jessicwood · 7 years
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Sample 6 was done using a peanut for the texture the glaze was done using lilac 11 and lime green 22 under glaze I like these colour together as they mare a nice colour green
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jessicwood · 7 years
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Sample 5 was done using a sea shell for the texture I then used an under glaze called 22 anulate vanadium for the bullet effect
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jessicwood · 7 years
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Sample 4 was done using a shell barnicel to get a texture into the clay I used porcelain pink and a bright blue under glaze for the colour
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jessicwood · 7 years
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Sample 3 was done using a pepaper that had been roster to create the texture I used a nightsky stoneware glaze with a copper carbonate over the top to give it the blue effect
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jessicwood · 7 years
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Sample 2 This was make a pip from a nectarine. The glaze is done using green copper carbonate and ag13
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jessicwood · 7 years
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Sample 1 This was done with a leaf to create the patten. The glaze was done with copper carbonate with a transparent white over top
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jessicwood · 7 years
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Throughout the making of the vessel there was quite a lot of problems that occurred. When I first took the bottom of the vessle out the top coil was too hard to work with so I had to put wet newspaper paper around it tie it back uo in the bag and leave it but I made a start on the second part by measureing the with of the bottom part . Once the bottom was becoming sort I scored and slipped the pieces together. The next problem I had was if I stuck to my design it would be too tall to fit into the Klin so I had to change me design to make it smaller however I put more detail into it than I would of in my original design. I will keep this in mind during future projects.
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jessicwood · 7 years
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This is my design sheet that I used to make my vessle each part of the piece is either a cylinder or a dome. These are simple shapes to make. The details are from different parts of work that I have done in my sketch book. The flowers are from tex tile and the mountains from fine art.
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jessicwood · 7 years
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When I started to create my design I started off with a flat piece of clay from that I create a circle base with a 20 cm diameter. Once this was done in then started my vessel by building up layers coils using a machine to cut them out from blocke's of crank clay. I found this quite difficult becuse you had to have a strong muscle to keep a steady pace when turning the machine if you stop it creates are bubbles in the coils making them spilt.
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jessicwood · 7 years
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Before I made a start on my vessel I created a series of clay samples to test out different textures. I did this becuse I wanted to see what worked best and what didn't, I found out that the shell worked best compared to the others that I had used for example, I used tried to use a leaf but the patten didn't come out as a would of liked.it also noticed that the clay had to be certain strenth for me to be able to push texture into it, if the clayear us to hard you can't put the texture on to it. If it is too soft it is more abless to be smoothed out.
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