The way I would LIE— or I’d be like ‘oh my god you’re the guy from suburban gothic!’ As if I didn’t watch 12 seasons of him. Like yes I AM cool and watch low-budget horror movies for reasons other than the hot people in them. That is totally me, ask anyone—
I see mgg in a club? You know I’m ’accidentally’ bumping into him and apologising, acting oblivious like I don’t know who he is
We fall in love, I delete this account
End of story🫶🏼
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THE BET: a spencer reid one-shot.
summary: in which penelope dares spencer to ask out the first attractive woman he sees, you!

"okay, bet!" says penelope garcia, twisting one of her red ponytails between her fingers, all of them adorned with sparkly and colorful jewelry.
"but why? i already told you i'm perfectly capable of asking a girl out" replies spencer, almost too quickly, not at all helping his situation.
"just accept the bet pretty boy, or are you scared you won't make it?" added derek morgan, finding amusement in the situation spencer had put himself into, he obviously would seize every opportunity to tease the young boy.
"alright, i'll do it" spencer finally concede.
just moments before ordering his usual coffee, spencer reid noted something different, someone unfamiliar. this was his most frequented coffee shop, the place was small, quiet and most of the times you could see the same 3 faces. but not today, today he noticed you. the moment he laid eyes on you he could see you were the most beautiful woman he had ever met, the moment he saw you seated there in the small—but comfortable—couch, remembered him of penelope garcia's bet.
now he had to ask you out.
he didn't want to disturb your peace, so he approached slowly, careful. "hi" he said—regretting his poor choice of words almost instantly, he could've said "hello there" or something friendlier—what are you reading?"
he—thankfully—noticed she had a book in her hands, one that he couldn't see previously mainly because he was nervous, so nervous he thought he couldn't even talk.
"oh, hi. i'm reading demian. have you ever read it? it's actually really good. i thought i wouldn't like it but my sister demanded it was a "must read" she blurted out, why? she doesn't know, she was an easy-to-get-to-know kinda person. she usually didn't think much of it. unless a tall and hot brunnette showed the minimal amount of interest in her. now she thought he thought she was weird.
oversharing was just part of who she was, and he was thankful for it, because all of his limited social skills suddenly dissappeared.
"yes, i read it once." he muttered quietly, trying to keep all the information he had on said story to himself, he didn't want to scare her before actually asking her out.
"so... i was thinking... maybe we could meet up again? i have to go to work right now but i would find it lovely to meet you again...
if you'd like."
he seemed like a nice person she thought, so she agreed to meet him in this coffee shop, tomorrow, at 6pm.
just before he leaved he heared the sound of her voice "i never got your name!" she had said.
"i'll tell you tomorrow, so make sure you come" he shouted, almost bumping onto someone on his way out.
"so..." he started with a grin slowly showing on his face as he stepped onto the room, watching his teammates already seated in the oh-so-common round table "we never said what i was going to win if i got a date".
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Love love love the only one bed trope
Next to You
Spencer Reid x Reader
Summary: While spending the night in a hotel for a case, a terrifying nightmare shakes you awake. But someones there to comfort you.
WC: 2k
Tags: One bed trope BUT WITH A TWIST TEE HEE, HUGE hurt/comfort moment, some touch starved babies, friends to lovers A/N: the relieving feeling of finally finishing a fic!!! This was fun to write, enjoy nerds ;) beta read by the lovely @whats-yesterday00
Your lungs were starting to burn from running so fast. The heavy steps speeding up from behind made your chest tighten. You flinched at the sound of shots fired in your direction but didn’t stop running.
The SUV’s finally came into view. As you closed the distance, the rest of your team rushed out. As they reached for their holsters, you heard more gunshots. But not from them.
Half the team was down once you reached them. It didn’t make any sense. You were so far ahead of the unsub. There’s no way he could’ve gotten 3 clear shots to your team. You fell to the snow on the ground, your warm breath turning into a fog in the air as you panted. The sight in front of you ripped your insides to shreds.
As your heart rate sped up, eyes shot open. You were met with the almost pitch black ambiance of the hotel room. You could feel your heart beating throughout your whole body and could practically hear it in your ears.
You slowly sat up as the tightness in your chest returned. Tears started to fall down your cheeks.
You didn’t get nightmares often. Before your current job, it rarely ever happened. They became more frequent the more you worked at the BAU. Tonight was one of those nights that your worst fears tainted your dreams.
Of course tonight it had to happen. When you were away on a case miles away from home and sharing a hotel room. Sharing a room with Spencer.
You didn’t have any objections to sharing a room with him, but the nerves from your feelings for him never went away. You’d fallen asleep sitting next to him on the jet before, but this was for a whole night- and for possibly multiple nights. The only thing that eased some of your anxiety was that he had his own bed far from you. If you were even remotely close to him you’d have to resist not reaching for him.
And now you had a nightmare with him in the same room.
The idea of waking him up made you feel prematurely guilty. The fear of crying infront of him made you mortified. You wiped at your tears and tried to hold back from crying. You kept glancing at the other bed to make sure Spencer didn’t wake up.
Your breath became heavier as little gasps threatened to fall out so you clasped your hands over your mouth. The tears blurred your vision and your head went dizzy as you tried to control your breath. Then, out of your control, a choked sob escaped your lips.
It alerted Spencer's attention almost immediately. Half awake, he stirred in bed and called out your name to confirm if you were awake.
This only made you feel worse. You tried to stay as quiet as possible. Didn’t move an inch and didn’t even breathe. But still, small whimpers left your mouth as you resisted from hyperventilating.
Spencer, now fully awake, shot up as his eyes adjusted to the darkness of the room looking for you. “What’s wrong?” he asked, full of concern.
The second he heard you sniffle. he sprang out of his bed and rushed to yours. He sat down beside you and carefully placed a hand on your back. “What’s wrong?” he asked again.
You sniffled again and met his eyes. You could just barely see them thanks to the small amount of light peeking in through the window. “I- I-” you could barely get out in between gasped breaths.
He immediately wrapped his arms around you and placed your head on his chest. The embrace made you finally fall apart. You sobbed into his chest and let the tears stream down your face. You clung to him like your life depended on it. In return, he held you as close as he was physically able to. His one arm gently held your head against him while the other slowly caressed your back. The action made you turn to jelly in his arms.
Once your breathing slowed down and your heart rate calmed, you separated from Spencer. He carefully pushed your hair behind your ears and held your face in his hands.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” he whispered.
You sniffled once more, “Not really.”
He nodded, “why don’t you try to go back to sleep, okay?”
You nodded back to answer.
“If you need me just say the word.” He started to get up from your bed, but before he could leave, you interrupted.
“Spence, could you uh,” you stumbled on your words.
He sat back down. Looking at you with the most caring eyes while he lets you take your time.
You ignored the warning signals going off in your brain. The warnings that told you this was a step too far. The anxiety that told you this action will lead you growing too close to him and hurting your unrequited feelings.
“Could you stay? Please,” you pleaded in a quiet voice.
“Of course.”
The weight on your shoulders started to lift. You resumed your spot under the covers as Spencer walked around to the other side of the bed and followed your actions. He left enough room between the two of you so you wouldn’t be overwhelmed by his presence or be uncomfortable.
As if you could ever be uncomfortable around him.
As he whispered goodnight, you carefully reached over to his side under the covers. Your hand found his. He instinctively took your hand in his and gave it a gentle squeeze.
As the minutes rolled bye, you came no closer to falling asleep. It feels like you’ve spent the past half hour tossing and turning. Every time you closed your eyes, the images from your nightmare flashed before you.
At some point, you moved enough to wake up the man next to you.
Spencer called out your name, “you alright?”
“I’m sorry for waking you up again,” you apologized, deflecting his answer.
He turned around to face you. “I don’t mind. What’s up?”
“I can’t sleep. Too scared.”
“Do you want to talk about it?” He asked again. He knew hearing that question in a state of stress could sometimes be found annoying. But more importantly, he knew it was a key way of relieving that stress.
After a moment of silence from you, he rescinded the question.
“You don’t have to if you don’t-“
“You died.”
Your voice sounded quiet and fragile. “And it was my fault.”
His eyes and voice were full of worry as he spoke your name.
“I know it’s not real. I know it never happened but… I’ve never felt so scared.” Your eyes threaded to spill with tears and you desperately tried blinking them away.
Spencer reached for your upper arm and rubbed his thumb against your skin. He saw you start to relax at the contact.
Your breath shook as you tried to inhale. “I don’t know how I can go to sleep after that.”
He’s quiet for a moment considering his approach to comfort you. He saw how well you responded to physical touch earlier in the night. When he comforted you with an embrace your stress reduced significantly.
“I have an idea. Come here,” he moved the blanket to allow you space next to him.
You nervously inched closer to him.
“Put your head on my shoulder.” You hesitated before complying and settling at his side. Spencer wrapped his arm around your waist and he himself hesitated before pulling you closer. His hand rested on your back.
“Is this okay?” he whispered.
“It’s more than okay,” you muttered back.
