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| genre: thriller, romance.
| extras: this story follows my book version of this. The names Garam and Jungseok will be changed. Jungseok becomes Jungkook and Garam is Y/n. For the fanfiction version everything will be changed to fit it.
| trigger warning: child abuse, abuse, violence, murder, cannibalism,
Chapter 1: Y/n Pov
"How long am I required to work today?" I asked my manager who was sitting just inches away from the counter where the register was placed. I had just clocked in to my shift not knowing that my other boss left a note wanting me to work an extra shift because people hadn't shown up.
My manager shifted slightly into her seat, sighing heavily. "I honestly don't know. Seyoon barely comes to work and when she does, she begs other people to take her shift."
I chuckled lightly. "I know Seyoon is very unique."
"I wouldn't say unique, she has a habit of laying people off. Why I would rather have you work the hours I do than work her hours."
Eunae had been my manager for some time. She's been very helpful while I was struggling with money problems that had affected my family upon moving to Tongyeong-si. I moved to stand in front of the register that is next to Eunae. She didn't move an inch in her seat but she looked extremely exhausted.
"You should head home, Eunae."
"My shift isn't over just yet."
"You look exhausted, Eunae."
Eunae laughed. "It is part of customer service especially in a coffee shop." She stood up, wiping down her apron. "Our jobs ain't cheap."
I chuckled lightly. "You got that right."
Eunae was right, sometimes serving customers here at the coffee shop was exhausting mentally and physically especially if these customers were being rude to the employees causing more stress onto us and the managers. That was the only bad thing that I could think about being here in this small city.
There were a lot of memorizing sights like the small fountain placed just inches away from the coffee shop. I loved to stare at it during my breaks, it helps clear my mind most days. I've been offered multiple jobs by multiple different people, I even had one person offer me $200 a week to be a stripper at their club but I respectfully declined them.
Luckily, the coffee shop was just enough for me and I was offered great staff for the most part.
"Y/n, how is the landlord acting today?"
"Bad, He basically told me I have a month to earn at least 1318000 won or we would be kicked out of the house."
Eunae sighed heavily. "Your mom is still not helping?"
"Not that much, she barely works while she is telling me to get two jobs while dealing with my father's illness."
"If I could let you stay with me I would but I am about to get an apartment of my own."
"I wish but It is what the world is, Eunae." I started counting the money in the register to make sure we had enough to give back to the customers who paid with $5 dollar bills and even $10's.
I was already mentally preparing myself for homelessness, knowing how much of a risk I will be to diseases and even an illness that has affected my father. I am praying in my heart that I will be able to make enough money to last another month or I may have to beg our landlord to extend it even further since we cannot make it to the pay day.
I placed the money in the register, closing it upon hearing quickened footsteps coming closer towards me. I looked in that direction to see who it was and to my surprise it was Hwayoung. She was breathing heavily, holding a piece of paper tightly in her hands.
"Hwayoung, you okay?" Eunae turned around to look at her, seeing her messy hair and sweat upon her clothes. She huffed and slammed the piece of paper onto the counter, making both Eunae and I jump.
"Damn Hwa, You didn't have to slam it on the counter like that."
She was still heaving trying to catch her breath. "Give me" She sucked in the air around her. "Two seconds."
Both Eunae and I laughed. It was nice to see Hwayoung at the start of such a stressful shift. There were not enough words to express the love I have for Hwayoung but I think having her in my life was enough to express that.
There was visible sweat built up on her forehead as we watched her catch her breath before standing up straight. Eunae and I raised an eyebrow at her, curious on what got her running towards us in excitement.
"You had a good run Hwa?"
"Amazing run! My body is pumping full of adrenaline."
"We can tell." I laughed.
"Well, It is not just about the run."
"Then what is it about that has gotten you so excited?"
"That piece of paper!" She exclaimed, pushing this unknown paper closer to me.
"Is it for me?"
"Yes it is! I know how much you have been needing 1318000 won by the end of the month so I did something exciting!"
I looked towards Eunae, still confused about this. Eunae shrugged her shoulders and pointed to me to pick up the piece of paper and read it. I reached over picking up the paper and bringing it close to my face to start reading it.
