jenniferpettie · 5 years
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With healthy relationships, there are always expectations that your partner should improve your life for the better. With astrology, you can find which areas of life you most highly prioritize when it comes to your relationships. Venus covers relationships, and finding which houses Venus is the lord for can show which areas of life you seek for improvement most with your partner. If you’re single, you can look to see expectations you can possess for future relationships.
Since Venus rules over Taurus and Libra, Venus will be the lord for two of your houses.
Note: Use whole sign houses!
Aries Rising: Venus will be the lord for your 2nd and 7th House. You expect your partner to improve your self-esteem and how you generally try to handle relationships. Your partner should be able to help you preserve your inner security and better conduct yourself in social situations.
Taurus Rising: Venus will be the lord of your 1st and 6th House. You expect your partner to solidify your identity and improve the daily workings of your life. Your partner should be able to make sure that you’re sure of yourself and be reliable when it comes to your daily routine.
Gemini Rising: Venus will be the lord of your 12th and 5th House. You expect your partner to help you indulge in silent solitude and have you partake in life’s pleasures. Your partner should be able to help you embrace solitude and inspire and bring creativity to your life.
Cancer Rising: Venus will be the lord of your 11th and 4th House. You expect your partner to have good relations with your friends and give you a peaceful safe space. Your partner should be able to help you further stabilize your friendships and bring balance to your home life.
Leo Rising: Venus will be the lord of your 10th and 3rd House. You expect your partner to let you speak your truth and show you off to the world. Your partner should be able to help you achieve your career goals and should let you feel at peace for speaking your mind.
Virgo Rising: Venus will be the lord of your 9th and 2nd House. You expect your partner to share similar worldviews as you and improve your self-esteem. Your partner should be able to help you stand firm with your worldviews and help you initiate a fair sense of self-esteem.
Libra Rising: Venus will be the lord of your 1st and 8th House. You expect your partner to improve your identity, seen and unseen. Your partner should be able to bring peace to knowing who you are and also bring stability to how you conceal yourself to others.
Scorpio Rising: Venus will be the lord of your 12th and 7th House. You expect your partner to help you embrace solitude and better handle social situations. Your partner should be able to help you bring inner peace and solidify the important relationships that matter to you.
Sagittarius Rising: Venus will be the lord of your 11th House and 6th House. You expect your partner to have good relations with your friends and give you an enhanced daily life. Your partner should be able to bring peace to your relationships and stabilize your daily routine.
Capricorn Rising: Venus will be the lord of your 10th House and 5th House. You expect your partner to help you achieve your career goals and also help you enjoy life. Your partner should be able to bring peace to your career and guarantee your enjoyment of life.
Aquarius Rising: Venus will be the lord of your 9th House and 4th House. You expect your partner to enhance your worldview and safe space. Your partner should be able to bring peace to your thoughts on the world and stabilize your living situation.
Pisces Rising: Venus will be the lord of your 8th House and 3rd House. You expect your partner to enhance your secret self and quality of thought. Your partner should be able to bring peace to your secret self and help you preserve your thoughts and voice.
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jenniferpettie · 5 years
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How To Care For Your Gemini:
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jenniferpettie · 6 years
2018 is almost over and all I gotta say is what the fuck was that
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jenniferpettie · 6 years
Thoughts on Geminis
Geminis are arguably one of the most controversial signs. They tend to elicit strong opinions: either you love them or hate them. The most common Gemini slander is that they are two-faced. While they can appear this way, I do not think this is something they do on purpose. Geminis are very adaptable. They are like chameleons, changing to suit the environment they are in and get along with the people in it. Geminis are all things to all people all at once and that can make them very difficult to understand/pin down. I think this is why they get the reputation as being two-faced, because two people could have two completely different impressions of a Gemini. 
I also think Geminis can be a little hot in cold. Their symbol is the twins and it often seems like they have two different personalities fighting inside them (which can play into the whole two-face thing again). I see Geminis as being like this or that kind of people. One day they’ll be social butterflies, cracking jokes, showing their wit, and learning from the people around them. The next day they’ll be completely in their head. They may appear detached but they are literally ALWAYS thinking. They are definitely over analyzers, but I think they tend to keep a lot of their thoughts - especially emotional ones - to themselves. 
Overall, I think Geminis have a lot going on in their heads and aren’t always the best at communicating that. I think this is can cause them to be a little off putting to others. Whatever your opinions is on Geminis, take the time to get to know the Gems in your life. They may (definitely will) surprise you.
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jenniferpettie · 7 years
Proposal Plan
My narrative is about 2 people that meet online and start speaking over email and keep in touch through social media, I will do this to try make it obvious that they don’t live near each other so the audience get a sense of the brief locations of the two people. I will make it so it looks like they had been speaking over a long period of time and then I will skip it to them deciding to meet. After that I will bring out the camera on two girls to make it so it comes out as a same sex relationship. I want it to be a story about love and to show how anything can happen between anyone no matter how far away they live.