He took that as a sign to repeat his previous actions from earlier and run his hand up and down your back. This time much slower and gentler. The action made you melt in his arms. You reacted to the gesture by burying your face into his neck.
“Thank you.. for this,” you mumbled. He could feel your breath against his skin.
“I’d do anything to make sure you feel safe,” he held onto you like you provided the air he breathed. “I’d do anything for you,” he whispered, just barely audible.
The only reason you could hear him was because he was so close. His words sent shivers down your spine and butterflies in your stomach.
“I always feel safe around you, Spence.”
The walls you had carefully built up when he asked you to lay next to him were starting to come down. The moment became too sweet and sensual to ignore. Every one of his touches was driving you to the brink of insanity. Your neck and ears grew in temperature as the feelings overwhelmed you. Your heart rate started to pick up at a racing speed.
Unfortunately, Spencer noticed. “Are you sure you’re alright?”
“Yes, why?” you answered much too quickly.
“Your heart's beating really fast.”
“Oh,” you breathed. “I’m fine, there’s no reason.”
He saw through you like glass. “Of course there’s a reason.” Spencer loosened his grip and shifted his weight to get a better look at you. His hand moved to the small of your back.
“Is it the nightmare? Is it still bothering you?” he asked, his voice quiet and kind.
You mumbled a timid, “no.”
He examined your features, watching you get lost in your own head. “What are you thinking?”
You looked up into his eyes. Your thoughts were swirling with too much to even give him a semblance of what was going on. Everything from his touch, his smell, his irises looking straight into your soul.
While riding on the intoxicating wave of his care, you let a confession slip out.
“I think I want to kiss you right now.”
Spencer's eyes widened and although you couldn't see it, his cheeks flushed with red.
“Oh,” was all he could make out, at a loss for words.
His pause caused your anxiety to spike. You immediately regret your actions. “I shouldn’t have said that.”
You started to retract from him and turn away. But before you could flee from his hold, he grabbed your upper arm, pulling you back towards him. In an instant, Spencer's lips crashed into yours.
The initial shock had your lips frozen, before they started to melt against his. As he felt you relax, he poured more passion into you. The kiss tasted like desperation. Like you both were holding in a hunger that had driven you to starvation.
His hands couldn’t find a place to rest. They were traveling up and down your figure, from your waist, back, hips, neck, and face. Your hands settled at the side of his face and the back of his neck while your fingers played with the ends of his hair. Spencer sighed into your mouth and pulled you closer, if that was even possible.
As the kiss continued, Spencer's hand traveled down to your thigh. You instinctively wrapped your leg around him. But in a moment of nervousness, his movements glitched and lips slowed. His hand gently resumed its pawing at your thigh as he softened in your hold.
Time felt like it stood still. You breathed each other in like it was the first time you felt fresh air.
The only thing concerning you or him was taking a literal breath of air and releasing from the kiss.
You both pulled away gasping for breath and started to fall down from the high. As heavy exhales leave you, Spencer pressed small delicate kisses against your cheeks and the corners of your lips. His hold on your leg loosened and his fingers slowly traveled up and down your thigh.
“I don’t think I’ve ever been kissed like that before,” you admit, sheepishly smiling.
He smiled back at you, “me neither.”
“Can we talk more about this in the morning?” you asked. “There’s so much I want to tell you, but I'm exhausted.” After the passion had washed away, you were reminded how much sleep you lost throughout the night.
“Absolutely,” he said with a fond and relieved look. “Come on, we should get some rest.”
You both settled into a more comfortable position to fall asleep. There was an unconscious understanding between you two and that there was no way you were separating.
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I’m in a mood— girl I need to be put down there’s no saving me anymore

This has me curling my toes rn… the belt off in his hand his hair everywhere… oh my god oh my god
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One of my favorite series rn 💕
gideon!reader masterlist
pairing: spencer reid x fem gideon!reader
status: in progress
finally putting a masterlist together bc i’m tired of linking the parts on every fic lmao. enjoy the fire moodboard and the thrill of convenience!
warning(s): gideon is not a good dad. reader has daddy issues and argues w/ him and spence constantly. angst, hurt/no comfort and hurt/comfort, fluff scattered around sparingly. more specific warnings on each chapter
spotify playlist
plastic hearts ↳ 1.1k words, the original fic | spencer gets a front row seat to some gideon family matters.
the stalker arc (set in s1)
heat lightning ↳ 4.1k words | you end up at the heart of the bau's latest case.
family line ↳ 3.8k words | you're stuck in a safe house with the guy you hate and everything is perfectly fine.
(please) spare me indignity ↳ 5k words | you and spencer spend more time together. it's bad, then it's good, then it's something else altogether.
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pillow talk - spencer reid x fem!reader

a night well spent fizzles out into soft words exchanged in pink sheets.
genre: fluff wc: 1019 warnings: mentioned sex, their first time together, casual nudity, inexperienced reader, insecurities, reassurance
It was soft, comforting even. Of course intense because how else could your first time together be? It was him, after all. As you lay, heavy pants finally returning to normal, steady breaths, a hand comes up to smooth down your hair and a kiss is gently pressed to your head.
"How do you feel?" Spencer asks, his voice barely above a whisper.
It proves to be a difficult question. A response seems counterintuitive, like it would demean the moment into something that has to be assessed. An answer has to come, nonetheless.
"I don't know." And it's the truth.
He hums thoughtfully and nods, running a hand down your shoulder. "Good or bad?"
"Good... like my brain's empty. If that makes sense," you answer.
Your head, on Spencer's bare chest, does, in fact, feel foggy. Before today, you were both too scared of the intimacy. Something changed the moment you felt him move his grip from your hip to your waist, like he was worried that he might make you uncomfortable. You didn't want that. It happened only after convincing him that you wanted to go further than the usual groping and hand stuff. Now you're unsure how you feel. Having someone you've been seeing for a while suddenly inside you is bizarre and always will be. You also can't seem to shake that voice that sounds a lot like your friends, telling you that he'll leave after he gets what he wants. Your mind is simply a flurry of everything that anyone has ever told you about intimacy. With Spencer, it was different, though.
Your hand finds his and you mindlessly toy with his fingers as you murmur, "you've done this more than me, correct?"
"How do people usually feel?" you ask softly.
"Everybody's different. You don't need to feel good." He takes a breath and explains in a matter-of-fact tone, his hand lifting above your shoulder to gesture while he talks, "the rush of serotonin and dopamine into our system can leave some people feeling sad or tired once those neurotransmitters decrease."
You nod, finding yourself understanding. It has been a while since you've engaged in any form of intimacy.
"That makes sense."
He nods as his fingers drop to continue the irregular patterns on your arm. His chin rests on your head. "So? How do you feel?"
Again, there's no correct answer to his question. It's a complicated experience with complicated feelings attached. But one thing is for sure, "I'm happy."
"I'm glad. I am, too," he hums.
A smile floats over your lips before a thought occurs and you have an inkling as to how he'll choose to reply to it. Your head lifts and you turn so you're now partly on your side, giving you a perfect view of his face in the soft glow of the afternoon. With the curtains closed, his skin was basked in pale yellow light, the pink of your sheets contrasting the pink of his cheeks.
"Did I do good?" you grin.
He finds you gorgeous, your sickeningly sweet smile making him gaze down at you in pure awe. It's the complete and utter truth when he responds with, "very."
You can't help but tease, "best you've ever had?"
"Yes. I don't think you could've fumbled that badge of honour if you tried," he smiles, his hand gently cupping your cheek, a rough thumb wiping away invisible tears.
Something about the sentiment gets to you. After all, you're nothing but a hopeful romantic. But you're also just a girl.
"So, even if I was bad, you'd still lie and say I wasn't?" you raise your eyebrows and bat your eyelashes.
His eyes narrow but the smile on his face shows you that he's not really upset. "No... I meant that I think I like you too much to not enjoy everything you do."
"Oh," you flush. Why does he have to be so perfect?
The hand on your cheek moves up to brush some of your hair back. "Yeah, oh."
Spencer's different than the guys you've interacted with. He's everything that little girls everywhere dream of. He's Prince Charming. That's why when your lips meet his and the sheet falls back, his eyes never once glance down. Perhaps he's an agent and an individual with three PhDs but he's a gentleman above all else. He never once wants to make you feel like he's not here for you.
When your lips break apart with happy smiles on both of your faces, you take in just how silly he looks. His hair is messy from your fingers, his cheeks are flushed and—your favourite of all—he's covered up to his stomach in pink sheets. The giggle that leaves you is unnecessary and unasked for.
He can't help the smile that comes from hearing your laugh. "What?" he mutters, brows furrowed.
"You just look... so very silly in my bed," you explain, a lovesick grin on your face.
"Oh. Well, I can't help what you choose as interior design."
You sigh dramatically, shaking your head like a disappointed teacher, "I suppose you can't."
The smile on his lips only grows as you act your ass off to seem sad by his comment.
"Perhaps I should also purchase pink sheets?" he suggests jokingly, tucking yet another stray strand behind your ear.
