jeremylent · 4 months
Honoring Multiple Truths: An Integrative Pathway to Peace in Israel/Palestine
Published by The Club of Rome, Enduring Peace in the Anthropocene, May 2024 A just resolution to the Israel/Palestine conflict requires acknowledging and honoring truths that are seemingly contradictory. Examples from other domains show how this can be accomplished and offer a potential pathway to an enduring, long-term peace. Let us consider some facts of historical significance generally…
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jeremylent · 1 year
To Counter AI Risk, We Must Develop an Integrated Intelligence
The explosive rise in the power of AI presents humanity with an existential risk. To counter that risk, and potentially redirect our civilization’s trajectory, we need a more integrated understanding of the nature of human intelligence and the fundamental requirements for human flourishing. The recent explosion in the stunning power of artificial intelligence is likely to transform virtually…
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jeremylent · 2 years
How Corporate Dominance Is Driving Civilization to a Precipice
How Corporate Dominance Is Driving Civilization to a Precipice
The neoliberal ideology of unrestrained markets has led to a global crisis. Humanity now faces an existential threat as the result of global dominance by corporations, whose ultimate goal is at odds with human flourishing. Originally published March 14, 2022 in Inside Over as “The world on the brink of the abyss. Looking at the real danger.” Back in 1947, as the world was rebuilding from the…
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jeremylent · 3 years
Solving the Climate Crisis Requires the End of Capitalism
Solving the Climate Crisis Requires the End of Capitalism
Originally published October 9, 2021 in Salon It’s time to face the fact that resolving the climate crisis will require a fundamental shift away from our growth-based, corporate-dominated global system. The global conversation regarding climate change has, for the most part, ignored the elephant in the room. That’s strange, because this particular elephant is so large, obvious, and…
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jeremylent · 3 years
Join Me in Weaving a New Story of Meaning
Join Me in Weaving a New Story of Meaning
Upcoming courses on Ecological Civilization and The Web of Meaning Wildfires. Floods. Political polarization. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the onslaught of these harbingers of society’s unraveling. Sometimes, it might seem like there’s nothing we can do to help steer our civilization away from the precipice.Yes—society needs to undergo deep transformation, much deeper than most people…
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jeremylent · 3 years
Review of The Web of Meaning by Phyllis Creme
Review of The Web of Meaning by Phyllis Creme
Reposted from Share International website The following book review is included in the July/August issue of Share International. We feature this early because of its relevance to our present world situation and as an early heads-up that Jeremy Lent will be a guest interviewee in a Share International webinar on 24 October. The Web of Meaning feels like a book our time has been waiting for.…
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jeremylent · 3 years
Nature Is Not a Machine—We Treat It So at Our Peril
Nature Is Not a Machine—We Treat It So at Our Peril
First published as “Nature Is a Jazz Band, Not a Machine” by Institute of Art and Ideas | News on July 30, 2021. From genetic engineering to geoengineering, we treat nature as though it’s a machine. This view of nature is deeply embedded in Western thought, but it’s a fundamental misconception with potentially disastrous consequences. Climate change, avers Rex Tillerson, ex-CEO of ExxonMobil…
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jeremylent · 3 years
The Future Is Not a Spectator Sport
The Future Is Not a Spectator Sport
Like all self-organized, adaptive systems, society moves in nonlinear ways. Even as our civilization unravels, a new ecological worldview is spreading globally. Will it become powerful enough to avert a cataclysm? None of us knows. Perhaps the Great Transition to an ecological civilization is already under way, but we can’t see it because we’re in the middle of it. We are all co-creating the…
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jeremylent · 3 years
The Ideology of Human Supremacy
The Ideology of Human Supremacy
The somber truth is that the vast bulk of nature’s staggering abundance has already disappeared. We live in a world characterized primarily by the relative silence and emptiness of its natural spaces. Underlying this devastation is the ideology of human supremacy—claiming intrinsic superiority over nonhuman forms of life. But is human supremacy innate to humanity, or rather something specific…
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jeremylent · 3 years
Complexity, Cooperation, and Civilization
Complexity, Cooperation, and Civilization
Many people claim that evolution has a direction toward increased complexity—and that humans represent its apex. Our destiny, they declare, is to break out of our earthly limitations and explore the galaxy. Although an intoxicating vision for some, the rise of human civilization has been a double-edged story. Until humans learn to enhance life on Earth rather than destroy it, we’re not ready…
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jeremylent · 3 years
Introduction to The Web of Meaning
Introduction to The Web of Meaning
As our civilization careens toward a precipice of climate breakdown, ecological destruction, and gaping inequality, people are losing their existential moorings. Our dominant worldview has passed its expiration date: it’s based on a series of flawed assumptions that have been superseded by modern scientific findings. The Web of Meaning: Integrating Science and Traditional Wisdom to Find Our…
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jeremylent · 4 years
Credit Suisse: Be Part of the Solution, Not the Problem
Credit Suisse: Be Part of the Solution, Not the Problem
Every Fall, the Credit Suisse Research Institute invites selected experts to present to the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Urs Rohner, & other senior executives on current events. Last November, they asked me to participate. I gave them this presentation on the climate and ecological emergency, urging Urs Rohner to immediately divest from all fossil fuel financing, and introduced the…
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jeremylent · 4 years
Universal Basic Income: The Moral Birthright of Every Human Being
Universal Basic Income: The Moral Birthright of Every Human Being
I recently contributed my view on the moral underpinnings of a Universal Basic Income to a wide-ranging conversation on the topic facilitated by the Great Transition Initiative: “Universal Basic Income: Has the Time Come?” Here’s the question they posed:
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“Should society provide every citizen with a basic income, no strings attached? Some proponents of a “universal basic income” view it as a…
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jeremylent · 4 years
The Alchemy of Heartbreak and Hope: A Spiritual Practice for Our Time
The Alchemy of Heartbreak and Hope: A Spiritual Practice for Our Time
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Keynote talk given by Jeremy Lent to The Whidbey Institute annual gala, October 2020.
“When we truly open our hearts to each other, there is no burden too heavy for us to carry together, there is no pain too deep for us to hold in each other’s arms. And it’s in that place—of feeling the Earth’s injuries, and feeling it with each other—that the alchemy emerges. It’s in the cauldron of sharing…
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jeremylent · 4 years
The Five Real Conspiracies You Need to Know About
The Five Real Conspiracies You Need to Know About
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While millions of people are spellbound by false conspiracy theories, the real conspiracies that are wrecking our world go about their business unheeded. Here are five genuine threats that everyone should know about—and take action on.
The world is awash in a deluge of dangerous conspiracy theories. Most notoriously, the bizarre QAnon fantasypostulates that a global child sex-trafficking ring…
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jeremylent · 4 years
The Coronavirus as a Crucible
The Coronavirus as a Crucible
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I recently participated in a conversation with thought leaders at the Great Transition Initiative on a critical question poised by Paul Raskin:
“The coronavirus outbreak has disrupted our lives, equanimity, and assumptions. . . The pandemic is a rupture in historic time that shakes the continuity of institutions and consciousness. . . How can we seize the moment to steer toward the Great…
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jeremylent · 4 years
Coronavirus Spells the End of the Neoliberal Era. What’s Next?
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Coronavirus is a political crucible, melting down and reshaping current norms. Will the new era be a “Fortress Earth” or a harbinger of a transformed society based on a new set of values?
Think Bigger
Whatever you might be thinking about the long-term impacts of the coronavirus epidemic, you’re probably not thinking big enough.
Our lives have already been reshaped so dramatically in the…
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