
Another great capture from our trip. I love this add. They’re trying to sell this lovely, body fitting, comfortable bed. And they chose THIS guy to model for it. With a super scary face! I don't really know if he contributes to anything else than scaring you in to buying this bed. My only question is: Why? And perhaps: WHO was the casting agent?
Also, why so many hyphens? Why did no one language correct this add? And why is the woman naked with a towel over her bum? I never do that. Either I’m naked or I have a towel over my entire body. Never a towel on the bum alone.
But that guy. Seriously. Why?
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Almost forgot about these photos I took in Hong Kong. I'm fascinated of the names of these shops. I've always thought that if you open up a shop you think very carefully about what name to choose, you check the spelling before you print it on massive billboards and so on. Like you're seriously careful and you make sure you're super happy and pleased. But maybe not everyone thinks like me. My favourite of these are "Gallery of Objects". We passed this shop on the bus one day and I couldn't quite believe it. It's fairly vague and I was so amused by it. I regret not going in finding out what these object were. "House of Hello" is another favourite. I'm pretty sure somewhere in Hong Kong there is a shop called "The place that sells stuff" or something to that extent.
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Last day of our trip is coming to an end. It's been 3 great weeks indeed. So many different impressions and experiences. And 3 very different locations. Buzzing city life, beach paradise and mountain views. Worst moments were the boat ride to Amed and the drive from Amed to Denpasar (both involving bad driving and vomit smell). Best moments were snorkelling with beautiful fish and turtle, the absolutely brilliant food and of course the sunshine and the warmth. It's been so lovely but we are happy to go home now. Looking forward to my own bed, my wardrobe and not living out of a rucksack. And to be fully understood when I speak :)
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Tonight is our last night in Amed. Tomorrow we are heading south to Denpasar to be close to the airport for Saturday morning. We have loved it here. The resort has been great, the food has been amazing and we've had some nice weather too. The rainy season does make itself known every day. One minute there's blue skies and sunshine and the next monsoon rain starts. Yesterday we rented a scooter and drove to a water palace. It was further than we thought, and it started to rain. But we made it there and back, 60km on a scooter doing approx 30km/hour haha. And soaked to our underwear when we were back. But hey, all part of the adventure right? We decided to keep it for today as well and went to see the rice fields and stopped frequently to take photos. Some stunning views! And no rain :) We have also enjoyed the spa here at the resort. David had the reflexology, I had a facial and we both had a full body massage all for a whooping 25€. All in all, a great stay. I will remember one staff at the hotel saying "enjoy your morning breakfast" as we sit down for our brekky :)
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We have left beautiful Gili Meno island for Amed on Bali. Only 4 more days until we fly back to Hong Kong. Have to try to savour these days, we’ll be back in cold Stockholm before we know it! We didn’t get here easily though. The boat ride from Gili Meno and Lombok was the boat ride from hell. I have never seen such big waves in my life. I made sure to know where the life jackets were. The constant thuds from the waves were so big one woman actually flew up from her seat about 10 cm. People were throwing up to the left and the right and children were crying. I was so happy that we’re not prone to being seasick. Anyway, we made it safe and sound and the lazy horizontal position is to be continued…
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Oh my word todays snorkelling was amazeballs! I saw a flipping turtle. It was big and it was cute. After about 45 min with no turtle luck I was about to give up and head back but thought I'd give it another chance and swam back out to the reef drop. And there it was :) It was just chilling at the same spot for probably 10 min so I was able to enjoy that special moment for a long time. Other than seeing the turtle I saw pretty much all fish that one can see in these waters. The sun was shining down functioning like a torch underwater making the water super clear (also frying my bum medium rare). The corals were so colourful. My favourite fish to see were definitely the rainbow fish, the trumpet fish and one called Moorish idol. Yesterday I only saw a few at a time but today I saw groups of maybe 20 swimming together enjoying life. I'm amazed of this beautiful underwater world and thankful I get to experience it.
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For those of you unaware, we are currently on Gili Meno island. We flew in to Bali on Wednesday evening and took the boat across the next morning. Gili Meno is the most quiet of the three Gili island, hence our choice. We are here until Monday and then we’re back to Bali. Although it’s the wet season at the moment we’ve had some nice weather too. We did a lot of walking and exploring in Hong Kong but here we plan the opposite, me likey likey horizontal position. Today has been so relaxed. It’s so nice not having any plans what so ever. We went snorkelling which was cool, saw some pretty fish but hoping to see even more the next few days. We have found a great little place to eat, close to where we live. I had spring rolls for starters and fried noodles with chicken and vegetables for main course and it all came to 3€! Flipping nothing, and it was such good food. If I had to complain about something on this paradise island it would have to be the encounter we had with Fred yesterday, a massive lizard found in the roof of our kitchen. David said he would be less scary if we named him. But I think he would be less scary dead. Or smaller. Because he was roughly 30-40cm.
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Business class is the way to go I tell you. When we arrived at the check in desk at Hong Kong airport we were told they had overbooked the flight and were asked if we would be willing to volunteer taking the next flight out. Conditions were we’d either have to wait 3 hours and be compensated 2000 HKD or wait to see if someone didn’t turn up and in that case get to fly business class. We chose to gamble and waited until last possible check in to find out. Being very tired from bad nights sleep I was happy we made our intended flight in the afternoon and were bumped up. I have never flown business class before. I’ve never even pressed the little flight attendant service button. Seeing Jennie likes free stuff, this was awesome. We got a toilet bag filled with whatever we could possibly need, including slippers. The seat properly reclined into a full bed and we were served a three course meal. The journey was so pleasant we both wished it would have lasted longer than 4,5 hours. Safely arrived in humid Bali!
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I can’t believe we have spent a week in Hong Kong already. It’s been awesome! I must say though that I’m more than ready for the next destination: leaving for Bali and Gili meno island today! :) Hong Kong never sleeps and my introvert little self is starting to think it really should. So. Many. People….Everywhere…I have thought about my dear granny many times. She once said in the pharmacy in Vaasa: “where do all these people come from?!?” Oh Emmy, you should visit Hong Kong.
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We have upgraded. A little bit. Our first 3 nights were spent at Yesinn hostel. Located in a very handy part of the city however it was extremely noisy as we were only on the fifth floor at one of the main streets. The pipes in the bathroom leaked, it was damp and David killed a cockroach as well. Anyway, we have now spent 3/5 nights at The T-Hotel a little bit outside the hectic and buzzing city centre. This is a training hotel which means everyone studying something to do with hotels in Hong Kong will practice here. Therefor prices are low for what you get. The students are very eager to please. You get your chair pulled out for you, your napkin folded in your lap and more “excuse me sir” and “excuse me madam”-s than you could possibly count. The breakfast is amazeballs and the room is bigger than our living room at home. And, the view is a little better. So, KA-CHING!
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Our trip so far has been lovely. By only napping for one hour yesterday we conquered the jet lag. My night wasn’t perfect whereas my man slept for both of us, from 21-10.30…:) Today we explored Victoria park and Hong Kong central library. We had lunch at the same place we had dinner yesterday, a cheap and fresh Chinese tapas place. The prawn spring rolls are to die for. In the evening we stumbled upon yet another market and also went to Times Square. An easy going but eventful first day. So excited to see more of this always buzzing city!
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Away we go!
Bye bye Sweden and so long winter. As I write this we are waiting to board the plane to Hong Kong. We have waited and looked forward to this for quite some time now so all I really have to say is whoop whoop! Pictures will follow. 再见 :)
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Hört på dagis forts.
Efter en tröttsam vecka inser jag att dom är rätt bra ändå, dom där barnen. Jennie hit och Jennie dit, men jag gör det så gärna. Att ge kärlek och omvårdnad till dem är nog det bästa med det här jobbet.
Några favoriter från de senast veckorna:
-- 4 åring inspekterar mina händer och utbrister “dina fingrar ser ut som en stövel!” Ehm, what?
-- Glad 3 åring första dagen tillbaka efter magsjuka “Jag bajsade inte en magsjuk bajskorv!”
-- Passerar en rollek. “Jag fyller år idag det är därför jag sover.”
-- Pratar med 3 åring om den kommande semestern och att jag kommer bada ensam och med min man. “JAG vill bada med din man!” :)
-- 2 åringen som snappar upp allt hemifrån...”du kan väl sluta tjata på mej!”
-- Ger fart i gungan åt 4-5 åringar. “Det kittlar i min mage..... det kittlar i min snippa” följs av megafniss.
Till sist. Klassikern som jag får njuta av att höra varje dag från 2 åringen. “Vet du? du?....Jag älskar dej” :)
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Happy New Year!