"You signed me up at an orphanage?" I didn't even read the full thing when I came across the name of the orphanage at the top of the paper. "Jungsik's orphanage" plastered in bold and eye-catching font.
"I did!" Hwayoung shouted, causing some of the customers that were already in the coffee shop to look her way.
"Hwayoung let's not shout, you're disturbing the customers." Eunae explained sternly, signing to the customers that she is handling it.
"I'm sorry, I am just so excited." Hwayoung slightly turned towards the customers, bowing 90 degrees before standing straight.
"But back to the orphanage, how did you sign me up without me being there?"
"It was easy, I saw an application online last night and went to visit it this morning. When I came in, I asked for the job applications. The old lady at the desk gave it to me to fill out as she was thinking I was signing up and I just put your name."
"You basically committed fraud Hwayoung.." Eunae held her laugh.
"Did I?.." Hwayoung took a second to think about it.
"I mean the thought is what matters in the end right?" I shrugged.
One thing about this paper is that the orphanage does look legit but maybe I should look up during my break today to see if I can find its location on the maps. I was still a little bit suspicious about how quickly Hwayoung got the job for me but maybe they were desperate for workers that they took anyone.
"Hwa, How did you get this job so quickly?"
"I have my ways." She smirked towards me and Eunae laughed, hitting my shoulder lightly.
"They owed her money."
"That is not trueee."
"Then what is it hmm? I mean Y/n is right, she shouldn't have gotten that job so easily."
Hwayoung hummed. "What the lady at the front desk told me is that they were actually looking into Y/n. They didn't know what she looked like quite yet but they were going to offer her a job so It was convenient I turned up there and used Y/n's name."
"Which I still can't believe you did."
"Hey I mean I got you a job right!"
I shook my head. "Correct."
"In a weird way but It does work for Y/n." Eunae sat back down in her chair as Hwayoung got closer to us to let people who just came inside of the coffee shop by.
"Make sure to read the whole thing Y/n, if you don't read the whole thing you will miss something and let the company be allowed to rip you off of a job if they wanted to instead of giving you any benefits."
I nodded my head, moving my eyes back onto the piece of paper. I made sure to imprint every inch of information that was said on this piece of paper just in case the company decided to try to lie to me. While I was doing that, my eyes came across another bolded message near the end.
'DO NOT: Do not come at night, throw out your personal feelings before you enter our orphanage'
I didn't understand what It meant or the hidden meaning behind this message. This new boss was definitely like leaving warnings which was normal in this working industry. After that bolded warning, there was a list of potential risks while working at the orphanage.
There were mentions of missing children and the environment of the place causing injuries to the workers which I could understand since I assumed it was in place since the 1900's. I was really glad they told the risks and even mentioned that all injuries are paid for by the orphanage.
Thank god I didn't have to pay for another hospital bill.
I read the application over one more time, allowing it all to seep into my brain. Then I placed the paper down on the counter. Hwayoung pointed at a small line towards the bottom of the paper right after the potential risks section.
"Do make sure you sign it. He can't officially let you be an employee there until you agree to the terms and risks of working there."
I squinted my eyes at the paper finally seeing the small smudged line. I can't believe I didn't see it before. I went to reach for a pen that was placed in one of the cups just right of the register. I moved my head down near the paper before signing it with my signature.
I should have thought twice about applying but they seemed promising with the amount of work they would give and health benefits if anything happens to me while working. I do like that I will be taking care of children which is one of my best qualities. My Aunt always said I was good at taking care of young toddlers.
I went to put the pen back in the cup holder when the bell from the front door rang loudly. A large family came into the shop and stood behind Hwayoung looking at our menu. There were a couple of children with them and they seemed well behaved.
My gaze moved back towards Hwayoung when she practically jumped over the counter to wrap her arms around me to dig her knuckles into my head playfully.
"I knew you would do it! I am always such a good friend!"
"I need the money but thanks Hwayoung." I laughed lightly.
"You're so welcome! I'mma head back towards the dance studio see you both then!" Hwayoung sent us goodbye air kisses before walking past the family behind her to leave the shop.
I sometimes wonder how me and her are friends sometimes but It wasn't my worry at the moment. I just had to get through my shift right now and tonight at this orphanage. I am hoping they are really nice to me.
