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How to Find Viral Social Media Content ֠How To Find Content For Your Next Viral Post
How To Find Content For Your Next Find Viral Social Media Content
We spoke a little bit about what makes quality content. I’ve been producing content for a couple years now with this podcast. We’re building our audience slowly. But we haven’t paid anything that’s gotten really fiery, except for maybe that Illuminati picture with Tim and I. That one went pretty viral. Yeah. Well, talk a little bit about the kind of content that you need to create that has that chance to be shared and engaged with. Like what are you aiming to do with that content? Yes. We want our content to be polarizing. So, we really want to make sure that we drive an emotional state in somebody where they want to take an action.
Okay. Well, think about this. When you’re in pain, you’re more driven to take an action. When you’re in extreme excitement or joy or just you feel happy or maybe you get done drinking coffee in the morning or whatever you do for energy— my point is we desire to be in certain emotional states to take an action, even though if those emotional states are on micro or macro level. So, to be clear, if we have a polarizing piece of content, most people, they have absolute shit content. They ask general questions when they write their captions and expect people to comment back. It literally tell people to share it or they— in their content itself, they have like 5 to 10 second intros of their brand logo. And the people don’t give a shit about that. The average threshold of time that’s given to each post on the newsfeed, I learned this from Brian Meert, the owner of AdvertiseMint, there’s a total of 1.8 seconds. So, we find that content that either rapidly flashes every 1.5 seconds or so and has an audio voice over to it.
That’s highly effective. But when I say polarizing content, I mean people wants to be clear. People want to agree with something or they want to disagree with something to confirm who they are and what they are that they want to identify with something, but they need to be in an emotional state that drives them to agree or disagree. Otherwise, they could see something and just be like, “Huh. Yeah, that’s cool.” Once again, if a polarizing statement comes, let’s say that I believe that having a home is an asset. Let’s say I believe that buying a home is an asset. I market with Anik Singal and Robert Kiyosaki through Anik and having the “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” brand to market, you have some highly polarizing statements that you can use. Anytime we ever tell people that buying a home is a liability and the costs that come with that and we compare it to renting, people who rent come onto the post and agree, people who bought, disagree, and they both explain and confirm their bias for why they also see it that way in the way they understand the world to be.
Everybody has their own internal model. If you just kind of throw statements out there that create agreement or disagreement, and once again, they drive somebody to be in a particular emotion, that’s where they’re going to have a higher engagement rate than normal. But to be clear, I mean high productions like investing in nice cameras and investing in stuff behind the scenes to edit the content the right way, and more importantly than anything, just go towards the people who already have large brands, large engagement rates, and just repeat successful actions.
Don’t try to recreate the wheel. See what’s already working. Yeah. I remember seeing a Dan Lok video for the first time, probably six months ago and there was something about his— you know, he’s a harsh guy. I think that’s what it was. It was that willingness to come in and be like, “Hey, you’re lazy, you’re fat.” I won’t try the accent. But in all sort of like confrontational attitude, it’s sort of like that Gordon Ramsay in a way, right? He’s not going to suffer fools and he’s not here to give you excuses or anything like that.
His whole persona must be fun to work with. It is. And keep in mind, it’s also great to market because he’s probably one of the only clients that gets implementing psychological principles at scale. Okay? So, working with Dan has been one of the funniest things for me. When I came into his business, he was doing around $500,000 a month. We scaled up to over $2.5 million a month. I came in in late April or early May. Of course, a big help of a team, once again. There are a lot of key players in the company and they’re doing all the different things to contribute to the system itself. But Dan himself, extremely smart guy. And correct, he plays a character. So, of your personality brand, it’s very important to remember. Dan, if you meet him in real life, it’s the same way you’re going to see him in his content.
That’s his personality. But to be clear, he’s confident and certain in who he is and he knows that’s authentic and so he’s able to put that out there in the world at scale. A lot of people have internal limiting beliefs that they don’t recognize are what’s holding them back from being who they truly are on the Internet and scaling that to get a lot of attention. You find that as you spend more money on scaling your content, usually, and this isn’t a projection, this is an observation from working with several personality brands and businesses in my time. The person who is the character, they truly have to be somebody who’s constantly acknowledging that different principles of who they are, are going to be put out there at scale. Different beliefs they have are going to be put out there at scale. People will disagree with them at scale, people will agree with them at scale.
And a lot of people have an issue with that. So, that can hold people back on getting their true self and content but Dan’s very confident in who he is, what he is, and what he knows. – So, that helps a lot. – That’s very interesting. So, a lot of people coming to Vegas in the show, there are just going to be a lot of marketers. There’s going to be affiliates, there’s going to be people building agencies, there’s going to be a lot of ecommerce people as well because the second day of courses is very ecommerce-focused. So, I want us to talk about a couple things.
Obviously, these tactics can be used for any source….
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The Tao Of Badass Reviews : Dating Tips For Men
The Tao Of Badass Reviews : Dating Tips For Men
    Video Transcript:
Comes up alright, hey guys, my name is Jorge Sean coming into the is forced his coaching horse, yeah coming into this coaching. Of course you know I started off on my own, really I bought you know about the doll baddest a couple of other products. You know I was reading it and it just nothing. I mean it was clicking, but I don’t know I just it didn’t it didn’t. Like answer all my questions and it – and I you know, I like the motivation really to go out and apply this stuff and signing up with this coaching course really pushed me a little next level. I mean right off the bat I was pushed by all the other guys in this course. We just kept each other going Jesus Christ – I haven’t probably approached at least 80 gorgeous girls in this time, and I would have never done that and probably in a million years – and it was just absolutely incredible – my approach anxiety is pretty much obliterated seriously and it’s Just now I can live the life or at least start to live the life I want to live, live with life. Where I don’t settle anymore, I push for what I want, and now I just can’t go after it. Now. That’S awesome. Red More:
  Get The Tao of BadAss Today
  How to make out with a girl in 40 seconds or less – for real
If you’ve ever seen a guy in a bar walk up to a girl he didn’t know and make out with her almost immediately, it can be a completely mind-blowing experience. It may seem like it’s magical or out of reach – a special ability or super-power that someone is born with.
But it’s not. And it can be broken down into a few simple steps you can follow in order to make the same thing happen for you. In this article, I’m going to break down those steps.
The first step is to realize that about 90% of the difference between someone who’s really good with women and someone who’s not so good or mediocre with women, is the ability to spot a woman who’s ready to make out.
I know it sounds kind of crazy at first, but it’s true. If you walk into a bar and go up to any woman without knowing what signs to look for, your odds of success go WAY down.
You must know how to spot that woman who’s already in this “make-out ready” state, so you can walk up and be “that guy.”
Don’t buy into the myth that women don’t want this to happen.
Women are as sexual (if not more sexual) than guys are. Most of the time, this “turbo” make-out session never happens, because so many guys are afraid to go for it. And when this doesn’t happen, the girls end up going home alone or worse.. staying being kind of mean to a lot of guys in the bar/being resentful and angry because no one’s approaching them.
By putting this technique into practice, You want to discover how to see the women who you’re able to make out with in 40 seconds or less in the first place.
There are a few excellent indicators that will (especially in a bar atmosphere) tell you if a woman is game, or ready for an instant make-out session.
What To Look For
The first indicator is a woman looking down often. When a woman looks down often, she is accessing her emotions.
Let me explain… When we look in different directions, we access different parts of our brain. These are called “Eye Accessing Cues.” When a woman is in a bar setting and looking down, she’s accessing her emotional brain.
If she makes eye contact with you, looks down then back up again, she’s saying: “I have an emotional response to you looking at me and I’m looking down.” And if she tilts her head down as well (and doesn’t just use her eyes to look down), she’s physically dropping herself a little bit lower and showing submission.
This gives you the ability to walk up and be the dominant man.
Now, if she looks at you, smiles and doesn’t look away, this could be a lot more difficult situation. Socially, she’s meeting you head on, and not showing immediate submission.
Women who you’re going to be able to walk up to and make out with in 40 seconds or less should automatically take the submissive role as a woman. That’s one quality which shows you’ll be able to quickly make out with her.
Another quality is that she’s actively looking around to make eye contact. This is crucial. A woman who is engaged with someone specifically and she’s not looking away is not going to be as easy to seduce in 40 seconds or less. It’s going to take much longer.
Again, you’re going to have to play a totally different kind of game when you walk up. You can’t just walk up and make out with her.
So instead, if you see a woman who is in a conversation but she’s constantly looking around and trying to make eye contact with a lot of people, this is probably a very, very likely opportunity for you and that’s a woman you can walk up to and immediately become sexual with.
Other traits are revealed in the way they’re moving and how they’re dressed. Let’s say she’s standing with her feet about shoulder-width apart. It’s less likely that a woman standing like this is going to be available for you to walk up and dominate. That’s because she’s standing in a dominant position, with stronger body language and she’ll probably be a lot more resistant.
Instead, you want to find a woman who takes up less space. She has her legs closer together and seems to be outside of a group, looking around a little bit.
Another thing is the way she’s dressed. If she’s dressed in a way that’s super flashy and attracting lots of attention, she probably isn’t the kind of girl you can walk up to and make out with in 40 seconds.
This kind of women is looking for attention – not for someone to dominate them. What you want is someone who’s in between “I don’t care” and “Stare at my tits, bitch!” Somewhere between wearing sweatpants with an elastic waistband to the bar and done up really, really beautiful and sexy with a really low-cut shirt. You want to find someone who’s in between those two extremes.
A lot of women who are on vacation fall into this realm. They don’t want to over dress or under dress, and don’t know how the bar atmosphere is going to be. They’ll usually come in open-minded, and start looking around trying to make connections. This is an excellent situation for you (and her, of course).
That’s what to look for and how you spot her in the first place. If you see some of those, you want to watch her for a second. If you think that she is the kind of person you can walk up to and do this, then proceed.
If not, I’d actually suggest you proceed anyway, just to see what happens.
Next, right after you get that done and you’ve seen your girl (there are probably three or four of these girls in a bar at any given moment) you’re going to walk up and start the scary part.
What To Do
This is where the most powerful kind of frame control comes in. It’s very, very important that you understand how to control someone else’s frame if you want to come across like you’re a pro at this.
By “frame,” I basically mean their “reality.” You’re controlling what they experience. You have to be able to stay in control of that experience in order to really bring her to the level where she feels comfortable making out with you immediately.
I’m going to give you a very quick, punchy, fast way of doing this. I’ll explain as quick as possible; that way you can go straight out and try it…
Here’s what I would say, word-for-word… Walk up to a girl, when you get up to her and right when she makes eye contact with you, I want you to SLOWLY put your finger up by your lips and say this, “Shhh…”
Then slow your speech pattern down and deepen your vocal tonality. And immediately say, “Wait just one moment.”
You can also say, “Stop for one minute.” I suggest using a bit of NLP here. Whenever someone hears “stop,” “wait,” or “don’t,” they immediately register whatever comes after that.
So if I say, “Don’t think of a black cat,” what do you do? Immediately, you think of a black cat and whatever version of one you have in your head.
So if I said, “Don’t try to make out with me,” or “Don’t make out with me right now,” girls are going to be consciously hearing, “Don’t make out with me,” but their subconscious minds will be hearing, “Make out with me right now!”
You’re attempting to sort of use real-life Inception to get making-out with you to be HER idea. She should be thinking, “I should make out with this guy.”
Now, during frame control you’ll be using a lot of these subconscious triggers in order to get this to go as fast as possible. Please only use this for good. There are lots of evil ways to use this.
Don’t try to seduce women who don’t want to be seduced. Again, that’s one of the reasons why it’s important that you notice a woman who really does want to be seduced by a man.
So to recap so far: you walk up, you put your finger over your lips and you tell her to “Shhh” for a second and then you say a sentence that starts with “don’t” or “wait” or “stop.”
My typical is “Don’t worry… right now.” That’s all I say. And I slow that speech down – “Don’t…worry………. right now.”
Then I go right into the next statement, which is, “You and I are going to have a secret. We’re going to secretly kiss and no one will know.”
And as I’m saying this, I’m leaning in… and you’ll be doing the same when you do it. You’re leaning in ever… so… slowly. At the same time, you’re looking from her eyes down to her lips and back up to her eyes again.
This is called “Triangulating.” Count to three looking at her eyes, then look down to her lips and count to two, look back up and count to three, look down and count to two… etc. Do that about three or four times as you’re talking.
This can be a lot to remember, so you may want to practice it a little bit. I wouldn’t expect you’re going to get it perfect the first time.
So again, you say, “We’re going to have a secret. We’re going to kiss and no one is going to know.” From here on out, you’re really just filling up space with words as you’re leaning in so you’re still controlling the interaction.
So you’re going to very, very slowly, take your right or left hand – whichever one is more accessible – and reach around her back. You won’t pull her in toward you or anything yet, just touch her very lightly.
Signs That It’s Working
Is she looking at your lips? If she’s looking at your lips, you have a green light to go forward. If she’s looking at your eyes, you may want to wait a second, or turn around and turn back again and try it again.
This resets the meter in her mind, so to speak. When you turn around and turn back again, most people consider this to be a fresh start in a conversation. It’s a strange loop-hole in psychology.
For some reason, that’s how we are as humans. When someone turns away then turns back, we give them another chance moving forward. So if you’re getting some resistance, turn around, turn back, smile, and continue. If she gives you resistance again, you probably should back off and find another woman.
If she’s looking at your lips and seems to be very comfortable and excited, then proceed. You’ll move in very closely and speak almost directly into her ear.
In a loud environment like a bar, you’ll want to speak louder, but don’t raise your voice. Make your voice very low so that you have to be very, very close to her ear for her to hear.
Then you’re going to keep talking… What I usually say is, “No one is going to see this. It’s just going to be our little secret. I promise I won’t tell anybody only if you promise that you won’t tell anybody either.”
As I’m saying this into her ear, I make sure that she’s feeling my breath on her neck. So I’m sort of breathing out a little bit more than normal as I’m speaking so she can feel that hot air on her neck.
This usually gets a very visceral, deep, sexual response from women when you do this.
As you’re speaking really close to her ear, you’ll, very slowly, press your cheek against hers as you’re talking. Then you’ll move you head over so that your mouth is closer to hers, and then… you’ll start kissing her.
And if you do this right, you start out with just one soft peck… then go straight into making out. It may not seem like it in this description, but 40 seconds is a long time. This process can happen in a lot less than 40 seconds – I’ve done it in less time, and I’ve seen other guys do it, too.
Practice It
What I want you to do is practice this approach. Maybe go for a minute or two at first, and then get to where you can do this in about 40 (or even 30) seconds.
You won’t use this tactic all the time. But when the opportunity is right, it’s really good to have this in your seduction arsenal. You want to make sure that you have the right kind of tools for the job, so to speak.
Whenever you see a girl who’s in that state and ready to be seduced, if you beat around the bush, engage in small talk or generally waste time, she’ll be turned off and you’ve lost a golden seduction opportunity.
Instead, when you spot this, you want to be able to see her, know that that’s what she wants, go in, and give it to her immediately. This is the major difference between guys who are rock stars at walking up and seducing a woman… and guys who wish that they were great at quickly seducing a woman.