"I really think you should. It would complement your room and it would make you think of me so that's a bonus," you nod. You're unable to stay serious, though, the corners of your mouth lifting despite your efforts.
Spencer nods back, his bottom lip pushing up as he hums decisively. "I'm sold, let's go to the store," he says with an impressively straight face.
You laugh hard, beaming up at him with nothing but pure joy. You find his commitment to the bit amusing and, honestly, endearing. He points his thumb towards the bedroom door with his eyebrows raised in a silent question. Playfully, your eyes roll and rest your face in the crook of his neck.
"I'll get pink sheets if you want me to," Spencer softly mutters.
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Oh my god thank you! Exactly what I was going for— like that dork would lay it on so thick (both of them)
Mistletoe S.R x fem!Reader
Just a quick little thing I wrote-- kissing! Reader is really lame because I am! Spencer loves Doctor who and reader carries a purse!
Inspired By this comic!!
You and Spencer had been dating for weeks, and you’d still never seen his apartment. He picked you up for all of your dates, walked you home, and when you got to your apartment was when he’d stay over. There was no intentional reason— you just— hadn’t. But you were going over there today, he wanted to watch all of the doctor who Christmas specials and he had them all on dvd. An exceptionally cheesy idea I popped in your head— you could say his apartment was missing just one thing. Mistletoe. You made it all the way to the store to buy some, but on the walk to Spencer’s apartment, you talked yourself out of it.
It’s not like you hadn’t kissed him before, but you had definitely done nothing this outwardly cheesy. So with the mistletoe in your bag, you enjoyed the first three doctor who specials with your wonderful boyfriend letting you rest against his side. The third had just concluded, and he paused the TV before the next one started.
“Ok, takeout now or one more and then we order it?”
“Let’s order it, then we can watch while we wait.”
“You have the best ideas.”
“I know.” He gave you one playful pinch at your cockiness– he loved it.
“Now, my brilliant, beautiful, girl— what should we order?” He gave you an extra squeeze as he got up to go find his phone so he could order it.
“Chinese sounds good, or maybe pizza?”
“They both sound good, we could flip a coin if you have one”
“I think there’s one in my purse if you want to look.” You pointed to where it sat, right by his TV, close to the entryway.
He grabbed it from the table across the room, but when he opened it up he didn’t see your wallet, he saw a small piece of greenery tucked inside.
“Hey honey? What’s this?” As soon as he asked you remembered what was in there and jumped up trying to explain it away while grabbing it.
“Nothing— I’m sure it’s nothing, don’t worry about it. Chinese sounds good, let’s just do that.”
“Not so fast— who’s this for?” He held it just out of your reach.
“…You, maybe, but it’s stupid and we can just forget about it.” He could see your embarrassment as you shrank down into yourself.
“I don’t think it’s stupid! I mean I’ve never had someone go out and buy mistletoe for me before— why would you want to forget about it? I mean, whatever purpose could you have bought this for?” He wasn’t going to leave it alone until you told him, he’d figure it out one way or another.
“I bought it for a really, really lame idea I had. I was going to say that I loved your apartment but that it was missing one thing and then pull out the mistletoe and– yeah. That’s pretty much it.” He didn’t laugh, just pretended he was genuinely considering the idea.
“Well I think as usual you’re right, the apartment is missing this. I don’t think it’s lame at all– which to be fair is not saying much, but still.” He grabbed a thumbtack from his desk and pinned the mistletoe to his ceiling, right above where you were standing.
“Oh no, I think my beautiful girlfriend is trapped under the mistletoe.” He feigned tragedy as he made his way over to you, before kissing you, his hand on either side of your face.
“Do you still think it’s lame?”
“Not necessarily–”
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The comfort of your relationship // M.M
Summary: soft matt murdock content. basically a description of how soft your relationship with matt is and how he feels safe with you.
Warnings: slight sprinkle of angst but otherwise all fluff. mention of matt's tears. maybe ignoring conventional punctuation use just because. no plot really.
Word Count: 1.2k
A/N: small caps are intentional
he's always been a little soft around the edges.
his daredevil suit gave him the jagged edges he'd need to fight Hell's Kitchen mobsters and low-life criminals.
but once he'd take it off, once he becomes matt murdock once more, he was all soft, molten heat again.
affectionate, soft, caring, warm.
and you loved this matt, your matt.
the matt who'd melt into a soft, purring putty in your arms after a long day at work, throwing himself on you, cuddling you deeper into the couch, pressing down on your soft body, melding his crevices with your curves.
the matt who'd press soft kisses into your neck as he fell asleep, and then nuzzle and sigh into it as he woke up.
the matt who'd hold you when you've had a bad day, run you bubbly baths to soothe you, and cuddle you close under the soapy water just to feel your skin on his.
you adore how he'd tap his fingers softly on his desk, sometimes on your shoulder when close (or even on your hand while you held hands) along to the random tune he has stuck in his head, probably something he heard playing from a few blocks over and he'd picked up on it. and how sometimes he'd tilt his head, the same way he would when he was hearing trouble, but the look on his face would be soft, content even, as he'd hum to a favorite song of his that was playing in the block across his flat.
he'd confessed once to you that one of the few things that made his enhanced hearing tolerable at times was the old lady living in the building across from his sharing his same love for the old records he'd come to adore in his younger years when he'd play them with his father after school, or after one of his father's rougher matches.
it filled him with a content nostalgia, one that'd relax his limbs to near limp, and he'd hum softly as he laid his head in your lap, letting you rub at his shoulders and run a hand through his hair, calming him further.
sometimes, when it's been a long day, instead of the soft record quelling him, it expands the aching hole in his chest, one that came with the years of loneliness and continuous loss. a lump of pain forming in his sternum and raising to grip at his throat.
these are the days he'd seek you out the most, opting to lie and press into you completely, cocooning himself in your soft warmth, using you as his safety blanket.
it's only when you start running your finger through his hair, letting your nails gently scarp his scalp, careful of his hyper-sensitivity, does he let the burning in his eyes fester over and the tears drop onto your neck.
and as they fall he holds you closer, gripping your waist like a vice, like it's his one lifeline. his desperate grip elicits a molten ache in your sternum, and it grows with every sob and soft, pained sound he whispers into your shoulder, as if he's scared of being vulnerable with the world, he'd press further into you, shielding himself away from the world in you, only wanting to share his grief with you.
just you, only you.
it's nights like these that bring you closer than ever, taking your relationship into deeper levels of intimacy and connection. you savour these nights, even if they are filled with tears and angst, there's still a comfort in them.
a comfort for you, knowing that he isn't trying to push you away, not anymore, not like he once did when you both started dating, and once more when he began falling in love with you. he embraces you now, both into his arms and into his heart. instead of pushing away, he seeks you, accepts you now.
and there's a comfort for him, perhaps greater than yours, that he knows he doesn't have to push you away, not that it'd work if he tried at this point anyway, after all you've been through together. still, it's a comfort knowing he no longer has to subject himself to the pain of being distant from you — with you. he knows you'll stay, and if he ever doubts it, then he knows you'll be there to reassure him.
and, god, does that comfort do things to him. he never thought he could have something like this — be like this.
he finds himself opening up to you, telling you stupid stories from his time at St. Agnes, and stupider stories from before that with his dad.
he tells you about stick, and the train wreck that was his and elektra's relationship. he tells you about meeting foggy, and his stupid, occasionally reckless college adventures, from pulling multiple all-nighters to sneaking into parties to attempting to drive a car outside campus with foggy.
a story you scolded him over, and now use to tease him, whilst appreciating foggy's companionship with matt a level deeper.
he tells you about his day and his favorite song, and the colors he used to love when he could still see. he tells you about his neighbor's cheap shampoo and the dog he pet at the cafe and the cat he plays with in the alley a few blocks away whenever he goes out at night. he tells you about the deli he stopped by today, and how he thinks you'd like it, and he tells you about the lovely old man that practices the violin beautifully on a fire escape a few blocks from his office, and how he'd like to take you to enjoy it with him one day. and he tells you and tells you and tell you and—
—god he can't stop opening himself to you, sharing every small and big detail of his day because finally, someone is there to listen.
No, someone is there who wants to listen — loves to, in fact.
and he can't stop, he just wants to rip his chest open and let his blood seep into yours — wants lay himself open and barren with you, desires it, yearns for it.
he's never had this before, someone to listen, to stay for good, and god knows he'll take advantage of every safety and comfort his relationship with you provides.
sometimes, when he's walking home from the office or patrolling the city at night and thinks about how he'd like to bring the cat with him for you to pet, or how he can't wait to tell you about that new cafe that opened or about how delicious a client's cupcakes were, he'd stop for a moment. he'd halt his line of thoughts, surprised that he's having them, that he entertains his time with the thought of you and everything he'd like to share with you.
he thinks, that if soulmates are real, then you are his for sure.
even if it wasn't by the universe's pick then it would've certainly been his doing. he's entwined his soul so intricately with yours that there's no way either one could exist on its own now.
and you wouldn't have it any other way, the weight of his soul is something you gladly carry in the embraces of your ribs.
only life with him is worth living, a life with your soft, purring devil, with his comforting weight and calming presence. more cat that devil, more warmth than danger.
your matt, all soft around the edges.