It reached 6 pm right on the dot. The clock that was set up in Eunae's spot went off reminding her and me that It was our time to go home. I finished with the last customers who came in and ordered their late night coffees. I understood completely why some of them needed it that bad since work drains a person mentally.
Then I placed my apron onto the wall hanger in the break room near the door. Once I finally clocked out, my other manager Seyoon entered the break room. She grinned towards me, placing a hand on her hip.
"Are you taking my shift?"
"I'm sorry Seyoon but I have to go to my other job."
"Other Job? Who else would hire you?" Seyoon snickered out.
I took a step back from the door when I noticed Eunae entering the break room. Eunae looked towards Seyoon before clocking out herself.
"Seyoon, please make sure the coffee shop is closed correctly this time. I don't think we can handle another complaint."
Seyoon chuckled. "I think I was just about to leave, right Y/n?"
"Not really, you have to do your job, Seyoon. I'll see you tomorrow Eunae." I smiled towards Eunae as I pushed past Seyoon who was blocking the entrance.
I started heading towards the bus station just down the street from the coffee shop. It was not a long walk and it was nice to enjoy the breeze that flowed by everyday. When I reached the area, I went to look at the map to see if I could find this orphanage and ask the driver if they could take me out that far.
I placed my finger on the map to point at where I was before looking around for 'jungsik orphanage'. For a couple of minutes I couldn't find it. It was making me think that maybe this place wasn't real but I decided to pull out my phone and go on google Maps to help me out.
When I found it on google, I saw the bus pulling up to the station. I kept a right grip on my purse before getting into the bus. I stopped in front of the bus driver to hand him some money.
"I also have a question sir."
"Do you have a station out near Jungsik Orphanage?"
The bus driver looked at me with a weird smirk on his face for a split second before his face went back to normal.
"Yes we do sweetheart, now go wait your turn."
I took a step back, concerned about what I just saw from the bus driver's face. I sighed internally.
Y/n, it is just your imagination.
I hope it was, everything about this night seemed off. When I sat down, the bus driver had already hit two other stops before driving off. While I was waiting, I decided to call my mother and tell her that I found my second job. I know she would be proud about me working instead of coming home.
I dialed her number hoping for a response but It just went straight to voicemail. I sighed lightly, not letting myself think about my mother more than I have to. I didn't want to bother her while she was trying to take care of my father. My mother was starting to get protective of me and I think it is because she knows my father may not make it. I am hoping he does but fate is not always on my side.
The bus reached the orphanage allowing me to get off. I looked straight ahead, seeing the big orphanage in the distance illuminating with the sunset. I should head over to it before I run out of light. I quickly ran towards the orphanage reaching the front yard, that is when I noticed the huge moss growing on the bricks and even the brown burn spots on the green grass just inches from the place.
I decided to take a minute to look up the history of this place. From what I know, the orphanage was built during Emperor Hyo's reign over korea. Which did make sense with its structure and the wood looking rotten. However, I was starting to get a little bit nervous with the human-like burn marks on the walls.
They were in the shape of bodies along with words like "save us, help us, they are hurting us" written in white chalk. I managed to head inside of the orphanage where it looked mostly up to date with the time period. The feeling of the carpet underneath my feet still had its softness while some areas were brittle.
I noticed the hallways were being lit by candles nailed into the walls which added to the swift draft of the wind. While walking down one of the hallways, I stopped in my tracks upon seeing stabbing marks. Some of the marks had a splotch of blood on it.
I think I may go home.
No Y/n, you need this job.
The hell I do.
It was a battle with my mind. I needed to leave, there were obviously better jobs out there than this. I rushed back towards the reception area where a young woman was apparently waiting on me near the entrance.
"You are Mrs.Heo Y/n correct?"
"Um, yes that is correct."
"Great." She walked towards the reception desk with a clipboard. "I am going to need that paper that you were supposed to sign."
Right. The application.
I pulled out the application from my purse, handing it to her. She took the paper from me, reading it to make sure I followed all of the instructions. The young girl put the paper on the wooden desk before picking up a huge stack of papers.
"I am Joy. I will be your tour guide since I will be quitting." She smirked, handing me the stack of papers that I needed to carry.
"Uh, thank you?"