I was influenced by an artist called PES who makes stop-motion videos. I found them creative and entertaining and different to other artists work. I just wanted to make an inspirational story with mine instead whereas this artist does food videos using different objects.
The lighting in my video will be natural because I’m only doing a short clip outside of two people holding hands and the rest are images of a screen do that doesn’t need lighting. II want to create a happy, enjoyable and loving atmosphere but I will do this through the text on their chats and when they meet at the end.
I don’t have a specific audience. I don’t think that anything in my stop-motion is inappropriate or for any specific age. I think maybe the only thing would be that there are people in a relationship that starts from the internet which might give the wrong impression for a younger audience. I think maybe my audience should be for over 15 mainly because I feel like that age they would definitely understand the consequences of speaking to strangers online. 
For my story I will need to use a laptop/computer screen and my email to take photographs of the characters conversations. I will need 2 female models. I could use myself for one of the models but the other I just need another female but I only need their hand so it would be easy to get someone for that. I would lie to add music to my stop motion although sometimes it can be hard to get hold of music you want to use or just a song that would actually suit the video. I feel like music will had a better feel to it and if I put on a romantic song then it would give it a more romantic feel. 
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jenniferpettie · 8 years
Stop-motion Research
Artist research:
PES: https://www.youtube.com/user/PESfilm
Stop motion is basically a video made from hundreds of photos put together and in each photograph there is a small movement made. 
The first stop motion video was made by Albert E. Smith and J. Stuart Blackton when they made The Humpty Dumpty Circus in 1898. 
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jenniferpettie · 8 years
Analysing time based media
YouTube music video: https://youtu.be/K0ibBPhiaG0 This is a a music video by Ed Sheeran to the song 'Castle on the hill'. The point in the music video is to help you understand the narrative. Both of the audio and the video are put together to create a powerful story and the video helps you realise things you may not get completely from the song. The video is filmed separately and then they're both put together to play at the same time. This song is called Castle On the Hill and is about Ed sheerans life when he was younger and growing up. He wrote the song to show how he came from then to where he is now and to show how his actions made who he is today. His dog shows how he lived a typical lifestyle of a teenager. "Had my first kiss on a Friday night, I don't reckon that I did it right" when he was 15 just shows that he's the same as everyone else and has also had first times too, that failed, which he admits to. The lyrics "one friend left to sell clothes, one works down by the coast, one had two kids but lives alone..." this shows that he still thinks about his childhood and his friends that he had and also shows how everyone goes different paths. Ed is famous and living a luxury life where as his friends from his childhood are in a way struggling with what they are doing. In the actual music video it shows how close the friends actually were and how strong their relationships grow throughout the video and then how they part at the end going down different paths. The video also sipes you how he's singing about the same people throughout the whole music video.
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Flip books by Scott Blake
Scott Blake is a flip book animation artist who creates flip books by using as little as just paper and a hole puncher. I don’t think flip books are that great for anything. They are a form of time based media and can tell a story. Every page in a flip book includes a really small movement of something and if you do it right then when you flip through the pages, they flow nicely. You can use a flip book to tell a story through some of the simplest forms, like drawing stick men. For example, you could create a flip book where a stick man is running to someone else and on every page you would change the positioning of the stick man and the positioning of the stick mans legs/arms etc. Flip books are very simple and don’t need to include a lot. The down side of them is that they aren’t very realistic if that’s what you want to go for and they also take a lot of time to make if you want it to flow perfectly like a video would. Flip books are a lot more creative and sometimes you can achieve more by using them.  