There are a lot of other success factors as well. There are techniques on how to speak with the right tonality… how to touch her that allows her to feel comfortable and doesn’t turn off any of her weird alert switches… specific NLP triggers that you can use to connect and make sure she’s totally in your zone.
What’s taken me from a normal dude to a well-respected dating coach, is knowing a lot of short-cuts like this and knowing when to bring them out. And these short-cuts can also improve your game with women.
Remember these characteristics in women who want to be seduced, and remember – it is possible to make out with a woman in 40 seconds or less.
Discover my other top 3 “Seduction Secrets” in this special video presentation.
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The Tao Of Badass Reviews : Dating Tips For Men
Dating Tips For Men – The Tao of BadAss
Get The Tao of BadAss Today
Video Transcript:
Comes up alright, hey guys, my name is Jorge Sean coming into the is forced his coaching horse, yeah coming into this coaching. Of course you know I started off on my own, really I bought you know about the doll baddest a couple of other products. You know I was reading it and it just nothing. I mean it was clicking, but I don’t know I just it didn’t it didn’t. Like answer all my questions and it – and I you know, I like the motivation really to go out and apply this stuff and signing up with this coaching course really pushed me a little next level. I mean right off the bat I was pushed by all the other guys in this course. We just kept each other going Jesus Christ – I haven’t probably approached at least 80 gorgeous girls in this time, and I would have never done that and probably in a million years – and it was just absolutely incredible – my approach anxiety is pretty much obliterated seriously and it’s Just now I can live the life or at least start to live the life I want to live, live with life. Where I don’t settle anymore, I push for what I want, and now I just can’t go after it. Now. That’S awesome.
Get The Tao of BadAss Today
How to make out with a girl in 40 seconds or less – for real
If you’ve ever seen a guy in a bar walk up to a girl he didn’t know and make out with her almost immediately, it can be a completely mind-blowing experience. It may seem like it’s magical or out of reach – a special ability or super-power that someone is born with.
But it’s not. And it can be broken down into a few simple steps you can follow in order to make the same thing happen for you. In this article, I’m going to break down those steps.
The first step is to realize that about 90% of the difference between someone who’s really good with women and someone who’s not so good or mediocre with women, is the ability to spot a woman who’s ready to make out.
I know it sounds kind of crazy at first, but it’s true. If you walk into a bar and go up to any woman without knowing what signs to look for, your odds of success go WAY down.
You must know how to spot that woman who’s already in this “make-out ready” state, so you can walk up and be “that guy.”
Don’t buy into the myth that women don’t want this to happen.
Women are as sexual (if not more sexual) than guys are. Most of the time, this “turbo” make-out session never happens, because so many guys are afraid to go for it. And when this doesn’t happen, the girls end up going home alone or worse.. staying being kind of mean to a lot of guys in the bar/being resentful and angry because no one’s approaching them.
By putting this technique into practice, You want to discover how to see the women who you’re able to make out with in 40 seconds or less in the first place.
There are a few excellent indicators that will (especially in a bar atmosphere) tell you if a woman is game, or ready for an instant make-out session.
What To Look For
The first indicator is a woman looking down often. When a woman looks down often, she is accessing her emotions.
Let me explain… When we look in different directions, we access different parts of our brain. These are called “Eye Accessing Cues.” When a woman is in a bar setting and looking down, she’s accessing her emotional brain.
If she makes eye contact with you, looks down then back up again, she’s saying: “I have an emotional response to you looking at me and I’m looking down.” And if she tilts her head down as well (and doesn’t just use her eyes to look down), she’s physically dropping herself a little bit lower and showing submission.
This gives you the ability to walk up and be the dominant man.
Now, if she looks at you, smiles and doesn’t look away, this could be a lot more difficult situation. Socially, she’s meeting you head on, and not showing immediate submission.
Women who you’re going to be able to walk up to and make out with in 40 seconds or less should automatically take the submissive role as a woman. That’s one quality which shows you’ll be able to quickly make out with her.
Another quality is that she’s actively looking around to make eye contact. This is crucial. A woman who is engaged with someone specifically and she’s not looking away is not going to be as easy to seduce in 40 seconds or less. It’s going to take much longer.
Again, you’re going to have to play a totally different kind of game when you walk up. You can’t just walk up and make out with her.
So instead, if you see a woman who is in a conversation but she’s constantly looking around and trying to make eye contact with a lot of people, this is probably a very, very likely opportunity for you and that’s a woman you can walk up to and immediately become sexual with.
Other traits are revealed in the way they’re moving and how they’re dressed. Let’s say she’s standing with her feet about shoulder-width apart. It’s less likely that a woman standing like this is going to be available for you to walk up and dominate. That’s because she’s standing in a dominant position, with stronger body language and she’ll probably be a lot more resistant.
Instead, you want to find a woman who takes up less space. She has her legs closer together and seems to be outside of a group, looking around a little bit.
Another thing is the way she’s dressed. If she’s dressed in a way that’s super flashy and attracting lots of attention, she probably isn’t the kind of girl you can walk up to and make out with in 40 seconds.
This kind of women is looking for attention – not for someone to dominate them. What you want is someone who’s in between “I don’t care” and “Stare at my tits, bitch!” Somewhere between wearing sweatpants with an elastic waistband to the bar and done up really, really beautiful and sexy with a really low-cut shirt. You want to find someone who’s in between those two extremes.
A lot of women who are on vacation fall into this realm. They don’t want to over dress or under dress, and don’t know how the bar atmosphere is going to be. They’ll usually come in open-minded, and start looking around trying to make connections. This is an excellent situation for you (and her, of course).
That’s what to look for and how you spot her in the first place. If you see some of those, you want to watch her for a second. If you think that she is the kind of person you can walk up to and do this, then proceed.
If not, I’d actually suggest you proceed anyway, just to see what happens.
Next, right after you get that done and you’ve seen your girl (there are probably three or four of these girls in a bar at any given moment) you’re going to walk up and start the scary part.
What To Do
This is where the most powerful kind of frame control comes in. It’s very, very important that you understand how to control someone else’s frame if you want to come across like you’re a pro at this.
By “frame,” I basically mean their “reality.” You’re controlling what they experience. You have to be able to stay in control of that experience in order to really bring her to the level where she feels comfortable making out with you immediately.
I’m going to give you a very quick, punchy, fast way of doing this. I’ll explain as quick as possible; that way you can go straight out and try it…
Here’s what I would say, word-for-word… Walk up to a girl, when you get up to her and right when she makes eye contact with you, I want you to SLOWLY put your finger up by your lips and say this, “Shhh…”
Then slow your speech pattern down and deepen your vocal tonality. And immediately say, “Wait just one moment.”
You can also say, “Stop for one minute.” I suggest using a bit of NLP here. Whenever someone hears “stop,” “wait,” or “don’t,” they immediately register whatever comes after that.
So if I say, “Don’t think of a black cat,” what do you do? Immediately, you think of a black cat and whatever version of one you have in your head.
So if I said, “Don’t try to make out with me,” or “Don’t make out with me right now,” girls are going to be consciously hearing, “Don’t make out with me,” but their subconscious minds will be hearing, “Make out with me right now!”
You’re attempting to sort of use real-life Inception to get making-out with you to be HER idea. She should be thinking, “I should make out with this guy.”
Now, during frame control you’ll be using a lot of these subconscious triggers in order to get this to go as fast as possible. Please only use this for good. There are lots of evil ways to use this.
Don’t try to seduce women who don’t want to be seduced. Again, that’s one of the reasons why it’s important that you notice a woman who really does want to be seduced by a man.
So to recap so far: you walk up, you put your finger over your lips and you tell her to “Shhh” for a second and then you say a sentence that starts with “don’t” or “wait” or “stop.”
My typical is “Don’t worry… right now.” That’s all I say. And I slow that speech down – “Don’t…worry………. right now.”
Then I go right into the next statement, which is, “You and I are going to have a secret. We’re going to secretly kiss and no one will know.”
And as I’m saying this, I’m leaning in… and you’ll be doing the same when you do it. You’re leaning in ever… so… slowly. At the same time, you’re looking from her eyes down to her lips and back up to her eyes again.
This is called “Triangulating.” Count to three looking at her eyes, then look down to her lips and count to two, look back up and count to three, look down and count to two… etc. Do that about three or four times as you’re talking.
This can be a lot to remember, so you may want to practice it a little bit. I wouldn’t expect you’re going to get it perfect the first time.
So again, you say, “We’re going to have a secret. We’re going to kiss and no one is going to know.” From here on out, you’re really just filling up space with words as you’re leaning in so you’re still controlling the interaction.
So you’re going to very, very slowly, take your right or left hand – whichever one is more accessible – and reach around her back. You won’t pull her in toward you or anything yet, just touch her very lightly.
Signs That It’s Working
Is she looking at your lips? If she’s looking at your lips, you have a green light to go forward. If she’s looking at your eyes, you may want to wait a second, or turn around and turn back again and try it again.
This resets the meter in her mind, so to speak. When you turn around and turn back again, most people consider this to be a fresh start in a conversation. It’s a strange loop-hole in psychology.
For some reason, that’s how we are as humans. When someone turns away then turns back, we give them another chance moving forward. So if you’re getting some resistance, turn around, turn back, smile, and continue. If she gives you resistance again, you probably should back off and find another woman.
If she’s looking at your lips and seems to be very comfortable and excited, then proceed. You’ll move in very closely and speak almost directly into her ear.
In a loud environment like a bar, you’ll want to speak louder, but don’t raise your voice. Make your voice very low so that you have to be very, very close to her ear for her to hear.
Then you’re going to keep talking… What I usually say is, “No one is going to see this. It’s just going to be our little secret. I promise I won’t tell anybody only if you promise that you won’t tell anybody either.”
As I’m saying this into her ear, I make sure that she’s feeling my breath on her neck. So I’m sort of breathing out a little bit more than normal as I’m speaking so she can feel that hot air on her neck.
This usually gets a very visceral, deep, sexual response from women when you do this.
As you’re speaking really close to her ear, you’ll, very slowly, press your cheek against hers as you’re talking. Then you’ll move you head over so that your mouth is closer to hers, and then… you’ll start kissing her.
And if you do this right, you start out with just one soft peck… then go straight into making out. It may not seem like it in this description, but 40 seconds is a long time. This process can happen in a lot less than 40 seconds – I’ve done it in less time, and I’ve seen other guys do it, too.
Practice It
What I want you to do is practice this approach. Maybe go for a minute or two at first, and then get to where you can do this in about 40 (or even 30) seconds.
You won’t use this tactic all the time. But when the opportunity is right, it’s really good to have this in your seduction arsenal. You want to make sure that you have the right kind of tools for the job, so to speak.
Whenever you see a girl who’s in that state and ready to be seduced, if you beat around the bush, engage in small talk or generally waste time, she’ll be turned off and you’ve lost a golden seduction opportunity.
Instead, when you spot this, you want to be able to see her, know that that’s what she wants, go in, and give it to her immediately. This is the major difference between guys who are rock stars at walking up and seducing a woman… and guys who wish that they were great at quickly seducing a woman.
There are a lot of other success factors as well. There are techniques on how to speak with the right tonality… how to touch her that allows her to feel comfortable and doesn’t turn off any of her weird alert switches… specific NLP triggers that you can use to connect and make sure she’s totally in your zone.
What’s taken me from a normal dude to a well-respected dating coach, is knowing a lot of short-cuts like this and knowing when to bring them out. And these short-cuts can also improve your game with women.
Remember these characteristics in women who want to be seduced, and remember – it is possible to make out with a woman in 40 seconds or less.
Discover my other top 3 “Seduction Secrets” in this special video presentation.
Joshua Pellicer
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Content Generator ֠Auto Content Creation Tool
hey babe this is Neil Napier hey and in this video I’m going to give you a walkthrough of content gorilla and I’m going to show you all the cool features that you’re getting as part of this awesome application so content gorilla at the very basic level helps you take content from YouTube videos those closed captions or subtitles that we talked about and turn them into a blog post so let’s first start by creating a blog post and then I’ll show you a few other features as well so the very first thing you see when you Landon it’s a dashboard where you can pick video URL or you can pick a search term as well so let’s say in my case I go for content marketing so I could order them by relevance or most recent and most viewed if I do that let me search and see what comes up so I’ve got all these different options but just to stay on the good side of Google and everyone else what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna choose videos and I’ve created a Creative Commons license what this means is license that allows me to reuse this video and I don’t even need to link back to this although you know you have to check all creative common license videos have different rules so you can just check that underneath the video just there once I’m happy with this one I’m just gonna go ahead and click on create post and when I do that what we do is we grab that content from YouTube and we turn that into a decent-looking blog post right over here so you can see what the video title is how long the video would be and also then how many words this text has as well as the post title if you want to change that you can do that as well so if content marketing 101 or you could say 101 rules of content marketing and you can then publish that then you’ve got your post right over here you can go ahead and make changes to it if you think something’s out of shape if you think some grammar does make sense you can just click here and it automatically corrects your grammar grammar irons out any issues that you post would otherwise have which makes it easy for you to then focus on the things that really matter which is creating more content all the time so I’ll wait for this one to stop there we go the grammar has been fixed and as you’ll see there is if you remember program an extra M&E that’s been taken out so this is what it looks like right now and I think it’s pretty good it’s good to go if I wanted to change it still I could spin the content so just by clicking this it automatically spins the content and make sure it is still human readable but again you can always check and ensure that that all fits together we also grab the image from the video so we also put an image here for you but you can click here and add your own image as well you can search images based not integrations too so once you’re happy with this going to featured image and again this is the video that we grabbed the image that we grabbed from this video I could click here and again let’s say upload an official mission my computer which is always good because you want to make sure it’s personalized then a lot of these videos that are ranking high getting a lot of views they have perfect tags as well so you want your blog post to have good tags as well these are the tags that you can use then if you wanted to you could use indication but this is part of the pro version just FYI then when you’re ready you can publish it so you can integrate multiple websites over here and what I can then do is say I wanted to I want to publish this and on categorized and content and I want to also include video in the post and video attribution I could take all that and I could publish this and that’s it it’s done that’s literally how fast the process is to create a new blog post if you wanted to you can then jump on into your blog and start editing out this post and just FYI you can add multiple sites right from over here so it’s very easy to add your own sites to this as well let me go into this one and I’ll show you the blog post that’s been published there so right here you can see this as a blog post that we made content marketing 101 and then if you were the test post going in here as well from a few other people so the multiple people using this access right now now with the bulk posting option you will be able to add multiple posts in a queue and automatically schedule them better than light so let me show you what I mean by that so say if I go for this particular website I can choose multiple different languages and all I need to do is put in some key words so something like and then I can select how many posts I want to schedule so it could be like say 10 and I could say I wanted to go out every 18 hours and then pick a category in the same blog and then I can just click on spin text and say include video and purses while I’m video attribution and then for the text as well so I could say that’s it it’s done I showed you the post and now all the personal automatically we configured to go out in the designated time frame so the next thing I want to show you is the post later option so then the post later option you can also find the video that you’re looking at earlier so that’s if I go back and I go for content marketing and I choose let’s say creative common license can I find this one I could click here and then it’s added to post later which means I can come back to it later on and then create a post for it so it’s really perfect if you have a team and you can have someone to log in and make sure that they find relevant videos for you that you can then later go in and configure the posts then we also have article rewriter so if you have an article that you have written before you can just insert it in here and you can also rewrite it based on our scale over here and remember again this is something we built exclusively for content gorilla and you get access to this as well we have integration option here as well which means you can integrate this with buffer if you wanted to publish out your post into your various different places and then finally you can manage all your settings here you can go to knowledgebase check out all the training or just click here and reach out to us while support desk this is Neil Napier I hope you enjoyed this very quick walkthrough of content gorilla I look forward to seeing you in the members area
Read More: Best SEO tools : Tips and Tricks From the Trenches
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Best SEO tools : Tips and Tricks From the Trenches
So if you watched it in my videos, you know that I am keyword tool crazy. And I want to show you the three best keyword tools that’ll blow your mind. Okay! So let’s get started. I’m gonna throw you my three favorite keyword research tools. And the first one is called “Answer The Public”. And you’ll see here on my screen, I’ve got this very strange man, bald man with a ridiculously large sweater. I don’t know what that’s about but this cool is super cool I learned about this tool when I was in Australia speaking last year. Guy came up to me after a program and said, “you got to check this out,” and I’ve just been a fan ever since. So what you do is this takes all of those searches “related to”. So when you Google something and you see that drop-down box, it grabs all of those and actually makes sense of those in mass.