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I know it's one of the least voted but pls do a style reveal if you get the opportunity🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾 Also I would love to hear u yell about your favorite media , so pls do.
Toodles ♡
Ok so my people pleaser ass self should NOT have done a poll— I now know exactly how many people I’d be disappointing, and my brain will never allow me sleep again save for the cold release of death should that happen (too dark for main? Maybe?)
So! What we’re going to do now is I’m going to make one post with the Spencer headcanons, since that was the overwhelming winner, and then at some point (possibly on New Year’s Eve or New Year’s Day) I’ll make one master post with the rest of the ideas on it (I don’t know if/how to tag that btw) but then no one will be disappointed, and if they are I can at least not know about it
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I’d watch Star Trek with him 😭😭

need to be his equally nerdy gf <333
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I’d like an opinion! I just got to 100 followers (and thank you to each and every one of you, I’d like to give you each a kiss on the forehead because you deserve it) and I want to celebrate! But I also want to add value to this blog and your day so I’m taking suggestions!
(You can contribute suggestions through comments, in my ask box, or message me if you feel like it!)
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reblog if you’ve read fanfictions that are more professional, better written than some actual novels. I’m trying to see something
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Another instant classic 🫶
Crossing the Line
Summary: Y/N never expected to fall for her roommate, Spencer, but when she becomes unexpectedly jealous of a girl flirting with him, she realizes she's in love with him. The problem is... how does she tell him that without ruining everything?
CONTENT WARNINGS: 18+ MDNI!! This fic is intended for adult audiences. Roommates/friends to lovers/two idiots in love trope. Jealous reader. Heavy making out. Dry humping (huge supporter of this I say bring it back!!). A small teensy bit of angst as reader struggles to accept her feelings. Insecure Spencer (sweet angel boy).
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!reader/afab!reader
Requested fic!! 🥳: I absolutely loved the fic you just wrote about Spencer and reader friends to lovers (and omg you write smut so well 😍) and I was wondering if you could write another one but maybe they’re roommates or something?
A/N: College!Spencer AU ahh!! Thank you so very much to the anon that requested this :’) <3 I hope you guys enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it. I know this isn't my usual, all-out smut buttt there will be a part two for these two, so stay tuned. :') As always, please tell me what you think! If you enjoy it, please like, reblog, and share it with your friends. <3 Thank you and I love you all!! :)
Y/N never imagined she'd be rooming with a man, let alone one as… peculiar as Spencer Reid. Not in a bad way, of course—just, well, peculiar. Spencer was the last person Y/N expected to respond to her ad for a roommate, but she was glad he did.
At barely twenty-one, he already had two bachelor’s degrees and was deep into his third PhD. He’d graduated high school at twelve (an IQ of 187 had a way of doing that, she supposed), skipping the years most kids spent developing their social skills. As a result, he was incredibly awkward and nerdy, but Y/N found this more endearing than off-putting.
As a roommate, he was exceptional: he kept things tidy, wasn’t obnoxiously loud (even with their paper-thin walls), never had people over (which meant Y/N spent more time with him, as she didn’t have guests either), and even helped her study, despite her insistence she could handle it on her own (they both knew better). As a friend, he was even better—always listening to her ramble about anything and everything, joining her for their now-regular movie nights, and offering a shoulder to cry on when needed (and she was always there for him in return).
In the six months they'd lived together, they'd grown incredibly close. Y/N was even smugly certain that they had avoided the classic 'falling for your roommate' scenario—until Spencer came home ranting about a girl in his class.
“I mean, seriously! How hard is it to grab a paper without touching someone?” Spencer huffed, plopping down onto the couch next to her and reaching for the popcorn bowl that sat securely in her lap.
It took about three months of living together before Spencer felt comfortable enough to do things like share snacks during their movie nights or indulge in the occasional moment of physical affection.
Y/N never took it personally, understanding his aversion to germs (one of the first things he’d said when they met was that kissing was safer than shaking hands, and she’d almost jokingly taken him up on it). Every time Spencer felt comfortable enough to share food with her (like he was doing now) or lean into her on the heavier days, letting her hold him until the world felt a little lighter, her chest swelled with pride. It made her happy to know he trusted her enough to let his guard down like that.
Y/N raised an eyebrow as she listened to his rant. Apparently, a girl in the class he TA'd for had been getting on his nerves for weeks, but this was the first she’d heard about it. It didn’t surprise her—Spencer tended to bottle things up until they reached a breaking point, and then he'd unload it all at once, just like he was doing now.
"She’s always staring at me, too. Every time I glance up, there she is—staring and chewing on the end of her pen. It gives me the creeps," Spencer grumbled, a shiver running down his spine as he recalled it.
"Wait wait wait," Y/N stopped his rant with furrowed brows. "What did you say this girl's name was?"
"Her name’s Wren Davidson. You might know her—or at least know of her. I'm pretty sure she's in a few of the same classes as you," Spencer said, pausing to snack on some popcorn, though by now, their movie was all but forgotten as the starting menu looped on the screen. "She’s about 5'6", has dark brown hair with some highlights, and green eyes."
Y/N pressed her tongue to her cheek, thinking for a moment. The name sounded strangely familiar…
"Oh! I know who you mean—she's in my 8:00 AM lecture with Professor James on Tuesdays and Thursdays," Y/N said, snapping her fingers as she remembered. She popped a piece of popcorn into her mouth, then tilted her head. "So, just to recap—she's asking you questions instead of the professor, touching you whenever you hand out papers, staring at you… and what else?"
Spencer adjusted his glasses and leaned forward, clearly frustrated.
"She’s been bringing me coffee lately, even though I’ve told her a million times I don’t want it because you always make it just the way I like before I leave and I don't need more. And when she doesn’t bring coffee, it’s some kind of baked good. I don’t get it! If she’s looking for favoritism, why not try to suck up to the professor? I’m just the TA."
A sudden tightness gripped Y/N’s chest as she processed his words. It was clear now—Wren was flirting with him. But why did that thought send an unexpected wave of discomfort through her? Jealousy, maybe? No, that didn’t make sense... Why would she be jealous?
“She’s not looking for favoritism, Spence. She’s looking for a way to get into your pants,” Y/N snickered, ignoring yet another wave of unease that crashed into her at the mental image of Spencer actually having sex with Wren. Anyone would be uncomfortable thinking about their roommate having sex… right? That was a perfectly normal reaction.
Spencer suddenly choked on the popcorn he’d just popped into his mouth, coughing violently and startling Y/N. Without thinking, she leaned over, gently patting his back as concern flooded her expression. When the coughing finally subsided into a weak wheeze, she reached for his glass of water on the coffee table and handed it to him with a worried glance.
"Jesus, Spencer! Are you okay?"
"Why would you say that?"
Spencer's voice was unnervingly high, his face flushed from both the coughing fit and his growing embarrassment. He took a slow sip of water, trying to steady his racing heart. Setting the glass down with trembling hands, he adjusted his crooked glasses, his gaze avoiding hers. "For the record," he muttered, his voice tinged with insecurity, "I highly doubt she’s trying to… get in my pants."
Y/N's expression softened from concern to sympathy as her hand moved to rub his knee in comfort.
She remembered the first (and only) time she’d gotten Spencer to drink with her, how, in his tipsy state, he’d opened up about his painful past. In a rare moment of vulnerability, he’d shared how brutally he’d been bullied as a child prodigy, and how those experiences had led him to avoid romantic relationships for fear of humiliation and rejection. That night marked the turning point in their relationship, transforming them from roommates who got along to actual friends—a change she would forever be grateful for.
"You’re too hard on yourself," Y/N said gently. "Trust me on this one. As a woman, I can tell you with absolute certainty—she's flirting with you." She added, her tone matter-of-fact.
Spencer gave her a doubtful look, but after a moment, his shoulders slumped in reluctant acceptance as he began to entertain the possibility. "We’ll see," he muttered, grabbing the remote and finally starting their movie night.
It turned out Y/N had been right.
Three weeks had passed without a word from Spencer about it, and Y/N figured Wren had gotten the message and moved on. But then she began to notice Wren walking into class with a little extra bounce in her step, a shy, almost giddy smile lighting up her face as she sat down. Y/N shrugged it off… until she noticed Spencer doing the exact same thing.
Spencer began coming home later and later after class, a goofy grin on his face as he wandered through the apartment or headed to his room. Y/N didn’t ask any questions, knowing he’d share whatever was making him so happy when he was ready—though she had a pretty strong hunch about who it was. By the fourth week, he finally felt comfortable enough to confide in her.
"You won’t believe this, but I finally just asked Wren straight up if she was flirting with me… and she said yes!" Spencer said, his excitement clear as he leaned against the kitchen counter, watching Y/N cook. "We’ve been spending time together after class, and, uh… I asked her out on a date for this Friday!"