Looking back on 2016′s yearly calendar it’s been a great year. Remembering my trips to Vaasa, London, Turku, Sandhamn, Visby, Northern Ireland and the West coast realising it’s been rather eventful. We also had friends and family visiting quite frequently which is always lovely. Getting a scaphoid fracture was pretty unnecessary I guess but what can you do. Happy New Years dear friends and let’s be kinder to one another. Hello 2017!
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Christmas glimpses

Christmas holiday is over and we’re on our way back to Stockholm. We had a lovely break in Vaasa and we had indeed been good this year. Here are some glimpses from our week at home.
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Unexpected travel tips.
My doctor is better than your doctor. I went to him yesterday with various problems. I had so many questions about different symptoms (it might seem I’m a hypochondriac but really, I’m not) so after many of them he joked and said I might have to go to the till and pay for another visit (but joke was on him cause I have a free card, ha!). Anyway, after all of my questions about different things and asking him to renew a couple of prescriptions I finally wanted to confirm we have the right vaccinations for our Hong Kong and Bali trip. I saw his eyes lit up and the excitement rise. “Hong Kong! What a fantastic city, let me show you...” He opened Google Maps on his computer and typed in Hong Kong. He showed me island after island, restaurant after restaurant, public park after public park and gave me several tips about transport and sightseeing. I had seen him look at the time during all of my medical questions but now it didn't seem to matter. I expected him to cancel his next patient. I spent 45 minutes with him and got to hear my lungs sounded fine and got more tips about Hong Kong than I can remember. I might book a time to show our photos after the trip, he might appreciate that.
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Winter holiday

This is taking up a lot of my thinking time at the moment. We are going on a winter holiday and I can’t wait. 3 weeks divided between going to Hong Kong and Bali. We will be in Hong Kong during the Chinese New Year which will be exciting I’m sure. I’m mostly looking forward to getting some sunshine and warmth and just taking the day as it comes. 23rd of January can’t come soon enough.
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