So, if I come in here – so you put SEO or whatever – this is a free tool by the way love free – you’re gonna put whatever keyword it is you want. Now the trick with this tool is that you can’t go too long. So you want to kind of stay short and to the concise on this one so it can give you all the recommendations of the longer version of these.
All right, so you hit “go”. Now we’re gonna come down here and it’s gonna pull all the keywords. You’ll see here it pulls all the questions from search results, all the prepositions, all the comparisons, all the alphabetics. So you’re gonna get a keyword-palooza of information here and probably more than you ever wanted to know. And it does these really cool graphics – check that out – what! So I geeked out over these images because they’re so flippin’ cool. But what this does is it tells you all the different ways in which people are using the word SEO in their searches. But it aggregates it all together, and then you’ll see here it gives you this amazing circle and it’s: why are; where can; will; which; when; how. So all the different ways that people think about one specific keyword. Now this will keep you out of trouble and in your basement for a really long time if you’re just gonna talk about these things. So not all keywords have this kind of profile, but that we’ve seen that there is great recommendations instrument or what you put in here.
So those are the questions. Now you could also just pull it down the boring data for the Excel spreadsheet. You can also save this beautiful graphic right there, and you can save it to your desktop and impress your colleagues with that fancy graph. Now look where to come all the way down, now we’re going to look at the prepositions. And here you’ll see here’s all of the prepositions that you get for every possible variant of SEO. So you’ll see, “can SEO help your business?” “can SEO be automated?” No. “Can SEO be…” I’ll see- SEO can be leveraged by an organization, of course! Let’s see, SEO that can… “how can SEO help my business?” “How could SEO help improve my sales?” Wonderful! Wonderful questions in here. So this tool takes all those questions it actually makes them into something pretty, but also, it gives you this treasure trove of information that you can now create. And you’re you know you’re dialed right into the how people are searching which is super awesome.
Okay. So then we have comparisons this versus that. SEO versus pay-per-click. SEO versus SEM. SEO versus… So you get all the versus ones which are great for Findability as well. And then you get the A to Z – so anything that people put in that is SEO and then they also put in another variant. This grabs all the As puts them together all the Bs, all the Cs you are never gonna run out content with this tool for sure. So this is called AnswerThePublic – it’s one of my faves. It gets lots of “oohs” and “ahhs” when I pull it up I don’t always love those moments. Tada, another “tada” moment So the next tool I’m going to show you is a tool called WordArt – and you guys have all seen these ridiculous word clouds.
I think people use them like QR codes. You guys remember QR codes? They were a big deal. There in night every single chapter in the back of my chapter of my second book has a QR code. Not sure they work anymore, but they’re in there. So what we can do though is we can use this word cloud tool to evaluate our content – our live content on the Internet. So let me show you. This is called, and it’s a really simple word cloud tool. But it takes you just a little bit deeper into how you can use this for Findability. So you’re going to click the “Create Now” button right there.
Now when we come in here we’re going to take a look at, we got to import it from somewhere. So you go under words right here. This big gray box, you’re gonna click on the word import right here. Now then they give they give you two other smaller boxes, so just stay with me. They go text which is a default – you want to hit “web”. Now what I’m gonna do is I’m going to put on here, I’m going to put my domain name. You can put any domain name. You could put a competitor domain name in here, you can put your domain name in here, you can also do a longer variant of that like a blog post or something that has a longer URL. But I’m just gonna put in my website
Now here’s the cool part – you’ll see here that it has pulled all the keywords. So what this lets us do is we are able to understand how a robot is piecing together all the different words in my page. So at the end of the day, Google’s a robot. It comes to the page it grabs all the content I always think it takes all the content pops it into a blender and hits frappe. And all the chunks rise to the top the chunks are the keywords that are most repeated on the page.
Therefore, those indicate what the page is relevant for. Then we go in here we hit visualize and we get this real pretty word cloud. So you’ll see that neat findable SEO and online are the primary keywords that are most repeated on my home page so if I don’t want those to be findable for those phrases that I’m gonna have to go in and retweet my homepage to have different keyword repetitions. So “neat”, “findable”, “SEO”, and “online” – those are the things that tell Google what that page is about. The ones that are most repeated are the biggest words in this word cloud. And I, this is so interesting to me. Now a couple ways you can use this is…Oh, also you can come down here and you can turn it into something more pretty. So you can go down you can look here, oh, I’m gonna turn it into a bird, just to keep it interesting. Then you hit visualize again and now it will be a bird. Which is a lot more interesting. There you go! But keep in mind that the same words are still in there the ones that are most used most often are still the biggest keywords in there.
Now how I use this is when we hire content writers or we write a blog or a press release, we pop the content into here and we run it to make sure what we are writing are actually saying what we think it is I’ll be writing a piece of content that’s actually relevant for the phrase that we’re trying to SEO for. So it’s very important that sometimes when you go down to write you get off-track you get caught up in the syntax or you just kind of go off on your own path and you’re not really talking about that topic anymore. This is a way to really verify and validate that you’re actually speaking and writing for SEO. So you know that the biggest words on your word cloud are going to be the keywords you’re trying to optimize for.
So this is super cool, I love this tool. You can also go in and you can insert body copy right into this tool and it will evaluate it just based on something you’re writing right now. It doesn’t have to be something that’s already live on the Internet. You can also bring competitor websites in here too. If their keywords are all messed up or their biggest keyword is like about or home that means they haven’t done any SEO on their website. So that might give you an indication that if I do SEO, I might actually stand a great chance of ranking above them. This is kind of a little little trick there. So the next tool is the KeywordsEverywhere tool and I love this tool because it is a Chrome or Firefox extension meaning that it’s going to show up in my tray. So I’m at the You’re going to go ahead and you’re going to go to settings right away, where did you get it. And it’s going to give you an activation code, and you’re going to want to enter that in back in settings.
It’ll email you an activation code to your email address and then you have to put it in. Don’t worry about it, I haven’t gotten any crazy spam from them or anything like that, but this tool is worth giving them an email address. Even if to go out and I don’t know make up a GMail account and then do it through there. I’m fine with that. just make sure you set up it’s like it’s an API thing, it’s really simple and it makes it infinitely more easy to use this tool. Alright, so I’m going to reset this now when we come back to Google, let me show you how this tool works. So this will tell you information in Amazon, it will tell you in any major shopping portal, anything that has a search bar. When you go to search for it, it’s gonna give you the exact amount of keyword volume for each one of those pages. So if I come in here – I’m gonna type in “rose gold” because I’m obsessed – so the first thing comes up is rose gold statement ring.
It tells me right there in grey a hundred and seventy searches a month. Rose gold, not surprising, ’cause they’re cool, gets ninety thousand five hundred searches per month. Rose gold hair. Hmm. I don’t think I’m gonna do that. That’s sixty thousand five hundred searches a month so apparently that’s a thing. Rose gold dress, rose code nails, rose gold Apple watch, I’ve got pretty much all this already. But you’ll see that the the keywords that are coming from the Google database are being shown to you real time in your search results, which is amazing! I’m kind of intrigued about the hair thing I’m not gonna lie. Alright, so I’m gonna go with the hair. Rose gold hair in three easy steps. I can’t make this stuff up. Okay. So when we’re in here we go to the very bottom. Do you see this? They give you every single keyword: rose gold short hair, rose gold long hair, how long does rose gold overtone last…
Like you get every single variant of that, and then you also get the search volume for each keyword. So everything you ever wanted to know about rose gold hair is right in front of you. So you’re a stylist, you want to do something edgy and fun, you write a blog post or create a video on rose gold hair, you know you’re gonna hit the mark. And then to even get better, I can now go on and I’m gonna talk about toner, I’m gonna talk about ombre, L’Oreal, I’m gonna talk about it on black hair, red to Rose that sounds pretty… That get 0 searches so probably not something we want to do.
But we could there’s lots of other options here. I care rose gold hair color formula. Well you know these are there’s as there is a keyword for everything. I’m, I mean, we have in my you know decade and a half of doing keyword research I have seen everything. But what makes this so cool is that it’s integrated right inside search results you don’t have to go to a fancy keyword tool to use this. So AnswerThePublic that gives you those amazing graphs that shows you all the different ways that people search about any given topic.
The next one was WordArt – when you want to check your work and you want to pop a piece of content into word art create that little word cloud and see if you’re actually talking about what you think you’re talking about. And if that word that shows up in the word cloud is nice and big then you know you’ve hit your SEO keyword. And the final tool in my vault is Install the extension – it is amazing and I get really excited about this which is probably not normal, but this stuff really shortcuts our learning and our ability as entrepreneurs as marketing teams to cut to the chase. Create content that people want and these amazing tools, I’ll be talking about tools all through my YouTube channel, but these are my favorite today. So hey if you love this video and you geek out on tools too like I do, make sure to subscribe to this, onto my channel. Hit the bell that’s just next to it so you get a notification every time I release a new video. And we’re gonna keep kickin’ out on tools so go find those: AnswerThePublic, WordArt and KeywordsEverywhere.
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Link Building ֠The Importance of Link Building and Examples
The Importance of Link building
In the field of search engine optimization (SEO), link building describes actions aimed at increasing the number and quality of inbound links to a webpage with the goal of increasing the search engine rankings of that page or website. Briefly, link building is the process of establishing relevant hyperlinks (usually called links) to a website from external sites. Link building can increase the number of high-quality links pointing to a website, in turn increasing the likelihood of the website ranking highly in search engine results. Link building is also a proven marketing tactic for increasing brand awareness.
Link Building Examples
Editorial link Editorial links are the links not acquired from paying money, asking, trading or exchanging. These links are attracted because of the good content and marketing strategies of a website. These are the links that the website owner does not need to ask for as they are naturally given by other website owners.
Resource link Resource links are a category of links, which can be either one-way or two-way, usually referenced as “Resources” or “Information” in navbars, but sometimes, especially in the early, less compartmentalized years of the Web, simply called “links”. Basically, they are hyperlinks to a website or a specific web page containing content believed to be beneficial, useful and relevant to visitors of the site establishing the link.
In recent years, resource links have grown in importance because most major search engines have made it plain that—in Google’s words—”quantity, quality, and relevance of links count towards your rating”.
Search engines measure a website’s value and relevance by analyzing the links to the site from other websites. The resulting “link popularity” is a measure of the number and quality of links to a website. It is an integral part of a website’s ranking in search engines. Search engines examine each of the links to a particular website to determine its value. Although every link to a website is a vote in its favor, not all votes are counted equally. A website with similar subject matter to the website receiving the inbound link carries more weight than an unrelated site, and a well-regarded website (such as a university) has higher link quality than an unknown or disreputable website.
The text of links helps search engines categorize a website. The engines’ insistence on resource links being relevant and beneficial developed because many artificial link building methods were employed solely to spam search engines, i.e. to “fool” the engines’ algorithms into awarding the sites employing these unethical devices undeservedly high page ranks and/or return positions.
Despite Google cautioning site developers to avoid “‘free-for-all’ links, link popularity schemes, or submitting a site to thousands of search engines these are typically useless exercises that don’t affect the ranking a site in the results of the major search engines”, most major engines have deployed technology designed to “red flag” and potentially penalize sites employing such practices.
Acquired link These are the links acquired by the website owner through payment or distribution. They are also known as organically obtained links. Such links include link advertisements, paid linking, article distribution, directory links and comments on forums, blogs, articles and other interactive forms of social media.
Reciprocal link A reciprocal link is a mutual link between two objects, commonly between two websites, to ensure mutual traffic. For example, Alice and Bob have websites. If Bob’s website links to Alice’s website and Alice’s website links to Bob’s website, the websites are reciprocally linked. Website owners often submit their sites to reciprocal link exchange directories in order to achieve higher rankings in the search engines. Reciprocal linking between websites is no longer an important part of the search engine optimization process. In 2005, with their Jagger 2 update, Google stopped giving credit to reciprocal links as it does not indicate genuine link popularity.
Forum signature linking Forum signature linking is a technique used to build backlinks to a website. This is the process of using forum communities that allow outbound hyperlinks in a member’s signature. This can be a fast method to build up inbound links to a website’s SEO value.
Blog comments Leaving a comment on a blog can result in a relevant do-follow link to the individual’s website. Most of the time, however, leaving a comment on a blog turns into a no-follow link, which are not counted by search engines, such as Google and Yahoo! Search. On the other hand, blog comments are clicked on by the readers of the blog if the comment is well-thought-out and pertains to the discussion of the post on the blog.
Directory link Website directories are lists of links to websites which are sorted into categories. Website owners can submit their site to many of these directories. Some directories accept payment for listing in their directory while others are free.
Social bookmarking Social bookmarking is a way of saving and categorizing web pages in a public location on the web. Because bookmarks have anchor text and are shared and stored publicly, they are scanned by search engine crawlers and have search engine optimization value.
Image linking Image linking is a way of submitting images, such as infographics, to image directories and linking them back to a specific URL.
Guest blogging Guest blogging is a part of link building technique in Search engine optimization. The concept of guest posting is nothing but the writer writes and publishes their work with acquiring a link in an author bio on some popular third party website or blog that connects them with a new group of readers and target audience.
Black hat link building In early incarnations, when Google’s algorithm relied on incoming links as an indicator of website success, Black Hat SEOs manipulated website rankings by creating link-building schemes, such as building subsidiary websites to send links to a primary website. With an abundance of incoming links, the prime website outranked many reputable sites. However, the conflicts of being devalued by major search engines while building links could be caused by web owners using other black hat strategies. Black hat link building refers explicitly to the process of acquiring as many links as possible with minimal effort.
The Penguin algorithm was created to eliminate this type of abuse. At the time, Google clarified its definition of a “bad” link: “Any links intended to manipulate a site’s ranking in Google search results may be considered part of a link scheme.”