"You're welcome, let's start upstairs." She went up the stairs first leaving me behind. I slowly followed behind not seeing the male that walked in front of me. I stopped in my tracks when I reached the top step, finally seeing him.
The mysterious male was glaring at me with his piercing eyes only to walk past me leaving me alone. That is when I noticed one of the rooms where two boys were playing with a toy but when Joy walked back towards me, they hid it under their bed.
"Let's start with the rooms. I don't need to tell you how many rooms but I am going to pretend that you are stupid."
I should have walked out. I don't know why I didn't.
But Instead I didn't and just smiled at her. She went past one of the first rooms.
"There are six bedrooms on this floor. 10 children are living in each room with the left side belonging to the boys and the right belonging to the girls."-"The rooms are in order from youngest to oldest, Do I need to explain the ages to you?'
I shook my head. "I think I have It ma'am."
"Good, I am happy you're not incompetent."
We reached the end of the hallway where I noticed a door that was cracked. I didn't think anything of it but I did want to ask about it.
"Joy, I have a question."
Joy turned around crossing her arms. "Yes?"
"This room." I pointed to the door. "Is it important?"
"I didn't tell you about it, which means It is not for you."
I nodded my head following Joy downstairs where she showed me the rest of the place like the classrooms, living rooms, nurse stations and kitchens.
"I will be going, I assume you have the common sense to follow the rules."
"Thank you."
Joy quickly left the place leaving me alone. I started doing this stack of papers in my office when crying started getting louder and harsher every couple of minutes. I went to take a break from my work to go see what happened. I headed towards the nursery to find her near one of the cribs.
"It's okay, I won't hurt you."
I whispered it to her kneeling down in front of her. She hesitated but let me look at her arm from a distance. Her arm had burn marks making her arm a bright red. I slowly moved towards her to help guide her to one of the girls bedrooms, tucking her in one of the beds.
"I'm going to get medicine for your arm, okay?" I told her softly, trying not to scare her.
I ran down stairs swiftly rummaging through the cabinets until I could find bandages. I pulled up a stool next to the young girl, taking her arm slowly. Putting on the ointment she was wincing in pain every time the ointment touched her burnt skin. Her tears started filling her eyes as I wiped her tears.
"Can I know what happened?"
She doesn't look in my direction. It looked like she was scared to tell me who hurted her. I stood up and started putting things back into the first aid kit before moving closer towards the door.
"I will be in the hallway if you need me."
Before I could walk out, she whispered out "thank you for being nice." like she didn't want anyone to know she was thanking me. I smiled and turned around where I kissed her head.
"I will always be nice to you."
When I stepped out into the hallway, there was that male again. We almost bumped into each other but he took a step back from me. You could see he was definitely taller than me by a couple of inches along with that scar that came across his right eye complimenting his raw red eye.
He had another scar on his chin down near the bottom left along with his captivating left brown eye. It was definitely rare in Korea for people to have two color eyes and it was nice to see someone unique, specifically in a part of town I've never been to.
"Are you done eye fucking me?"
My eyes widened when his voice turned cold like ice.
"No sir, I was not eye fucking you."
Right when he was about to respond a nun walked up to the both of us.
"Dinner is at 6:30 pm. Bedtime is at 8:30 pm. Don't be late next time."
I looked at her confused. "It is 8:30?"
The nun walked away from me not answering my question. I didn't pay any mind to it and walked past the male to put the rest of the children to bed. I entered one of the rooms where the young boys were jumping on the beds.
"Please, let's get you all to bed hmm?" I tried to convince them but they didn't listen quite well.
"Get into bed, do you want the boogeyman to come out and get you?" I saw the mysterious male enter the room and leaned against the doorframe. He chuckled while each of the little kids went up to him to say goodnight.
"Unnie was so nice to us! She helped Jian today after the meanies hurt her!"
That is when I saw a smile on his face. It was definitely memorizing. I was slowly learning the concept of who the children called the meanies and I was glad It wasn't the mysterious male. He seemed interesting but I didn't have enough time to admire as I rushed towards the nursery to put the babies to bed.
I read the names on the crib, picking up Min Ae and Min So. I sat down in one of the rocking chairs near the corner and started softly singing a song my mother would always sing to me as a baby to help them sleep.
TAGS: #kpop
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