Word Vomit: Tumblr Edition
48 posts
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jessthezesty · 10 days ago
At 8:13 and drinking my water bottle like it’s vodka and deeply wishing I had a smoothie in my hand instead.
What the fuck is wrong with me?
Why, I keep forgetting to get my antidepressants refilled and it’s biting me in the ass
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jessthezesty · 12 days ago
Why is it that I make the most sense on Tumblr? And not like, in conversation? Or homework? Or just, *sigh*
I make such good points on here and no one I interact with irl ever sees them!!!
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jessthezesty · 29 days ago
Foods that are terrible:
1. Sesame seeds. I don’t CARE that yOU can’t taste them. I CAN! And they taste BAD!
2. Grapefruit. -5/10 tastes like sadness
3. Raisins. Someone stole all the joy from grapes and said it was still food.
4. Shrimp. I’ve had this made by a professional chef & still hated it. Rubbery. More after-taste than taste.
5. Fish. Cod is alright, but it is the least fish of all fish so it doesn’t count.
6. Mint
7. Coffee
8. Swiss Cheese
9. Refried beans
10. Colby Jack cheese
I will not be taking questions at this time
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jessthezesty · 29 days ago
I am seeing a lot of stuff about dietary restrictions (allergies, diets, religious practices, etc) come across my feed on a variety of platforms.
So I’ve decided to talk about my weird food stuff!
Baby me got sick on boob juice, so my early years were spent drinking soy milk. I got over this allergy via microdosing and it no longer affected me by the time I was 4.
I then ate all the things. Except sesame seeds, tomatoes, refried beans… (but that was cause I didn’t want to. Not because I couldn’t)
I fell in love with cheese. 💍🧀
I gagged at the smell of coffee and my eyes watered at the taste of mint.
A few years later I discover something about pumpkin treats makes my guts cry. (My current theory is that one of the pumpkin spices is the culprit. But I don’t really know cause I haven’t gotten it tested).
Then my stomach decides it’s gonna get weird about meat. This leads to me not consuming enough protein on a regular basis. I then cut the problematic meats out of my diet.
I am now a Pollotarian. This means the only meat I consume is Poultry, aka birds. Problem avoided!
But now I want to try crab. I’ve never really been one for seafood. The smell is too strong when fish is cooked. And my instinct brain doesn’t like the idea of eating raw meat (even tho it’s fine with raw egg). But I kind of want to try crustaceans. But I also don’t want to fuck up the balance I’ve found.
Anyway, the next post will be about all the foods I can’t stand
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jessthezesty · 29 days ago
My monster high favorite is a revolving door. Right now it’s Clawdeen. But also Robecca. But also Venus. But also Frankie. But also Lagoona. But also Ghoulia. But also Howleen. But also Kelpie. But also Skulita. But also Twyla. But also Jinafire. But also Mouscaides. But also Whisp. But also Neighthen. But also Draculara. But also Abbie. But also…
I could keep going but I’d end up naming the entire cast.
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jessthezesty · 30 days ago
Phil Coulson should have been the Alfred Pennyworth of the MCU. Instead they “killed” him off before he could reach his full potential.
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jessthezesty · 1 month ago
So I hate reading fics where the main character is a self insert. I’ve tried it by a few different authors in a few different fandoms, but it’s just not my cup of tea.
I have since discovered that I like writing self inserts. It’s hard for me to immerse myself in a story where the self-insert doesn’t act anything like me. This problem is solved by writing my own.
All this to say, I have a “what if I was spider-man” fic saved in Google docs. The origin chapter is based on a field trip I actually took in real life. I don’t 100% know where I’m going with the plot. But it’s been fun so far.
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jessthezesty · 1 month ago
Was anyone gonna tell me G3 Heath Burns is the environmentalist son of Hades? Or was I supposed to find that out from a YouTube ad all on my own?