Y/N froze mid-stir, caught off guard by the sudden pang of sadness that hit her. Why did she feel this way? She should be happy for him—he was her closest friend, after all. She cleared her throat, forcing herself to keep stirring as she pushed the unsettling thoughts aside for the moment.
"That’s great, Spence!" Y/N said, though her voice came out a bit tighter than usual. "So… what do you have planned for your date?"
Spencer began to ramble excitedly about what he had planned for Friday, his hands moving animatedly as he spoke. All it did was seem to make the feeling of dread and hurt creeping up on her worse, though she couldn't for the life of her understand why Spencer talking about his date had her so bothered. Maybe it was because she hadn't been on a date in over a year, having avoided the dating scene after her last breakup. That had to be it.
Y/N nodded absentmindedly, her mind fixated on the uneasy feeling growing inside her rather than his words. It had been so long since she’d felt anything like this, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't make sense of why it was happening.
She wasn’t blind. She knew Spencer was ridiculously attractive (even if his wardrobe seemed to be straight out of an elderly man’s fashion catalog). And he was kind, thoughtful, and attentive—anyone would be lucky to date him. Yet, despite all that, she’d always seen him as nothing more than a friend. Or at least, that’s what she kept telling herself.
Fortunately, the timer went off, cutting Spencer off mid-sentence. He quickly shifted gears, helping her dish out their food. They moved to the living room, ready to enjoy their meal and unwind with TV, as they always did.
Spencer couldn’t help but notice that Y/N was quieter than usual. She didn’t join in with her usual banter during the show, instead taking absent-minded bites, taking bites between distant, unfocused stares at the screen. His brow furrowed as he put his fork down, observing her slowly push her food around without really eating.
"Y/N… are you alright?" Spencer asked, lowering the volume on the TV. "You’ve barely touched your food."
"Hm?" Y/N looked up, offering a faint smile as she shrugged. "Yeah… I’m fine, Spence. Just a little tired, I guess."
He didn’t fully buy it, but he decided not to push further. "How about a nap in my lap while I grade papers, then? After dinner, of course. I don’t want your head in my food," Spencer joked, pleased with himself. His lame humor had her rolling her eyes and grinning, stifling a laugh.
That had become normal for them: napping or cuddling, quick pecks on the cheek or top of the head when one of them left, cooking and eating together… the list went on. But the more Y/N thought about it, the more she realized it didn’t exactly align with typical roommate behavior. Or maybe it did, and she was just overanalyzing, letting the strange feeling she couldn’t shake make her paranoid.
"That sounds perfect," Y/N agreed, silently hoping the nap would help clear her mind.
They finished dinner, chatting between bites about their day. Spencer, ever the gentleman, told her to stay on the couch while he cleared their plates and rinsed them. After grabbing the stack of papers he needed to grade for Professor Hartman from his room, he returned, settling back onto the couch with a grin as he patted his lap.
Y/N eased into his lap, stretching her legs out across the couch as she nestled her head into the crook of his neck with a contented sigh. Spencer ran a hand down her back as she settled in, giving her hip a gentle pat before picking up the first paper to grade.
It didn't take long for Y/N to drift off in his arms, her breath warm against his skin as he graded papers. The room was quiet except for the soft rhythm of her breathing, the rustling of the papers as he flipped through them, and the occasional hum of a car passing outside. Spencer paused his grading, his gaze drifting down to Y/N as she slept peacefully in his arms. A fond expression softened his features as he watched her, her calmness soothing him. Slowly, he reached up and caressed her cheek with his knuckles, then resumed his work, his gaze lingering for just a moment longer.
Spencer’s eyelids drooped as he made his way through the last few papers, small yawns escaping him between each one. When he finished, he quietly set the stack on the coffee table, taking care not to disturb Y/N. With a gentle shift, he settled back into the cushions, bringing one hand to cradle her head as he adjusted their position on the couch. He carefully maneuvered so he could stretch out before pulling her closer, tucking her into his side.
It was late enough that Spencer didn’t see the need to wake her; he knew if he did, she’d be up for hours. Reaching behind him, he turned off the lamp, letting the room fall into darkness. The soft rhythm of her breathing eased him, and soon, he drifted off, her warmth grounding him. In minutes, they were both asleep, entwined in the quiet comfort of each other’s arms.
As the week passed, Y/N found it increasingly difficult to cope with the thought of Spencer going on his date with Wren. Every time he brought it up, she quickly steered the conversation elsewhere or found an excuse to slip away, guilt gnawing at her with every evasive move. She hated herself for it—he was genuinely excited, and she didn’t want to ruin that. But every mention of the date made her stomach twist, and she couldn’t bring herself to face it without feeling like she was being torn apart.
Y/N finally understood why the idea of him going on a date was so devastating to her nervous system.
Late Tuesday night, as Y/N lay awake in bed, a sudden, jarring realization hit her: she had fallen in love with Spencer. Somewhere over the past seven months, amid shared laughs, quiet moments, and unexpected tenderness, she had fallen hopelessly for the brilliant, quirky man she had sworn she'd never fall for.
And now, because she was a spineless coward who was too afraid to risk their friendship by speaking up, she found herself helping Spencer get ready for his date.
"Spencer, seriously—hold still! I'm almost done," Y/N grumbled, her tongue poking from the corner of her mouth as she fixed his hair.
Spencer let out an exasperated sigh but stopped shifting, almost going cross-eyed as he tried to focus on her. She was so close now that he could almost taste the minty freshness of her gum, her breath brushing his face making him more flustered than he expected. He nervously twiddled his fingers in his lap, his curiosity piqued as he waited to see how she had tamed his unruly strands.
"There you go. What do you think?" Y/N grinned proudly, stepping back to give him space as he stood from where he was sitting on the toilet lid, turning to face the bathroom mirror.
Spencer turned his head from side to side, eyes lingering on his reflection. A faint smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he examined himself. For the first time, he felt it—he felt good. Like he could finally see what Y/N saw when she insisted he was handsome. Instead of his typical gelled, slicked-down look, she'd arranged his hair to accentuate his face, giving his features a more defined, natural appeal.
"I... Y/N, I love it. Thank you," Spencer breathed earnestly, turning to pull her into a warm hug.
Y/N smiled gently, wrapping her arms around him. The newfound confidence in his eyes was enough to ease the ache in her chest about his date. At least, she thought, he was finally seeing himself the way she always had—worthy and deserving of feeling this good.
“Of course, Spence. Anything for you,” she murmured, the words feeling heavier than she intended. She meant it, though. She would do anything for him—even if it meant shattering her own heart along the way.
As soon as the door clicked shut behind him, Y/N released a long, shaky breath, pressing her forehead against the cool wood for a moment before slowly making her way to Spencer's room. He had told her not to wait up, mentioning he planned on going to Wren’s afterward. So, she curled up in his blanket, clutching his pillow to her chest, trying to let the comfort of his familiar scent quiet her restless mind.
Less than five minutes passed before the tears began to fall, each one soaking into the fabric of his pillow as a sob broke free from her chest. She felt pathetic. There she was, crumpled in his bed while he was out on a date, all because she couldn’t find the courage to tell him how she felt—too afraid to admit the truth, convinced that he could never feel the same way about her.
The hours slipped by in a blur, her tears long gone as exhaustion weighed heavily on her. Too weary to move to her own bed, she simply tossed her pants to his floor, closed her eyes, and let sleep take over in the comfort of his sheets. She'd remake his bed in the morning before he got home, hoping he'd never know about the quiet, tearful night she'd spent there.
Spencer ran a hand through his hair, his fingers grazing his scalp as he quietly unlocked the door and stepped into the dark apartment. The date had gone fine, nothing awful… but there was a difference between nice and right. Wren was nice, but she wasn’t the one his heart had been quietly waiting for. That person was the other half of this apartment, likely fast asleep in her room, just as he’d told her to be—and he couldn’t shake the feeling she should’ve been the one he’d been out with tonight.
Spencer hung his jacket on the coat rack and slipped off his shoes, setting them neatly by the door. He headed toward his room, eager to leave the awkwardness of the evening behind and looking forward to starting the next day with the one person who truly made his world feel right. Though Y/N wasn’t his, there was a quiet comfort in knowing she was always the first face he’d see each morning. Maybe one day, he'd find the courage to tell her how he felt. But for now, he was content cherishing their friendship.
He couldn't shake the slight guilt he felt for Wren, a cringe running through him as he replayed the moment she'd tried to kiss him when he dropped her off. When she leaned in, he'd jerked back instinctively, his eyes wide in shock, leaving her face flushed with embarrassment. He’d apologized immediately, of course, and she’d been kind enough to accept it before hurriedly retreating into her house. Still, he couldn't help but feel the discomfort linger, knowing their interactions in class would be uncomfortable from here on out.
Spencer pushed open his door, too exhausted to bother with the light as he shrugged off his clothes, blindly stumbling toward the bed. He let out a sigh of relief as he collapsed onto the mattress—only to freeze when something beneath him let out a loud, panicked yelp. He scrambled back in shock, crashing to the floor in a clumsy heap, cursing loudly.
"What the fuck?" Spencer gasped, reaching for his lamp from the ground as he quickly sat up.
