jennylaufeyson · 10 days
Zayns tour announcement . What is the protocol if any of the boys go see him??? Personally I don't think anyone's prepared for this.. like imagine Lou goes to one of his shows? What then? How do we survive?????? Either way im so excited to see Z back on stage and hopefully he comes to Miami so I can see him 10 yrs after I last saw him live with 1D. In which case I'll only be missing to see Liam live however he does live here now so maybe I'll run into him??? Manifesting thattttt 🤞🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽
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jennylaufeyson · 17 days
Alrught ted talk time again....
I've been thinking a lot about the boys and why they don't post each other and shit like that and I honestly don't get it. Harry was at Nialls show recently in Manchester and honestly it was fuking adorable. For some reason it was weird to see Harry singing Nialls solo stuff like wait how does he know that? Cause it's weird to think of them as outside of 1D. But anyway everyone expected (but knew it wouldn't happen) that Niall posted a pic with him in his nightly recap. And I just dont get why not? At different points the boy have all gone to see each other in solos times, of course everyone except Lou and Harry well that we know of. And we know they're there so why not appease the fans and post the pic? I never understood why the 'hiatus' meant the end of them together publicly for the most part. And also why can't Lou and Harry go to eachothers show publicly? They were best friends ,forget everything else, they freaking lived together during 1D. So what the fuck? You can't say it's the Larry shipers because although that is a big group, management could've just ignored it, not doing anytbing was better than pushing them away from each other. Did they fight? And if they did , was it worse than Zayn? Because we know Lou and Zayn have interacted so why tf not with Harry? Honestly ,it irks me mostly cause of their friendships. I think a reunion would actually explode the internet but apart from that I wish they could just be normal friends, publicly and we wouldn't feel like there was a drought with 1D memories. Is too much to ask? (See what I did there lmao)
Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.see ya soonn
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jennylaufeyson · 5 months
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jennylaufeyson · 5 months
Another ted talk by yours truly
I have so mucn beef wiith myself about this whole larry denial . Let me tell you something. I've been in this random since 2012. That one random time Harry tweeted, and it was like a before and after of a pic of Louis, i was there for that. I was there for them being besties and then acting like they didnt fucking know each other. And i thinks thats what made Larry real for me. Becuase why? Why live with each other and literally have this bromance that had so mucb spotlight and then have to act like you hate each other? The only other reason that i can come up with for having to do that is that they got into a fight, and again thats a murky reasoning. These boys were literally on top of each other. How do you go from that to never even looking at each other. That's crazy to me. Now, I've been a hardcore Larry shipper for years, but i keep it to myself. I see shit online. I've been there for the gfs and all that, and i just mind my business. Why? Because their personal lives are theirs. Would i like to know whether I've been delusional or not all these years? Yes, of course , but they do not owe me that. Lou said the other day in an interview that the only people that understand what they went through are only them 5, and i honestly agree. Who knows what kind of fucked up shit they had to go through? I mean, Zayn left the band and has been mia ever since, apart from releasing music until now, where it looks like he's finally reached a point to be out in public. The truth is we dont know what happened behind closed doors, and maybe we never will, but i think part of being in this fandom is supporting our boys because of their music and talent. Lou should not have to go on stage and talk about how people questioning his son irritates him because, yeah, of course it does. That is a child who one day will have access to all of this and forget the fact that it says their dad is gay it also questions whether its his actual dad or not. Dont you think he has it rough already? His parents aren't together, and his dad is a world-famous singer who im sure can't see him as much as he would like.
I get asked whether I actually still believe in Larry. The truth? I would like to. But i dont know, i think at this point its like a comfort blanket. Its all ive known and its brings ME comfort. I have no idea if one day itll come out that we were right all this time, in the end all i want is for the boys to be happy and healthy and successful. I love both Harry and Lou and i think fandoms all over need to realize that our idols dont owe us shit about their lives. Their famous because of their talent and personality not because of who they date. And it should be enough. All this and i choose to believe in Larry and let it bring me comfort in private while supporting them publicly in whatever that requires. As always ,love my boys ❤️
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jennylaufeyson · 7 months
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jennylaufeyson · 8 months
Alright ted talk after like idk how many years. Harry styles turns 30 today and i am having an emotional crisis about it. Do we all get that we've known him since he was 16!? Like a baby?! It doesnt fit into my brain. Somehow Harry from 1D and solo Harry are like completely different but not at the same time. I love harry like idk how to describe it. I am 24 and i love that man with all of my heart. I cry for him as if i know him, like his birthday has hit me as if this were my son. And i sometimes feel ridiculous because i am a grown ass person and im supposed to have outgrown this whole fangirling like a teen thing but for my boys? Never. Liam released a snippet of his song the other day and i gasped and cried. Zayn came out of hiding after like 6 yrs and i again gasped and cried. Gonna see my baby Nialler and im so excited. So happy for Lou and his tour and selling out the O2. What one direction means to me is honestly some crazy shit. And sometimes i feel alone but i look at my socials where i connect with my fandom and i see it all around me. My beautiful baby is the last one to be 30 today , the boys are no longer boys but men. Soon, probably, they will all be fathers, and i hope and pray that someday they will all get together again and show up for those of us who will forever be by their side. And no matter how old I am, I will be there screaming as if i were still that 13 yr old in my room when 1D day happened watching them for 24 hrs. This is all to say. HAPPY BIRTHDAY H! I am so fucking proud of you and everything you have accomplished. You continously show the world that being kind is not that hard and that you can be famous and still be a human. I love you so fucking much and I hope the rest of your life is as badass as the last 30 yrs have been and i hope we get to share it by your side. You mean the absolute fucking world and i just... dont have the words. But thank you. Thank you for being you ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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jennylaufeyson · 11 months
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I needed too
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jennylaufeyson · 11 months
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Once upon a time, there was a young prince who was born in a castle and there had never been a prince quite like him. He was born with his heart on the outside of his body […] He didn't know that he was different, at least at first. His family did, and they grew fearful that people in the kingdom would see who he really was and turn against him. His grandfather, the king, sent the suit a prince of armor, and told him that if he always wore it, nothing would ever happen to him. And so for many, many years, the prince believed that he was safe and the price he paid for his safety was his freedom.
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jennylaufeyson · 6 years
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Tom Hiddleston Porn Pack [insp]
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jennylaufeyson · 6 years
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Dedicated to the two.
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jennylaufeyson · 6 years
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This is the only thing that I’m gonna talk about for the next few days. LOOK AT THEM THEY ARE SO BEAUTIFUL TOGETHER!!!!
TH x2 is a blessing
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jennylaufeyson · 6 years
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jennylaufeyson · 6 years
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What do you think Loki has been doing besides pretending to be Anthony Hopkins? I like to believe that actually [Loki] runs Asgard pretty well; the trains run on time for once, streets are clean, taxes are low.
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jennylaufeyson · 6 years
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Proof that even the god of mischief tom Hiddleston is an absolute child… just like all marvel actors
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jennylaufeyson · 6 years
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jennylaufeyson · 6 years
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in honor of the victims of the pulse nightclub shooting, two years ago.
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jennylaufeyson · 6 years
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A fan telling Harry a joke Sunrise, Florida (06/09)
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