punk rock scientist
277 posts
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jeyradan · 20 days ago
I'm streaming Dragon Age: The Veilguard on Saturday for 16 hours straight! It's to benefit puppies! It's my first-ever time streaming! What could possibly go wrong?!
Join the stream, donate if you can (zero pressure!), and keep me sane on Saturday. Bonus: if you're watching at key decision points, YOU get to decide!
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jeyradan · 3 months ago
Just so people know!
This blog: mostly an eerie silence
Fandom stuff (currently Dragon Age):
Random stuff (also currently Dragon Age):
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jeyradan · 1 year ago
Curious about weird #science? Join me and Liv Gaskill on our new #podcast, After School Science Club, where we'll discuss everything from A (for aliens) to Z (for the zombie apocalypse). All 100% "real science" approved!
Now available on Apple Music, Spotify, and Amazon Music. (Google Podcasts coming soon!)
Or visit us at:
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jeyradan · 2 years ago
Do you have any interesting fun facts or theories related to graduate level chemistry? It’s killing me with boredom this semester and I would love to know something interesting
My personal theory about graduate-level chemistry is that it's a gauntlet designed to winnow the insufficiently devoted. (All you have to do is pass. I promise you that, once you've graduated, nobody is ever going to ask you what grade you got in this class.)
You didn't say what kind of chemistry you do, so here's a fact that you may or many not consider fun: polymer analysis is a key aspect of analytical science in a wide range of industries from petrochemicals to food but, because biopolymers are so complex, they're really difficult to analyze, which means that gummy bears are A MYSTERY to most analytical techniques.
Here's what gummy bears look like to a chromatographer:
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You know that orange spike is the really good stuff.
Also, a lot of the techniques we use reliably to analyze polymers don't work very well in space, so if you ever get hungry on Mars, eat your own stash, not the locals'.
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jeyradan · 2 years ago
I'll take that as a yes for science!
Should I start posting about science again? Do people want to hear it after the last three years? Is anyone still interested?
What kind of science do people want? Is reliable infectious disease and molecular biology and all that daily-use* stuff in demand? Or does everyone just want to know how herrings talk** and whether dinosaurs got ADHD?
*And am I going to get abuse on Tumblr if I talk about that kind of thing?
**They fart to each other.
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jeyradan · 2 years ago
Should I start posting about science again? Do people want to hear it after the last three years? Is anyone still interested?
What kind of science do people want? Is reliable infectious disease and molecular biology and all that daily-use* stuff in demand? Or does everyone just want to know how herrings talk** and whether dinosaurs got ADHD?
*And am I going to get abuse on Tumblr if I talk about that kind of thing?
**They fart to each other.
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jeyradan · 2 years ago
do I not remember this from the YEARS OF MY CHILDHOOD I spent obsessed with this series
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jeyradan · 2 years ago
military recruiter: so what got you guys interested in the marine corps
enormous horde of hagfish, ispods and bottom-feeding crustaceans: oh. uh. is that how you pronounce it
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jeyradan · 2 years ago
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@funkasarusrex This is my cat.
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jeyradan · 2 years ago
Do u ever read a friend’s fic and it’s like holy shit how do you consider me qualified to talk to you?
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jeyradan · 2 years ago
<3 I scanned that list of wizarding books and WAITED for Chrestomanci to appear on it. thankfully, you added it but c'mon how do you forget to add Diana Wynne Jones?
I worry that perhaps the post's original author has not yet encountered Chrestomanci. If you can hear us out there, benighted soul, come into the light!
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jeyradan · 2 years ago
The Chrestomanci books are somehow not on this list, which is heinous and unforgivable.
The Raven Cycle is not on this list, which I understand because it's for older audiences, but still.
Please read all of these books. i make a post about other (re: better) magic school/wizard books or what?
because i have strong opinions!
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jeyradan · 2 years ago
If you haven't read the Young Wizards books, you should. And if you like those, I have a whooole lot of other recommendations for you.
The funny thing about comparing the young wizards books to Harry Potter is that not only did they come way before Harry Potter, not only is the prose massively more competent, not only does the author have morals she holds to - to the point of rewriting the entire ending of one of her books when she was told it was harmful, but she also outlasted the whole Harry Potter phenomenon and is still putting out new books that are actually good in the series. Literally a flawless victory on every front.
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jeyradan · 2 years ago
I’ve been trying to figure out how Mastodon and Cohost work all day. So far, I have two Mastodon accounts that somehow link to each other, but not entirely (for instance, linking them ported my followers over, but not the people I followed). I’ve followed some people; others are locked into “pending approval,” even though their accounts don’t require approval.
I have one Cohost account, but nobody seems to be on it.
At least I still pretty much remember how to use Tumblr...
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jeyradan · 2 years ago
"Set healthy boundaries because, if it looks like you don't know how, we will take indefinite advantage of that fact."
Bonus: "Know your worth because, if you don't, we certainly aren't going to tell you."
The implication of schools and workplaces pushing the whole "self care" thing is "Take care of yourself. ☺️ Because we won't."
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jeyradan · 2 years ago
Please can I have some good mid-length (say, 3,000 to 50,000 words) fic recs? I don't really care what fandom (introduce me to your faves!), just want some new reading material to care about.
Preferably no incest or pregnancy (at least, not as the main focus). Other than that, have at 'er. And yes, please rec your own fic. Odds are, like, 99 to 1 that we're friends because I like your writing anyway.
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jeyradan · 2 years ago
Is anyone else's feed just, like, entirely ads about ghost crabs?
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