With Penguin, it wasn’t the quantity of links that improved your site but the quality. Since then, Google’s web spam team has attempted to prevent the manipulation of their search results through link building. Major brands including J.C. Penney, BMW, Forbes,, and many others have received severe penalties to their search rankings for employing spammy and non-user friendly link building tactics.
In October 5, 2014 Google launched a new algorithm update Penguin 3.0 to penalize those sites who use black hat link building tactics to build unnatural links to manipulate search engines. The update affected 0.3% English Language queries all over the world.
Black hat SEO could also be referred to as Spamdexing, which utilizes other black SEO strategies and link building tactics. Some black hat link building strategies include getting unqualified links from and participating in Link farm, link schemes and Doorway page. Black Hat SEO could also refer to “negative SEO,” the practice of deliberately harming another website’s performance.
White hat link building White hat link building strategies are those strategies that add value to end users, abide by Google’s term of service and produce good results that could be sustained for a long time. White hat link building strategies focus on producing high-quality as well as relevant links to the website. Although more difficult to acquire, white hat link building tactics are widely implemented by website owners because such kind of strategies are not only beneficial to their websites’ long-term developments but also good to the overall online environment.
Tips White Hat Link Building for SEO
Below is the Video Transcript:
hello everybody my name is Chad polit I am the director of inbound marketing here at Kuno creative and welcome to another edition of Tuesday’s tips and tactics inbound marketing in 10 minutes or less well first off we want to apologize i missed last week i was on vacation but i am here for white hat link building for SEO and as always feel free to reach out to myself or anyone at Kuno on twitter using the hashtag Kuno so I wanted to do something on link building this time because there’s been some changes as many of you have noticed Google penguin or the over optimization penalty has rolled out and some of those penalties involve links in link building so I wanted to talk about some of the ways that you can do link building that’s not going to get you in trouble with google penguin and then point out one of the the the old tactics that some people still use that can if you do it the wrong way get you in trouble with penguin so we’ll get to that here shortly so I want to remind everyone that the number one link building technique that you could possibly do is content marketing that’s developing good problem solving and or entertaining content and publishing that content on your blog or your website that is bar none the absolute best strategy and if you’re not doing that you’re probably not going to get the results using other tactics that you would from using content marketing so content marketing can be blog posts it can be video it can be slide decks just like this so there’s a lot of ways you can do content marketing but the more diverse your deployment the better in my opinion so never forget content marketing is the number one late buildings Reggie for SEO number two and by the way these from two on down are in no particular order but nonetheless number two is guest blog post so that’s essentially extending your content marketing to other people’s websites essentially is what that means and then of course you can you can invite people to guest blog on your blog as well because the authors of that content have a vested interest in in supporting and distributing that content on their networks so you can leverage their their network as well as your own by offering people to guest post on your blog number three social profiles yes indeed it is true that most social profile links are quote unquote nofollow links so technically you shouldn’t get any type of benefit from the search engines for this however I will say this google reserves the right to follow a nofollow link in fact if you look in your google webmaster tools you’ll probably find some nofollow links in there so google actually is recognizing those links now how much juice they give you that I don’t know but I do know that social profile links can be powerful brand signals take LinkedIn for example if you have a hundred employees at your company and you have a linkedin company page with your website and all your employees have a LinkedIn page and they all link to your company linkedin page those links are all brand signals and what they signal of Google is this that you are indeed a legitimate company worthy of ranking in their search engine so don’t underestimate the power of social profiles for your links competitors so what I recommend with competitive link building is simply this utilize tools like SEO Moz there are open site Explorer for example open site Explorer org is the URL also a hub spot as a tool built in there as well to to inventory and monitor competitors backlinks now when I look at competitive backlinks I look at them with the intent of seeing if any of those links if I can duplicate any of those lengths so if a competitor is in maybe some special industry directory like say thomasnet okay and I didn’t realize that I could be in that directory and I see my competitors in there and see where they’re at in the directory I may want to contact thomasnet and say hey I’d like to be in your directory what do I need to do and then go through that process and then now i have a link in there and maybe I try to one-up my competitor as well so it just gives you an inventory of what links your competitors have and which ones excuse me it will allow you to figure out which ones you can duplicate next is partnerships by partnering with certain vendors and and other types of similar companies you can share content between your websites you can link to each other so a good example of this is kuno and hubspot now kunos a hubspot partner and we link to their content all the time and they reciprocate and linked to a lot of our content a lot of the time so that’s a good example of a partnership that works for link building so if you can develop some of those partnerships it’s definitely a good way for you to build links number six reviews of products and services bloggers are always looking for good outstanding content and if you offer up some of your products or services in exchange for a review to a blogger there’s a good chance that they’ll probably write a review not only will they write a review but they’ll also most likely link back to your website so that’s another good way to earn backlinks for SEO communities blogs and forums what I’m not telling you to do is go and do a blog post commenting spam or form spam or anything like that what i am telling you to do is at least have your own google alert set up that informs you when people are talking about your brand and your company and some of your services or products okay and where those conversations are occurring it’s most likely prudent that you inject your expertise your thought leadership on those platforms whether they be blogs or forums or communities so keeping your ear open in those areas using google alerts is a good tool to build relevant backlinks directories now as i mentioned before with the new google penguin update directories low-grade directors took a big hit not just the directories but the web sites they link to because it used to be sever
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Easy Backlinks Review ֠Syndicate Content And Build Backlinks
Easy Backlinks Review – Syndicate Content And Build Backlinks
Get Easybacklinks Now:
Video Transcript:
So actually to start work with the EASYBACKLINKS  system you need to create project so you can click project in the menu then click create new project the project say it is something like and grow up of this your submission for your specific needs specific client or the specific for specific side so I will view this and just name and hit create of course you can give the description for this side next all project is created so I can switch to accounts tab in the accounts tab I select the project I have just created and here I will see all the possible sites is effects can submit to actually I see stepless of date side so became a status update site like Twitter and other great sites you can publish your status updates bookmarking sites you see 17 bookmark inside the best booking sites available on the wall so in the internet so you can submit to blog post so here we have 21 walk the best block say you can submit your blog post documents is the Beckman’s allows you to submit PDF documents to document share inside so we have at the moment and document sharing sites videos so we admit to six most powerful the best video sites and web profiles so you can build more than 100 of web profiles to get backlinks to your site and let me show you how to it is easy to work with the system so I’m select same status updates I click select all and now I have to choose if I like just to create a counsel this on this side so I click great accounts automatically button but if I like to create accounts and publish to the sides automatically so I click and I prefer this option more so I click create accounts and publish so I just click this bottle now I write my status here and of course I can put my links here and hit start creating and publish a column that’s basically you need and it will create accounts and the middle to submit of course you can click schedule option here and choose date on what you would like to do this job and select for how many days you like to spread drip your posts on say 7 days or more so I like to do this job immediately and I just simply hit the start creation publishing bug so basically and right now I can switch my PC off and enjoy my life and don’t pay any attention on all this so restless absolutely automatically the same story is say with any other services here available let me show you we have to point our profile is easy to create so I would select all and click create web profiles I place my link here and my end context hit start creating publishing that’s all so very simple and the system already works on their accounts we have a link manager here hero we will see if the links the system creates for you so actually one is created already up here also you can see the queue here shops but the system works on right now and when for what time is this job is scheduled and the last feature here I like to show these RSS feeds so actually you can add to the system day RSS feed from your side choose option hub you like to submit it daily weekly hourly submit to all the sides available to submit few random sites do this daily weekly and select sites you like submit to your heroes list of your accounts available and it finished that’s all so and the system every day go to this your RSS feed check if there are any new post and we’ll do submission while we’re talking so we have 50 accounts created already this looks awesome okay in this video I’m going to show you how to easy rank video in youtube using shortcuts and update latest updates I made for video submission services so actually I go to publish and video here I have already set up a few YouTube accounts and now I will add video posting so I click Add button first of all I will add shortcut here I click add shortcut I’m going to create city shortcut here so actually we have the option here to get cities which are in them a few miles from the particular zip so I enter my zip code paste 50 miles and click find cities ok and system provided me a list of the cities which are in the radius 50 miles from this zip I will call this Circuit City so actually why I do all this often it’s very difficult to rank site or video for particular city because so huge competition around but we may submit video not for this particular but for the cities around this our city we tried to run for and people will look in for the which live around find your side and call you and order your services that’s why we use this approach now I will hit ok next I will set up my video submit item I choose video file next I will give this video file name which will be posted so I copy just file name paste it here and we’ll replace real real city name this shortcut so I hit city and on this place also and set tag tags moreover I can upload some nails which will be used for our video submissions so I have to prepare a few images which I like to use some nails put it into zip archive and applaud using this applaud button if you will click help button you will see the descriptions at two megabytes maximum for video sub nails if you don’t have on sub nails you can tick this check box and the easy Beckman’s will randomly create some nails for each of video submitted some nails support is available for confirm by phone number YouTube accounts only please pay attention so your every of your accounts have to be confirmed by phone number only after this you are allowed to submit some nails and give us a check box post all shortcuts possible so if I take it let me click Edit City to explain some is the backings will do submission for all shortcuts you have provided so actually there will be many videos submitted during this process let me check how many it is so actually we have more than 100 of cities got by this zip operation to actually 200 and there will be 200 of videos submitted each video will have unique city name and hopefully we will get some of this video ranked immediately on the first page of Google um our submit item is ready so I hit create actually mimic also before to see if all is correct hit preview button as you see in first spin we have this city same city here Sam sitting in the description same city in the text and also if I hit preview again there will be other city and this city is in the title in the description in our tags and also in video file name ok nice so I hit create let’s wait till video file is uploaded ok our video submit item is created I just will select YouTube accounts I help and hit publish schedule it button so actually this submission will spread for seven days and as I’ve selected 11 accounts each of these accounts will get 10 videos and hit publish button and publishing is successfully started okay actually I forget to mention that when you upload one video for each submission is the buttons will change each video file to make it unique for the YouTube this allows us to submit the same video about spam for one account many times and actually YouTube will accept all our videos because it will think that every video is different of course the good you will be if you use confirmed by phone number like YouTube accounts and easy buttons will create different something else for each of the video and now I would like to show you some ran ranking I got so I go to link manager you see me a few videos are submitted already and I like to show you real ranking I’ve just received from sub just from submission all these a few videos so a plumber’s wears Columbia on the first page we have our video plumber’s review a also video on first page plumbers karate on so actually the video is number one on this page one breast prosperity video is on the page number one here’s number two on page number one plumbers chicken will curious plumber State Park video is number one plumbers kayak iam video is on the page number one okay as you seem this approach helps to easy rank videos for different kind of local keywords hopefully you find this video available thank you for watching.
Backlink Building Software Described
Hello, fellow bloggers, freelancers, and social networking managers. I understand you dont have that much time because handling and keeping alive a company is not an easy job. Its even harder when your customers would like to have mostly of the advertisement online through social networking, the nightmare of uploading content, managing them all, creating and creating new accounts.
Earning links is hard if you dont know how to find shortcuts. And most people dont have a clue. But link building doesnt need to be laborious. It is possible to build a strong backlink profile without an excessive amount of time or effort if you know where to look for easy backlinks. Yes, easy backlinks do existand they may be high quality, too.
Top Tips With Backlink Building Software
Despite the fact that we are all in the business of hacking on the engine’s algorithm, by doing things that bring direct ROI and improve our position – you need to bear in mind that not all dofollow links are created equal in Google’s eyes. Your rankings will not improve in any respect, while others could harm your website.
Backlinks are significant because: They can assist in improving your organic rankings faster They attract referral traffic They help users by feeding them with additional, relevant information, navigate through various sites and pages on the internet. Google has been known to give a lot of credit to sites with a nice number of backlinks.
Simple Tips about Backlink Building Software
That’s why you need to always focus on getting high-quality,”organic” backlinks. This means that you have to deserve them, rather than simply build links through unethical tactics for the sake of hyperlinks. No matter what you set out to achieve online types, there are two backlink types that you may obtain: The dofollow and nofollow link.
With the Moz Bar on to find the DA of sites, heres what I found. Relevant sites can be opened by me and submit events, or use another series in the list above to find results. You want to spread the word about your event and gain some backlinks and mentions the way along.
What Everyone Ought To Know About Backlink Building Software
1. Search Google, see with them and locate review sites. 2. Use the Moz Bar Extension to determine if the links on their sites are do-follow. 3. To get featured on review websites which provide links that are do-follow, have high DA and PA, and low Spam Score. Heres an example. G 2Crowd is famous in the inspection space.
Find event directories in any of these groups: Your niche/profession Location General You can use innovative search parameters or simple Google queries to locate events directories. Try simple queries like these: key word city submit your course keyword city submit your event key word city add event keyword city add your event key word city add an event keyword city submit your class keyword city submit event keyword city submit your conference keyword city submit an event keyword city submit your workshop Or advanced queries like these: city inurl:occasion inurl:submit keyword inurl:event inurl:compose city keyword inurl:event inurl:submit city inurl:occasion inurl:include keyword inurl:occasion inurl:add city keyword inurl:occasion inurl:add Heres an example.
You do need when you edit Wikipedia articles the approval of the websites moderators. For that reason, I thought this strategy was a backlink generator that was not-so-easy. But if you please the moderators, then this is a simple way to get backlinks. Yes, do-follow backlinks. You have three categories of backlinks from Wikipedia: Easy backlinks from hyperlinks Easy traffic from special citations Easy backlinks from hyperlinks Weve covered ways to get backlinks from Wikipedia in detail .
As found on Youtube
Originally posted 2019-09-26 23:47:14.
