This project aims to celebrate Jensen Ackles and the contribution he has made to the lives of the fans across the globe and to get these fans a little more closer to him. With this project we want to give to the International fans, especially from Asia, Africa, South America, Europe and New Zealand a chance to tell Jensen how much they love and adore him. A Project of @rockstardean and @martyrdean UPDATE: Accepting your submitions until April 22nd
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Thank you to everybody that participated, helped us with a signal boost and supported this project. I finally gave the CD to Jensen at JIB7 and I’m sure he watched it and loved it. (Daniela, JIBCON organizer said to him in autos how good the video was since she asked us the link in twitter to watch it!!)
thank you Jensen’s fans of the world!!!!!!!!!!!!
@rockstardean and @martyrdean <3
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We did it!! The video it’s edited and all it’s set up to give it to Jensen at #JIBCON. Thank you too everybody that helped us with signal boost and sharing the posts on twitter and other social networks. We will post the video here very soon.
Thank you for the love!!
@rockstardean & @martyrdean
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Hello! Hola! Olá! Jensen fans ❤ First of all, thank you so much for spreading the word and sending your submission! We received lovely videos from fans from all parts of the world and we expect more to come. Since I got a little extra time we decided to extend the deadline: we are now accepting submitions until April 22nd !!
Don’t miss this chance to say to Jensen all those things you feel for him :)
Remember to read the rules HERE and the especifications HERE
❤ Spanish Version ❤
❤ Portuguese Version ❤
★ Let’s show Jensen that our love from him doesn’t know about frontiers ★
super cute gif by poorbeautifuldean ❤ Thank you Wendy!!
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Is it okay if it's from Puerto Rico ? I can assure you that there's never been a con here (;-;) but I thought I'd ask anyways
Of course is ok!!! todos los hermanos centro americanos son bienvenidos. Esperamos tu video !!! ❤❤❤❤
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Hello! Hola! Olá! Jensen fans ❤ First of all, thank you so much for spreading the word and sending your submission! We received lovely videos from fans from all parts of the world and we expect more to come. Since I got a little extra time we decided to extend the deadline: we are now accepting submitions until April 22nd !!
Don’t miss this chance to say to Jensen all those things you feel for him :)
Remember to read the rules HERE and the especifications HERE
❤ Spanish Version ❤
❤ Portuguese Version ❤
★ Let’s show Jensen that our love from him doesn't know about frontiers ★
super cute gif by poorbeautifuldean ❤ Thank you Wendy!!
#jensenedit#spnedit#spncastedit#jensen ackles#jensenproject#jensenwwwfans#SO MANY HEARTS!!#signal boost
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For the project, is it okay if I wear a kind of mask for the sake of anonymity, or do I have to show my face?
well.... you can show your face and write in the email that you don’t want to be part of the public video. then the only people seeing your face are gonna be Jensen and me :) I promess
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Este projeto tem como objetivo celebrar Jensen Ackles, sua contribuição para a vida dos fãs em todo o mundo e dar a oportunidade para esses fãs terem um contato mais próximo com ele. Nste projeto queremos deixar os fãs internacionais, especialmente da Ásia, África, América do Sul, Europa e Nova Zelândia, onde raramente há qualquer convenção realizada, dizer a Jensen o quanto eles o amam e adoram.
Você é da Ásia, Europa, África, Nova Zelândia ou América do Sul? Você tem um monte de coisas para dizer a Jensen, mas você sente que participar de uma convenção é algo impossível para você? Eu pensei nas mesmas coisas também! Eu sou da Argentina e eu nunca considerei a possibilidade de participar de uma con ou encontrar Jensen em 1000 anos !! E agora que tenho a oportunidade, eu gostaria de levar sua mensagem comigo e entregá-la a Jensen durante a JIBCON 2016 que eu irei participar.
Escolha uma ou ambas as opções e filme a si mesmo (ou peça a um amigo para ajudá-lo)
Opção 1 - Segure uma placa/cartaz onde você vai escrever uma palavra para descrever Jensen Ackles ou a razão pela qual você o ama.
Opção 2 - Nos diga porque você ama e admira Jensen Ackles / O que você diria para Jensen Ackles se você tivesse a chance?
** REGRAS ** (para mais especificações, por favor, visite o nosso blog neste link)
✔ Escolha um belo dia com muita luz diurna.
✔ A qualidade do vídeo deve ser HD (se possível) e áudio deve ser HQ também.
✔ Formato do vídeo: Nós preferimos AVI ou MOB, mas se a sua única opção é MP4, tente obtê-lo na melhor qualidade possível.
✔ Para a opção 1 - Escreva a palavra em um papel com uma hashtag (#) (Por exemplo: JENSEN ACKLES IS #THECUTEST ou I LOVE JENSEN BECAUSE HE IS #THECUTEST) e filme a si mesmo segurando a plaquinha/cartaz
✔ Para a opção 2 - você terá 15 segundos para responder, faça assim a sua resposta muito precisa e comovente (por favor, seja respeitoso.)