Y/N blinked at him in startled surprise, her brow furrowed and mouth slightly agape as she took in the sight of him sprawled on the floor. Spencer felt a wave of relief wash over him, his body sagging as he realized she wasn’t some weird, perverted burglar waiting for him. Still, as the shock wore off, confusion crept in. Why was she in his bed?
“Are you alright?” Y/N squeaked, instinctively reaching down to help Spencer back onto the bed. Her mind was still foggy with sleep, and her heart was racing from the jarring wake-up call.
Spencer quickly slid under the covers, suddenly self-conscious of his state of undress, his face flushing as he glanced at her. He cleared his throat and gave a small nod. "I'm good, just… uh, why are you in my bed?"
Y/N hesitated, her teeth gently catching her lower lip as she searched for an excuse that wouldn't sound ridiculous. But nothing came to mind. With a deep breath, she finally decided to just tell him the truth.
"I… I wasn't handling your date with Wren very well," Y/N confessed, her voice low. "I came in here hoping to get some peace because being near you usually makes me feel better. But instead, I just ended up crying myself to sleep in your bed. I'm really sorry," she added, her brows knitting together as she looked at him. "Wait—why are you here? I thought you were going to stay at Wren's."
Spencer’s expression softened as he took in her words. “I chose to come home,” he said quietly. “Wren’s nice, but tonight made me realize there’s really only one person I want across from me, or kissing me, or… anything else.” He paused, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. “But what do you mean you weren’t handling my date well? Why did you cry yourself to sleep, sweetheart?”
Y/N’s heart clenched at his words, a wave of worry washing over her as her fatigue made it harder to hold back what she was feeling. Who could he possibly be talking about? She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself before she finally spoke.
“I’ve been trying to figure this out for a while,” she began, her voice soft but steady. “And, Spence… I think I’m in love with you. I’ve probably been in love with you for a long time, but I was too afraid to admit it to myself. Every time I thought about you with her, I felt so… sick. So jealous. Because I wanted to be the one you were with. I wanted to be the one you fell in love with.”
The words hung in the air between them, raw and unguarded. It was out in the open now. There was nothing left to hide.
To her surprise, Spencer let out a soft chuckle. Before she had a chance to take offense, he reached for her hands, holding them gently as he spoke.
"Y/N… you're already the one I've fallen in love with," Spencer confessed, his voice steady as his eyes held hers. "You're the reason I came back. As I sat across from her, it hit me—there’s no one else in this world that I’d rather be with than you."
Y/N blinked hard, ensuring that she wasn’t asleep and that this wasn’t a dream. It wasn’t. He was still there when she opened her eyes, sitting cross legged and vulnerable (and enticingly bare under the covers) before her as he waited for her to respond. He tilted his head at that, laughing softly as his face scrunched in confusion.
“What are you doing, silly girl? I confess my love to you and your response is to blink at me like an owl?” Spencer teased, his nose twitching as he grinned.
Y/N huffed out a laugh of her own, gently squeezing his hands as she shook her head. “I’m sorry! I just— I wanted to make sure this was real,” she murmured, her eyes falling to their hands in her lap.
“Would… would a kiss help to solidify that it’s real?” Spencer offered, a shy smile on his face.
Y/N’s eyes widened at that, baffled but pleased with his newfound confidence. Maybe she should do his hair more often. Without a word, she nodded eagerly, leaning forward to gently capture his lips with her own.
The press of his lips against hers sent her spinning, as though reality itself was slipping away and all that remained was the grounding warmth of his hands cradling her face. Spencer’s kiss was all-encompassing—like she was the very breath he needed to live. She craved more, desperate to fan the flames between them until the heat ignited, consuming them both from within.
Spencer’s lips never left hers as he gently tilted his head, deepening the kiss with a slow, deliberate movement. He carefully lowered her to the bed, his hands supporting her as he pulled back just enough to rest his forehead against hers. "Feel real enough for you, yet?" he whispered, his breath warm against her skin, the faintest brush of his lips lingering as if he couldn’t bear to pull away for even a second.
Y/N rolled her eyes at his teasing, lacing her fingers into his hair to tug gently in retaliation. The whine he let out sent a sharp pang of desire up her spine, and she tugged harder just to hear it again.
“Mm, not yet. I think you’ll have to do it again to really convince me.”
The words barely filled the space between them before his lips were back on hers. She let out a soft exhale as his hips settled against hers, unable to help the giggles that slipped free when she felt his hard cock pressing against her through his boxers. She wasn’t laughing at him, not at all. She was just lost in pure, blissful joy, reveling in the realization that he was finally hers.
“Stop giggling and kiss me back,” Spencer muttered, his voice laced with playful frustration, but her laughter was contagious, and soon he was laughing too. Their lips remained pressed together, but it was more of a chaotic, shared moment than an actual kiss. As they pulled away, both of them breathless, the last of his nerves melted away, and they simply stared at each other, the connection now clearer than ever.
Spencer had imagined plenty of times what it would look like to have her splayed underneath him in his bed (thoughts that were shamefully fueled by her soft sounds of pleasure through their shared wall whenever she thought he was asleep). Nothing his imagination had dreamed up could ever compare to the sight before him. She looked utterly captivating, her cheeks flushed, lips slightly swollen from their kisses, eyes looking up at him with that familiar warmth. He always thought she was beautiful, without a doubt. But in this moment? She was a living, breathing work of art. A stunning, half-dressed masterpiece who was wrapping her legs around his waist with a shit-eating grin and—
Spencer squeaked as Y/N arched her hips into his again, grinding against him in a way that provided delicious friction against his aching cock. Spencer had never been more turned on than he was in this moment, the need thrumming through his veins driving him to rock gently against her in return.
Y/N’s grin faltered as her breath hitched, her brows pinching together as he began to thrust shakily against her through their underwear. Her mouth dropped open into a silent gasp as the head of his arousal brushed against her clit through the thin fabric, a helpless whine leaving her lips shortly after as he repeated the movement.
They were both too tired and too in love to rush their first time together (and Spencer’s first time in general), so they settled for this: the steady push and pull of their hips grinding together as their lips began to devour each other’s once more. The room quickly filled with their muffled noises of pleasure; soft moans and whimpers between passionate kisses and the rustling of his covers as they moved against each other creating an explicit symphony.
Spencer’s movements became more fervent as Y/N licked into his mouth, her nails dragging across his shoulder blades encouraging him to keep going. His body trembled as he felt her arousal dampening the front of his boxers, a guttural moan wrenching its way from his throat. She was soaked. All because of him.
Y/N’s head tipped back against his pillows, her eyes squeezed shut as she felt the pleasure coiling tightly in her lower stomach. His lips immediately moved to the crook of her neck, nipping and sucking gently at the skin there between whimpers of her name. It felt erotic, the both of them so turned on despite their exhaustion that they couldn’t help their movements, desperate to experience the other falling apart.
She’d make it up to him later, when she could actually take her time with him and make his first time something special, something memorable. But for now, she was perfectly content with this.
“Spence I’m—“ Y/N gasped, tangling her fingers into his hair as she began to writhe underneath him. “I’m about to—“
Her orgasm washed over her like a cold bucket of water, yanking the air from her lungs and making her body tense up as she cried out his name and clung to him. Spencer groaned alongside her, pulling his head from the crook of her neck so that he could watch her in awe. The sight alone almost had him cumming, his movements growing frantic as he chased his pleasure.
Her soft whines urged him closer and closer to the finish line as he rutted against her, and all he could manage was a soft shout of her name before his climax took hold of him, his cock throbbing against her as he spilled into his boxers. He collapsed against her, thrusting weakly with small whimpers to ride out both of their highs before his hips finally stilled.
Their chests heaved as they laid together, catching their breath. Y/N’s hands raked through Spencer’s hair, fighting to stay awake long enough so that they could clean up. When Spencer could finally move, he lifted up onto his forearms, pressing small, gentle kisses to her lips with murmured thank you’s before he climbed out of his bed to grab a towel from the bathroom. Once they were cleaned and stripped out of their cum-soaked clothes (to which Y/N and Spencer both giggled excessively about as they wriggled out of them), Spencer reached over to turn off his lamp.
Drained but happy, they collapsed into each other’s embrace, winding together in Spencer’s bed and surrendering to the pull of sleep. Just before sleep claimed him, Spencer pressed a gentle, lingering kiss to Y/N’s forehead, whispering, "I love you, my sweet girl."
A soft smile tugged at his lips when he heard her whisper back, "I love you too, my sweet boy."
REMINDER: I do NOT give permission for my work to be re-uploaded to any other platforms (c.ai, Tiktok, ao3, etc.) under any circumstances. If you'd like to translate my work, then please ask me before doing so. I know it sounds whiny, but I (as well as many other fanfic writers) spend so much time on these and it's genuinely not okay to take credit for work that isn't yours. It's insulting and completely unnecessary. If I do see my work uploaded anywhere without explicit permission, I WILL say something.
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Mistletoe S.R x fem!Reader
Just a quick little thing I wrote-- kissing! Reader is really lame because I am! Spencer loves Doctor who and reader carries a purse!