0 notes
Content Marketing Strategy That Gets Leads and Sales (2019)
Content material is not king! What you are promoting is king. And your content material must serve the king. This is precisely how we method content advertising and it is helped us grow our month-to-month web publication site visitors to round 220,000 search visits and YouTube views to round 160,000 views. And in these days, i’ll exhibit you easy methods to plan and execute a content advertising technique that gets more leads and revenue for the lengthy haul. Stay tuned. What’s up content entrepreneurs? Sam Oh here with Ahrefs, the search engine optimisation device that helps you grow your search visitors, research your rivals and dominate your niche. Now, as a lot of you already know, we right here at Ahrefs are giant fanatics of content material advertising. And in 2018, we doubled down and the results communicate for themselves. Big development on our essential content channels and most importantly, 40 million in annual ordinary income. Now, I cannot say that almost all of this progress was because of content advertising and marketing on my own. It’s for the reason that we’ve an extraordinary product that our progress crew is at all times improving. And when you’ve got a fine product, content advertising is simpler and more effective.So let me show you how our content advertising and marketing method works and you’ll be able to see exactly why it’s so effective for any kind of industry. Let’s get to it. First, what’s content marketing? Consistent with content advertising Institute, content material advertising is a strategic advertising strategy concerned about growing and distributing valuable, critical, and regular content to draw and maintain a evidently outlined viewers and, finally, to power rewarding patron motion. Now, the purpose is to drive profitable client motion. So in case your content material channels are not working towards that intention, then you may no longer even be doing content material advertising and marketing despite having a blog, YouTube channel, or podcast.Once more…Content is not king. What you are promoting is king. And in case your content isn’t serving the king, then what’s the factor? Now, your content material’s job is two-fold: #1. Get as a lot vital traffic as viable. And #2. Convert or prepare your viewers to emerge as paying patrons. So the first thing, and arguably the foremost thing you must do, is key phrase research. Whether you are a professional seo practitioner or no longer, keyword research is principal. If you are growing content round issues that persons are not occupied with, your site visitors is not going to be sustainable. So shall we say that you just run a business within the individual finance area and you promote a membership to aid aspiring middle and upper class humans of their 30s and 40s store their first million bucks.Now, a few keywords worth discovering perhaps "private finance" and "lower your expenses." So i’ll go to Ahrefs’ keyword phrases Explorer and seek for these search queries. Next, i will go to the Phrase healthy report so one can exhibit us a ton of key phrase suggestions that include any of our keywords. Now, the individual finance area is beautiful competitive and due to the fact my web page is alternatively new, i might almost always want to with some lower competition keywords. So i’m going to set a keyword problem filter to show simplest keyword phrases with a highest hindrance ranking of something low like 15. I will also set a minimum Search volume to something affordable like 400. And we’ve got a small, but manageable list to filter through. Now, this is where your decisions will examine success or failure. At this stage, you need to ask yourself these three questions.First, will anyone browsing for this keyword be keen on my products and offerings? The excellent means that we have now found to answer that is to present it a ranking. At Ahrefs, we call this "industry worth" and we rank themes on a scale of 1-3. A score of three means that our product is an irreplaceable answer for the problem. 2 means that our product helps rather slightly, but it’s not main to solving the quandary. And 1 means that our product can only be recounted fleetingly. So this may as a rule be used for brand awareness alternatively than something remotely just about demonstrating our merchandise. Anything that doesn’t match into these categories would accept a zero, meaning we is not going to go anywhere close that topic. The 2d query is, what would a searcher be watching for when searching for this query? We call this ‘search intent,’ which readily method the cause in the back of a searcher’s query.And the 0.33 thing you ought to ask yourself is, "how much traffic am i able to get if I ranked within the high 3 for this keyword in Google?" Let’s soar back to our record of key phrases and reply these questions. The primary key phrase that stands out is, "reddit individual finance." And this phrase gets round 41,000 monthly searches in the united states on my own and has a low keyword drawback ranking.However how would this have an effect on what you are promoting if you happen to ranked for it? If we click on on the SERP button, you’ll be able to see the top 10 ranking results in Google for this keyword. And as expected, the top results are all dominated by Reddit themselves. And that’s seeing that search intent suggests that individuals need to get to the individual finance subreddit. Most commonly no longer your internet site. However there are ten spots on the first web page of Google, proper? Good, should you appear at the first non-reddit.Com outcomes, you’ll see that it barely will get any search site visitors compared to the highest results.And that’s for the reason that it’s no longer getting clicked. This shows us that even if we have been in a position to rank, the traffic abilities more commonly would not be valued at your time. So this might have a business score of zero. I will not be equipped to compare search intent, and it doesn’t fairly have much site visitors competencies either. Alright, might be that was obvious to you, however what about this one on "how to economize in tuition?" It has first rate search volume, the highest results get first rate site visitors, and which you can naturally fit search intent by making a advisor for your blog. But that’s where the definition of content advertising makes its approach into the resolution-making system.Our individual finance product is a membership to help men and women store 1,000,000 greenbacks. And with the aid of nature of the beast, our target demographics are people of their 30s and 40s which are already making respectable money. Any individual searching for "how to save cash in tuition" does not fit that profile, so i might provide it a business price of zero, which would end our evaluation for this key phrase. Final one. Let’s analyze this matter, "private finance direction." It has 500 monthly searches, a keyword quandary rating of 10 and appears to be tremendous principal to our product. Looking at the prime 10 results, you’ll see that we will definitely fit search intent by means of developing our possess record publish of unique individual finance guides. As for business value, i might provide it a 3 in view that we can comfortably plug our merchandise here. And looking on the estimated site visitors these pages are becoming, you can see that it can be really high considering search quantity for this keyword is only 500.And that is foremost to notice given that a page would not rank for a single key phrase, but can rank for thousands of key phrases. Now, the intriguing thing about that is that you can see that the top 2 outcome are getting enormous quantities of search viewers each month. However appear right here. In keeping with our high key phrase data, this page additionally ranks for "personal finance classification," which has double the hunt quantity because the keyword we’re investigating. Understanding this, you can create content around the "higher" key phrase and understand with self belief that you could additionally rank for the long-established query too. Cool, so we now have a subject to run with. Let’s transfer on to the next move, which is to create the content material. So let’s assume we decided to create content around "individual finance class." Let’s seem at the high 10 results for this question.Simply with the aid of looking at the titles, we know we have to healthy search intent with the aid of creating a weblog publish on this matter. And when you go one step further, you’ll see that a excellent chunk of the top pages are list posts. As a substitute than reinventing the wheel, I suggest that you just follow go well with since Google is just about telling you what individuals need to learn when they search for this question. A list of free personal finance lessons. Next, we’ll need to analyze how we will make our post higher than what’s already available in the market. These all appear lovely standard or overhyped, so I could create a title like 15 Free private classes That Helped me retailer My First Million greenbacks.Of course, if you’re going to write a title like that, it must be authentic. Next, you’ll be able to wish to find additional key phrases that you may rank for seeing that these pages are ranking for thousands of alternative significant key terms. It can be as effortless as clicking on the quantity of key phrases within the corresponding row in key words Explorer, then analyzing your competitors’ organic keyword rankings and selecting out subtopics from there. However an even higher manner to try this is to seek out normal key phrases that your opponents rank for after which use that to construct your put up. You are able to do this particularly fast through utilising Ahrefs’ content material gap device. Just enter in the top three principal rating pages for your target key phrase, and leave the bottom part blank, assuming you do not need current content material on this matter.This is clearly pronouncing, to find long-established keywords that any of those pages are rating for, where one of the vital pages ranks within the top 10. Now if we run the search, you can see a record of round 200 crucial key phrases in your subject. If you want to hold your outcome hyper vital, which you can set the quantity of intersections to simply exhibit key phrases where all of the pages rank within the top 100, however again, at least one among them need to rank within the prime 10. And we’re down to a smaller, more primary list of 138 key phrase recommendations. From here, simply seem for key phrases that pop out. So for me, "cash management," "for adults," and "economic literacy" is also exciting elements to comprise. So i would sprinkle these into the title and/or content material when it is sensible to do with the intention to be certain i will cover the subject in-depth. We now have another video on find out how to write a blog publish with search engine optimisation in mind, so i’ll link that up within the card and description so that you can watch.First rate. You now have a excellent piece of content material. Now you have got to promote it. As a content marketer, your goal is to get your content material in front of as many central individuals as feasible. Here are a pair techniques to do that. The first is direct advertising. Now, the intention of that is to get your content material immediately in entrance of the right folks. Long-established approaches to try this is making use of both keyword exact or interest-based ads through platforms like fb and Google. However with content ads, I extremely propose attempting different structures the place your target audience might be. For illustration, we would try to promote some ads right inside Reddit’s individual finance subreddit. Different untapped ad networks you could are attempting are Taboola or Pinterest. In fact, eighty four% of contributors in a client learn mentioned that Pinterest helps them be taught new matters, which is best for content entrepreneurs. You have got to get ingenious and if you’re working with a confined price range, then it may be valued at exploring much less wellknown varieties of paid promoting.One more method is by means of seo. And we’ve got already blanketed numerous search engine optimisation tactics just considering the fact that they’re like a sister to content material advertising. By way of rating excessive in Google, you start reaching individuals who’re showing intent to be taught, learn, and finally buy. Exceptional of all, after you will have ranked, you’ll be getting free, consistent and passive traffic from engines like google. We’ve already covered the content material production side of seo, but you can have to get inbound links to your content. Now, I won’t get into that here, however now we have a perfect actionable playlist on hyperlink constructing, so i’ll depart a link for you in the description. Now, the 2d technique may also be particularly the shortcut to content material merchandising. And that is influencer advertising and marketing. After I say influencer advertising, you maybe considering of celebrities, models, and YouTubers like Gary V. But there is no "minimal" quantity of followers that qualifies anyone as being an "influencer." An influencer is virtually anyone who has have an effect on on an viewers.So frequently, they may have a big following relative to others in their industry and their viewers will hearken to what they have to say. Now, the high-quality thing with this approach is that if you can persuade anyone of impact to share your content material with their following, you now attain plenty of people just by means of getting one man or woman to share it. Here are a few ideas to do it without spending a penny. The first tip is to get quotes from credible individuals. For essentially the most part, i am now not keen on anything like ego bait, however when accomplished in an honest, specific and worth-packed method, it works fairly well. For instance, if you happen to had been creating a put up on free private finance courses, you might attain out to path creators of guides you have involved in an e mail like: hello there, My name is Sam and i am a graduate’ of your software. I’ve learned loads from you and wish to respect your work on my weblog. I’m creating a submit on the exceptional individual finance lessons and of direction you are on the list. You probably have a second, i would like to get a quote on who you feel can be a just right fit for your course.Example. Is excellent for individuals who make round $50,000 �� $80,000 per 12 months and want to start investing within the markets. I’m going to be promoting you to my electronic mail list, followers, and plan to run some paid commercials. If you’re too busy, then I utterly recognize. Either manner, simply wanted to exhibit my appreciation on your work and will comprise your path regardless. Cheers, Sam this may be a nice way to pitch someone with a advantage-rich present. I’m essentially saying that i would love to do the entire tough work and get extra students on your direction. As soon as the publish goes reside, i might electronic mail them once more and let them know about it. And in the event that they located the submit to be valuable, they’d likely share it with their viewers.An extra approach that you may leverage influencer relationships is through podcast interviews. This is anything we now have been doing at Ahrefs. We use it to construct brand consciousness and get our instruments in entrance of more men and women that won’t have heard of us. Pitch a story as to why you should be on their podcast and the worth you could furnish to their listeners. The final step is to monitor your traffic and leads. If you are utilising search engine optimisation as a technique, then you can use rank monitoring tools like Ahrefs’ Rank Tracker tool. Just enter the key words you need to track, the vicinity you wish to have to see the outcome from, and we will update your keyword rankings on a standard time table. And if you happen to can not rank, regardless of getting extra great hyperlinks than the highest rating pages, then you definately must reassess search intent, your precise content material, and replace your submit with anything that’s missing. Now, if you’re making use of more than a few advertising networks, then you just need two matters. First is Google Analytics with conversion monitoring set up.And 2nd are UTM parameters. UTM parameters are basically tags that you just add to a URL, which that you could then track in Google Analytics. There’s a free instrument you should utilize to construct your URLs. For instance, if I have been to installed a facebook advertisements campaign, i would paste within the URL right here. Set the campaign supply as facebook. The medium as CPC. And the campaign title as "finance-type." Now, if you’re promoting on multiple ad platforms, just change the crusade supply with the advert community title, and you should be competent to evaluate how each and every platform performs in a single desk straight within Google Analytics.Then it’s just a topic of doubling down on what’s working, throwing out what’s not, then simply rinse and repeat this whole process time and again. Now, if you enjoyed this video, then make sure to like, share, and subscribe, and i’d love to hear from you on which content material advertising and marketing channel works high-quality for you. So is that blogging, movies, podcasts, infographics, or something else? So hold grinding away, use your content to serve your small business, and i’ll see you in the subsequent tutorial. .
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Originally posted 2019-07-02 19:16:45.
0 notes
Backlink Generator ֠High Quality Backlinks
Backlink Generator The Proper Way
Everyone that has an internet site desires to place it high on search web pages. Search engine optimization is the only way to accomplish this target. Seo (Search Engine Optimization) based on 2 methods On-Page SEO and Off-Page SEO. On-Page Search Engine Optimization is all about content as well as their optimization But Off-Page handle social signals as well as back links.
It is tough for search engines to index those web sites. To meet that require you need to obtain backlinks from various systems so that you can attract online search engine crawlers to your web pages. Exactly how to Use it? Utilizing it is very straightforward. All you need to do is just paste your website url in the input box over and also click on the send switch.
And also you desire to index those links in the online search engine you can utilize our on-line ping internet site device. What is Unique in Pre Post SEO Backlinks Maker? Pre Message Search Engine Optimization offers lots of Additional Ordinary Devices in Search Engine Optimization industry. You need to just kind your website URL, our tool will certainly create premium quality backlinks of your internet site.
Spammy or low-grade web links are a frustration for website owners, we care for our recognized visitors and develops backlinks only Above Authority websites. All-natural All backlinks will certainly be created in an all-natural means, Artificial knowledge makes our device to even more exact as well as it functions in an all-natural method.
Backlink Generator – Lessons Discovered
Prepost SEO backlink maker tool handle just those sites that are relevant and make pertinent back links in seconds. Trustworthy Depend on plays vital function in backlink weightage. Our Device filters trustworthy sites and also adds back links only certified internet sites for you. No Initiatives Required Time is cash, so it is far better to do points as promptly as possible.
Simply compose domain name as well as allow to make us backlinks for you. Value of Backlinks A Web page with more back links have a tendency to gain high setting is SERPs. If lots of web sites are connecting to a web page, then the value of this page will be boosted as well as the page will certainly rank high.
So earning backlinks for the website is important to make it noticeable on the first web page of search engines. Google especially offers more credit scores to back links that matter, all-natural as well as have high authority. Will it harm my ranking? No, naturally not; Since our back links manufacturer will certainly offer you mix of do-follow and also no-follow web links.
Should I have you send every page of my web site? No need to submit every website of your site. Our device will fetch primary domain from any type of link your enter and also will submit that web address to supply you web links. Back links are the only way to gain a high ranking in Google.
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Diving into Backlink Generator
Yet our Intelligent as well as Outstanding device can do this for you. It is developed to save time and efforts. Pre Article SEO offers a guarantee to our valuable visitors all backlinks will be genuine as well as genuine. Unlike other backlink maker devices our device just develops backlinks on high authority websites.
We provide 95+ Search Engine Optimization and internet monitoring tools that are forming occupation and future of more than 01 Million users across the globe. Our popular Search Engine Optimization tools are All these tools are constantly on top priority of a blog owner and SEO specialist.
Backlinks are valuable for Search Engine Optimization (search engine optimization). These function as a ballot of self-confidence from a site to another. Backlinks to your site send a signal to all online search engine that individuals vow for your write-ups and blogs. If several sites link a comparable internet site or web page, internet search engine may infer that material is beneficial for connecting.
You have to create back links to have positive results on the search presence and ranking placement of your key words or site. SEO Techniques Off-site Search Engine Optimization is incomplete without earning back links. Learn more about what are backlinks And also the procedure of getting high quality links is described as web link structure or earning.
Simple Tips about Backlink Generator
Backlinks on premier web sites can provide a boost to your brand name. You should have a relevant anchor message for SEO link structure. You have to select or examine for backlinks are nofollow or DO-follow the link and also Maintain it in mind that Meta tags allied to connecting web page might have a significant influence on the value of site you confer.
