kind of sucks that himbo is like a cute fun word that describes a likeable dumb sexy guy that people use in a positive jokey way whereas bimbo is a hugely misogynistic derisive term from pornography that declares a woman to be a brainless sex object. sorta makes himbo feel like less of a cute word and reminds you that even when you’re trying to apply the same objectification to men it doesn’t stick nearly the same way bc they aren’t dehumanized and derided the same way women are, not even close 
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lets groove tonight .. impaled on spikes of life
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XIAOHONGSHU or whatever you kids say nowadays
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Every single day people on tumblr say "what if the shit moral OCD tells you was true and living by it was the only way to be a real progressive"
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beavers have the lifestyle that most children dream of. dig and travel through underwater canals. dam a river and flood the local woodlands. stomp mud into dam to seal. swim to flooded trees and destroy them. live in a secret hideout with a underwater entrance. full ownership over an engineering project
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I'm like a fujoshi but for divorced couples
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10 yrs ago i was super depressed after my father passed and started watching VenturianTale.. 5 years ago i stopped watching them regularly. 3 yrs ago they stopped uploading. 4 years ago i started the worst depression ive ever been through and i tuned back into the channel. for one year it felt like things would be okay.. that even though i felt like i was losing everything in life i could still sit down and laugh with all of my fellow adventurers. but now it feels like ive dipped my toe into limbo. its all still there but everything feels dulled and distant while i more numb than ever began to realize the impermanence of even the internet, the one place we've all agreed to be where everything is forever. look the point is..
I dont care! cuz im a biirrd!
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A lavender field next to a wheat field
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Whoever invented "open in app" links that redirect you to the app store instead of actually opening the app even when you already have the app installed on your phone should be involuntarily turned into a beanbag chair
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My Sony CMT EX-1. Still waiting for the shelf I’m gonna put it on to get here but she’s a beaut and one of my prized possessions :3
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polyamory is neither inherently abusive or radical it’s literally just dating multiple people at once. this has pros and cons and risk factors specific to it just like monogamy does. that’s it. not that deep, no need to apply all sorts of symbolism to it
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Dont be very woried about me since i deserve all of this
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