jess-moloney1 · 4 days
Instructions how to become Jamie’s girlfriend:
Tattoo your palm with a web for Jamie’s spider. 🕸️🕷️
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jess-moloney1 · 5 days
To that anon about body language…
I agree, I didn’t go to collage for it, but I study it on my own time. At the end of the Con panel, he seemed like he was very awkward and wasn’t very comfortable. I think this was after the convo about girlfriends?
Or it was about his dad, and the mention of not bringing up Jess. You would think he would after talking about “how lucky he has his girlfriend” when cmon.. he obviously didn’t agree with his awkward hand gestures and tone of voice.
I watched as many videos of the con as I could find, and every time he didn’t talk about Jess he was happy, but even something close to mentioning her made him seem low, and almost in a haze of ‘not wanting to talk about it’ he talked about Joseph just fine, but Jess seems like a sensitive topic to bring up.
It’s absolutely insane how Jess stans will LIE just to make them feel better. When you could obviously see his mouth not moving? And then the argument of him ‘agreeing’ when body language speaks way louder then words of him not being confident, walls were definitely up, and the face covering just proves our point too.
Jess stans, you can keep telling yourself that Jamie is happy with Jess, but you cannot deny the fact that Jess wasn’t there for Jamie when they were at the hospital, literally she has NOTHING to do, and she supposably has money so you can’t give the ‘can’t make it’
So please Jess stans, tell us, why did Jamie not mention Jess at his time of need at the hospital with his dad? Why did he seem off about the girlfriend mention? Why was it when he talks about others he’s fine, but her he gets nervous? Please… all of us are wanting an answer.
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jess-moloney1 · 5 days
Omg, what’s wrong with Rennell? Why she spoke so impolitely and even angrily about Jess. Do she and Jess have an issue? It’s like she’s mad at her at some point.
I have no idea. She doesn't seem very friendly, not from that interaction at least. Kind of not surprised that Jess is friends with all these rude people. First that Michael guy and now Renell. I mean if these are people she's friends with then we can only imagine how horrible she is because I don't think she'd be friends with them if she wasn't like them in some way right? Unless it's possible she's super nice and all her friends are just assholes for some reason but that doesn't seem likely. Which makes me wonder even more how she'd ever get along with Jamie who seems much more genuinely nice than these people.
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jess-moloney1 · 5 days
So Josey. You might be right . They may have broken up . Tell me why Jamie has unliked most of jess’s comments that were once liked on his posts , deleted some of them and if he had replied to them in the past has removed the replies and/or the likes . Interesting
Though I'm not going to check every post (even though I do have a record of comments she left and he liked) I did check a few and I can confirm that he removed his like from the "Pizza, Pizza, Pizza" comment on the NYE Post:
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I also can't find this comment anywhere on this post:
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I also can't find these comments:
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I did a post about this back in the day if people want to check for themselves. [source] but if he's unliking her comments and removing them that is definitely not a good sign of a stable relationship. Does anyone else want to check as well to confirm just to make sure it's not a glitch or something?
Edit: There seems to be some descrepencies checking on the app vs desktop. However, I checked the app and desktop for the first comment and it does look like he unliked that pizza....pizza one no matter where I check it. The comments I can only find on the app.
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jess-moloney1 · 8 days
Ruby and Jamie broke up late october 2020. His first like on Jess IG was early december 2020. The first photo of them together summer 2021.
Then he wasted very little time getting with her, or conversely, she waited very little time to pounce on him after a breakup which makes her extremely toxic.
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jess-moloney1 · 12 days
Every other account has acknowledged what I’ve been saying for ages now . Also I was the first person to say it ???? Hello ? Jamie jumps into old relationships after ending ones and then jumps into new ones. The cycle goes on. Yada yada ya. Yeah been there said that a hundred times now. Thank you next . No offense but he’s going to be a thirty six year old man . Trust me. The guys had the fucking epiphany that perhaps he’s not in healthy relationships and doesn’t heal properly . But what you don’t understand is He has ABANDONMENT ISSUES. How many times must I say this ? 😭😭. Do you people actually read the blog properly ? It’s very simple (it’s a complex matter). Jamie is afraid of being alone . He knows what he needs to do. He’s a smart guy. He’s not a fucking idiot. But he’s afraid of not being enough . Of being unlovable. Of being vulnerable . So he hops between relationships because he thinks that having someone by his side at all times is going to prevent him feeling alone. But in reality he ends up feeling more isolated because he struggles with sobriety , with mental health , with so many things that most of you (again I’m sorry but) will never be able to fathom. Unless you have experienced what he has stop saying “bla bla this and bla bla that”. You don’t GET IT . Yeah you can sympathise but you haven’t been through it so stop it . He knows what he needs to do. As I keep saying Jamie is a grown adult. If he wants to heal and do the shadow work he will. He’s capable of making his own choices . Hes not a helpless baby . He can think for himself. He can act for himself. I share your concerns. We all do. But we cannot speak FOR HIM. He knows what he needs to do. I think he’s trying to do it . And please for the love of god stop fucking assuming he’s tag tailing what’s her name and what’s her name etc. Him liking a females post could be for any reasons . It doesn’t mean that she’s the next gf or a replacement or that he wants to have sex with her . Some of you need to stop sexualising the man altogether . Most of you are teenagers . Jamie is very self aware. He’s been through a lot of trauma and I truly think he’s trying to better himself. I think that ultimately when this ends with Jess that he’s old enough to realise that he needs to focus on himself for once . If he doesn’t fine. But also stop pointing out things that we’ve already pointed out A HUNDRED FUCKING TIMES. If it’s already been addressed on the blog then you can guarantee that we’re already aware of this. It’s not new information . Maybe read the fucking blog properly. Thank you .
