Hello!!!! I'm really sorry about not being active. I'm going thru some things but I'll try to be on here more!!
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can i request kissing headcanons for tsukki and gintoki? i love your headcanons so far!!!
Thank you so much!!!!💕💕💕 I'm not sure whether you meant it as a ship but since I don't write for chara x chara ships I just wrote them separately! I'm really sorry if you meant it as gintsu! Its my fault for not putting it in my description sooner 😞
In the very beginning of the relationship, She's really shy about initiating lip kisses! It's up to her s/o to be bold and kiss her first!
That doesn't mean Tsukki won't kiss any other part of her s/o's face though! Loves kissing their cheeks and nose the most (other than, you know, lips)
Tsukkis kisses are soft and sweet and definitely passionate. If she's drunk though, they'll practically be left breathless from how dominant and passionate her kisses are. Seriously, it's hot.
She loves kissing the back of her partners hand too! Its a very sweet gesture when she does it in public as she isn't fond of PDA
She loves it if her partner kisses her forehead or eyelids as It is a very tender expression of love to her.
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Sakata Gintoki
Does not care about PDA (kissing wise, hugging and hand holding are a general no for him in public) that much, if Gin wants to kiss his partner he's gonna kiss them no matter what.
If his partner doesn't like PDA though, he'll try to leave them be in public, but he finds it really hard. He loves kissing them of course!
A lot of the time, most make-out sessions end up becoming much more bawdy.
Gin loves kissing all over their face and would also want that act to reciprocated as he thinks its fair. Occasionally when theyre hugging or cuddling he'll kiss the top of their head as well!
Gin's lip kisses are rough and hard but full of adoration.
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Can you do headcanons for Gintoki, Shinpachi And Otae having a little sister?
Of course!!! Here you go!🤗
Sakata Gintoki
Gintokis relationship with his little sister is gonna be a lot like his relationship with Kagura to be honest. It'll be hilarious and ridiculous at times and they won't talk about their feelings at all.
He WILL teach her the ways of a samurai. That consists of gambling all their money away at the pachinko parlor, reading Jump, buying an exorbitant amount of strawberry milk, and without fail, always waking up in time to watch ketsuno Ana's weather forecast. He's a very bad role model, and she knows this but always goes along with it.
They constantly bicker and fight about literally everything, but none of it's serious.
If she was with him and Shouyou during the Shoka Sonjuku days, they would have had a pretty healthy sibling rivalry, always trying to outdo the other in everything. Whenever either of them asked Shouyou who his favorite was, he refused to answer and changed the subject quickly.
He is very protective her, it doesn't matter how old she is. He knows she can take care of herself but he'll always be there when she needs him and vice versa.
There's a good chance that Gin's little sister is either gonna be exactly like him or they're not alike in the slightest. There's no in-between.
It's one of those "if you so much as look in the direction of my strawberry milk I'll run you over with my moped but if someone makes you cry I'll make them wish they were never born" type of sibling relationships
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Shimura Siblings
Shinpachi is definitely gonna try to be the best big brother of the year forever. He's very supportive in everything she does even if he doesn't like whatever she's doing.
Shinpachi will sometimes take her with him to the Yorozuyas place. Gintoki will complain about more mouths to feed and Despite the possibility that the youngest shimura sibling is older than Kagura, she will still call her "little sister".
Otae will be the more protective sibling of the two. She still needs her to work ( to rebuild the dojo of course) but she refuses to let her little sister get a job at Snack Smile or any other job like that. She doesn't want her to deal with seedy-looking men (or gorillas) like she does on a daily basis.
Both her and Shinpachi will take care of dinner most of the time since they don't want to eat Otaes famous dark matter. They bond over cooking.
Otae will share her gifts from her clients at Snack Smile (and baagan dash) with her sister.
Shinpachi will try to get her to listen to Otsu and join the fanclub as well.
Her and Shinpachi will be sparring partners whenever they train and Otae will supervise, telling them where they need to fix their posture or tell them they're doing a god job.
Both Shinpachi and Otae do their best to take care of her and support her.
Bonus: Their little sister will actually be pretty good friends with Kondo. She comes across him all the time in the house and now knows all the hiding spots in shimura household. Offers him tea and snacks and they end up having really odd but fun conversations. She won't defend him against her older sister though.
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Welcome and good luck with your blog!🍀May I request dating/nsfw hcs for Takasugi, Katsura, Bansai and Abuto? Thank you!❤
Thank you!!! 🤗 The nsfw part will be soft As I don't really like writing in detail about that stuff so hopefully that's okay with you? Anyway, here you go!
Takasugi Shinsuke
Since he's a generally reserved man, he's not going to be the most affectionate partner. It doesn't matter if it's public or private affection. That doesn't mean he's gonna be completely hands off though! He'll hold his partners hand (in private only)from time time or he'll carefully brush hair out of their face with the gentlest touch. If his s/o has long-ish hair, he'll run his hands through it and play with it. He also doesn't mind if they sit in his lap while he does this. During these moments he likes to confide in his s/o about everything that goes on in the kiheitai.
Takasugi won't want the relationship to be public, he's got a reputation to uphold after all. If his s/o is fine with that, it makes him love and appreciate them even more. The only people who are aware of the relationship will be Bansai, Matako and Takechi.
Doesn't think of himself as romantic but seriously, what else do you call a moonlight dinner on a ship out at sea? The only light source will be the moon itself and candles scattered throughout the room and he will also play the shamisen for them throughout the night. That's like, every hopeless romantics dream date.
He's usually the dominant one during sex, as he really likes being in control. Also really gets off on teasing his partner and making them flustered. He thinks it's cute.