Web link building is dead??? Who said that?! It is absolutely not! From time to time, points stir up with Google, as well as we reach hear a great deal regarding its updates and also ranking aspects. Many of which are, naturally, not completely exact. Something that we know without a doubt is that online search engine especially Google is terribly secretive when it comes to disclosing information about its algorithms.
A lot of us believed so, but presume what? SEO web link structure is still active as well as quite relevant as it was years ago and our backlink generator is making it much easier to make complimentary web site back links. Allow’s debunk some of the reasons this isn’t true: Even today one of one of the most crucial practices in SEO is creating and making backlinks.
Although one point has changed for many years, Google has understood the skills of acknowledging spammy links. So, if you do not desire your site to be thrown to the last web pages of SERPs as well as meet its unexpected death, after that adhere to natural totally free backlinks. Maintain a look at your back links using web link tracker since High quality is the vital! Although there have been insurance claims from Google that search engines don’t take ‘signals’ from social media sites, you can still obtain the most out of your social likes and also shares.
What is Backlink Generator?
Simply a pointer: Get the OG tags utilizing open graph tag generator , a wise technique for a quick boost. Nothing enhances the reach and dependability of your site as natural and also natural back links, From Google’s perspective, web links pointing to your website suggests others are placing their rely on you, they are attesting the quality, importance, as well as dependability of your content.
And also this is the important things that cost-free & quality backlink maker has brought for you. Ask on your own an easy question: Which internet site would certainly you visit? One with high authority, high pr profile, even more social sort as well as shares, as well as higher online presence or the one with low authority, no social engagement, and also visibility? There you go … You have your answer!.
Widely, search engine presently drives one of the most traffic to sites. It beats social by 300% as well as also does better than both straight and also reference website traffic. The key to obtaining a substantial variety of website traffic to your website? Sit atop search engine results web pages (SERPs). However just how can you do that? The response: BACKLINKS! With each other with quality web content, back links form one of the most vital aspect for ranking high on some online search engine, specifically Google.
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As well as to obtain search, you need backlinks. And also practically, if you joke with structure backlinks you’re joking with getting great rankings on Google and also other online search engine. Yet producing top quality backlinks to your website isn’t always the simplest of things to do. In truth, maybe a demanding task calling for a concentrated competence to accomplish.
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SEO AutoPilot DAS Home Page Ranking Tip
SEO AutoPilot Reviews
Hey guys brian panel here hope you’re doing well I just wanted to come back to you with some ranking proof I I am loving SEO autopilot but I am loving the domain Authority stacking diagram that they’ve got within there and you know once you get in there you can actually create your own diagrams and things but the domain Authority stacking one is giving some real real power now remember this is an automated tool and automated tools or automate this automated tool is using web twos right web properties I got a high authority but normally you have to wait a little while before the juice that they create trickles through to your money site in my experience you have to wait a little bit longer than that a pbn now the reason you can get them to rank faster for longer tail keywords the more specific and the more Sniper it into a money keyword you are or the short of the money keyword the higher competition that just the longer it takes which kind of makes sense if you look at it from Google’s perspective you don’t want to you don’t want Google Google don’t want you thinking that you can create a load of these properties and then within two months your ranking on the first page the same word PPM’s really I have noticed that you you know you create your backlink you have you a bit of a dance and then after after six months even a year for really competitive terms you then notice that kind of got to start to settle out a little bit so don’t get disheartened that’s you know that’s just what I’m what I’m seeing now these inner paté this these rank this ranking improvement that you seen just in front of you here I did not send the links to any of the inner pages that I’m showing here in front of you I sent domain authority stacking just to the homepage okay and the reason for that was that I noticed that there was you know we were starting to get a little bit heavy on links internally on it to internal pages then the home page and we haven’t worked on the home page for a while so I thought right okay I’m gonna you know send this to the home page I indexed using the SEO autopilot indexer so a lot of the tier 1 links got indexed but I only used naked URL and brand name or brand names you know didn’t use keywords or anything because the key word with one of the keywords is actually in the business name so but from a reverse engineering perspective when you go and check out like the title tags go if you go into like majestic or a hate Refs you can see what the title tags are of the inbound links to your website or to your urls and stuff like that and that’s that’s what I did the articles were decent quality super spun articles that title had their you know the main keywords that this customer looks after their main niches there’s a couple different niches very closely related but very specific separated out keywords so yeah they there you go didn’t even send the links to the money pages I sent it to the home page to make sure that that home page had relevant backlinks but also more backlinks than the inner pages because that can be a bit of a flag to Google if you’ve got you know a home page there’s not very many backlinks and then loads of inner pages got lots of backlinks that can you know say to Google hey this is this sites being se owed so um yeah just I think this is just a great great little case study to say that didn’t even send the links to the money pages and the money pages have gone up this is about a week ago maybe a little bit less than a week that I got everything in all the tier ones indexed and like I say I’m not worried about it getting penalized because it’s just either naked URLs or the brand name or variations of the brand name like limited spelt Li M ited instead of you know let’s just show you let me just them I’ll tell you what let me just give you a so the actual links that were in the article itself would be URL and then URL variations so you know you can remember you can have HTTP without WW or with WW right and then you’ve got the actual thing and then KO don’t you okay and then with all without the trailing slash okay so you can have this just this part here as a clickable link variation yeah you can have just this bit another variation and then you can add on the trailing slashes yeah I know lots of you know this guys and no but there’s lots of people on my list that don’t so you know just bear with me while I’m all I do this and then so that was that’s like the URL variations and then the names would be ABC ABC limited a space C limited now I know this doesn’t help from a Google my business perspective but that’s not what I’m what we’re trying to do here this is this is purely trying to get your a few more backlinks to the homepage that won’t get you penalized and then obviously yeah our bloomin exile you would have limited spoke like that the ABC didn’t come off so I think it’s because I’ve got stuff running in the background and that was it now just bear in mind that this client does have a keyword in his actual name okay so that can that can help all right but then the articles or the post titles would be you know ABC limited being serving so in Birmingham for 100 years you you know and obviously this is this will be spun Birmingham can be here in the UK we we say Birmingham and we can also say rum okay so you know that can that can help and then you’d have it spun like that just so on and so forth okay try and make sure you’ve got your keyword in the title or an arrow it can be broadly related but as closely related as possible yeah you know if they do plumbing and gas like most plumbers over here or most gas men over here are plumbers and you know vice versa so you know you can have best plumber and gas man right I know these are you know these are stupid examples I’m just trying to get this over to you just just so you could you get the idea of what I have done to get this to to happen right plumber gas man Korky registered which is a like an association kind of thing that you know you have to gas man all right and you know you can go on as long as you can go on but then once that’s spun okay this is spin it spin syntax once that’s spun only one of these will get kicked out okay so you know the title I’m gonna say the title I’m talking about things like let’s bring this over here a minute let’s just go this so the title I’m talking about is like this here right that is the title but if but sometimes Google brings its own title out of makes it up so if I hover over here you say plummet you can see it says plumbers and plumbing service in Burma and West Midlands Gumtree okay that is the title so when you make creating these posts it’s got the keyword in here we actually got a couple of them in here because you’ve got plumbers and plumbing service in Birmingham okay and that’s pop from the URL that’s the one of the main things that Google reads and it passes the relevancy and all of that down through so despite the fact that we’re not using loads of anchor text we’re getting relevancy from the title of that page okay and it’s working really really well and it’s working really really well with SEO autopilot okay all right then guys all the best cheers for now bye bye
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Originally posted 2019-06-28 15:10:12.
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SENuke TNG vs SEO AutoPilot Review [Overview | Walkthrough] Backlinking Software
SEO AutoPilot Review
Hey hey guys Brian ponal here thank you for all the messages I’ve had lots and lots of emails since my email this morning main question being does software still work with building backlinks and also people confirming to me that they’re even though they bought lifetime licenses or whatever of SE nuke they’re still just having having issues with it I do still use software to build backlinks not as aggressively as I once used to and I definitely do not create thousands and thousands of backlinks using software but first I just wanted to just show you that this is just something for ram.4 SE nuke and you know look at all these red fails and that that’s actually posting the article so where is black I don’t know if it’s it might be a bit difficult to see but this here means that there it wasn’t didn’t manage to create an account but where is black so that’s gray and this is the this is black it’s create an account but it still can’t post to these sites which to me just makes it pretty goddamn useless and so I haven’t used SE nuke for a long time but I have been using SEO autopilot and what I like about SEO autopilot is its success rates with regards to the backlinks to the bills okay so this is a fresh copy that I’ve just put onto my laptop just managed to get some extra licenses for myself while I’m doing this doing this for the guys because you know they they were extremely extremely hard on making sure that the size or the software builds builds the backlinks but has these has a high success rate okay so I’m just gonna just very quickly show you what I would do to create a campaign so I’m gonna go over to where wicked article creator am in it and I’m going to type in yes yeah I search engine I’m just going to create a campaign of a lot of different sites all to do with SEO with in SEO autopilot and I just want to show you what what I believe is the best way to use this tool especially in the beginning now I’ve got lots of friends who will blast directly straight at money pages and I don’t do that but that’s because I just think that’s a little bit too aggressive however you can water down any backlink or anchor text just to diversify and make it look a bit more brand heavy or you are out naked URL heavy to the to the site if you’re going to do that make sure that the the content is is decent content you know super spun articles are great if you’re interested in that let me know and I can tell you a bit more about that but just high quality articles which is not what I’m going to be doing right now okay so we’ve got let’s go back to wicked article creator I wonder what’s going on here oh it looks like it’s crashed my bad my bad yeah it’s crashed okay let’s try this again this machine hasn’t been turned off too sometimes so could be having a bit of a mare right now so let’s go to keyword let’s go to search nation here we go and just gonna spin this you can actually spin it in the program here at while it’s doing that I’m gonna add a campaign so I’m going to call this SEO auto pilot on okay and I’m gonna choose a am I gonna choose a diagram I’m going to do one my own never go let’s just do it web directly to the money site just it was nice and quick I’m gonna go yep let’s do that primary keywords because government this is only a rip their high quality contextual backlinks okay they take a little bit longer for Google to actually pass the juice through in my in my experience but that doesn’t mean you know not to use them doesn’t mean that at all so I’m just gonna say Muslim do the plain you are out one hundred percent and then I’m gonna put the threads up which I’m not going to go all the way cuz that’s just asking for trouble that’s that’s good too I don’t know how many proxies are put in here just do that post instantly what I would normally do is I would actually go and I would don’t find some images and some Europe videos that are related and I’d put these in here okay and you can actually do you know google embed stuff in here as well so tags I’m just going to miss you too I’m gonna come back to this article put that into there and then you can do indexing and all that kind of stuff but I’ve not got that set up in here post title just gonna come back say I’ve got no keywords so I am going to excuse me if you can hear that come out of here I’m going to do titles those that do that games with a I’m going mess something up yep put that in there and what I’m going to do this is what I want to show you I want to make sure that I’ve got variation of my keywords in the title so SEO water pilot and then I’m going to pipe it type it review pipe reviews okay so sometimes it will have just SEO autopilot I have down that wrong do that do that space in between there and now if I preview it every time it’s gonna have a CA water pileup I see a water pilot I see a water pilot okay so it’s got my main keyword in there and then it’s gonna be the naked URL you’re not yeah it’s very very difficult to get penalized by using naked URL but we’re passing here great Authority here in the title okay and then blog subdomain here I would SEO come to the numbers wherever they are now this year auto pilot leave it at that this one here is going to be Oh keeping doing that get in and that’s just the numbers are there just to you know if it’s already taken and things okay and as I said earlier I would normally go in here and put some images and it will just randomly take images and then it puts the position in then you couldn’t embed like maps and whatever else you wanna you want to embed into them so I just click on to create what I might actually do turn that up as high as possible okay you can see here they’re all they’re all high-quality ones okay now if I click start now might fall over a bits of what did up as high as possible and I’m doing Camtasia okay Camtasia you know it does eat up a lot of bandwidth width of a gutful takes up a lot of processing power so it’s starting it’s thinking about it and it’s gonna go through and it’s gonna create these web okay now what I want to show you here is in one of these in SE nuke tumblers in here but it just fails every time for click onto account creation premium social networks right tumblr it’s never ever worked see that zero percent so where it’s not where the ticks are with it where it’s not green is where it’s where it’s failed basically you know and these that these are the only premium networks that they’ve got in here yeah I don’t know what that is 30 maybe and so you’ve got say you’ve got 50 1 2 3 4 5 so there’s 8 there now if I come in and have a look in here out of the eight two of them then wouldn’t even didn’t even couldn’t add an article in you know so the IP addresses that are in this software in SE nuke the same IP addresses that I’ve got in here and there you go it’s creating an account discuss ok so it’s thinking about it it’s gonna do you know 10 at a time but you know I’d rather it take care take it sweet last time there you go done another one brave net now okay so that yeah that’s that’s how I would recommend you guys use it is if you’re going to go to a money page naked URLs as your links and then have your keyword in your title and also if you’re going to a money page use some decent content because you can get these things to rank by themselves as well okay and you can you know you can make up tiers and all that kind of stuff but that’s for another video I just wanted to show you that you know here we are we’ve got another ones created so it’s already created for even WordPress it’s got another one here yeah it’s just creating them you can see right in front of you okay I will blur these out so you don’t go in and try and mess with them but all right that’s it that’s it for now okay geez for now bye bye you
As found on Youtube
Originally posted 2019-06-28 14:56:05.
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Sampling: Simple Random, Convenience, systematic, cluster, stratified ֠Statistics Help
To find things out about a populace of interest, it’s usual apply to take a sample. A pattern is a choice of objects and observations taken from the population of interest. For illustration, a population perhaps all apples in an orchard at a given time. We want to understand how significant the apples are. We can not measure all of them, so we take a sample of some of them and measure them. The process chosen for taking the sample depends upon the character of the population, and the assets to be had in phrases of time and money. The best is for every object in a populace to be equally likely to be chosen as part of the pattern.That is called an impartial sample. It’s also desirable for the pattern to be representative of the population. If the populace of apples were two thirds pink and one-third inexperienced, the pattern should be in a similar fashion split. Note that no matter what we do, there’ll perpetually be sampling error or version as a result of sampling, as we’re looking at a part of the population, not the whole populace. The video on variation covers these ideas extra thoroughly. This video offers 5 methods of sampling: For every process we will be able to define the approach and the advantages and disadvantages. Easy random sampling is theoretically the ideal method of Sampling. You record each and every member the populace and use random numbers to decide which objects are in the pattern. Each object is equally prone to be selected. This produces an impartial sample which we hope is consultant. Nonetheless it can be difficult and high priced to take a easy random sample when coping with men and women.Simple random sampling is extra practical when the populace is geographically targeted and when a excellent sampling frame exists. A sampling frame is a list of all the men and women or objects in the populace interest. Easy random sampling will also be more simply applied for natural and manufacturing populations. Comfort sampling is solely that: handy! You ask humans regional, or men and women who stroll prior at a looking mall, or you take the next 20 objects off the creation line. You do what’s easy or convenient. Convenience samples are in general biased come what may. But, for a rapid and cheap poll it would possibly not particularly matter.Comfort samples may additionally have self-determination bias when people pick to participate, because they have got an curiosity in the issue in query. With systematic sampling you decide on a starting point at random, after which systematically take objects at a special quantity aside. For example, if there are a thousand within the population and you want a sample of fifty, you might take each twentieth object. Systematic samples are less difficult to manage than easy random samples and are often a just right approximation of a random pattern. Nonetheless, if there may be a sample in the population, targeted types of objects would be chosen roughly quite often than others. Cluster sampling the population is divided into clusters which might be then chosen at random. For illustration, departments of a industry can also be clusters, or suburbs within a metropolis. Within each cluster, all of the objects are integrated within the pattern. Cluster sampling can be more handy and useful than easy random sampling. However, if the clusters are unique from each other with reference to the factors we are measuring, it may possibly lead to bias or non-representativeness. Stratified sampling seems like cluster sampling, but the strata, or groups, are chosen above all to represent special characteristics inside the population, akin to ethnicity, location, age or occupation.Inside each and every workforce, a random pattern is taken, frequently in proportion to the size of the staff. Stratified sampling can result in a very good random representative sample. However it may be problematic to administer, and a sampling body with gigantic expertise in regards to the populace is required. There are different sampling ways. The five explained here give an proposal of the advantages and disadvantages of various ways. You should try to make use of a sampling method that produces the pleasant outcomes for the resources you will have available. If your sample has identified bias, this will have to be taken into consideration in analysis and reporting. .