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jessthezesty · 1 month ago
If I had a nickel for every time I showed up to class, only to find that class was canceled and nobody told me: I’d have 2 nickels. Which isn’t a lot. But it’s weird that it happened twice
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jessthezesty · 2 months ago
Kenneth: 🔥🔥🔥
Firefighters: Stop! We have you surrounded!
Kenneth: 🔥
Wind: 🌬️💨💨💨
My power: 🫨
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jessthezesty · 2 months ago
I want to learn about black hair care. I am not black. But I’ve always thought black hair was so cool and beautiful. I want to know more about this. But I’m not sure how to go about this in a respectful way. I don’t want to intrude or assume or judge. I want to learn. But my area is overwhelmingly white. I’m pretty sure most if not all black folks in my area take care of their hair within their community and not at any official places I could go to.
Any advice on how I should go about this?
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jessthezesty · 2 months ago
Okay! I need book recommendations and do not feel like scrolling through Goodreads to find something my library probably doesn’t even have.
I want some books that I can really fall into, the kind of book I can imagine living in. I want books about navigating dating life as a demiromantic asexual. I want books about found family. I want books about identity issues and the importance of community. I want books with nonbinary main characters. I want books that subvert tropes. I want whimsy and fantasy and romance but also the ups and downs and mistakes and losses that come with real life. I want to see characters get beaten down to their breaking point and glue themselves back together into a mosaic more beautiful than the original. I want a book about two roommates who do not, in fact, fall in romantic love; but rather become best friends and burn the fucked up system to the ground. I miss being able to imagine myself as the main character in the books I read. But it’s really difficult to find a book with just two of the things I like.
Most of all tho, I just want to fall in love with a new book. I like what I have to read, but the spark feels less than it should be
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jessthezesty · 3 months ago
So. I remember reading this in high school and the context page didn’t mention any of this. This is so important and adds a lot of depth to the story.
ya being kafkaesque isn’t about turning into a bug it’s about how if you turned into a bug your boss would still be like “ok but we’re short staffed can u still come in”
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jessthezesty · 4 months ago
I joined tumblr to have a source of dopamine. An escape from reality. Now that parts of tumblr are getting political (for good reason) I’m getting really scared about the state of the world that brought us to this point. If we’ve reached the point where even tumblr is political, then maybe that thing shouldn’t be political. Maybe, we let an issue go on far longer than it should have and now there are so many real people and casualties involved that there is no perfect solution as there so rarely is. I mourn for the dead of all. I mourn for the land and rights of the indigenous. I mourn for the lives this war has taken.
But I still don’t know enough about the conflict to have a true opinion. I’m not inherently involved in any way. But standing by and saying nothing feels wrong too. I want to support Jewish people. But we live in a world where I don’t even know for sure what that looks like.
I wish I could say that the countries should just merge. But that’s naive as shit. They won’t share the land. And those indigenous to it shouldn’t have to if they don’t want to. There’s so much hate and war and murder that I don’t know if it will ever end. I want it to. But I’m not part of any involved community, is it really my place to assert my wants on the situation?
I don’t know enough about the situation to have an opinion. And despite wanting to know more, to know how to help in any way I can. There’s so much hate entrenched in these sources that no matter how much I read I still end up knowing nothing.
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jessthezesty · 4 months ago
Reminds me of a friend
"critical gender shortages worldwide"
out of gender fluids SMH
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jessthezesty · 4 months ago
That’d be nice. Y’know I genuinely think I could have gone longer without adhd medication and thrived if I had just been accommodated at school. Instead I started taking focalin at 8 years old and slowly developed food issues because I couldn’t detect when I was hungry. If I had gone to therapy and had school accommodations I probably could have gone without medication till 13
It would be really nice if we as a society could celebrate disabled people who achieve amazing things without using their success to shame, blame, judge and invalidate other disabled people for not being able to do it too
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jessthezesty · 4 months ago
I am the rat that lives in your walls and eats your Cheetos
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