jerryulyssessmith · 2 months
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some cunt and al jourgensen. 1980s. bit of history for you
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jerryulyssessmith · 2 months
not sure but she's a beauty
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jerryulyssessmith · 2 months
sir r u ok
fuck off lad
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jerryulyssessmith · 2 months
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Well quite unfortunately my wife was home during an incident today. I heard about Douglas and his intimate video with an older man and thought to watch it out of curiosity. Keep in mind my trousers were on the entire time but I may have had my fly down from a previous voiding session. Anyway my phone was connected to the wife's roku tv and it started playing the innapropite acts while she was doing her crochet and now she believes I am gay. I tried to blame it on my son Gilbert Ulysses but I failed to remember that he was at band practice. I regret ever listening to this man's tunes
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jerryulyssessmith · 2 months
Thinking of taking "the cream pill"
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jerryulyssessmith · 4 months
tired of it all
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jerryulyssessmith · 4 months
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Sometimes I wonder how Mr. Boyd's life would have played out if he was called a "honkey" at any point in his life. Me for instance, my father passed out crack in "those" neighborhoods back in the day so I did not understand much about the world. It took 3 north African boys my son Gilbert Ulysses is friends with calling me a "cracker" to realize what the smaller groups of America go through. In that moment I felt the pain of all. Gilbert has been raised to love and accept all as I did not want to end up like my father. Grandpa also joined the Klan 5 years ago, whatever's left of it now. Just a very messed up sort. I believe Mr. Boyd is an American as he does not possess the grating accent of the Englishman, so my experiences may resonate with him. Just a little food for thoughts. All the love from Jerry.
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jerryulyssessmith · 4 months
Me in the 1990s - goth white boy things
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Here's a story for you all, my ex-wife Martha Graham loved this photo. Yesterday while picking up my lovely son Gilbert Ulysses from her home, I did a little snooping in Martha's purse as she usually carries these lovely peppermint candies, and I found this photo in her purse! I was shocked. I left it there as she definitely would have noticed and I might have been caught also stealing a candy.
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jerryulyssessmith · 4 months
Hello, I am the man in the first photo. This was a quite interesting post to come across. I am thankful to see my face reach the far corners of the internet, but a little saddened to see that it is a photo where I was not at my peak.
I have made a few updates on my tiktok, but tumblr has not been informed of this path in my life, so I will start from the beginning. I have started a journey of "looksmaxxing" that involves nonsurgical and nonhormonal techniques, as my T count is too high to safely begin TRT. I have thus done facial excersises (unable to spell that unfortunately) such as doing a kissy face for 30 seconds, furrowing my brows for 30 seconds, pressing my cheek fat in, and I have also changed my diet. It started with eating various green goos, but now I am on a strict diet of peas, gerber vanilla puffs, and red velvet flavored protein bars. I am as healthy as ever and don't even need to do the facial exercises anymore.
This is how I look now. I am not aware of what a McElroy brother is, but if you are curious my last name is "Smith" I still hold that ancestor knowledge of metalwork in my mind a little, and I believe it will only die out once someone takes another last name. For example my son, Gilbert Ulysses Graham, named after my ex-wife Martha Graham, shows absolutely no ability to be able to tell good craftsmanship from bad ones. It's very unfortunate.
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Thank you for reading. Love from Jerry.
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dark universe mcelroy brothers
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jerryulyssessmith · 4 months
Thoughts on AI
AI can change things about the world. Good or bad. Listen up to the sounds around you. I have musical tinnitus and that is what I call my "mind's AI" play on mind's eye a little bit. So in that regard, the AI is not that bad.
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jerryulyssessmith · 4 months
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Just wanted to post my mate Otto's beautoful family. Little bugger on the left survived three abortion attempts. His wife was pissed when she popped him out! God's plan as Drizzy would say
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jerryulyssessmith · 4 months
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