Jessie Dick Kaitiakitanga
25 posts
222257 Design Studio Visual Communication
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jessiedickkaitiakitanga · 6 years ago
Final and rationale
My small action is Meat Free Mondays, which in turn makes the big impact of reducing water waste, reducing animal waste matter in our waterways, and reducing greenhouse gases. My website is targeted at students and young professionals because they will be developing new cooking and eating habits since moving away from home. This is the perfect target audience, as my website is intended to help implement meat-free Mondays into a diet that is fresh, therefore will be easier to make a weekly habit, rather than targeting an older audience which would likely already have a certain eating regime implemented. To furthermore make it easy for the audience to be convinced to undergo my small action, I used a minimalistic colour palette which is appealing to today's young adult society, as well as modern text and pops of bright imagery. I used story sections with stories from real life students to enhance the reliability and legitimacy of my website, as well as including recipes under specific categories to make meat-free Mondays easy and accessible. I focussed my website mainly on how the person can benefit themselves before I focused on how they could help the environment, as I feel that most people, in general, will be more inclined to read into something or interact with something they think will benefit them easily.
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Final ad.
My ad is simple using bright colours with the contrasting white bold capital lettering to pop on the audiences feed. It’s simple to not have too much flair, yet still very effective. The weight loss factor is something that will entice a lot of people, and it is left mysterious enough that people will be curious to learn a bit more, and will be led to my website.
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jessiedickkaitiakitanga · 6 years ago
A full website run through of one of my website concepts. From this, I will clean it up for hand in. This is NOT my final concept, but the website design I had before I fully refined it. I need to add a contact option.
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jessiedickkaitiakitanga · 6 years ago
new page concept.
I think this page is good, its very long but I feel like I have done the best I can at sectioning it off with appropriate headings. Further on, I will make a page that will go prior to this one as the main news and events homepage, with each article or event as a follow-up page, as this is quite overwhelming on its own.
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jessiedickkaitiakitanga · 6 years ago
Our story page development one.
I developed these pages with the intention of following the recipe pages style so that the style of the website as a whole would be consistent. The tracking and kerning on this page is great, as well as the colour contrast between all the elements. I think having images of the students makes meat-free Mondays more relatable, and having stories, in general, shows the audience how achievable meat-free Mondays can be. I think the heading font could be more correlated to the heading fonts of the other pages to help keep the style as consistent as possible throughout the website. I think I could add some more layering to make it even more interesting, I explore this further on in my development
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jessiedickkaitiakitanga · 6 years ago
Playing with transparency and overlapping text over shapes. I like this more than the previous ‘why’ page concept because it is easier to read and has better flow as well as a hierarchy, I have also made the font contrasted to the background. I still think there is room for improvement at this point and work on improving the flow furthermore from this point.
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jessiedickkaitiakitanga · 6 years ago
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recipe home page idea. I like the shapes in the background but they might be slightly too transparent. Exploring layering and shadow here would really help enhance the page. I wanted there to be categories for people to choose what type of meal they want, also to refine the number of recipes on one page so it's not overwhelming for the viewer to have to sort through heaps of recipes to find one they feel like. I’ve decided I will only make pages for the light n fresh category as I want to refine one category as best as I can rather than roughly do all the categories. I also think I could change the greens to suit more to the brown/orange colour scheme I seem to be following at this point, however it looks very fresh and light at the moment.
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Recipe page This is a page with one of the actual recipes on it. I don't really like the option bars down the bottom of the page as I feel they are too bold and static for the rest of the page. I also think it isn't consistent with the rest of the pages on my website and adds an extra element that isn't necessary in terms of navigation. The page is short enough that it doesn't need extra navigation other than the bar at the top in my opinion. The ingredients and method sections seem very squished and forced parallel to each other, I could easily have them stacked and spread than beside each other. I really like the idea of having the layering with the image, as the use of shadows and difference in brown colours works really well with the bright and static image. This will be bought throughout my website. Again, the headings and line elements could be orange or brown to suit the colour scheme I am intending to use in the final website and I will change that accordingly.
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jessiedickkaitiakitanga · 6 years ago
This idea was a good start to the why page, and I was heading the right direction toward making the page more interesting and adding some more shapes rather than it being strictly linear. However, after talking to the teachers and after self-evaluation I realised it was a bit much. Instead of focussing on one design idea I was focussed too much on combining all my past ideas and it was overwhelming to look at. Missing out capitals, using right indentation and tight tracking made it hard to read the body text, and I was forcing the text into shapes which made the flow strange and just overall really unsuccessful. From here, I knew I needed to pull it back slightly, and consider how I can mix organic shapes and linear formatting to make the flow way better and to make navigation easier, as well as increasing readability.