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Originally posted 2019-07-02 19:16:45.
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SEO Autopilot Ranking Review and Case Study Update 2018
SEO Autopilot Review
Hey guys welcome very very cool case study I’ve got here that I’m gonna be giving out to everyone who gets SEO autopilot because I have to say s and also I’m gonna be giving it out to browse EO customers as well so if you picked up SEO autopilot I’ll give you access to this as I’ll show you all of the the names the actual keywords its ranking for and exactly what I’ve done to get these results along with that you also get access to the SEO autopilot skype group which they run nothing to do with me and they have just a huge amount of strategies and their a lot of action a lot of activity a lot of good vibes in there people talking about rankings and how different diagrams are working for them and all that kind of stuff so that’s awesome and you you’ve got that but I’m also gonna give you is this I’m gonna actually give you the keywords that I’m ranking for the strategy to find the right kind of buyer keywords so that you’re going to definitely be getting the right kind of people come to your blog that’s the key the key the most important thing in anything that you do online especially building websites and trying to you know make money you know you need to make sure that the keywords that you’re targeting with SEO are going to be bringing you leads gonna be bringing you potential customers okay so I’ll show you that exact strategy these are gonna be blurred out but I’m gonna keep I’m gonna show I’m just gonna keep that kind of I’ll have what I’ll do is I’m gonna blur these out but I’m gonna have a screenshot that I’m gonna show you and below the video you can click on that and you can see the main keywords blurred out but your you’ll be able to see the the review the keywords that these are based around so before and after review reviews reviews before and after for sale samples you know eye cream side effects reviews alternatives reviews reviews reviews price reviews so basically what these are are all buyer keywords much every single one of the keywords that I’m targeting here are buyer keywords that’s how I structured and I’ve targeted those keywords in in in order to make sure that when people come to my side they’re to be interested in what I’m selling or what is being sold this is purely an affiliate site it’s a CPA site I don’t even have any links on the page yet to actually sell a product and it’s just literally right now ranking case studies should get it into the Google SERPs using SEO autopilot so this is in also as I said earlier in the video it’s not just the case study for SEO so pilot it’s also an endorsement so to speak it’s just I have to say probably the best link building tool out there unbelievable support open chat the whole time you’re able to just communicate with the owners device are constantly updating the tool every single thing works in the to a hundred percent success rates are possible in average you get about 95% 96% success rates which is phenomenal absolutely phenomenal for link building tool it just shows how on top of it these guys are and SEO autopilot is responsible for pushing this site up the rankings and I’m going to show you exactly how I’ve used SEO autopilot using a little bit different than the guys are showing in the group although the guys are telling you what’s working for them which is awesome so I’m I’m the strategy that I’d use this is a little bit once removed and I’m using a lot of protection and making sure that I’m just really pushing power through different feeder sites and I’ll show you exactly how I did that if you pick up SEO so pilot or yeah so you need to have SEO also pilot otherwise it’s just not going to work for you because you need to use SEO autopilot to to get this to work in this way so if you you know if you’ve picked it up and you don’t have browse eyo I’ll give you accesses show you absolutely everything again and if you don’t have grout and if you do a browse EO and haven’t actually picked up SEO type either yet then you know please do and I will give you access to this as well I just don’t want it out there going to anyone and everyone right now so so this is what I just want to I don’t want to show basically I don’t want to be showing my site and this because it’s it’s it’s got potential as well and and I’m hoping that you know the the few people that are going to actually get access to it after buying SEO autopilot or browse your owners on I’m sure you guys are not gonna be messing with this sighs so I want to see how far we can take this side so that’s why I don’t want it just to be an open case study for everyone so you get access to so you do need to at least buy a co-pilot or have browser so with that being said let’s just move forward I’m gonna show you the results that we’ve got here so I’m not gonna use this is all cute and everything and I have to say very unnatural very inaccurate so if you’re thinking already five minutes ago this is inaccurate why you showing me the search console yeah of course we know this and that’s what I want to show you that don’t you can’t build that base anything on this this is completely inaccurate information however they are showing you keywords that are appearing across the entire spectrum of of Google right so I picked out 80 keywords about a month ago and just been tracking them now it’s got like 300 keywords and it’s apparently ranking for somewhere yeah 286 keywords that it’s appeared for will say in search right so I think it’s pretty pretty pretty nice number for just a month or so and I haven’t really hadn’t done anything to this site in a month I bought the domain added a couple of posts used SEO autopilot and a few other things but all with SEO autopilot and these are the results what google webmaster consoles sending me showing me that I I’m ranking for and what I did was again I I grabbed some of the keywords about a month ago when there were only 80 keywords so I literally grabbed all of the keywords and then I went and I put them into se ranking which is a rank tracker and it has a few other things but I only use it for the rank tracking and right now after doing nothing running one or two campaigns with one major one one very minor one and again I’ll go into strategy exactly what I did this is just showing you the case study and the results that you can get very easily really very easily here is seventy-seven up as of today updated yesterday 37 down that’s not so bad it’s just sort of I’m leaving I’m literally I’ve left it for about a month now so it’s time for another campaign and some more links I’m doing it very very slowly so as you can see a lot of ups look this one went up 27 places how many total what does it said how many it should tell me somewhere the amount I don’t know exactly where it is but it’s look we’ve got eight eleven I mean it’s up a lot a number so uh 77 positions there you go okay but no because this one here is up forty fifty I mean this alone here this is up a lot more than 77 positions I’m not sure where the right info is anyway regardless of that again this is going to be blurred out in the video I’m gonna have in the bottom you’ll see the the less blurred out version showing that their buyer keywords okay so this is again using SEO autopilot at the core with some other very very safe strategies just little safety nets that I’ve used and I’ll share with you and show you exactly I’ve done that so if you’re if you’ve got sites that are really you know you you’re very paranoid to use and you don’t want to just go ahead and blast it I would this is exactly why I’ve done it this way because it’s as safe as it could possibly be and it really works as well so here we have just keywords these will be blurred out but again in below there’ll be a image with all of the so you’ll be able to see reviews reviews reviews and you know by by review before and after ingredients like questions and like money keywords so we have again so it what is so very interesting and what actually prompted me to make this video is I want to motivate people so just you shouldn’t have to just don’t just rely and think it’s it you needs lots of traffic to start seeing results because and and and and also not to just rely on what Google’s telling you especially over here in the webmasters it says eight clicks in the last twenty eight days if we look over here at analytics it’s more than that I mean this is the last ninety days so if we look in the last twenty eight days analytics is saying twenty four users and on average nearly two minutes compared to flipping Korea mean it’s it’s all curated content none of it’s actually written it’s probably about 20 words maximum or I don’t know 10 20 30 words maximum on each page are actually written the rest of it is just curated and and and and again that’s what you’ll see you’ll see exactly how this site has literally cost nothing’s put together it is an expired domain so that’s another little bonus bit of info give you right there that isn’t expired domain you do need to make sure that you know what you’re looking for when you’re picking expired domains and and use them in this way you get to circumvent all of the initial sort of two three four months of you know being really really careful with your sites so and you get instant rankings for really really really easy keywords when using these expired domains instant meaning you know if it’s expired probably about a week you’ll it’ll come out of this little sandbox and and then you know if it’s if it’s never been dropped in that kind but we’re not gonna get into that right now I mean I’m getting up in a little bit Anjan I know the videos starting to get on we’re already about 10 minutes and I want to end it soon and this is how I’m gonna end it you’re actually gonna end it now you’ve seen the small amount of traffic that this site has has got here that it’s saying right so 24 users in the last month search console saying 8 in the last 28 days although it says that it appeared somewhere in results for 300 keywords or so but in the very few of them are actually in the top results the some of them RNA is driving traffic and the reason I know is simply based on my autoresponder because this is actually where the money is really it’s not on the front end building out that it’s not it’s not really on the front end selling these affiliate products because it can be very profitable to do it that way but by building yourself something that’s gonna be a little bit more especially if you’re just building these affiliate sites and so when you see this site you’ll see wow that’s just my pre it’s not a very nice-looking site and however this is what prompted me to actually look into it a little bit more is I noticed one of my streams with it in the autoresponder had 21 leads in it and there was no name so I had to go search through the tags and I found the only tag that I forgot about was when I added a an opt-in page about three weeks ago to this to this case studies I figured you know what I’m getting a couple of hits I might as well add an opt-in form and look at this I added the form just before the 20th I think I think what happened on the round about the 20th is the site started to get a little bit more traffic and as you can see February 20th 2018 this is real time this is happening now every day one or two to three here one on the 22nd 226th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th and here’s me when I opted in on one of this that’s because I’m already in another list say yeah and there we go look the 20 22nd March 6th up until yesterday March 11 2008 and p.m.
Someone has opted into this horrible looking site horrible nothing I think up there and content is just literally curated to the most minimal degree and it’s ranking it’s getting traffic and now is the time to start adding real content maybe one of the I think I have actually updated one or two of the posts to have decent content but by and large out of there I think 9 and 10 9 or so posts on there eight or seven out of the nine posts which are all generating traffic have got just very minimal content and that’s how the site was actually started with very very minimal content and then I only recently added the other longer articles when I saw it started to get a little bit more attraction and that did bring it up a little bit in the rankings and started to make it a little bit more of an authority site and not just having purely curated content so that’s our end the video now if you again pick up SEO autopilot I’m gonna go ahead to Cherie with you the exact strategy that I used exactly the site that’s ranking and and I’ll show you the site give you all the information so that you have another just bit of motivation to know that this is a strategy that you can follow and know that you’re going to be bringing in the right visitors okay all the using SEO autopilot in in there are so many different ways building backlinks this is not really gonna be how I’ll show you how but it’s not just about that it’s about bringing in the right keyword so that when they come to your site they’re gonna be opting in like this with the smallest amount of traffic I’m probably getting ten visitors a day maybe probably even less and these people are just opting in and these are real emails I mean Yahoo cost on their STM Gmail Gmail okay these are obviously gonna be Verizon now I mean they’re blurred out I’m not gonna show you them obviously but I mean I think that’s that probably says it all hasn’t it I’m gonna end the video and if you’ve got any questions and comment below I’m gonna post this in the group also on youtube and wherever you see this just comment below and let me know if you’ve any questions you
As found on Youtube
Originally posted 2019-06-28 14:28:50.
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Get Backlinks By ӓtealingԠFrom Low-Quality Pages
How to Get Backlinks By “Stealing” From Low-Quality Pages
Below is the Video Transcript:
I’m sure you’ve been there before. You search for something on Google, you click through to a page and you think to yourself: What in the world? How is this ranking on the first page of Google? Rather than getting frustrated, think differently. Because this is the perfect opportunity for you to get backlinks from pages that probably don’t deserve them today. And in this video, I’m going to show you how to find a ton of these pages, find thousands of link prospects, and get more backlinks asap. Stay tuned. What’s up SEOs? Sam Oh here with Ahrefs, the SEO tool that helps you grow your search traffic, research your competitors and dominate your niche. So this video is all about finding low-quality content that has high-quality links. Which is the perfect opportunity for you to pitch your superior resource and earn some backlinks. So let’s get started with this link building tutorial and find tons of relevant link prospects.
Shall we? Alright, so the first step is to find a page that has a lot of quality links, and ideally, their content should be subpar at best. This will increase your chances of gaining a link. The best way to find these pages is to go to Ahrefs Content Explorer and type in a seed keyword that’s related to your niche. So I’ll use “protein powder” for our example. Next, I’ll set the minimum number of referring domains to something high like 50. And since we’re looking for pages that are of “low quality,” a good place to start are articles that were published a while ago. So, I’ll set the publish date to something like from somewhere in 2012 up until 2016. And we’re down to a list of around 270 results. Finally, I’m going to set the word count filter to pages with less than 1,000 words.
Now, I’m not saying that articles with less than 1,000 words are low quality. But in general, content length is often the byproduct of a very thorough article. So it’s more of an “eyeball” metric for me. Alright, we now have 76 pages at this point, which is a very manageable list to filter through. To make things even easier, I’m going to sort these results by “search traffic” in descending order. More often than not, you’ll find that pages with good-quality link profiles get the most search traffic. And if these link profiles happen to be low-quality today, it might reveal a low-competition topic that generates search traffic.
Scrolling through the results, this one immediately stands out to me. This page has 242 referring domains, gets over 11,000 monthly search visitors, and is less than 200 words. Clicking through to the page, you’ll see that it’s just a curated list of images with links to separate recipe pages. From here, you can click on the caret, and then open up the Backlink report to scan and vet the quality of the backlinks. And it looks like there are some decent sites linking to this page. Now, something that catches my eye on this report is that this page has links that go to an old URL, which was redirected a couple of times. And this is actually quite common for old content, because websites tend to consolidate pages as their site grows in size. So let’s investigate this redirected URL. I’ll just click on the caret beside the old URL, and open the page on And there is one huge difference on this page compared to the current version. The old version actually had the recipes on the page. In fact, they even had a way you can download them as a PDF.
Not the prettiest, but an A for effort. But the current post forces you to click through to a page just to see the recipe. Not a great user experience in my opinion. Now if I were to create a post on this topic, there are two things that I’ve learned about stealing links from this page. So first, I would create some nice visuals and add printable PDFs for each recipe for a better user experience. Second, I’ve found a point of leverage. The content that these pages are linking to got worse.
So I could integrate this somehow into my pitch. Now, you don’t need to limit yourself to very thin posts like our example. You can actually extract ideas from all of these pages that have clearly attracted a lot of links. But the key point is that you should be able to create something that’s better, which will make it easier to formulate a good pitch. So at this point, it’s time to create your content. And the goal here is two-fold. #1. You want to create something that’s better than the page you’ve found, but still on the same topic. So in this case, that would be “protein shake recipes.” And #2. If the page is getting organic search traffic, then you want to know which keywords they rank for so you can optimize your page for maximum search traffic potential. So from inside Site explorer, you can go to the Organic keywords report, which will show you all of the keywords that this page ranks for.