(I’m sorry Josey. But someone had to say it because I can imagine it gets annoying for you having to answer the same questions over and over again too)
Thank you. I appreciate it.
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jess-moloney1 · 12 days
I think people keep unfollowing Jess because they’re either getting exposure to this blog , realise she hasn’t been posting Jamie, or just simply realise she’s a fucking boring individual
They are either unfollowing her because she doesn't post Jamie anymore, they've actually looked at her account and can see what a fraud she is, or they have read this blog and noticed it. Maybe some level of combination of that. Just glancing at her account and seeing all the lack of engagement (or interesting) things she posts would make anyone bored.
She just steals from other accounts of people she allegedly manages (even though there's no proof this is even true) and reposts stuff they already posted to their own audience who follow them and don't give a shit about her. I don't know what she thinks she's doing on Instagram that's even worthy of people following but I am glad that people are waking up to it and dropping her since she never deserved this level of recognition in the first place.
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jess-moloney1 · 12 days
It seems like, after Jamie got out of a 2 year relationship with Ruby, he took only 1-2 months before dating Jess? That can't possibly be enough time to heal properly. Also, in the song he wrote about Ruby, it seemed like he was struggling to give her the commitment/love that she needed. So how does that translate into him jumping right into another relationship? He seems to have done this with literally every relationship--he never takes time to heal and stay single. I worry about that. Not trying to judge at all.
Jess definitely got him on the rebound. It's debatable how much it was his *choice* and how much of it was her manipulating the situation into her favour so she could get him in bed and control him with sex or something. Jess who has definitely been watching him in some capacity (for years) should have known better than to get in this position almost immediately because any human with any sort of empathy would know not to go after a guy on the rebound on his lowest low but that does seem to be what she does.
I mean that's exactly when and how she went after Liam Payne, right after he broke up with his girlfriend at the time. Fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice, shame on you. If she's done it twice then she's probably done it a lot more than what we know of, which means this is the only way she knows how to get partners, which also means she's a pretty shit person.
Hopefully, Jamie has some way to take off the blinders, see what she's done to him (or currently doing to him) call off the relationship and get the therapy he needs to heal instead of trying to rely on ann overly fake and fame hungry nobody to do it for him.
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jess-moloney1 · 14 days
If « Jamie is happy with Jess » as the anom wrote (and who is a stan), this blog would never have existed, if Jamie is really happy with her, but it’s the opposite since last year according to the photos he shares with her, he doesn’t seem to be as happy since last year, as he was in 2021 and 2022.
I remember that Matilda received a lot of hate messages, not because she is a profiteer, poser and a professional scammer like Jess, but simply because some fans of Jamie’s toxic wanted him to date with Lily Collin and that’s more hate messages for me than this blog that seeks to tell the truth.
Thank you.
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jess-moloney1 · 16 days
It did get posted . So apologies there.
However . I’ve said this before I’m going to say it again . To an outsider who doesn’t know Jess’s past or things that we can form an account on (even through the internet) , it would seem like everything is fine. People might think we’re looking too much in on the little things . But in many relationships the tiny parts all accumulate in the end until it becomes “enough”. “Too much”. You have to follow the details because if you don’t you get lost . The tiny things always make a difference. Just because they seem small doesn’t mean they’re insignificant . Jamie has spent most of his life in the spotlight . He’s had to deal with a lot more struggles than one should. I’m not saying he’s a hero. I’m saying he’s a human being . Who’s had it harder than most . Even at his age now, he still faces these struggles . Whilst this account is mainly about Jess it also deals with Jamie at the forefront . Jamie has said “I don’t see how anyone could ever put up with me”. Of course he can brush things off as a joke. I do the same. It’s how a lot of us who struggle with mental health cope with our trauma by laughing it off. By pretending it still doesn’t affect us as much as it did the day it happened . The fact is that in every relationship Jamie’s been in, I don’t think they helped his mental health . I’m not saying his next partner (if he takes one will). What I do think is that he didn’t properly reflect in between relationships and seems to jump from one to the next to tackle the fear of being alone . And again. It’s very much linked to trauma . Some of you forget Jamie has severe anxiety . Things he laughs off could be because he’s nervous . He’s lost one of his closest friends when he was young . Do you know how that changes you ? Unless it’s happened to you, losing someone close, I’m sorry but you never will . The reason why we keep looking into Jess isn’t because we hate her. But because from the looks of it Jamie’s mental health is dwindling . And because she’s his CURRENT partner . She’s not any more important than his exes. Some people might hate her. Fair enough . Personally I just think she’s draining Jamie or not fully supporting him as best as she could and that’s what gets to me. But like I said . What we need is to find people who actually know her. Or knew her. Who don’t mind sharing their experiences with her. To end speculations.
