"
It was a simple question, as these gardens belonged to his family, though he did not recognise her face at all. She did, however, look like his elder brother’s friend, Jia Chong.
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jiananfeng · 10 years
"Khh-" High pitched scream almost escaped from her lips, but in the end its just an open mouth with nothing. Nanfeng didn't scream, she was too scared, her voice was sealed. 
The grip was too strong, she doesn't have any idea on how to escape a man with a bigger force. But Nanfeng struggle whilst the darker male caught her. She lifted her legs a little as the snake had attempted an assault before it went away.
"It's too tight." She complaint in a small whimper, pleading for him to loosened a bit. Well then it's just her fault. She didn't escape at the first moment she sighted him. Her small hands still reached for his arms so he can loose it slightly, guessing her skin would have been reddish with that kind of force. That's right, she's truly clumsy. 
That flash of smile doesn't make her feel any better. Her eyes blurted with tears but she tried to hold it in. "...Out of pity.. He said..?"
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"What are you going to do to me?! What did I do wrong??" She shouted in rage before struggling again to no avail then whimpered silently.
When she reached for him, Jia Chong caught her easily, seizing her in a firm grasp as his fingers locked around her arms. She crashed into him, his grip unyielding, knuckles blanched; he refused to lessen his hold, promising red marks to linger over the girl’s skin. The snake, disoriented from its fall, receded for a moment before lunging towards the pair, attempting an effort to sink its fangs in Jia Nanfeng’s leg. When it found no purchase, the snake quickly disappeared underneath the wild brush.
Even with the threat gone, Jia Chong had no intentions of letting her escape. She was locked beneath him, with no hope of breaking away. As he looked down at her, watching her intently, Jia Chong was acutely aware that, if he angled his chin any further, the tips of his hair would fan over her brow.
Their close proximity did not faze him. Instead, Jia Chong gathered his wits and sucked in a cold breath of air, his chest rising.
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“You’ve gotten careless, Nanfeng.”
With his grip intact, he sidestepped in front of her, effectively blocking her path. With nowhere to run, his predatory gaze remained fixated on her; his teeth flashed in a crooked smile. “If you know what’s good for you, stay by me. Out of pity, I will help you.”
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