Inspired By this comic!!
You and Spencer had been dating for weeks, and you’d still never seen his apartment. He picked you up for all of your dates, walked you home, and when you got to your apartment was when he’d stay over. There was no intentional reason— you just— hadn’t. But you were going over there today, he wanted to watch all of the doctor who Christmas specials and he had them all on dvd. An exceptionally cheesy idea I popped in your head— you could say his apartment was missing just one thing. Mistletoe. You made it all the way to the store to buy some, but on the walk to Spencer’s apartment, you talked yourself out of it.
It’s not like you hadn’t kissed him before, but you had definitely done nothing this outwardly cheesy. So with the mistletoe in your bag, you enjoyed the first three doctor who specials with your wonderful boyfriend letting you rest against his side. The third had just concluded, and he paused the TV before the next one started.
“Ok, takeout now or one more and then we order it?”
“Let’s order it, then we can watch while we wait.”
“You have the best ideas.”
“I know.” He gave you one playful pinch at your cockiness– he loved it.
“Now, my brilliant, beautiful, girl— what should we order?” He gave you an extra squeeze as he got up to go find his phone so he could order it.
“Chinese sounds good, or maybe pizza?”
“They both sound good, we could flip a coin if you have one”
“I think there’s one in my purse if you want to look.” You pointed to where it sat, right by his TV, close to the entryway.
He grabbed it from the table across the room, but when he opened it up he didn’t see your wallet, he saw a small piece of greenery tucked inside.
“Hey honey? What’s this?” As soon as he asked you remembered what was in there and jumped up trying to explain it away while grabbing it.
“Nothing— I’m sure it’s nothing, don’t worry about it. Chinese sounds good, let’s just do that.”
“Not so fast— who’s this for?” He held it just out of your reach.
“…You, maybe, but it’s stupid and we can just forget about it.” He could see your embarrassment as you shrank down into yourself.
“I don’t think it’s stupid! I mean I’ve never had someone go out and buy mistletoe for me before— why would you want to forget about it? I mean, whatever purpose could you have bought this for?” He wasn’t going to leave it alone until you told him, he’d figure it out one way or another.
“I bought it for a really, really lame idea I had. I was going to say that I loved your apartment but that it was missing one thing and then pull out the mistletoe and– yeah. That’s pretty much it.” He didn’t laugh, just pretended he was genuinely considering the idea.
“Well I think as usual you’re right, the apartment is missing this. I don’t think it’s lame at all– which to be fair is not saying much, but still.” He grabbed a thumbtack from his desk and pinned the mistletoe to his ceiling, right above where you were standing.
“Oh no, I think my beautiful girlfriend is trapped under the mistletoe.” He feigned tragedy as he made his way over to you, before kissing you, his hand on either side of your face.
“Do you still think it’s lame?”
“Not necessarily–”
#spencer reid x reader#dr spencer reid#spencer reid fanfiction#spencer reid fluff#spencer reid x fem!reader#spencer reid#spencer reid x you
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i have more than enough ❀ s. reid x reader

in which the holiday season is achingly difficult to get through, when you are spencer reid, who believes he is no longer allowed to enjoy them.
pairing: spencer reid x fem!reader genre: hurt/comfort tags: established relationship. post prison!reid. word count: 2k a/n: and for my final act? the parfaitblogs special (post prison reid fic to a searows song). merry christmas from australia because it IS the 25th here!!! this is the end of my christmas advent calendar!! i had soo much fun writing these stories thank you to all that requested ♡
❄︎ advent calendar masterlist
He does not deserve a Christmas.
Perhaps that is the only thing that runs through Spencer Reid's mind the second the Halloween decor filtered out of the stores, reindeer mugs entered them; while candy canes and Santa hats adorned every little item, and Christmas trees lit up every corner of every mall.
No matter what state he traveled to, he couldn't escape the festivities of the holiday season. He's pretty sure he's the only person who wants to.
You waited for him. He feels immensely guilty for just how much waiting you've had to do all year. Waiting for him to go to trial, waiting for him to get out of prison, waiting for him to let you in again.
Waiting, waiting, waiting.
You're waiting again. A Christmas tree that blandly sits empty and undecorated in the corner of your shared apartment; a Christmas roast you aren't sure if you'll even cook takes up too much space in your fridge; gingerbread cookies you promised your friends weeks ago remaining unbaked.
He knew you were upset about it. His Christmas loving girlfriend forced to mute the celebrations of her favourite holiday because he couldn't find it in him to be excited about it.
He didn't know how to fix it, really.
You had tried everything to get him back into the Christmas spirit he's had for the past three years you've spent together. Baking with him, picking out the very Christmas tree that leaves the room smelling like a pine forest together, Christmas shopping for the presents he had no will to buy for his family and friends.
Nothing had worked.
Sitting awkwardly at his — now — very minimally decorated desk, his head lifts from the papers in front of him, eyebrows frowning towards each other as his eyes land on you.
"Hi," he murmurs, putting the pen in his hand down in an effort to give you his full attention. He was getting better at that, these days.
"I finished dinner," you tell him, fingers fidgeting with one another; a recent habit he had noticed you'd developed in the months between his arrest and release. "If you want to come eat."
He doesn't, but then again, he never does. And despite how awful he feels, he feels even more so for what he's putting you through, and the guilt that chews away at him is enough to will him to do small things — like eating — for you.
"Yeah," he breathes out, and stands up from the desk, following you silently over to the meal sitting at the edge of the kitchen bench you had cooked for the two of you.
Silence overwhelmed you two as you ate, as it usually does. Sitting curled up beside one another on the couch, sharing a blanket and yet still feeling so distant from each other regardless.
"Did you call your mom?" you ask him, and his fork pauses in the plate.
Right. It's Christmas. The time for calling family members and sharing love for them during this supposed to be joyous time.
"Not yet," he shakes his head. "I'll... get to it. Before Christmas is over."
"You have a week," you remind him, though it isn't to be passive aggressive at all. You genuinely wonder if he's forgotten the date of Christmas that has quickly crept up on you both.
"I know."
You stare silently at the coffee table after a short nod to his words, and you wrack your brain for things to say, just to keep him talking.
"Can I give you your gift before Christmas day?"
He lifts his head, and you feel his eyes transfix on you.
"If you want."
You want him to want it too, but you aren't sure if that's a reasonable wish anymore.
"I do," you nod, and quickly finish up your food, before you stand, and leave the room altogether.
He places his plate next to yours on the coffee table — he'd remember to get to cleaning those later — just as you return, a square shaped brown paper gift in your hands, a purple ribbon tied in a bow around it.
"You got me a square?" he asks you, and your heart warms at the teasing tone in his voice. He's trying.
"Open it," you press, instinctively shaking his shoulder with both hands pressed up against it.
"Okay, okay."
He's meticulous in pulling the plain wrapping paper off, and you almost want to open the gift for him.
"Did you make this?" he asks you as he carefully pulls the square apart in front of your eyes, though he does already know the answer before you have a chance to start nodding your head.
A Victorian Puzzle Purse situates delicately in his hands. Hands that pull it apart ever so slowly, taking note of every little drawn and painted detail on the paper, opening it up to a letter that he spent two minutes reading through — confirming that he was not only reading it once through.
"Do you like it?" you ask him, almost hesitantly.
"Victorian Puzzle Purse's were how lovers would communicate for Valentine's day," he says, instead of answering your question directly, as he neatly folds it back up into the intricate origami square it was originally when he pulled it out. "Sorry," he quickly adds, his eyes landing back on you. "That wasn't an answer. I do. I like it a lot."
"I know it isn't much, but I don't want to overwhelm you with gifts this Christmas. I'm honestly not even expecting anything big. We can just order food in and watch movies or something this year, if you'd prefer. You just have to promise me you'll at least let me put mistletoe up outside our bedroom, because it's kind of become tradition and... sorry."
He's staring at you, half dumbfounded, half in awe, as you realise you were rambling instead of sitting in the moment of him enjoying something seasonal, but you can't even find it within yourself to be frustrated at it. For he is letting a small smile grace his lips, and you're leaning forwards with a smile of your own, and for a second or more, he is not the shattered prison man, and you are not his distanced girlfriend.
"You can put mistletoe outside our bedroom," he says, and you're breaking into an even wider grin.
"It's tradition."
You light up enough for there to be no need for a decorated Christmas tree in your apartment anymore, and you're threading your fingers through his hand to drag him up off the couch.
Your gift to him remains on the coffee table as you lead him over to your bedroom door, prompting him to stay still, as you disappear to find the piece of familiar fake greenery.
"Mistletoe!" you present it to him, and he takes it from you habitually, using the pin you also hand him and pinning it above your heads on the doorframe.
"I think we need to buy a new one," he says, hands dropping back by his side. His eyes are trained on you, but your own head is still tilted back, inspecting the faux plant.
"I think we need to buy a real one," you answer conclusively, finally dropping your gaze to him.
"Next year," he confirms. "Tradition complete?"
You shake your head. "The tradition ends with a kiss."
