jerica-the-great · 6 years
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Haven’t been drawing these three in years. That’s how I always pictured them in my head.
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jerica-the-great · 6 years
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Harry Potter, The Boy Who Lived… come to die. Avada Kedavra!
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jerica-the-great · 6 years
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[Tumblr’s Countdown of Starkid Characters] - #1 Draco Malfoy (Lauren Lopez)
I want Hermione Granger! And a rocketship.
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jerica-the-great · 6 years
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April 9th 2018 marks nine years since Team Starkid accidentally created the most wonderful love story of modern times - Happy Birthday, A Very Potter Musical!
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jerica-the-great · 6 years
you: adapting the seven harry potter books into eight movies was the only way they could have done the series justice!
me, an intellectual: a very potter musical, a very potter sequel, a very potter senior year
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jerica-the-great · 6 years
A Very Potter Musical had a Zac Efron poster as one of Voldemort’s horcruxes, Quirrell and Voldemort getting together and the entire Harry Potter series being written by Gilderoy Lockhart and I am 1000000000% more likely to accept that as canon than the Cursed Child plot.
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jerica-the-great · 6 years
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Things in Starkid musicals that never fail to make me laugh [x]: A Very Potter Musical
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jerica-the-great · 6 years
If you’re relatively new to the Harry Potter fandom, you probably haven’t seen a very potter trilogy. If not, you need to do so right now.
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It’s got surprisingly accurate character portral
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Draco alone is a gift to earth
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Not to mention the drama
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Overall it’s just really hilarious
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jerica-the-great · 7 years
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I’m not ready, eyes heavy now
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jerica-the-great · 7 years
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Well, I haven’t posted for who knows what?! And I was watching prisoner of azkaban earlier and I got to the boggart part and this came… I was thinking on doing Draco Malfoy but Harry Potter is more fitting in this…so here goes.. :D
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jerica-the-great · 7 years
Slytherins in a relationship
- One kiss will bring you to your knees - Private lovers, not big on PDA - Slow to fall in love - Very guarded, it would take a while to get to know them - Best conversations because they are very intelligent - Not afraid to talk about big issues that people don’t usually like to talk about - Very opinionated and political - Socialites and aristocrats - Prefer expensive and proper dates - Hard to impress, but once you do you’ll have their full attention - They can’t stop thinking about their partners but would never say it out loud - Observe before speaking, able to keep calm in a fight - Most likely to stay up late and watch their partner sleep, late risers - Expect and demand certain qualities in a relationship but it’s just to protect their heart - Will be quick to leave a relationship if they are not satisfied - Excellent bedroom lovers, usually pay more attention to the needs and wants of their partner before their own satisfaction - If they find a partner who can handle them, they would die protecting them - Can be hard on their children but it’s because they only want the best
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jerica-the-great · 7 years
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Harry, you look so much like your godfather
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jerica-the-great · 7 years
Person A: What did one ocean say to the other?
Person B: Sea you later?
Person A: Nothing, they just waved.
Person B: Seriously?
Person A: Yes. What did one sidewalk say to the other?
Person B: I don't know, what?
Person A: Nothing, they just paved.
Person B: Nice.
Person A: Thanks, Person B. What did one dance party say to the other?
Person B: Get on with it already.
Person A: Nothing, they just raved.
Person A: What did one bank account say to the other?
Person B: *Sighs* What?
Person A: Nothing, they just saved.
Person A: What did one liar say to the other?
Person B: You're getting pretty creative.
Person A: Nothing, they just caved.
Person A: What did one of your eyebrows say to the other?
Person B: I don't know, um... I'm actually confused. What?
Person A: Nothing, because they don't exist.
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jerica-the-great · 7 years
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Get Inspired. Get Motivated www.oursweetinspirations.com
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jerica-the-great · 7 years
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Transfiguration class in the morning after a full moon was always a struggle. 1976.
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jerica-the-great · 7 years
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I love Draco in blue 💙
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jerica-the-great · 7 years
Dialogue Prompts #30
Thanks so much for over 1,000 followers!!
1. “Do not draw your sword to kill a fly.” “What does that even MEAN?”
2. “You need to pull yourself together. Drink some whisky and put on some lipstick or something.”
3. “I swear to god, I’ve seen that exact bumblebee five times today.”
4. “How much sleep are you getting?” “Uhh… not enough?”
6. “Do monsters make war, or does war make monsters?” “Shut up and go to bed.”
7. “Give me a hug.” “Absolutely not.”
8. “Always wear your invisible crown!” “STOP SPROUTING OPTIMISTIC SHIT AT ME.”
9. “Murder is like potato chips. You can’t just stop with one.” “That’s it. No more sugar for you.”
10.“If you waste any more money at Starbucks, we’re getting a divorce.” “But life is too short to drink crappy coffee!”
11. “FEAR stands for f*ck everything and run.”
12. “Love isn’t supposed to hurt, you know. Not if you’re doing it right.”
13. “You’ll be fine. You come from a strong line of lunatics.”
14. “The question isn’t who’s going to let me. It’s who’s going to stop me.”
15. “It hurt, of course. But I found that more often than not, the best things do.”
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