✔ Você terá que nos enviar o seu nome (ou o seu twitter/tumblr) e o nome do seu país. Se você deseja ficar anônimo, use apenas a primeira letra do seu nome, mas por favor, nos dê o nome do seu país.
✔ Uma versão curta do vídeo será compartilhada no youtube, deixe-nos saber se você NÃO quer ser incluído.
✔ Se você estiver desconfortável em falar em Inglês, você pode muito bem falar em sua língua nativa, mas você terá que nos fornecer a tradução em Inglês do que você disse, para que possamos colocar as legendas. Mas a palavra/mensagem no cartão/placa devem ser escritos em Inglês.
O prazo é até 22 de abril !!!!!!!!!!!
Envie seu vídeo(s) para: [email protected]
❤ ❤ POR FAVOR, Reblog para espalhar a palavra ❤ ❤
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Sorry, I have a couple of questions: in the option one, do I have to write JUST the word on the sign or "I love JA cause he is #awesome"? And in option 2, do I have to say "I love JA because he is..." or just start with "He is..."? Or am I supposed to talk to him directly? (sorry for trouble D:)
Not trouble at all ❤ Thanks for your interest !!
In opcion 1 write the whole sentence. JENSEN ACKLES IS #...... or I LOVE JENSEN BECAUSE #..........
In option 2 Do it the way you feel more comfortable and natural. there is no script! (Just remember to make it under 15 seconds)
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For the Jensen ackles project, is it okay if I'm not from any of the stated continents or countries? I live in Vancouver but my parents don't have enough money and time to buy tickets to vancon. If you don't want me to, thats fine. Just asking. :)
Hi! i’m sorry to hear that. But yes this proyect is for fans that live far from North America. We are trying to give this space to fans that don’t have a chance to go to cons, and in general, everythings cost more to us and we are left out of sweepstakes, contest and fan movies, so this proyect is for all of them.
Thank you for understand ❤
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~~La Onda ~~
Algunos tips para que el projecto quede copado y lindo:
✔ Cuando filmen sieeempre siempre siempre el telefono o cámara en HORIZONTAL.
✔ Para el cartel, debe estar escrito en ingles! así Jensen lo puede leer
✔ Deben usar PLANO MEDIO. Y sitúense en el margen derecho o izquierdo, asi tenemos lugar para escribir sus datos en la edición. Un ejemplo de Plano Medio sería:
Para opción 1 el vídeo debe durar unos segundos 8 segundos. Denme su mejor ángulo o sonrisa. Piensen en Jensen y les vá a salir :3
✔ El cartel debe medir aproximadamente 37 x 45 cm.
✔ El lugar dónde filmen debe estar bien iluminado para evitar sombras innecesarias. La fuente de luz siempre a la espalda de la cámara.
✔ Traten de mantener la cámara/teléfono lo más estabilizado posible, que la persona filmando lo sostenga con las dos manos.
✔ No se paren pegados a la pared. Una buena idea es ponerse en una de las esquinas de su casa que más les guste o en el porche/jardín etc. Pero que el fondo sea lo más despojado posible.
✔ Los cosplayers son bienvenidos a usar sus trajes (de Supernatural) :D
✔ Si eligen filmar en el exterior, pueden elegir algún monumento reconocible de su ciudad/pueblo, si es que están cerca de alguno. Para la opción 2 recuerden que debe escucharse su voz! así que no eligan lugares con mucho ruido!
POR ULTIMO: SI! yo tengo también un poco de miedo escénico pero piensen en Jensen and DO IT FOR HIM <3.
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Este proyecto busca celebrar a Jensen Ackles y su impacto en las vidas de los fans alrededor del mundo si como acercar estos fan un poco más a él. Con este proyecto queremos posibilitar que fans de Asia, África, América de Sur, Europa y Nueva Zelanda, donde no hay convenciones de Supernatural, le puedan mandar un saludo a Jensen y decirle cuanto lo queremos y adoramos.
** Que es este Proyecto**
Vivís en Asia, África o América del Sur, Europa o Nueva Zelanda y tenés un mensaje que te gustaría transmitir a Jensen? pero asistir a una convención te parece algo imposible y lejano? Te entiendo perfectamente porque siempre me sentí así. Soy una fan de Argentina y jamás creí que tendría esa posibilidad. Y ahora que voy a viajar a JIBCON me encantaría poder llevar sus mensajes hasta Jensen.
**Cómo Funciona**
Elige una o las dos opciones y enviame tu filmación:
Opción 1 - Filmate sosteniendo un cartel/letrero y escribe una palabra que describa a Jensen o una razón por la que lo admirás y querés
Opción 2 - Contanos porqué lo admiras o que te gustaría decirle si tuvieras la posibilidad.