And you’ll see that it’s sorted in descending order by search traffic. From here, you can try and extract some keywords that can act as subtopics for your post. I won’t go any further into the actual content creation process, because we’re talking about link building here. Instead, I’ll show you a couple more ways to find relevant link prospects. The first way is to analyze the backlink profiles for the top 10 ranking pages for your target keyword. So I’ll go to Ahrefs Keywords Explorer tool and enter in “protein shake recipes.” And from here, I’ll scroll down to the bottom of the page to see the SEO metrics for the top 10 ranking pages. From here, I’ll look for posts that are similar to mine and see if there are any other backlink profiles I can hijack. These two look promising to me, which even follow the same list post format as the original article we found. And it’s worth checking these articles to make sure that the pages will be inferior to the content you create.
For example, this page has no images or instructions on a post that you think should have them. So from here, I would go to each individual link profile of the low-quality pages, qualify link prospects, and add them to my outreach list. Now, you don’t need to stop at just your target keyword. The original article we were looking at was called “50 Best Protein Shake AND Smoothie Recipes.” So I’ll scroll back up, and type in “smoothie recipes” as our target keyword. And again, we’ll go down to the SERP overview. As you can see, there are a few more potential opportunities that would be worth investigating.
Another way to find link prospects would be to search for variants of the title in Content Explorer. So I’ll search for something like (“protein shake” or “smoothie”) in brackets and then I’ll add, “and recipe.” Finally, I’ll set the search type to a title search. Now, 11,000 results is way too many to go through, so we’ll set a minimum number of referring domains to 30, which will give us about 118 pages with at least 30 referring domains pointing at it. The thing with referring domains is that it can be misleading. Sometimes these linking sites won’t be of great quality. But we can actually export these results and throw them into Batch analysis tool to get the URL rating for each page. And URL rating represents the overall strength of a page’s backlink profile. So I’ve already exported the results, ran my batch analysis with the Target mode set to URL, and sorted the table by URL rating. So based on these results, I’d probably want to reach out to people who are linking to these two pages since they seem to have decent link profiles and just by looking at the URL, they seem to be relevant to what I’m creating.
Now, I want to put this into perspective. Here are the number of referring domains for each page I said I’d steal links from. If we add these up, that’s potentially 1048 link prospects that we found in around seven minutes. But let’s be realistic here. I would probably reach out to maybe 50% of these websites after deduplicating and qualifying the linking pages. So that’s a total of 524 outreach emails. And let’s say you convert at a 5% link acquisition rate. That’s 26 links from unique referring domains, which in my opinion, would most likely be enough to get a top 10 ranking for both “protein shake recipes,” “smoothie recipes,” and a whole bunch of long tail variations.
So to scale this process, it’s literally just a matter of going through all of the pages that you’ve found in your initial search in Content Explorer, picking pages that have good link profiles and low-quality content, expanding your list of link prospects, doing outreach, and then repeating the process for other keywords. Pretty straightforward, right? Now if you enjoyed this video, make sure to like, share and subscribe, and actually, I highly recommend watching our video on creating a link building system if you want to take this strategy a step further.
So keep grinding away, go steal some links without feeling bad, and I’ll see you in the next tutorial. .
As found on Youtube
Originally posted 2019-06-26 19:08:17.
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Magic Submitter Review : Real Magic Submitter Review and how it works! (Discount Below)
Got Backlink Automation?
Got Backlink Automation?
Video Transcript:
Magic Submitter Review and marketing software magic submitter give you a little overview here i’ve been using this at tool for a quite a few weeks now and it is doing pretty well it’s creating a ton of backwards for me a tracks everything to uh… but i would jump right into a granite show you what it has to offer i wanna things right here you see service types and we really have it on the article directories page let me show you this now we have over a hundred seventy four different article directories preloaded into the system and you can actually add your own website into the system to submit content to as well now but if you see right here this is one thing that really Magic Submitter Review a lot of these directories have high page rank swiss mean it reads are more powerful back late for you to write a book on your page now let’s go down to the drop down menu and you can see how many different service types now that we have to submit to on autopilot increased you know a diversity of backlinks which is very important now with the search engines because you are diverse if i all your background so it looks very natural to the search engine seetha rank higher and you can write quicker dilemma so um…
I i also want to show you a campaign wizard they actually just came out with this a little while ago it allows you to pretty much bill campaigns in year ten minutes and had to run for you know we could two weeks on autopilot so united you’re creating content you’re having this campaign running summit backlinks every single day for you to constantly rank with whatever content Magic Submitter Review so let’s just outside on here will go through an afterthought everything on yourself unspecific something here and they actually have a campaign pitch that you could pick so it’s more of a targeted uh… marketing strategy and campaign effort to wear if you’re doing something in the business was football business you put your website you are on their your keywords rancor tax and whatever description you wanted as you can see you can start the campaign at a certain dates i mean you want and you can put in for however many days you Magic Submitter Review if you click next it’ll come to a profile page these are profiles that i recreated you can actually go here and create a profile and you can do fill profile battles rotten down everything in auto fill it for you know you got to do is put to you our element that short description but it’ll actually create and from all these accounts on auto pilot for he says barry wet so i was just got a year are you having a few made up so we have this one check and will click next and uh…
You have a campaign template dropdown box and these are already premade ad campaign templates so we got back from Magic Submitter Review see if we just got a campaign one is a is a prenatal and played to where you can pretty much plug-and-play right in here and this is your money so i i would choose your you are ralph this is a site that you want to create backwards for at around four so as you can see you can i do think video submissions bookmarking blogs and all these arrows these are different tiers to wear uh…
The first in however many days you set the campaign for work they will go out on a top-tier then they’ll follow it these bookmarks and then bookmark behind it so you’re creating backlinks Magic Submitter Review uh… because it creates more strength for your at that place at a location ranked higher a quicker and like i said you can put this on autopilot senate campaign and you can pick from all the different template so now say if i want you all service tight you can see all the service sector including uh… here so when you submit this it’ll literally three thousand backwards for you are out of you know that he cracked okay so it was just a Magic Submitter Review and you can see there’s a time different things up here to wear you can get it free accounts actually has a built-in feature where we get freaky accounts it will not follow up and read all the emails automatically confirm everything for you so it really is a system so where i once you learn how to use it you can pretty much put on autopilot ones you just out fill out the content they do you want and you can just get a bug in a publishes it and if you want to build the campaign a tasty net ten minutes or Magic Submitter Review and you can have back wednesday on that site for into two weeks or more at sea some people in campaigns four twenty one to twenty eight days to wear you know you publish that these are content one-time use a value but also backwards one time to build a campaign and for the entire month you had back please go into that site to where you can uh…
Make new content and go out to meet you keywords and do the same thing Magic Submitter Review uh… so that is very very important uh… if you like what you saw in the i’d definitely on suggest trying this out they actually have a test drive on s four i believe four ninety five is for your first thirty days you get to do all this so i would definitely john body if your any kind of serious network marker or internet marketing i did that we want to have this in your part because it will help you get ahead of the competition at work so i get on this uh… see what it is test drive the system see how can improving changer business but you have any questions just leave a comment below and make sure the click the link right below to get Magic Submitter Review and marketing software
As found on Youtube
Originally posted 2019-06-26 02:07:02.
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The Best Way To Best Article Rewriter
Facts Everybody Need To Understand About Best Article Rewriter
If you are working as a guest author, you can reword this post to release in a publication. You will require initial posts for marketing purposes. Several sites authorize 2 and even more short articles from the very same author. Submitting special posts is essential. To conserve time, you can rewrite your initial content with the use of word changer.
With a rewriting tool, you can produce brand-new posts rapidly. Instead of developing a brand-new article, rewriting is a good option for you to create special copies of a short article. This practice is handy in the promo of your content, products, and services. Also have a check on totally free SEO tools & bookmark the best ones.
Paraphrasing tool is the easy and finest tool for our students, webmaster, and freelancers. Worldwide, there are countless students, web designer, and freelancer they utilized the Paraphrasing tool. It's an extremely crucial tool in our virtual life. What is paraphrasing tool? Paraphrasing tool scans every word of the sent document, and after that Continue Reading ... But, with our unique post rewriter tool, you don't have to worry, only you are another of your staff member can help you release unlimited varieties of short articles daily. Google, Bing, and Yahoo! love to index brand-new content and when you are publishing rich material, you are excellent to accomplish greatest rankings in Years gone, still people are brainstorming to have individuality in their writings, even when you are writing with your own mind and own research study, possibilities are you may have some lines in your content that are the exact same as somebody else's work, and the only way to leave this block is to use an article rewriter tool that can make your articles different.
That's why we have actually added over 500,000 synonyms that are enough for any category/niche. However, we are still adding more brand-new words and synonyms to make certain you get content that is understandable and not looks like some spun material. Because we have to develop content for our readers, not simply for the online search engine bots, if our readers are unable to read the content that post rewriter tool is providing, then there is no advantage of this tool, therefore we effectively managed to create the world's best short article rewording tool which is offered to everyone totally free of cost.  Read More at:
Ways To Better Best Article Rewriter
Frequent updates on your site will make you reduce your bounce rate, boost rankings, grow traffic and possibly boost profits. Not just article or site articles, you can also use this tool to compose special essays, scholastic notes, social networks posts, product reviews and also can offer post rewriting services to make cash utilizing our post rewriter tool totally free.
You can also call it a paragraph rewriter which can perform as an unique content generator that assists you to utilize various synonyms and related words to your own writing and after that make the article more professional. The very best method to compose plagiarism-free content is to write it in your own words.
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    You can look for your subjects on Google and then check out some of the pertinent posts, now open a text editor and start writing the intro, now add some headings and discuss them, now add conclusion, that's how you write a short article without plagiarizing. There are hundreds of post spinning software offered online and offline and all of them are using the same strategies to give you a distinct article.
    A paraphrasing tool is a bot that can help you reword your articles, essays, research study documents, and practically every other text work. You can utilize a paraphrasing tool to attain distinct text files as it replaces synonyms to other relative words and gives you the human-readable text. You can use it for site material, post, term paper, e-mails, tweets and even for service documents and any other text file you may have.
Best Article Rewriter Trends to Watch For
There are laws available for such copyright infringement and you can get punished. The typical thing which occurs to website content which is spun, search engines get rid of those results and there's a platform called DMCA to report such content that assists to eliminate the copyrighted product from the web. Article spinning in SEO is a procedure to produce special material to remain safe from Google algorithmic updates as copied content can get penalized by search engines, we have to create initial material and spinning tools assist us to make our own article more special.
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    After that use an article rewriter and then attempt to rearrange paragraphs, include bullet points and some new lines after every 3 lines and include your own special intro and the conclusion to be at safe side. Material spinning works when you are spinning your own content or spinning it after altering the composing design and including your own lines.
    That's why we state that you need to do it thoroughly and having basic things in mind. This short article is not just another free online text spinner, its a totally practical and automated tool that can assist you write distinct sentences, unique paragraphs or rewrite a whole post. As our Post Rewriter Tool is loaded with some of the coolest functions, it can rephrase any type of text.
The word is out ... there are potentially unrestricted opportunities for generating income online! However, at the same time, there is a great deal of competitors for these potentially profitable chances. Not to fret, however. With the aid of Post Rewriter Tool, the game has now changed-- in your favor.
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    Advanced Best Article Rewriter
    Millions of people who likewise have the web at their fingertips are wondering exactly the very same thing as you today: How can I earn money? How can I get online search engine exposure for my website (or blog)? What will offer me an upper hand on the competition? Luckily you have already reached the answer to all these questions.
The most common way for individuals to find products or services online is to use search engines, specifically Google, Bing or Yahoo. These online search engine have particular requirements for giving sites more (or less) chance to be returned in search results. The method to obtain reputable, long term seo is to post as much quality content to your site as possible.
    More quality content suggests more opportunities for your site or blog site to get traffic from major online search engine. Believe of it this way: What do you have more chance of hitting, a far-off, tiny target or the broad side of a barn? For the sake of seo, you desire your website to be the broad side of barn.
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Handling the Right Teeth Whitening Item: A review
Handling the Right Teeth Whitening Product: An evaluation
Teeth bleaching products have actually ended up being one of the requirements of people who prefer brilliant white teeth. The market has increased the readily available tooth bleaching products to up to 25%. It is because our teeth normally end up being stained and discolored as we get older.
A fast evaluation on teeth whitening will show that there are basically two types of teeth lightening techniques.
This is the first and a lot of suggested method if you desire to undergo a teeth whitening treatment. The rate of these dental procedures are rather higher, you can still be assured that you'll have a best white teeth after the treatment. In addition, you'll also be offered proper dental care, and have your teeth taken a look at before getting begun with any treatment.
There are many tooth whitening items you can apply at house. Most trusted teeth lightening reviews suggest that teeth whitening packages are also reliable in boosting the younger beauty of your teeth and a way for fantastic white teeth. You can also ask testimonial from those pleased clients that are utilizing the house teeth lightening items.
However, doing teeth bleaching in the house involves more persistence and time than at the dentist center. So, as you read this teeth whitening evaluation, you can see the compromise between the cost and speed. If you desire it the quick method, you need to invest more. Expert teeth whitening offers treatment that will whiten your teeth in as low as one week. House teeth bleaching review that it will take 2 to 3 weeks to achieve an excellent outcome.
Examining the Teeth Whitening Products
A review on teeth lightening item need to use the basic details on what the customer ought to appreciate.
Things such as:
Ingredients of the product. Proper care must be taken in factor to consider for any teeth lightening product. Many sets use more lightening gel, and other components. You must look for a tooth bleaching item that would effectively do the whitening and cleansing of your teeth.
Strenght of the whitening gel. Many products state that they include incredibly strength bleaching gel. Despite the fact that it's true, you need to remember that the stronger the bleaching substance, the more extreme it will be for your teeth. This would imply that although the tooth bleaching will provide fast result, you might risk of your teeth becoming damaged and conscious temperature.
Quality Customer Service. This involves the various methods the good and the bad business market their items. Understood business are a lot more thinking about communicating with their consumers and taking care of them. Despite the fact that a great deal of individuals are benefiting from the customer support, many online companies still continue to handle long term consumers. Any product evaluation should consider the capacity of the customer to link with the company.
As mentioned, there is a trade off in between the cost and speed. Of all the teeth whiteners offered, customer can't choose what to focus on, if it's the value or expense of the product. All the evaluation in the world will not make a product fit your method of life or your capability to go after with the instructions.
Teeth lightening items have become one of the necessities of individuals who prefer fantastic white teeth. Most reliable teeth lightening examines indicate that teeth lightening sets are likewise reliable in boosting the youthful appeal of your teeth and a way for brilliant white teeth. You can likewise ask review from those pleased clients that are utilizing the home teeth bleaching items.
Professional teeth lightening uses treatment that will whiten your teeth in as little as one week. You should look for a tooth whitening item that would efficiently do the lightening and cleansing of your teeth.
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