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jenniferpettie · 8 years
Personal brief feedback
24-02-17 Today we gave feedback on each others work. We reviewed on the ideas our classmates had about their time based media ideas and had to write on a sheet to help them in the future for when they actually create their time based narrative. I reviewed two peoples work. I reviewed Jaden's and Danielle's. doing this was good because it helped give me more ideas on what I could do for my final piece and on how I can plan next time with my work. This also helped me expand on my ideas and showed how I could go into more depth with my research. I could do research on photographers and artists to show my inspiration and examples of what I would like to do. I also found that I should be careful with my work because some ideas might only work for certain target audiences. One persons idea I reviewed, she done gaming. I found that not everyone knows the game she chose so not everyone would understand her idea. This means that she would have to go into more depth with her research to find how to show her idea so that everyone understands it. I really enjoyed this task. Originally we were going to show our work in front of the whole class. I don't personally enjoy that because it makes me feel really uncomfortable and I can't think properly. In the end we just swapped places with each other and used paper to write about each others work. I think this worked a lot better because we got to read through their work properly and analyse what they had done. This made it easier to understand their ideas and also then made it easier to give feedback on. I also think that doing this made it easier for people to be more honest about each others work because we aren't facing them directly so we don't feel like we're offending them
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jenniferpettie · 8 years
Review of processes and techniques
10-02-17 In stop motion, you take multiple images. You also have to spend the most amount of time planning for this so it goes right. Most people take over 100 for a good stop motion video. When taking images for this technique, you’re meant to take a photograph for every movement that is made to make it look like it runs smoothly like a movie. When I made mine, I done one of a shoe being laced but I didn’t have hands in it so it looked like it was doing it naturally on its own. When taking the photos for stop motion, you have to be careful where you do it because you can see the smallest changes in the photos you take like the lighting. When I done it, the lighting changed in every photo because I used natural lighting. In Cinemagraphs, you only have to take one video although you have to be sure that you can capture the beginning of the video to use as an image. The lighting is fine in this one unlike stop motion because you only need to capture one thing so the lighting isn’t going to change. Cinemagraphs are a lot simpler because only a small part of the image moves and its meant to be subtle so if you plan it right then it can’t go wrong easily. My one went mostly right but when I recorded, the hand moved so the part of the image that moves isn’t in the same place. Gifs are more in the middle; you need to take at least 4 photographs. You need to see a difference in each photo but they can’t be too different that you don’t know what is happening. The photographs also need to be able to loop well. The gif had no problems making because it was simple, although I did have to take the photos multiple times because the positioning of the model kept changing. The gif was definitely the easiest and had the quickest process. The stop motion was the hardest, had the longest process and you had to think about every aspect of each photograph every time. I think if I were to chose a technique I might go for the stop motion because it will be a challenge and my planning and research would be better for it as I will have to do more to find out more about it.
The research has definitely helped me decide on a final narrative. If I didn’t do all the experimenting and research, then I don’t think it would have been easy to chose and I wouldn’t have known much about the techniques. I first enjoyed doing the stop motion because it was fun to make and watching other people’s ones was entertaining and even funny as you can add music to them. I think that the stop motion narratives by the people that used the objects and made a story with them were the best ones and made me decide on how I wanted to do mine like that too. I think while producing my narrative, the most important aspect of it is making sure that there is a story behind it and that it runs really smoothly and that the background and the lighting are done well.
Jennifer Pettie
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jenniferpettie · 8 years
Today we made Gifs. A gif is a series of usually about 4-8 images put together and put on a timer to change. My picture changes every 0.2 Seconds, this is because if it was on for longer, the gif is too long and doesn’t look well made. When making this, it took several attempts to keep Sky in the same place in the camera and to make the positioning look right. We only took 3 photos of the ‘hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil’. As we only has 3 frames, it was really short so we had to duplicate the images and put them backwards so it went in a loop. I think gifs are really fun and a creative photographic technique. I would take this up and research more into it in the future.
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jenniferpettie · 8 years
Today, we made our own Cinemagraphs. I was in a group with Abby and Tara. We had to make a mind map of ideas we could use for our Cinemagraph. We came up with ideas such as using water (which is what we used in the end), doing makeup, and using a reflection. We were going to use water and drip it down a window and freeze everything except one drop but we changed our idea in the end and just used cups because we couldn’t find a window to use without things happening in the background or capturing a reflection as well. We had trouble using the cups as well because the hand moved when the water was being poured so the water at the beginning looks like its coming out from the side of the cup. We also struggled on where to rub out for the moving part of the gif, we first tried with the cup being still and not the hand but it looked weird because it didn’t look like the water was going anywhere. 
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jenniferpettie · 8 years
What is time-based media?
This would include anything that links to time, this could be video, film, slide, and audio. Computer based work can also be considered as ‘installation art’. Traditional art forms are different to time based media because time based moves, it has a time to it. If you were to compare it to a painting, paintings don’t move. A time based media can tell a story, it can include sound, still pictures can’t.  A few artist that link with time based media could be  Marina Abramovic, Matthew Barney, Bruce Nauman, Tim Buron and Saul Bass. An artist such as Tim Burton, he is an American film director, producer, artist, writer and animator. Tim Burton is a time based artist because of his films. Tim was involved in a series of different films but his first featured film was ‘Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure’ which came out in 1985. Saul Bass, another winning film maker. He is known for his motion picture title sequences, his film posters and corporate logos. He directed many films including, ‘The Searching Eye’ and ‘Quest’ which he worked along side with Elaine Makatura Bass. A characteristic of time based media is that it needs to be delivered and processed timely. Time based needs to unfold, the story needs to unravel its-self throughout the time. 
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