**REGLAS** (hay más especificaciones en este post)
✔ Elige un día soleado o con buena luz
✔ Trata de conseguir una calidad de filmación en HD. El sonido también debe ser en HQ.
✔ Formato .AVI o .MOB si es posible. Pero se aceptan .MP4
✔ Para la Opción 1, hay que escribir en una cartulina y usar el siguiente formato:
✔ Para la Opción 2, el límite debe ser de 15 segundos. Sean respetusos por favor.
✔ Vas a tener que enviarnos tu nombre (o tumblr/twitter handler) y tu pais de residencia. Si preferís no dar tu nombre real aunque sea danos tus iniciales y tu país.
✔ Para la Opción 2: Si tu inglés no es muy bueno podés mandarlo en español. Portugués y otros idiomas deben enviar la traducción al inglés en el mail. Opción 1 debe ser si o si en ingles!
✔ Vamos a realizar una versión corta para Youtube, si NO quieren ser incluidos en la misma deben aclararlo en el mail.
✔ Tienen hasta el 22 de Abril!!
✔ Manden sus videos a nuestro gmail [email protected]
En nuestro tumblr hay más especificaciones, no se olviden de leerlas!!! Así podemos hacer algo copado y de calidad.
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The Aesthetic
Some tips to make of this project something cool and cute:
✔ When filming always always always put your phone or camera HORIZONTALLY.
✔ For the sign: please write it in english so Jensen can read it easily.
✔ Use a MidShot !! And remember to leave a space so we can add your choosen name and country. A perfect example is this:
Chose left or right! standing if Option 1 or Sitting if Option 2.
✔ Film yourself for a few seconds holding the sign, give me your biggest smile, imagining the camera is Jensen will help, believe me!
✔ Make sure the sign is big enough, If posible 37 x 45 cm.
✔ Try as much as possible to shoot your video in brightly lit areas. This will help avoid unnecessary shadows and grainy areas in your video. Conversely, you also must be careful not to point the camera directly at bright light sources, which will cause overexposed footage.
✔ Keep your phone steady while recording. Use both hands to hold your smartphone as close as possible to your body as you record the video.
✔ Don’t stand too close to the background, so the video will have some depth. Choose your favorite corner of the house (it creates an interesting background), or you favorite outdoor place.
✔ It’s allowed to dress in cosplay if it’s a Supernatural Cosplay.
✔ You can film yourself outdoors. Choose your town/city landmark if you live close of one of those. If you are filing Option 2 remember you’ll be talking so make sure the audio is quality enough and the background noise is not too loud.
✔ Look at the camera and remember you are doing this for him and you are doing this for you.
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This project aims to celebrate Jensen Ackles and the contribution he has made to the lives of the fans across the globe and to get these fans a little more closer to him. With this project we want to let the International fans, especially from Asia, Africa, South America, Europe and Oceania where there is seldom any convention held, tell Jensen how much they love and adore him. **WHAT IS THE PROJECT?**
Are you from Asia, Europe, Africa, New Zealand or South America? Do you have a lot of things to say to Jensen but you feel that going to a convention is impossible for you? I thought all of this too! I’m from Argentina and I never considered it possible to attend a con or meet Jensen in 1000 years!! And now that I have the chance I would love to bring your messages to Jensen with me to JIB2016 which I’m attending.
Choose one or both options and film yourself (or ask a friend to assist you)
Opcion 1 - Hold a sign where you’ll write one word to describe Jensen Ackles or the reason why you love him.
Option 2 - Tell us why you love and admire Jensen Ackles/ What would you want to say to Jensen Ackles if you had the chance? **RULES**
✽ ✽ (for more especification go to our blog with this link) ✽ ✽
✔ Chose a beautiful day with lots of daylight.
✔ The video quality should be HD (if possible) and audio should be HQ as well.
✔ Video Format: we prefer .AVI or .MOB but If your only option is MP4 try to get the best Quality.
✔ For option 1 - write the word on a paper with a # (eg. JENSEN ACKLES IS #THECUTEST or I LOVE JENSEN BECAUSE HE IS #THECUTEST) and film yourself holding it.
✔ For option 2 - you will have 15 seconds to answer, so make your answer very precise and touching (and be respectful please)
✔ You will need to send us your name (or twitter/tumblr handler) and the name of your country. If you want to stay anonymous, use only the initial letter of your name, but do give us the name of your country.
✔ A short version of the video will be uploaded on youtube, let us know if you DON’T want to be included.
✔ If you are uncomfortable in speaking in English, you may very well speak in your native tongue but you will have to provide us with the English translation of what you say so that we can put the subtitles. But the word/message on the cardboard should be written in English.
✔ Deadline is April 22nd!!!!!!!!!!!
✔ Send your video(s) to [email protected]
(spanish version)
(portuguese version)
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