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jessiedickkaitiakitanga · 6 years ago
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Brown vs Green comparison.
The text on the green is far too light and blends into its background. 
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jessiedickkaitiakitanga · 6 years ago
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This is a closer look at the potential use of shape. I found this hard to put text into and it was quite hard to read evidently. Also, the flow of it is off, as you would want to normally read the heading first, then the body text from left to right, whereas this reads right to left. This could easily be fixed, but I personally think a linear style of headings and image is easier to read in general and leads the eye down the page, which is my intention with this assignment. The font on the heading is too small and is hard to read as well as it’s too thin.
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Brown colours rather than green colours still reflect natural without making the page too tacky. I feel that the use of browns feels more organic and is more aesthetically pleasing, as well as fitting my personal design style a lot more which heightens my motivation to explore new ideas. I like the use of the bright photos in the circles with the white font as they are contrasted and they are really prominent on the page. The drop shadows make these more interesting as well and add some layering. The bottom bar isn’t doing the page any favours though and is way too small for a mobile version of the site.
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jessiedickkaitiakitanga · 6 years ago
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Exploring the use of shadows and layering in the why page, at this stage I hadn’t written the body text yet. I was quite slow working at this stage and was becoming stumped on ideas. The interim feedback sparked inspiration for me, as well as looking back on the inspiration images I had put in my blog previously. From this, I moved full speed ahead at making ideas from this concept toward the final website and gave myself time to focus on details and placement of text/image/shapes. 
I liked the use of shadows and layering and wanted to bring these through into my final design. It was bought to my attention that there is a possibility to overdo shadows and take away from the effect, therefore moving forward I will make sure I carefully select my use of shadows and not layer too much.
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jessiedickkaitiakitanga · 6 years ago
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Interim presentation and opposing potential idea for a page design including the use of circles.
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jessiedickkaitiakitanga · 6 years ago
Past posts
My past posts including my interim website and my development toward my final website has disappeared, either it’s corrupted or I didn’t save/upload it properly. I will re-upload it in the most recent posts as I have it all saved on my hard drive.
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jessiedickkaitiakitanga · 6 years ago
Monday Interim
Feedback: From the class walk around.
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jessiedickkaitiakitanga · 6 years ago
Thursday class
exploring potential design alternatives
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I would associate this with a younger audience, but not students. This is more aimed toward children in my eyes. I do like the use of different shapes
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exploring different more organic and random shapes and patterns. I did this by drawing on paper first and replicating it on illustrator as a vector.
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potential colour scheme and banner idea. I like the text and colour scheme as they relate to today's teenage/ young adult aesthetic which has become really popular
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jessiedickkaitiakitanga · 6 years ago
Coding - Monday 13th of May
Notes from watching the videos that were uploaded to stream last week and from today's lecture. I am struggling to fully understand coding at the moment but I definitely think I’ve got the basics down pact and can continue to work on the more technical stuff throughout the rest of the assignment.
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jessiedickkaitiakitanga · 6 years ago
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I am going to try to follow different structures that have been shown in class as well as from the internet in my pages and see how it works. The first one looks like it would be best for mobile. I think it will be beneficial for me to follow a set structure because my current wireframe isn't working for me and I feel a bit lost. This should help me work more efficiently because I’ll be able to rearrange my website after this step to see which works best for me. 
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jessiedickkaitiakitanga · 6 years ago
9.2 Thursday’s Class
Formative assessment
Home page
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Recipe home page. The vector images are placeholders except for one, I wanted to get feedback on this style before I illustrated an image for each category.
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Recipe page
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Ad in context
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Extras I did, ideation and beginning to layout other pages.
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Feedback and Moving Forward
-The background colour isn’t doing me any favours. In certain brightness and lighting, it looks more yellow than it is on screen. It would be good for me to try and explore a white background, as it would add more contrast between the background and the text
- Colour of the font in the homepage needs to be more contrasted, the same goes for the type over the upper tab in the other pages.
-The home page needs to have imagery or illustration because it’s quite boring at the moment
- The design, in general, is quite generic and could pass as anything. I need to explore how I can make it distinctively meat-free Mondays and relate it to that.
- The design is wholesome and modernly natural, which is the vibe I have been going for
- I need to show a more convincing problem and show my solution is good and easy
- Practice moving my design from web to mobile and vice versa
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