As many before me have said, Takasugi is a thigh guy. He loves kissing and leaving hickeys on his s/o's thighs.
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Katsura Kotaro
So basically, he's really shy (and weird) about everything. Zura never really anticipated being in a relationship, so his s/o will need to take the lead and guide him through everything.
He loves cuddling with his s/o, but only when he's ready and comfortable in the relationship. It might take him months to initiate any type of affection. He always has to be the big spoon during cuddling as he gets really fussy when his silky hair gets messed up.
Zura is not only a gentle and kind (and again, weird) partner, he's also very generous. He may not be affectionate at first but his s/o should expect random (sometimes very odd) gifts from the very beginning of the relationship. This is because these gifts are more of an apology gift. He is a wanted man, so he's always on the run from the shinsengumi. (His s/o lost count on how many times they barged in on dates.)
When it comes to dates, Zura usually leaves it up to his s/o to decide the time and place. It's not because he doesn't put effort into the relationship but rather he wants to go somewhere they enjoy. His partner should expect him to appear at the date location right on time in a ridiculous costume.
He can either be very loud or very quiet in bed and is very rarely the dominant one. He's also very talkative during foreplay but his s/o never knows what he's talking about most of the time. He just blabbers on and on until the actual intercourse where he gets quiet.
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Kawakami Bansai
Dates with Bansai are gonna be really, really fun if his partner is into music. They should expect concerts, festivals and dates where, if his s/o is interested in learning how to play an instrument, he'll either teach them or they'll take a class together.
When it comes to being affectionate with his partner, he's normal. As in he's not completely reserved nor is he too smothering. Likes holding their hand or wraps an arm around their shoulders. He's okay with that type of PDA but nothing more. Kissing is more likely to happen in private.
He will talk about his other job as a producer for Tsu more than he'll talk about his work within the kiheitai. He does want his s/o to join the kiheitai if they weren't already in it before they got together, though. He won't force them to join but since he's dedicated to Takasugi's cause, he won't have much time outside of that to be with his s/o.
They'll have long talks about music and other stuff long into the night and just like Takasugi, he'll play them their favorite songs.
In the beddroom, Bansai prefers his s/o being the dominant one and really loves it when they ride him. His favorite places to kiss during the deed is their neck and jawline if the position allows it. Always open to new things too! ;)
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Abuto is a bit of a wild card when it comes to relationships. He can be the romantic type but he also complains (jokingly) if his s/o expects it. His s/o should expect a lot of joking around from him. (He's literally so funny to me idk why. He's just constantly a mood throughout the series) He's a really laid-back person, so the relationship will also be laid-back.
Proper dates with Abuto are rare as he has to always clean up Kamuis messes. He jokes that they always have dates though he's referring to when they fight side by side. He does, after all enjoys those moments with them so why can't it be considered a date?
If they actually have time for a date, he takes them to the best diner in the galaxy and orders a ton of food. His s/o better eat quickly though as a certain red-haired Yato is not far behind, hungry as always. He constantly inserts himself into their outings so they're used to it.
Abuto is actually a very affectionate man in private. He absolutely loves it when his s/o sits in his lap (more like straddling him) and thus a heavy make out session ensues. Very handsy too! A lot of times it leads to them to getting more than frisky with each other.
Speaking of that, sex can get wild and rough with him, it's fun. Sure he trys to be gentle but he prefers it when he can basically manhandle his s/o. He finds it more enjoyable that way. Other than fighting, it's his way to relieve all the stress that Kamui causes him.
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may i request headcanons for cuddling gintoki? :))
Of course!!! Thank you for requesting!!!!
Sakata Gintoki
He absolutely loves cuddling with his s/o but that doesn't always mean he's in the mood for it. Rub his shoulders or run fingers through his hair though, and he'll be putty in your hands.
Very, very handsy. Might grope places here and there. Won't apologize either too. He loves his s/o so much he's gotta feel all of them.
That groping might lead to a more... Risque situation happening (wink wink)
Peppers his s/o's face with sweet, gentle kisses if they're face to face. If they're in the chest to back position and he's the big spoon, he'll kiss the top of their head, neck, and shoulders.
Likes being the big spoon but occasionally likes it when his s/o is the big spoon. Makes him feel cared for.
When he's in the mood to cuddle but his s/o is preoccupied/busy, he'll just drape his body over them and complain that he needs attention.
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Headcanons for Dating Sakata Gintoki
Not the most affectionate guy, but he will occasionally hug and try to cuddle with his s/o when he or them are feeling down
Will definitely try to make his s/o pay for dinner everytime they go out, but if they give him a kiss, he'll pay and even buy dessert afterwards!
Speaking of dessert, he'll get a large chocolate parfait so they can share. (He says it's to save money but he actually likes how romantic it is lmao)
If his s/o is really affectionate, he will blush and act like your typical tsundere but, of course, he will love all the attention.
S/o will definitely be like the second parent to Kagura and Shinpachi.
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New Imagines Blog!!
Hello!!! I'm a new Imagines blog! I will write headcanons and such so please feel free to request for the following:
Uta no prince sama (STARISH and QUARTET NIGHT only)
The Arcana
Sengoku Night Blood ( This one doesn't seem too popular so I'll only be writing for the main love interests. )
Marvel comics (Sorry no MCU requests please as I think there's plenty enough of those blogs already.)
Justice League Unlimited
Quick Rules:
Only 4 characters per request pls!
No scenarios as I can never finish a coherent thought let alone write a short fic lmao
Short, itty bitty drabbles I can do though! Might base it off of word prompts though.
No extreme n/sfw please. I'm just not comfortable with it. Mild n/sfw is fine though.
No non-con.
No character x character ships, this is only for character x reader.
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