Hesitation follows your words, and you instantly regret them.
It wasn't that you didn't kiss, or weren't intimate in any way. It's simply that it was on occasion now, and almost always motivated by something more important than a silly mistletoe tradition.
"It's okay," you cover your unwelcome disappointment with a smile.
He ignores your reassurance. "It does end in a kiss, you're right."
"But we don't have to," you mumble.
"Yes," his hands encase your waist to do nothing more than to pull you closer to him. "We do."
"Not if you don't want to."
"Did I say that?"
You open your lips to respond, but the words die on your tongue.
"What did I do to make you think I don't want to kiss you, angel?" he's frowning now, and you feel guilt settle in your chest.
"Nothing, really. We just—um—don't kiss... as much. Anymore. Which is fine, by the way, and I can understand it. You're under no moral obligation to kiss me. Obviously."
His frown deepens. "I think we're experiencing a bout of miscommunication."
"I thought you didn't want to kiss me," he explains, and suddenly, you're mirroring the confusion on his face.
"Why would I not want to kiss you?" you ask him, incredulously.
His shoulders slump at the question, and you force yourself not to fill the silence that follows.
"Prison," he replies, quietly. "I didn't think you'd really even want me once I got out of prison. You don't initiate anything anymore, either. I just assumed."
"I didn't initiate anything because I was waiting for you to initiate stuff."
"I can see that now."
"I didn't want to rush you," you tell him, as earnestly as possible. "I know prison was a lot, and you still haven't told me everything that happened, but I wanted you to not rush yourself. Or... us, I guess."
He swallows the lump of emotion that lodges in his throat. "I thought you were disappointed in me. Or—well, scared of me."
"No," your heart shatters, and you're sure he can hear it in your voice as your hands instantly cup his cheeks, fingers brushing over his cheekbones. "No, oh my God, Spencer."
"You shouldn't use the lord's name in vain. It's Christmas," he jokes, weakly. The smile you give him is weak, too.
"I was terrified for you. I was so worried about you in prison, and—and what they were doing to you in there. But never of you. Not a single part of me will ever be scared of you, sweet boy."
"I'm scared of me," he whispers, and his voice cracks in a way that has tears welling in your eyes. "I think differently, you know."
"And that automatically means I should be scared of you? Or makes you any less deserving of love?"
His silence is enough of a response.
"I love you," you settle on telling him. "No matter what baggage you came back to me with. You deserve so much love, and I hate that you have been through so much. So much so that you believe yourself undeserving. You are not. You never will be. I will spend the rest of my life proving that to you, if I must. Or as long as you will let me."
"Forever," he replies, and you feel his hands close over your own on his face. "I will let you forever."
"Thank God. It'd be kind of embarrassing if I say all this and then you were to break up with me tomorrow," you say, and his cheeks stretch beneath your hands as he huffs a laugh.
"I won't break up with you."
"I wouldn't let you, anyways."
"Oh really?" his hands slide down to your waist once more.
"Yeah," you confirm with a small nod, your own hands dropping to his neck, interlacing behind it, as you draw his head closer to yours. "You're stuck with me."
"I have not a word of complaint," he replies, and he's close enough that you feel the words tattoo your lips. "I love you."
And then he's kissing you, and there is an overwhelming amount of neglected feelings you had been missing poured into you, from his soul to yours.
It was a kiss so unlike what you had grown used to in recent months. Fingers dug into your waist as a violent reminder of what you mean to him, and for the first time since May, you believed it.
When he goes to pull away, you barely give him time to get air before you're chasing his lips again, and he tugs you impossibly closer with a laugh that vibrates against your face.
You kiss him until your hands go numb behind his neck, and your legs begin to ache, and your waist is sure to have bruised in the shapes of his fingertips. Chest heaving and eyes full of more adoration than you think one human can have for another, you meet his gaze once more.
"Tradition complete."
your reblogs and replies are always appreciated ♡
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bright lights

note: day 2 of reidrumas! this is so sickeningly cheesy pls enjoy <3
summary: in which spencer has to remind you of fire safety, or the time you hang too many lights on the christmas tree
cw: tooth rotting fluff i only warn you to pop some lactaids if you're lactose intolerant
wc: a cozy 1k
12 days of reidrumas
“I can’t believe we’re going to die before Christmas.”
You roll your eyes, “Aren’t you from Vegas? This amount of lights should not phase you.”
“I am, and you know those lights typically aren’t hung on flammable surfaces.” Spencer harps, “Please don’t put that—Oh my god, Where the hell did you get another strand of lights.”
You love Christmas. Spencer loves you. It was a no brainer for him to let you take over all of the holiday decorating festivities. He knew that Christmas was always special to a littler version of you, the joy and love that surrounded the holiday always warming your little heart. But as the years went on you would find yourself associating the crueler parts of your life with the holiday, and it would end with you looking back on the time and finding its memories to be not as magical as you would like to remember. Spencer was determined to restore that sentiment for you.
He’s just not sure if he’d risk death by string lights to get there.
“It’s not bright enough,” you pout, “maybe it needs more tinsel.”
The tree was already donned in all its opaque and crystalline ornaments, beaded and foiled tinsel draped around its branches. The tree already came with flashing lights, white and multicolored, but they weren’t nearly enough for the brightness you required. So of course it needed more lights.
“It definitely does not need more tinsel. Come on, put the lights down.”
You retract the lights in your hands to your chest defensively, “Don’t! You’ll have to pry them from my cold, dead hands.”
Spencer raises his eyebrows at your theatrics, “Oh, really?”
You nod, “The Christmas spirit is only as strong as the lights hung in its name.”
“Who said that?”
“Someone really wise.”
“Surely can’t be you,” he chuckles, “We can put them somewhere else just not on the tree, it already has enough.”
You shake your head no and clutch the lights closer to your chest, “Never!”
“There’s so much space on the fireplace or the dining table!” he gestures, “even the front door!”
“I have separate lights for those, duh.”
He pinches the bridge of his nose, “Oh my god, we’re actually gonna die.”
“Dying of the Christmas spirit is actually a great way to go.” you joke, “Prophetic, even.”
He stalks towards you slowly, “My love, please. Can we negotiate?”
“Spencer, I have to use all of the lights or they’re gonna feel left out.”
There’s a brief moment of silence between you both, staring at each other from opposite sides of the couch. You study the look in his eyes, unable to decipher what he’s thinking. The corners of his mouth twitch slightly, and to anyone else they wouldn’t have caught it but he is Your Spencer after all and so it really should not have caught you off guard when he makes a break to catch you.
You squeal as you take off running into the kitchen, Spencer trailing not so far behind you. He’s cornered you on the far side of the middle kitchen counter, prepared for any direction you decide to make your exit from. You try to fake him out by pretending to go one way and then making a quick escape the other way, just barely making it past him as you book it down the hallway.
You slow down at the end of the hallway, thinking you’ve finally made it to safety. You bend over slightly to catch your breath when it’s suddenly whisked away again as strong hands catch you off guard, gripping your waist and picking you up from the floor.
“Hey!” you giggle, feigning struggle in his arms.
He whispers in your ear, “Gotcha.”
The flutter in your stomach betrays your tone, “I think you hate Christmas.”
His hands tighten around you as he sets you down, not letting go, “I don’t hate Christmas, I actually love it very much. I love you much more, and I would like to spend as many Christmases as I can with you. I can’t do that if the lights burn us down, sweet girl.”
You huff in fake annoyance, you know he’s right but he doesn’t need to know that. Begrudgingly, you can admit to yourself that the tree may have enough lights. You’re honestly surprised how he didn’t make a joke about how the International Space Station could see your tree from all the way up there. Your eyes flit around the room looking for a good place to hang the string lights in your hands.
Your face lights up with an idea, “You know what I think really needs a touch of the holiday spirit?” you carefully drape the lights around his whole body and plug it into a nearby outlet and smile, “Ah, perfect.”
The lights illuminate the shape of his body from head to toe, casting a soft glow that only seems to glow brighter as Spencer tries to hide a smile and fails miserably, resulting in the most adorable and dorky face you’ve ever seen.
He glances down at the outlet, “Am I not allowed to move?”
You put your finger on your chin, “Hmm…”
“What if I make us hot chocolate?”
You walk towards him gently draping your arms around his neck, “I don’t know…”
“With peppermint?”
Intrigued, the ghost of a smile teases your face, “I’m listening…”
He sighs and rests his hands on your hips, “We can put on matching pajamas?”
You beam widely, “Okay, I’m sold. Just wanted to see how far you’d go.” You detach from him giddily, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek and running off to the kitchen to get the mugs ready.
Spencer unplugs himself and walks into the bedroom, rummaging through the dresser drawers to get the pajamas for you both. He chuckles to himself thinking how you were testing him to see how far he’d go, and you didn’t even know the full extent of exactly how far that is. His hand brushes over the velvet box buried beneath his mismatched socks and hopes that you’ll test the full extent soon.
Until then, he’ll make sure to keep you safe from festive fire hazards and satiated with peppermint hot cocoa.
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