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jess-moloney1 · 17 days
I have to I’m sorry . Jess Stans you’re not gonna like this but literally look at what’s happened in a fucking day . Imagine going public because you keep losing 100 followers every week . Just to disprove a “hate blog” which according to the Jess stans you’re supposedly too busy with your “real” life with “Jamie” to bother to pay attention to . To disprove that your marathon stuff was phony by adding archived photos of triathlon . To disprove that your brother doesn’t kee in contact with you anymore by unaarchiving photos of you two together . To disprove that you don’t have many friends who like you by unarchiving any photos you have with old friends . To disprove that you don’t take Ice Studios seriously by adding several posts of ice studios . To disprove that you don’t care about children or Scotch by unarchiving photos of your nephew and pictures with the dog . To inherently disprove everything that this blog has been calling you out for . Imagine taking all this fucking time - for someone who supposedly has such a busy work life and is a strong boss bitch. To spend the time reading every thread on this fucking blog . To spend all this time to discredit this blog . So Jess. Tell me . Was it worth it ?
Please enlighten me . For someone who’s supposed to have hobbies - for someone who’s supposed to be so dedicated to her work . Well here’s the thing . Everyone who’s encountered you either has something shady to hide about you and refuses to answer, or they don’t like you . Apparently your ex even called you abusive . That you didn’t support him in his accident . But no…. You love Jamie so much . You’re not in list with him right ? No . You’ve been obsessing over him for fucking years but hey it’s okay because you two ended up dating right ?
No no let me guess . You’re so supportive of all the shit Jamie has been through right ? His family love you right ? That’s why you keep him away mostly . Jamie’s friends love you right ? That’s why barely any of his colleagues follow you . No no. You’re so supportive of Jamie’s sobriety that you took him to the same fucjing bar his ex…which by the way we all know you stalked …took him to . You know. Before Jamie was sober . And you’re definitely a co owner of Ice Studios right ? That’s why Renell wouldn’t comment on it . Your business is so legit right that you’ve refunded people their money right . Well . Since we now know you have been reading this blog sweetheart let me make this FUCKING clear . (Part 2)
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jess-moloney1 · 17 days
And if Jess knows about this I have a feeling Jamie does too so this is for him if he ever sees it :
life has been cruel to you . And we- I’m sorry . I truly , genuinely am . You did not deserve what you’ve been through . The pain. The hardships. As a quote once said we attract others because we relate to their darkness. Our souls recognise eachother through that darkness . You have talked about this balance of dark and light as being necessary for your own growth, clarity and spirituality . But Jamie , you don’t deserve to have darkness in your romantic life. You deserve to be loved wholeheartedly, for your vulnerability , your flaws , your imperfections and all your positive attributes . You deserve to find someone who will let you lean on them for support, be your anchor. You deserve to find a reflection of yourself in another soul .
We all support you. We may not agree with everything you do . But we’re here for you. You have these burdens in your mind that you’re destined to be alone. That you’re not good enough : worthy enough of being loved unconditionally . Trust issues. Abandonment issues . And from one soul who has felt the same way to another . I understand . I do. We all do. But it’s in your head . It’s not real.
You control your reality . You shape your future . Your past does not define you . But you can mould your future to your liking if you just believe. You don’t need toxicity in your life. You’re an adult . You’re emotionally intelligent . More so than many other people in this world. You shouldn’t have to feel restricted or confined . We may be harsh sometimes . We may speculate often . We may even talk shit here and again. But at the end of the day we just want you to take care of yourself and be happy . You deserve to be happy . :)
I really hope that on behalf of all of your fans and us. That this finds you well. You are a rare diamond . Please take care of yourself. Do what is necessary to protect yourself . Even if it means being selfish . If you need time to be alone and not in a relationship do more shadow work. Heal. Find strong support systems to help you . Do what you need to do to feel safe.
🩵 (I’m so sorry Josey for these long ass rants)
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jess-moloney1 · 24 days
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Someone pointed out that it looks like Jess has this symbol tattooed on her leg and I'm just agreeing that's what it looks like. I do remember people speculating that Jess may be into witchcraft and I can't see why you would get a tattoo like this if you weren't so just an observation.
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jess-moloney1 · 24 days
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Rare Jess Moloney Photos
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jess-moloney1 · 24 days
Guess I found some proof that she was a dancer?
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jess-moloney1 · 24 days
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More Jess in those mom jeans from that modeling shoot
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jess-moloney1 · 24 days
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Rare Jess Moloney Photos
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